Chapter 685: 12.87 Unknown Star – Modern ABO World: Second Case – Secret Laboratory (1)

On the other hand, at Police Director Yu Xi’s house.

The same night, Ying Su and Yu Xi had just finished eating dinner together. They live as lovers as usual and Yu Xi treated him as his most important person as always. To Ying Su, Yu Xi is the man who loves him the most in the world and he loves him the same way.

Yu Xi was watching the television when the news flashes on his screen reporting about simultaneously arsonist cases and bombing cases that are happening at this moment.

He was just leisurely watching the news on the television when Prosecutor Ye Yuyan’s face appeared on the screen. He is being interviewed by some reporters who came over when the explosions happened in this abandoned east warehouse.

“Prosecutor Ye, do you know what is happening? The people who live near here said they had heard a loud explosion that seems to be a bomb. Is this true?” asked the Reporter on the scene.

The cold yet handsome face of Prosecutor Ye Yuyan becomes the focus of the camera. They were waiting for him to reply.

Prosecutor Ye Yuyan spoke, “I do not know who let you inside but I assure you. Not only those rule-breaking men would be fired but your station shall pay the price.”


“Send them out!” ordered some police officers who arrived on the scene to help the Prosecutor.

His icy voice resounds from the mix leaving everyone speechless in shock. They’ve never expected for this handsome man to be this ruthless to lawbreakers. Then the next scene can only be watched as Prosecutor Ye Yuyan ordered a few police officers in uniform to come over, send the lurkers and reporters away and push them all out the yellow line they weren’t supposed to cross.

On the phone, only the scene of Prosecutor Ye Yuyan talking to someone on the phone can be seen. Whatever he had just mentioned was done in a few minutes. Meanwhile, as he watched the news, the sounds of the phone ringing were echoing in the whole house.


Yu Xi knew this is Ye Yuyan calling Ying Su. As expected when he picked up the phone he saw Prosecutor Ye’s name flashing on the screen. He stared at the screen for a long time thinking about answering the call or not. Just as he was thinking about it, someone grabs the phone. It was Ying Su who just returned from the kitchen after washing the dishes.

Ying Su heard his phone ringing and saw his lover staring at it with no reaction as if he was in a daze.

“What are you thinking about that you can’t even hear my phone ringing?” asked Ying Su.

Police Director Yu Xi said, “Ah? Oh, I was watching flash news. It’s rare that flash news would appear at this time. Based on how it was done urgently it seems that there are people bombing a few warehouses which is weird. I saw Yuyan on the television. You might be called over to help but it’s already too late and they are about to finish. There is no need for you to come over if you don’t want to. I can inform Yuyan you won’t be coming.”

His words were nonchalant as if he doesn’t know a thing but if Ye Yuyan is here he would notice that Yu Xi is hinting at something to Ying Su which would once again create a bigger gap in their friendship. This is an obvious warning from Yu Xi to Ying Su. Indirectly telling him that he is currently being under investigation and there is no need for them to go there.


But Ying Su who was staring at the flash news didn’t hear what Yu Xi had said and was shocked in heart seeing the familiar warehouse that was under his Syndicate’s control. The only difference is that right now it was burning brightly under the evening sky. Like a burning wood that would only leave traces of ashes afterward.


Ying Su spoke, “S-Sorry... Let me take the call for now. As it seems to be an emergency.” He ran towards the unit’s balcony so Yu Xi wouldn’t hear any of his phone calls.

He was in a hurry to hide somewhere so that he didn’t notice the changes in his lover, Yu Xi’s expression. The latter was opening and closing his mouth as if he wanted to speak but in the end, didn’t speak a word. Yu Xi obviously wanted to warn his lover for the second time but in the end, he remembered his sad conversation with his best friend this morning. He owed him too much yet he wasn’t thinking of helping him openly and was even giving a warning to his enemy countless times. He feels like he is a bad person and not worth trusting any longer.

Yu Xi murmured, “I didn’t want to lie to Yuyan anymore yet at the same time I didn’t want to see you hurt. I’m such a hypocrite.”

