That was the last thought Dante had before he was hit by an overwhelming wave of Burning light.


meanwhile in the spectator stands.

Winton and the rest watched on as Dante snuck up on Adelia. But just as they thought he was going to win the fight, a blinding burst of light completely covered the battle platform leaving them completely stunned

"Shit! That attack was just too brutal!" exclaimed a kinsman clan Disciple 

"I don't know if I could survive such an attack head-on if I was in his place," said another worriedly 

But while some saw the outcome as an unfavourable result, others were left overjoyed at the development. 

One such person was non-other than the Pierce Clan Patriarch and Adelia's Father, Randall Pierce.

After seeing the burst of light, only Randall knew just how seriously Adelia was taking this fight.

'It's just as I had expected! Only a dual awakener would force her to use the full extent of her Mutated Martial Spirit, the Celestial Phantom Spear!'

'The only problem is now that her hole card has been used so early on in the fight, I hope she can still secure the win..' thought Patriarch Randall


back on the battle platform,

The burst of light finally cleared up allowing them to see the aftermath of Adelia's horrifying attack.

The air still shimmered and bent due to aftereffects of her attack, just going to show what terrifying temperatures the battle platform had reached 

The floor of the battle platform was completely scorched black by these horrifying temperatures but shockingly there was still someone standing inside the blast radius!

In the middle of this field of black was a slightly singed figure, standing defiantly inside the blast radius.

This person was of course Dante!

His favourite Black-gold robes had been burnt to ashes, leaving his upper body completely exposed while his skin had turned bright red under the scorching heat.

When Dante saw the wave light approaching him it was too quick for him to resist, forcing him to face that attack head-on!

If not for his tremendous magical resistance negating most of the damage, Dante would definitely be in a worse situation than right now. 

Only now did Dante realise how seriously Adelia was taking this competition. no matter how good a relationship he thought they had, Adelia wouldn't hesitate to seriously injure him if she thought she still had a chance of still winning this fight.

Turing towards Adelia he could see that she had completely changed.

Her dazzling green eyes had changed to a  more mesmerising deep gold colour while the jet black spear in her hand had changed to a clear white colour. 

While he was assessing the new changes in Adelia, Dante saw her lift her newly coloured spear and point it directly towards him.

As soon as the spear was pointed at him All of Dante's senses started going off as a loud warning seemed to ring in Dante's mind.

Instinctively, Dante rapidly dived to the left 

"Celestial Smite."


An explosion of pure golden energy occurred at the location Dante had just been in causing the platform to shake once again.

But to Dantes horror, just as he was recovering from that attack, he looked up to see Adelia pointing her spear towards him again

"Fuck! Emperor's Descent!"


Dantes figure flashed as an explosion erupted so close behind him he could still feel the heat on his fully exposed back.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!.." 

Dante kept running around the battle platform like a cornered rat, he knew if he stopped for even a second he would be bombarded by Adelia's almost instant attacks.

Despite Dante's ability to dodge almost all of the attacks thrown at him, he knew he could not let this situation continue as it is. So in retaliation, he raised his Moonlight sword into the air

"Lunar Sword technique, Rising New Moon!"


As he roared, the phantom of the moon seemed to shake as an unbelievable downpour of attacks rained down in the direction of Adelia.

But instead of panicking, Adelia was still as expressionless as before. She slowly raised her spear in the direction of the falling attacks and coldly spoke 

"Celestial Smite."

Almost instantly, The sky seemed to brighten up in an array of golden coloured explosions, instantly destroying the beams of Moonlight energy.

With just a simple wave of her spear, she had managed to completely eliminate Dante's signature attack!

Dante could only watch on in disbelief as one of his  attacks were easily dealt with 


'I always knew I needed a stronger sword technique!'  thought Dante in frustration

Although Dante knew with his dragonification form he would be able to win the match, that was his last card and something he was saving for later if a large conflict broke out later during the competition. If he used it now to win this fight, he would be unable to use it anytime soon due to the slightly long cooldown of the ability. And without his dragonification ability, he would be lacking his strongest hole card in this unpredictable situation.  So Dante knew that if he wanted to win that he would have to rely only on his Martial Skills to win this fight.

But this wasn't a situation Dante had never thought about before. Ever since Dante had understood his sword technique to Artistic Conception, he had been getting a strong feeling that his attacks were lacking something.

Although his attacks were numerous and had a large area of effect, they also had a major lack of direct crushing power. 

If his attacks were stronger in pure power,  then there would be no way that Adelia could have dealt with it so easily. But Dante wasn't an idiot and had been aware of this growing problem for a while now.

The only problem was that when he went looking for a stronger sword technique, he just couldn't find one that had a strong connection mysterious bloodline like the one he has right now!

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