Chapter 677: 12.79 Unknown Star – Modern ABO World: Second Case – Siblings

Crossfield Private High school’s old building.

Abandoned Biology Laboratory. Secret Storage and Laboratory of the mad scientist, Datura.

Hei Yuhua and Hei Yumei finally meet each other. It was an abrupt meeting and both sides didn’t expect this to happen. They could only stare at each other’s faces which look similar to each other. The only clear difference is their gender.

They both asked at the same time.

Hei Yuhua asked, “Who are you?”

“Are you my elder brother?” asked Hei Yumei.

The question of the young lady froze Hei Yuhua in shock. He had the feeling that the woman in front of him was indeed connected to him by blood. Her appearance alone says everything. It wasn’t just a simple similarity but instead, a certain inexpressible feeling was filling his heart at this moment. When he heard her call ‘Elder Brother’ Hei Yuhua didn’t know how to react at all.


With a slightly trembling voice he asked, “What are your parent’s names? Who are you?” asked Hei Yuhua.

Hei Yumei would feel this person’s denial yet his shock is countless times stronger than the former. She answered his question honestly.

“My father’s name is called Hei Yun and my mother’s name is Bai Ruri. My name is Hei Yumei.”

“Hei Yumei. Hei Yun. Bai Ruri. Hah! Haha~ So they are still alive! Much more... Have another child. No wonder. They’ve never returned to pick me up. No wonder. Hahahah~” said Hei Yuhua.

Obviously, his current mental state isn’t good. His words sound normal yet the meaning is too sarcastic and full of sadness and detachment. It was at this moment that Hei Yumei realized that something she did know was hidden from her. Her parents would always say that she had an older brother. All along she thought that he was just outside the Syndicate only now did she know that her parents must have thought her elder brother had died and likewise, her brother thought their parents were also dead.

Learning about her existence, Hei Yuhua thought otherwise and thought that he was abandoned by their parents instead. Only when she realized why that annoying self-proclaimed master of hers suddenly summoned her to this small city.

Hei Yumei tries to explain, “That’s not it! Please listen to my elder brother’s explanations!”

“Watch what you call me. I don’t believe you yet,” said Hei Yuhua coldly, which immediately rendered Hei Yumei silent.

With an expression that is about to cry, Hei Yumei nods at her elder brother’s words. She understands why he is acting so coldly at her. All this time her brother believes that their parents had abandoned him while their parents thought her elder brother had died a long time ago. Everything was the fault of the Syndicate. They not only caused her family to get separated and restrained their freedom, but they’ve also made enemies with her elder brother.

“Bro... Agent Y, I know you wouldn’t believe my words but... I wanted you to know that our parents never abandoned you but they thought you were dead. Please be careful. Datura is planning on using the Prosecutor on your side as an experimental subject for his new ability enhancer drug. As well as... call me here most likely to catch you off guard.” said Hei Yumei.

She unhesitatingly told him all the plans of her master. It was as if she didn’t worry about her own life and death.

“You are not afraid? Betrayal means death for the Red Poppy Syndicate,” said Hei Yuhua.

Hei Yumei smiled helplessly and said, “We might be alive but... We don’t have our freedom. Some of us even choose death free. The Syndicate had never been humane.”

“You should take your leave. Datura would be returning soon,” said Hei Yumei as she resumed her job of creating drugs as the mad scientist, Datura, ordered her to.

Hei Yuhua was caught off guard by her sudden indifference. He wanted to say something but couldn’t do so as the awkwardness between them spread. For some reason, he wants to blame himself for treating this young lady with coldness due to his unstable emotions. In the end, Hei Yuhua could no longer ask the young lady about this anymore and took his leave under the sad gaze of his sister.

Hei Yumei murmured at his leaving sight, “Take care... elder brother.”

It was after this event that Hei Yuhua returned to the school infirmary in a bad mood until Prosecutor Ye Yuyan arrived and comforted him for what happened. Prosecutor Ye Yuyan listened to his wife’s story and didn’t expect his in-laws to still be alive. Sadly, they were imprisoned by the Red Poppy Syndicate for too long, and after their first attempt ended in failure, they longed to stop thinking of escaping. But the young lady named Hei Yumei seems to think otherwise or else why would she allow herself to play the so-called relationship with Datura just so she can get out of restraints from the Syndicate?

Prosecutor Ye Yuyan asked his wife, “What do you want to do? Do you wish to save them, Yu’er?”

“I want to save them but... I don’t think I can forgive them yet. Is this okay, A’Yan?” asked Hei Yuhua.

Prosecutor Ye Yuyan responded, “Anything you wish my mate. Let’s put saving the Hei Family on our agenda as well.”

“Sure,” said Hei Yuhua and he stared at his husband.

He felt that Ye Yuyan’s mood was also not good after he had returned from his meeting with his best friend, Yu Xi. Moreover, the real Ying Wu didn’t even come back with him, which is weird.

Hei Yuhua said, “Enough with my problem. A’Yan, did something happen with your conversation with Brother Yu Xi?”

“There is no need to call him brother. He is not worth it,” said Prosecutor Ye Yuyan with a glacial tone of voice.

This reaction of Prosecutor Ye Yuyan showed that he had indeed had an ugly conversation with his friends, Yu Xi and Ying Wu.

Hei Yuhua gently rubbed his husband’s chest to help him curb his rage.

“You can tell me anything, A’Yan. I am willing to listen to you anytime,” he said.

Hearing these words from his beloved, Ye Yuyan felt a bit better than before and hugged the sweetheart in his life within his embrace.

Prosecutor Ye Yuyan took his time before telling his wife what happened. Hei Yuhua also did not rush him to speak and patiently waited.

