Night came and no one among the three men who entered Sei’s study room came out. Davi couldn’t sleep, she was just gazing at the ceiling thinking about Sei and thinking about what is it that he wanted to tell her. She was anticipating it since this morning but for some reason, there seemed to be a lot of things that kept interrupting. She understand so she could only wait but the longer she waits for him, the more she felt restless. So when she couldn’t endure it anymore, she sighed and she decided to rise to go and take a walk in the garden.

Davi then quietly walked down the stairs but just as she was about to reach the entrance, she halted in place. It was because she could hear voices and it seemed like Mr. Chen and the old gramps are talking to each other. She didn’t mean to eavesdrop so she was about to make some noise to let then know about her presence and continue walking when she froze the moment she heard what they said next.

"What? His wife is in danger?!"

"They’re suspecting her. Sooner or later, they might exploit her connection with Sei."

"Don’t tell me that man is thinking about cutting his ties with her to keep her safe now!"

"I don’t know. He still didn’t say a word about it..."

Davi’s heart started palpitating to the extreme upon hearing what the old man said. And as soon as she realized that this might be what Sei was trying to tell her, her world darkened. She felt like she was suddenly short of breath that all of a sudden, she just ran straight towards the garden. Her heart was aching painfully that she couldn’t help but clench her fist tight in front of her chest. That moment, she felt like sharp knives were relentlessly stabbing her heart, ripping it apart violently, and yet she couldn’t cry in pain. By the time she reached the farthest part of the garden, her knees weakened and she squatted on the ground as she buried her face on her folded hands. Davi felt helpless, just by thinking that Sei will cut their ties and leave her made her felt like the world was slowly crumbling down. The pain was unbearable and she never once thought that one day, she would feel this kind of pain. She realized that she can never bear living without Sei, she loves him too much to the point that she couldn’t even imagine a life or a future without him.

That moment, Davi just sat there for a long while without moving nor making a sound. She couldn’t even cry. Her face was still buried in her hands when she felt that something warm was being draped on her.

She then slowly raised her head and the moment she looked up, Sei appeared before her eyes. He was looking at her. His eyes were beautiful, breathtaking as always, however, as she gazed at those pair of ethereal gems her heart suddenly twisted even harder in pain. The sight of his eyes filled with seemingly excruciating pain and sadness made her felt hurt even more. That moment, just by looking at his eyes, Davi realized that she was not the only one hurting. Looking at him, she could tell that his heart was being crushed mercilessly into pieces. He looks really hurt. He looked as though his pain was even greater than hers and it broke her heart over and over again.

The pain she felt a moment ago seemed to be bearable compared to the pain her heart was feeling now the moment she saw those eyes of his. Davi realized that Sei was suffering more than her, and she didn’t know why but him, suffering like this is actually the hardest for her to endure.

That moment, Davi slowly stood. She faced towards Sei and slowly reached out her hand. She held his face gently and she began speak.

"Why are you here? Are your work done?" She asked. Contrary to what Sei was expecting, Davi’s voice was gentle and soothing. In an instant, the pain in her eyes faded. Hope and intense fighting spirit glistened in her bright eyes as she smiled sweetly.

Upon hearing her voice and witnessing the smooth but quick change of emotion in her eyes, Sei didn’t know what to feel, how to react and what to say. Zaki told him a while ago that she overheard what the old man said so Sei was thinking that she was crying especially when he saw her squatting on the ground. And yet, what she showed him was the opposite of what he was expecting, his wife looked at him not with a gaze filled with pain and hopelessness, but with a gaze filled with hope and warm but powerful spirit.

The girl in front of him started caressing his cheeks gently as though she was trying to soothe his breaking heart. Gazing at him as though telling him the words ’please, don’t be sad’.

Looking at her eyes, hearing her voice and feeling her warm touches, Sei felt that she really is an angel in times of great tribulation. She is always like this. She will never let anything, even pain to cloud her eyes. Despite it all, and no matter what happens, she was still shining even brighter that Sei felt as though his pain was being overshadowed by her light.

However, his iron clad will was still stronger than ever. Watching her shining like this, he swore that he will never let anyone even himself to take away her light. He decided that no one even himself was allowed to chain her in the darkness. Thus, the next moment, he opened his mouth to speak.

"Davi... listen to me. I’m..." Just as Sei started talking, Davi suddenly pulled his face towards her. And before Sei could react, she kissed him hard.

Sei instantly froze as though a certain spell was suddebly casted on him to immobilize him. Davi continued kissing him hard despite him being frozen like stone. She didn’t wait for him to respond first before delving deeper, instead, she just kissed the frozen man with hungry kisses not allowing him to do anything.

Until Davi entered her tongue inside his mouth. She teased his tongue and she bit his lip naughtily, making the man to finally snap.

Davi then stopped to take a breath as she stared at the surprised Sei. Her face was burning red since this is the first time she kissed him so shamelessly like this and yet she still managed to smile at him.

"Sei, I love you." She whispered and she kissed him again. This time, Sei’s defense was completely crumpled and the next moment, he finally returned her kisses.

Davi’s brain was starting to spin due to the intense kiss. However, within her, she was talking to him silently as they continued kissing.

’I’m sorry Sei, but I won’t let you say it. I won’t let you say it. I won’t let you feel sad again. I will fight for you as long as I can. I won’t let you cut your ties with me. I will never let you go. I believe that one day, we can get pass through all these. That’s why, no matter what happens, I will never give you up. Never.’

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