Episode 30

A week passed quickly in the excitement of the entrance ceremony.

The day of the entrance ceremony of Milles Academy.

After completing all the preparations, Jaehyun left the house with a slightly nervous face.

In front of the house, Kim Yoo-jung was waiting for her.

It's because it's the same Milles Academy, so there was no reason to go separately, so we talked in advance to go together yesterday.

Of course, it was highly likely that Kim Yoo-jung wanted to go to school with Jae-hyun because he was simply illegitimate, but Jae-hyun decided not to mind. Anyway, the day when something new begins.

There is no reason to fight and lose strength.

Kim Yoo-jung looked at Jae-hyun, who came out on time, and smiled.

Looking at her face, her skin was a bit white, and her cheeks and cheeks had a reddish glow.

Since first impressions are important, it seemed like it was to make a good impression on others.

“It’s not too late for some reason. let's go.”


After answering calmly and sticking next to Kim Yoo-jung, she asked with a worried face.

“Is your mother worried about you a lot?”

“uh. You're a bit extreme by nature.”

Jaehyun recalled Lee Seonhwa's face while talking with Kim Yoojung.

A few days before leaving, Lee Seon-hwa worried about her son and repeatedly asked her to be careful.

Jaehyun told him not to worry, but Lee Seonhwa had no choice but to feel heavy.

There were several reasons.


Miles Academy is located in Daegu, which is about hundreds of kilometers from Seoul.

Daegu was the first big city in Korea to be plagued by demons.

It is a dead land that is not strange even when monsters rain from all sides.

Of course, thanks to that, aspiring raiders can train with peace of mind...

but the fact that it is dangerous anyway remains the same.


All students at Miles Academy must live in a dormitory.

Those who will now be called cadets, not students, make every effort to become radars under strict discipline, and suffer all kinds of hardships in the process.

For those who repeatedly go to and from school at home, this is quite difficult to adapt to.


Every year at Milles Academy, there are people who lose their lives due to unending incidents.

Just as incidents and accidents did not cease in the military where firearms were supplied in the past, the same is true here. Anyway, a place where hundreds of awakened people with power gather.

It would be a lie if there were no incidents.

‘Especially when I was going, it was even worse.'

Jaehyun let out a small sigh as he recalled his past.

There were many incidents and accidents when he was in school.

I was lucky enough to survive then, but can I still do that now?

Jaehyun looked at Kim Yoojung's face for a while, who was walking next to him, and then turned his head.

The two arrived at the station to use the portal instead of the train that was stopped due to the beast.

A woman who appeared to be an attendant asked with a slight refusal.

“hello. Where and how far do you plan to use it?”

“oh! We are going to Daegu...”

“Sure. Are you a wannabe radar? All right. If you show your student ID, you can use it without any extra charge.”

Academy cadets and incumbent raiders are the country's main property.

Thanks to this, you can enjoy various benefits, and being able to use the portal for free is one of them.

In addition, various benefits are obtained, such as an 80 percent discount on hospital fees or a drastic reduction in the cost of using a national accreditation body.

“Here you go!”

Kim Yoo-jung presented her student ID first.

When Jaehyun also showed his student ID to the receptionist, she smiled brightly and bowed her head.

“Thank you for always working hard. Then come inside.”

The preceding greeting is a kind of convention.

Thank you to Radar, who fights monsters in the vanguard and protects ordinary people.

The event that TV celebrities started with social media has moved into reality like that.


“This is inside.”

The guide pointed to the blue crystal and said.

This crystal is a transmission stone with coordinates entered.

It can be regarded as a permanent version of the Warp Stone that Seongjae Park had previously handed over to Jaehyun.

Thanks to this, the price is easily over the hundreds of billions.

Parts Tsutt!

When I put my hand on the transmission stone, a strange sensation of cold and warmth enveloped my whole body.

A warp stone is an object that draws the body into a part of the magical field and instantly moves it to the specified coordinates.

People don't like it very much because it comes with severe motion sickness.

Because of that, Kim Yoo-jung also doesn't want to go through the portal first, so she's stuck behind Jae-hyun.

In the end, Jaehyun used the portal first.

Kim Yoo-jung, who was worried for a while, pushed her body along with her eyes closed.

* * *

After a while.

After all the slight motion sickness that accompanies them, the two arrived in the closed city of Daegu.

Collapsed buildings litter the streets and sparse weeds are heterogeneous.

It feels like seeing a world that has been neglected due to nuclear war in a sci-fi movie.

Looking around, there were already quite a few people gathered in the closed city.

There were also a few familiar faces among the dogs.

For example, a muscular man leading students from the front.

‘Instructor Kim Seok-gi. It's been a while.'

A familiar face, but not at all welcome.

Instructor Kim Seok-gi, who taught basic physical fitness classes while attending Milles Academy before returning.

He was notorious for his hardcore training methods, such as running the field until he died or hanging from a cliff for an hour.

Kim Seok-gi asked while looking at Jae-hyun and Kim Yoo-jung alternately.

“Are you a freshman at Milles Academy?”


“Get on this bus. We leave when it is on time.”

Blunt instructions.

The two bowed their heads and boarded the bus and scanned the surroundings.

Most of them were familiar faces that took up one place at a time, making a name for themselves before returning.

However, there was one person who definitely caught Jaehyun's eyes.

stand straight

A person who was born as a genius with an aptitude of 92 in the magic world and later becomes an S-class raider representing Korea.

Even now, she is sitting by the window with a nervous expression on her face, tinkering with her smartphone alone.