At the balcony...

Ying Su answered the call from Ye Yuyan and heard him reprimanding him for his late answer.

{Why did you just answer right now? There are bombing cases all over the city.}

Ying Su responded, “Sorry, Prosecutor Ye. I was washing the dishes just now and didn’t hear the phone ring. I will come over right now!”

{No need. Everything was handled. Just file a report about this case tomorrow and send it to the headquarters. We will be heading back right now.}

“But... The news says...” said Ying Su who totally wanted to go to the scene and was looking for an excuse to do so.

{News? Oh, you mean those annoying trespassers! Those people are now hanging out at the police station. What was flashing right now happened a few hours ago. Either way, everything has already been handled, and we are going to head home now. Show me the report tomorrow.}

Ying Su responded, “Understood, Prosecutor Ye.”

Click. Doot. Doot. Doot.

The call ended after their conversation died. Ying Su’s expression turned dark and gloomy under the moonlight light. Under the shadows, Nightshade appears and kneels on one knee at the side reporting in person what happened.

Nightshade spoke, “Poppy, all the warehouses had been destroyed. One of them was destroyed by Prosecutor Ye Yuyan as reported on the television, for the rest no one knew who did it.”

“It wasn’t Ye Yuyan?” asked Ying Su.

Nightshade responded, “No. He was completely under our surveillance when he drove towards that one warehouse he went to. It seems that Student Fu Tian betrayed us and told them about that one warehouse which is the only real one among the fakes. The fake ones were also burned like the other warehouses before Prosecutor Ye Yuyan arrived.”

“You have no idea who did it?” asked Ying Su.

Nightshade said, “I had the feeling it was Datura’s apprentice, Hei Yumei, who spread this information about the locations of the warehouses but I do not know who she asked to destroy it.”

“Hei Yuhua?”

“Agent Y had appeared on the scene with Prosecutor Ye Yuyan together with Wei Lou and Jie Yun,” said Nightshade.

Ying Su spoke, “So you think it wasn’t their doing?”

“Yes,” replied Nightshade.

Ying Su asked, “How about Oleander and Iris have they returned?”

“Datura says Oleander is back but Iris isn’t. Oleander says that Iris is still busy with paying with his stocks he got back from whoever stole it from him,” said Nightshade.

Ying Su thought for a moment and listened to Nightshade’s idea.

“Capture Hei Yumei alive. Including her parents and bringing them over to me,” ordered Ying Su.

Nightshade responded, “Your wish is my command.”

Meanwhile at the Secret Laboratory...

The Hei couple were still at the laboratory doing their usual job of recreating the drugs Datura had invented. They work to mass produce it with the other scientists that were captured by the Syndicates as well. During this time they were in their own rooms to rest. Instead of simply resting they were imprisoned in a room with a bed and attached bathroom.

Mama Hei sat on the bed with a worried expression while Papa Hei hugged her as he comforted his wife.

“Why is Mei’er not back yet? Why did that bastard take away our daughter!? I only have Mei’er, I’ve already lost Hua’er.”

“Don’t think about it much. Mei’er is Datura’s apprentice. She had more usefulness alive than dead.” said Papa Hei.

Mama Hei started crying in silence. She misses her son a lot but before they could love him and give him freedom they lost him.

Mama Hei asked, “Darling, is our Hua’er really gone? Maybe Oleander is lying to us and Hua’er is still alive.”

“That’s... I don’t know,” Papa Hei doesn’t have the heart to tell his wife that Oleander is a professional killer and him making a mistake is close to zero. But seeing his wife downhearted he could only lie but deep in his heart, he wishes his son is also alive somewhere.

Mama Hei would hug and cry in her husband’s embrace every night. She would always think of her son every time she is not working or Hei Yumei is not around.

When Hei Yumei arrived this was the scene that they had witnessed. There was a change of plan and Hei Yumei had to come over with just one person. This is because the reporters had arrived on the scene before they could even complete what they were supposed to do. Thankfully, Ye Yuyan had longed to destroy the warehouse before the social media reporters had arrived on the scene.