“Yu Xi... That bastard! He knew all along that the Ying Wu by his side is Ying Su, all this time. Not only in this life but in our past lives as well. He didn’t give me a single warning or clue all this time and was even protecting Ying Su all this time. If he had at least informed me or even warm me indirectly then... Then Yu’er wouldn’t have to suffer too much in our last time. The misunderstandings between us wouldn’t have piled up and... I wouldn’t have to pull the trigger at that time. Yu’er am I selfish as well? After all, like Yu Xi, I would have chosen you over anyone after all. I shouldn’t have gotten angry but... I couldn’t hold back my anger at all.” said Ye Yuyan.

Hei Yuhua said, “No. You aren’t selfish. You were just upset that the sworn brother you accepted in life would betray you in such a way. There is no need to destroy your brotherhood but... it wouldn’t be the same as before since this happened already.”

“Um. Yu Xi and Ying Wu say they would help us gather information from the Syndicate but... just in case they end up siding with the other side, let’s make preparations for it,” said Ye Yuyan.

Hei Yuhua felt that Ye Yuyan had been disappointed too much that he is having a hard time trusting them completely like before. But he could understand it. Yu Xi is a brother whom he grew up with since college. Ying Wu is the man who sacrificed his life to save Ye Yuyan and Yu Xi. He had trusted them for their lifetimes unconditionally yet the tragic ends of them and their families are because these people indirectly side with the enemy while pretending to be neutral.

Hei Yuhua said, “I will follow your plans and stay by your side until the end.”

“Thank you, Yu’er!” said Ye Yuyan.

Hei Yuhua said, “I’m your wife. If I’m not siding with you, who will?”

The couple spends a lovey-dovey time at the infirmary as if they had nothing to do with the happenings outside the room.

At the underground parking of Ye Yuyan’s Condominium Building.

Iris woke up tied up on a chair and opened his eyes in a small empty room with only a dim light hanging above his head swinging as if he was inside an Interrogation room.


Iris cursed, “I feel sick. Who fucking hit me on the head!?”

It took a few minutes before Iris realized that he was taken away. When he found the locator of the person who stole all his money, he didn’t hesitate to meet the person when found that the locator was in a crowded place. He didn’t have to fear getting kidnapped if there were lots of people around.

The locator pointed out a cafe in the middle of the city so Iris was a bit fearless and barged in about to jump at that annoying person who took away all his money. But who would have thought that all those things in the cafe were fake? It was an illusion made by something, not of this world. He had only experienced those kinds of supernatural things when Poppy was involved. Poppy can teleport at a short distance, make things move on their own, or make others forget a part of their memories.

Iris, who recalled the scene in the café being distorted into an aurora of illusions mumbled, “That weird phenomenon... Is it not something only the leader can do?”

“Of course not. Are you a fool? Your leader is only a Fake God. Now his system is gone, he is already nothing,” said Bai Jin who suddenly appeared in front of Iris.

Iris was stunned that he didn’t notice the man’s arrival as soon as he woke up. He didn’t even feel his presence until he spoke just now. The young man in front of him looks like an alpha but what caught his attention is the small crow on the top of his head staring at him like a human. Then he recalled that white snake with crimson eyes that used to appear sometimes with Poppy.

“Who the hell are you? No, who the hell are you two?” asked Iris.

Bai Jin grins and says, “Me? You can think of me as the God of Wealth from the other world.”


With a single snap of Bai Jin’s fingers, the whole room was suddenly filled with gold coins, gold bars, jewelry, and antiques. The number was enough to drown Iris to his death.

Iris was dumbfounded and looked around him in shock, “God of Wealth? A real God?”

Snap! With the second snap of Bai Jin’s fingers, all the riches that appeared before Iris’ eyes had disappeared. Even the rope tying on the chair had loosened.

Bai Jin said, “By the way, Oleander is my big brother. In short, he is not a human as well. He is the God of Misfortune. All those he doesn’t like would lose all their luck in life and suffer a short life.”

“Not only did your leader lose his system, your enemies, the Human Prosecutor and that Human Agent, are both backed up with two bigshots Gods. Ones that are stronger than me and my brother. Your Syndicate is destined to be destroyed.”

“That illness of yours that makes you younger as each time you don’t spend a large amount of money is caused by a curse. Iris, you are not originally from this world right?”

The words of Bai Jin about Iris’s original identity made the latter turn pale. He never expected to meet a real god in a world like this. This is only a mid-tier world after all. What Iris didn’t know is that the birth of the White Snake System and his transmigration in this world caused world error and forcefully upgraded the world into an S-class one.

It was because of this that the endless loop of this world was unsolved and more errors kept appearing. For a World repairer like Bai Jin, it is his job to solve world errors.

Iris also used to be a God but died on one of the battlefields which only Gods and goddesses enter. He had already forgotten who he was in his past life and how he ended up with a curse of greed. He needed money to extend his life or else his body would decrease in age.

Iris keeps frowning as some blurry memories of fighting and an extremely beautiful and majestic man with long light hair wearing a white robe and a black scythe keep appearing in his head. This person stood in front of them fighting monsters made of shadows and darkness. They look like humans yet are malevolent. The last thing he saw was that he was eaten alive by one of the monsters and the pained yet expressionless face of this silver-eyed immortal-like man.

Iris spoke, “I might not be a human after all. I keep seeing endless battlefields and me wearing silver armor. Covered in blood and surrounded by countless black creatures that had human faces. I died while protecting that person. In his white robe tainted by blood, he looks like a war god as his eyes seem to be made of moonlight that shines brightly in the darkness.”

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