‘Anyway, I don't think you're the talkative type. It's just like you see it on TV.'

At that moment, Seo Ina and Jaehyun's eyes met for a moment.

Seo Ina quickly blushed and averted her gaze, then fixed her eyes on her phone again.

“What are you doing? Aren't you going in?”

“Ah yes.”

When Jaehyun stopped, Yujeong Kim came in after him and asked.

He responded appropriately and walked back inside.

I could feel Seo Ina's eyes peeking at me.

The two of them sat down to kill time.

Each of them read the Milles Academy admission guideline on their smartphones, then scanned the faces of the other students who came in.

And finally, when the time was nine o'clock, Instructor Kim Seok-gi got on the bus.

“Fortunately, everyone arrived well. Well then, let's go now. Please read the instructions one more time along the way and feel free to ask any questions you may have.”

The stiff tone of the instructor made the frozen bus get even colder.

Kim Yoo-jung asked Jae-hyun with a worried expression as he stabbed Jae-hyeon at the waist.

“By the way, what are we going to do with that?”

“That’s it. what?”

When Jaehyun replied dryly, Kim Yoojung stared at him intently with mischievous eyes.

“What is it? Of course…”

Jaehyun knew well what was to be said next, even without hearing it.

One of the biggest events at Miles Academy, and the very event that many guilds pay attention to.

‘I've already finished the preparations.'

Jaehyun looked out the window and sighed lightly.

But his eyes were full of determination.

He had to be number one in that event.

* * *

The cadets who got off the bus arrived at the main gate of the school and headed towards the auditorium.

They were waiting there for a speech by Jain Gu, the chairman of the board.

There are still about 10 minutes left until ten o'clock, the scheduled time for the speech.

The magic cadets, including Jaehyun and Kim Yoo-jung, lined up on the right, and the martial arts cadets, including Ahn Ho-yeon, on the left.

Instructors placed between the nervous cadets are wary of their surroundings with their eyes wide open.

This is to prepare for any possible invasion.

In the meantime, a muffled voice grew louder among the students.

“hey. is that him? That genius martial artist?”

“Ahn Ho-yeon? Oh Shiva. He's just a different breed than us. Does an aptitude of 92 make sense?”

“but. But honestly, he's so fucking handsome.”

The topic of conversation is about Ahn Ho-yeon, who appeared on TV every day.

Even if it's not, he's a genius Awakener with a martial aptitude of 92, and he has a handsome face.

Well, in a way, it's normal.

And for them to deify him by talking about An Ho-yeon, it wasn't bad as a representation.

‘Now I am Ahn Ho-yeon's lifesaver. As long as I use this well, he will be a good hand at Miles Academy.'

The last time he encountered An Ho-yeon in an alley, Jae-hyeon saved him.

Giving courage to Ahn Ho-yeon, who was unable to move from the goblin's attack, and repulsed it together.

Perhaps without saying a word, Ahn Ho-yeon already had deep trust in himself.

‘Of course, even if I hadn't saved him, Ahn Ho-yeon wouldn't have died.'

Jaehyun smiled a little.

Originally, Ahn Ho-yeon would be covered in blood there, but he would not die and survive.

The reason why Jaehyun approached him was purely to build his personal network.

‘The downfall of martial arts will take at least five more years. In the meantime, if you take care of Ahn Ho-yeon, even if you are a magician, you will be able to avoid the cold meal.'

Jaehyun moved his gaze forward this time.

A black-haired, mysterious woman standing right in front of him.

Seo Eana looks around with her arms folded as if she is covering her face.

‘Anyway, Seo Eana is pretty as expected.'

A unique aura that flows from the lofty black hair and hazelnut colored eyes.

Since 2024, he has been a person who has been ranked at the top of the radar popularity ranking.

However, Kim Yoo-jung also had an attractive face.

Thanks to her fair skin, round face, and healthy physical beauty that contrasts with slender lines, she has been quite popular since the previous school.

Well, it wasn't something Jaehyun needed to worry about right now.

Shaking his head, Jaehyun pondered as he recalled the information about Seo Eana.

‘If I can enlist Seo Eana on my side, the number of cards I have will increase... It would be difficult to approach her with that kind of personality.'

It was a little disappointing, but I couldn't help it.

If you approach that type of personality forcibly, it will only cause you to be wary.

For now, it was best to just gather information about Seo Ina from afar.

Moreover, now Jae-hyun holds the name of Yoo Seong-seong, Ahn Ho-yeon and Lee Jae-sang.

There is no need to overdo it.

Kim Yoo-jung said in a tone that she was fed up with Jae-hyun, who was staring at her.

“hey. no matter how pretty she is It's a little creepy when you look at it like that.”

“uh? What nonsense are you talking about? It's not like that, I just.......”

The moment Jaehyun tried to refute.

A light came on on the podium and a familiar voice began to be heard.

“hello. Dear students who have been admitted to Milles Academy. I am Goo Jain.”

Jaehyun's eyebrows twisted fiercely like never before.

Koo Ja-in, the chairman of the board.

he showed up

‘Yeah... That bastard's face looked like that. Now I remember.'

Jaehyun gnashed his teeth while looking at Goo Jain's face.

In the future, he suddenly disappears and disappears, but that good-looking man is a piece of trash that has led countless cadets to hell.

He probably didn't die even before returning and was still plotting evil deeds in collusion with others.

Why did Jaehyun cross so many lines while attending Milles Academy?

The reason was right in front of me.


President of Miles Academy and one of the sources of all evil.

From now on, Jaehyun had to deal with him.

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