Because of this event, Lou Wei and Yun Jie had to appear on camera. This is to make sure Ying Su would think that they were the ones who destroyed the warehouse where they hid the illegal drugs.

At this moment, Hei Yumei and the person who arrived with her had teleported into the Secret Laboratory while wearing an invisibility cloak on their bodies. Seeing her parents cry, they overheard the old couple’s conversation while in invisible mode. Hei Yumei glanced at the fully covered person who came with her. A person was standing beside her wearing full body bulletproof clothing that even his face is completely covered. He was holding a rifle in his hand with wireless earphones in his ears.

Iris’s voice can be heard from the earphones.

{All clear. I had hacked the whole surveillance system of the laboratory. It would last for an hour at most.}

“That’s enough time. Tell A’Yan and the rest to wait at home. I will be there soon.”

{Be careful, Hydra.}

The man covered from top to toe is none other than Hei Yuhua. After they’ve decided to make the change of plans thanks to the reporters’ sudden arrival. Hei Yuhua gestured towards Hei Yumei so that she can show herself as the surveillance system in the whole laboratory. The two remove their cloak, shocking the old couple in the room.

They first saw Hei Yuhua covered from head to toe and thought he was an intruder.

Papa Hei shouted while pushing Mama Hei behind him, “Who are you?”

Hei Yuhua didn’t speak out and just stared at the old couple. His silver eyes were full of mixed emotions of slight yearning and indifference. Papa Hei and Mama Hei felt unknown pressure being stared at by this person and unknown sadness spread from within their hearts.

Mama Hei unconsciously reaches out as if wanting to touch him but Hei Yuhua averted his gaze and ignored her. He walked and stood by the door waiting for the guards outside to hear the commotion inside the room.

As expected, two guards opened the locked door from the outside and entered the room. In that split moment, Hei Yuhua made his move to dislocate their shoulders and plugged their mouths with cloth of their own, and tied them up together.

“Who the hell are you?!”

“How did you get in!? Intrude...!!! hmf!!”

Aaahhh!!! hhffffmmfp!!!

His cold gaze made the two tremble, especially with a gun pointed at them.

Hei Yuhua’s muffled voice through the cloth was heard, his tone was detached as if he didn’t care about the lives of these two people.

“Don’t move or you’re dead,” whispered Hei Yuhua. The two men didn’t move and stood up like statues afraid that Hei Yuhua would shoot them down.

Hei Yumei finally showed herself and ran towards her parents and hugged them tightly.

“Mom! Dad! I’m back!” said Hei Yumei.

Mama Hei was delighted to see her daughter, “Mei’er!? Thank God you are safe!”

“Mei’er, who is that person?” asked Papa Hei.


Hei Yumei said, “Mom, Dad, he is big...”

Hei Yuhua forcefully intervened in her words and said, “Stop wasting time. Get moving.” Then he heads outside without waiting for them to capture all the guards in the hallway.

Sounds of gunshots were heard outside the room but they only lasted for a while. Obviously, Hei Yuhua was fighting the guards in the hallway. Hei Yumei noticed that her brother didn’t want their parents to know who he was.

Hei Yuhua’s muffled voice was heard from the outside, “Come out!”

“Mom, Dad, Let’s go! Bi... He would help us escape. We need to gather everyone and leave all at the same time.” said Hei Yumei.

But as if her parents weren’t listening to her they stared at the open door dazed. They weren’t fools. When they’ve met the eyes of that young man they feel the intimacy that they shouldn’t feel towards a stranger. Plus, those argent eyes that seem plucked from the moon itself are something only the bloodline of the Hei Family possessed.

Papa Hei asked, “Mei’er is he... Is he...!?”

“Dad, let’s talk about this after we escaped. He doesn’t want to talk about it,” said Hei Yumei.

Beside her, Mama Hei’s face had long been covered in tears. Crying noiselessly as if afraid that the detached young man who stared at them indifferently would leave without them knowing.

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