Chapter 128: Closing the Net

The fact that Huang Tianfang and Wang Qiang had cigarettes was no secret. These two weren’t the type to keep things hidden. While others worked, they would openly smoke outside. It didn’t take long for the other building leaders to figure out that Zhang Yi was the one providing them with cigarettes.

Soon, other leaders who were addicted to smoking began to make requests. They hoped Zhang Yi could also provide them with cigarettes.

Zhang Yi hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said, "Providing cigarettes for so many people might be a bit difficult."

The other building leaders immediately became anxious.

"Zhang Yi, you can't be biased!"

"We don’t ask for much, just one pack a day!"

"This is my lifelong request!"

With a helpless sigh, Zhang Yi said, "Alright, I'll try my best. Starting tomorrow, I’ll provide cigarettes for those who need them."

Seeing the smokers' success, those who didn't smoke also stepped forward with their requests.

"I don't smoke, but I like chewing betel nuts. Can you get some?"

"I want to drink a little. Even the cheapest wine will do!"


Zhang Yi, feigning exasperation, said, "Alright, alright, I've noted down all your requests. I won’t favor anyone, everyone will get what they want!"

Satisfied with his response, everyone left with their supplies, smiling.

After they left, Li Chengbin and Jiang Lei approached Zhang Yi, visibly upset.

"Brother Zhang, aren’t you being too generous with them?"

"Giving them food is already a huge favor, and now they’re asking for more!"

Zhang Yi calmly replied, "Their requests aren't unreasonable. I can’t afford to be biased. It’s fine, let’s just go with it."

The others looked at Zhang Yi as if seeing a stranger. They couldn’t believe how the once ruthless Zhang Yi had become so soft.

But since Zhang Yi was the one finding the supplies, they had no right to complain.

After distributing the supplies, Zhang Yi returned home. He took a hot shower, then lay comfortably on the sofa in his pajamas, staring at the ceiling.

"It’s about time."

The infighting among the other buildings had already caused significant casualties. The initial death toll exceeded 400, with hundreds more injured during the fights. These injured individuals were unlikely to survive, and even if they did, they wouldn’t pose any immediate threat.

That morning, Zhang Yi walked around the community and observed the number of active people. There were about 700 left.

Using cigarettes and alcohol as bait, he had successfully lured the building leaders out.

The time to close the net had arrived!

Zhang Yi didn’t plan to delay any longer. Since major conflicts were unlikely to break out again in the short term, dragging it out served no purpose. Additionally, the food he provided would restore their strength, increasing their threat to him over time.

"Tomorrow is the day!"

Zhang Yi's eyes narrowed, a flash of cold killing intent passing through them.


The next day, Zhang Yi left the community as usual. He didn’t inform anyone, not even Uncle You, about his plan.

This operation was crucial, and if he missed the opportunity, it would complicate future actions and increase the risks. Zhang Yi trusted no one.

After leaving the community, he went straight to the supermarket. He collected a large amount of food, mainly bulk buns, steamed buns, and bagged bread.

Today, Zhang Yi made sure to find higher-quality food and brought more than usual.

"The last meal should be a good one. I’ve been kind enough."

After piling up the food, Zhang Yi retrieved the rat poison he had obtained earlier from his alternate space.

The colorless and odorless powder was lethal even in small amounts. Since the food was slightly spoiled and discolored, the poison would be undetectable.

Wearing a gas mask, he found in the military camp, Zhang Yi carefully sprinkled the rat poison on the food. This process took him half an hour to complete.

"Wang Qiang and Huang Tianfang might have someone test the food for poison, but they’re too greedy to share cigarettes and alcohol. Old smokers and drinkers tend to drop their guard when it comes to their vices. I'll poison the cigarettes and alcohol."

Zhang Yi took out several packs of cigarettes, removed the plastic wrapping, and carefully mixed rat poison into the tobacco.

He knew that Wang Qiang and others were used to receiving unsealed cigarettes from him. This familiarity would reduce their suspicion.

For the alcohol, Zhang Yi dissolved the rat poison in alcohol and used a syringe to inject it through the bottle caps. It was a crude method, but effective. Returning home near dusk, the dim lighting would make it hard for the drinkers to notice any flaws.

After two hours of preparation, Zhang Yi packed the food into bags and loaded them onto the sled behind his snowmobile.

Despite the lighter snowfall, the wind was still fierce. Leaning against the mall's wall, Zhang Yi lit a cigarette, taking small puffs to avoid freezing his lungs with the cold air.

"Perhaps today is the end. Everything seems to be going smoothly, almost too smoothly," Zhang Yi murmured.

The behavior of the other buildings' people matched his expectations perfectly. This cooperation made Zhang Yi feel uneasy.

"Everything has been too smooth. They’re not fools. How could I play them all so easily?" Zhang Yi mused, narrowing his eyes.

"This false harmony is temporary. They’re not dumb. They’ll act against me sooner or later. Are they waiting for an opportunity?"

"There's a mole in Building 25. Who could it be? Are they still alive or already dead?"

These questions plagued Zhang Yi, but he found no answers. He wasn't Sherlock Holmes or Detective Conan, lacking the skills to uncover such secrets.

However, he had something better in this post-apocalyptic world—his fortress and his guns!

Zhang Yi tossed the cigarette on the ground, crushed it with his foot, and said coldly, "No matter what plans you have, against absolute strength, all schemes are meaningless."

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