Chapter 126: No Help Possible

Chen Lingyu continued, "I can help you manage the community scientifically. If this model works well, it could even expand to other areas."

"In these apocalyptic times, the world's systems are in chaos. We could even establish our own kingdom!"

"You be the king, and I'll assist you. What do you think?"

Zhang Yi just smiled. Despite having graduated from Tianhai Industrial University and having five years of social experience, he wasn't naive enough to be persuaded by a smooth-talking woman selling a pyramid scheme.

"Not interested," he said coldly, dismissing the topic.

"But..." Chen Lingyu tried to persuade him further, but Zhang Yi waved her off.

"No need to say more. We don't know each other well, and I don't want to hear your spiel."

Zhang Yi's firm gaze made Chen Lingyu's face pale as she took two steps back, as if losing her strength.

After the fierce battle last night, this woman was obviously scared. She was here more to seek Zhang Yi's protection than to genuinely propose a partnership.

But who was she? She wasn’t pretty; she was getting on in years, and she had no remaining value. Zhang Yi had no reason to protect her.

Chen Lingyu said sadly, "If this continues, we might die one day."

Zhang Yi glanced at her and emphasized, "Take out that 'we' from your sentence."

You might die, but not me, Zhang Yi.

Chen Lingyu shook her head helplessly.

Zhang Yi looked at this woman who could barely be considered a strong figure and curiously asked, "A woman like you, surviving alone in the apocalypse—don't you have a husband?"

Chen Lingyu smiled bitterly and shook her head. "We separated long ago."

"Oh, all alone, huh?"

Chen Lingyu shook her head. "Not exactly. I have a daughter. She's been studying in the U.S. since she was ten, attending a private school."

When she mentioned her daughter, Chen Lingyu's eyes lit up noticeably.

"My life doesn't depend on men. After my divorce, I raised my child by myself. I started by washing dishes for others and working as a trainee in a beauty salon. Step by step, I became the CEO of a pre-IPO company!"

"I'm no worse than any man! Zhang Yi, if you refuse to cooperate with me for this reason, it's your loss!"

Chen Lingyu made one last effort.

Zhang Yi rubbed his nose and said slowly, "Generally speaking, only the heads of group corporations are called CEOs. As the owner of a small company, you should be called the general manager."

Chen Lingyu's face turned awkward.

"Well, it's not strictly like that. There's no rule that only the head of a group can be called a CEO!"

Zhang Yi found it somewhat amusing. It seemed Chen Lingyu's educational level didn't surpass junior high school. In a corporation, there are only shareholders, and the CEO is just a job position.

Not understanding such basic corporate roles, what kind of entrepreneur was she trying to be?

"Alright then, go back to your business," Zhang Yi said, walking around Chen Lingyu, not wanting to argue with a pyramid scheme promoter.

However, as he looked into the distance, he saw a surprising scene.

Building 18, managed by Li Jian, presented a completely different scene from the other buildings.

Li Jian, wrapped in a thick black down jacket, was energetically shoveling snow. Though he was short and inconspicuous from a distance, Zhang Yi felt a certain resilience in him.

In front of Building 18, everyone worked in an orderly fashion. After ten minutes of work, each person rested, and then new people took over.

Zhang Yi was deeply moved. Such a scene was unimaginable in the apocalypse.

He couldn't help but walk over, standing quietly near Li Jian and watching them work.

Li Jian soon noticed Zhang Yi. He looked up, his eyes shadowed with fatigue, his body noticeably thinner.

"Zhang Yi? Why are you here?" he asked.

Zhang Yi didn't answer directly. He looked at the people of Building 18. Although their faces were pale, there was a glimmer of hope in their eyes, unlike the people from other buildings who were numb and living like walking corpses.

Zhang Yi felt both relief and curiosity. He asked Li Jian, "How did you manage this?"

"Manage what?" Li Jian asked back.

"While other buildings have been fighting fiercely over food distribution, your building hasn’t. How did you avoid such conflicts? Did you conceal the truth?" Zhang Yi asked.

Li Jian's face showed a proud expression. Despite his short stature, he straightened his back and said, "I didn’t hide anything! From the beginning, I told everyone in our building the results of the negotiations."

This result surprised Zhang Yi. He was amazed that Li Jian dared to do so, not fearing internal chaos.

"But there are only ten portions of food. It's impossible for all of you to survive on that. Why didn’t they revolt?" Zhang Yi asked.

Li Jian seemed to anticipate this question. He calmly said, "No one in our building wants to become a beast. So, we share the ten portions equally. If there’s one portion, we share that as well."

Zhang Yi snorted, crossing his arms mockingly. "But this way, you’ll all die. None of you will survive."

"You think you’re smart, but you’ve made the most foolish choice!"

Li Jian fell silent, unable to refute Zhang Yi’s words. He knew Zhang Yi was right. In harsh environments, beastly nature suited survival better than human nature.

Zhang Yi shook his head, not intending to delve further into the topic. His curiosity brought him here, but he had no interest in their fate.

As Zhang Yi turned to leave, Li Jian called out, "Zhang Yi, wait! Can’t you help us?"

"Sorry, that’s not possible!" Zhang Yi replied firmly, with no room for negotiation.

He looked down at the short middle-aged man before him and said indifferently, "With your ability, you could easily rally the most promising people, divide the resources, and ensure your survival."

"But you’re hesitant, trying to save everyone. Yet you lack the ability to protect them all. By doing so, you’re committing a crime!"

"The path you chose, you walk it yourself!"

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