Chapter 156: The Sleeping Gas

Leaning against the wall, Zhang Yi waited quietly for Wang Siming. As he had predicted, Wang Siming didn’t go for an immediate kill with high-temperature flamethrowers. After all, killing Zhang Yi outright wouldn't serve any purpose for him.

After a while, the dark gold door slowly opened. Zhang Yi opened his eyes a sliver, his right hand ready to draw his gun. However, upon seeing the face of the person who entered, he paused.

It wasn’t Wang Siming.

Zhang Yi cursed internally. Damn, Xu Hao! He hadn’t mentioned that there were other people in the shelter. Under normal circumstances, people wouldn’t let anyone but their closest family into their shelter during a crisis. Unless, like Zhang Yi, they had unlimited resources and had chosen highly useful partners like Zhou Ke'er and Uncle You.

The person who entered was tall and burly, holding a kukri knife and a bundle of ropes at his waist. Zhang Yi recognized him as Lin Geng, a movie star often seen on TV and a close friend of Wang Siming.

Suppressing his urge to attack, Zhang Yi knew he had to be patient. His life wasn’t in immediate danger, and he couldn’t confirm that there were no other traps in the shelter until he saw Wang Siming himself.

Lin Geng poked Zhang Yi with the kukri, causing a sharp pain, though Zhang Yi's thick clothing dulled it. He gritted his teeth, watching Lin Geng closely. If Lin Geng made any threatening moves, Zhang Yi would retaliate instantly.

Fortunately, Lin Geng only tested him briefly, then took Zhang Yi’s gun and tied him up tightly with the ropes. Xu Hao, already unconscious from the sleeping gas, lay like a dead pig.

Lin Geng carried Zhang Yi on his shoulder into the shelter. Zhang Yi squinted, observing the interior. The lives of the wealthy were beyond ordinary imagination. They passed through a circular hall, full of futuristic metallic décor like a sci-fi spaceship, but more luxurious.

Lin Geng threw Zhang Yi onto the floor. "Here he is. This guy was easy to deal with, no trouble at all."

Lin Geng’s voice carried a tone of contempt. To him, Zhang Yi, bound and sedated, was already defeated.

A man in a yellow robe emerged from a nearby door. "Wasn’t that expected? I spent ten billion dollars on this shelter. If it couldn’t handle one person, my money would have been wasted."

Zhang Yi recognized the man and smiled slightly. The main target had arrived.

Seeing Zhang Yi tightly bound, Wang Siming relaxed and started chatting with Lin Geng. Meanwhile, Zhang Yi opened his spatial space and released the high-strength sleeping gas he had absorbed earlier.

Wang Siming and Lin Geng didn’t notice anything unusual, continuing their conversation.

"How about we take that snowmobile for a spin? I wonder what the outside world is like."

"Sure, we can get some food too."

They planned how to use Zhang Yi’s snowmobile, laughing. Suddenly, Wang Siming saw Lin Geng swaying.

"Lin Geng, stop moving!"

Lin Geng, confused, replied, "I’m not moving. You’re the one swaying. Wait, why do you look like six people?"

Realizing something was wrong, they both collapsed.

Zhang Yi, free from the ropes, quickly cut his bonds and released himself completely. He confiscated their weapons, including Wang Siming's two gold Desert Eagles.

"Showy but useless," Zhang Yi remarked, finding them less practical than his police pistol. He stored everything dangerous in his spatial space.

Next, he used professional-grade rope to bind Wang Siming and Lin Geng, ensuring they couldn’t escape. He even used zip ties on their wrists, thumbs, and legs to secure them further.

With his captives secure, Zhang Yi turned his attention to the shelter, which was reportedly the world's most expensive. The spacious living room alone was over a hundred square meters, decorated in a warm yellow with elegant silver-gray furniture, exuding an air of high class.

A large 100-inch TV hung on the north wall, with gaming consoles and cartridges below it. Clearly, they were avid gamers. The living room's centerpiece was a high-end imported sofa, with a large bar stocked with various liquors in one corner and an open-plan kitchen on the other side.

Beyond the living room was a door. Zhang Yi, gun in hand, gently opened it, revealing a bright light that momentarily stunned him.

He had expected a backyard with a pool and garden, but what he saw was a vast ecological garden filled with rare plants and tropical vegetation, even in the cold. A portion of it was a farmland, now mostly abandoned.

Curious, Zhang Yi explored further, delighted to see such lush greenery in the apocalypse. The garden's temperature was higher, aided by UV lamps for photosynthesis. Many plants had wilted due to lack of care, but the setup was impressive.

At the end of the garden was an empty zoo-like area, with cages and traces of animals long gone.

"This is a billion-dollar shelter? It’s a mini-ecosystem!" Zhang Yi marveled.

Continuing his exploration, Zhang Yi admired the advanced, sustainable design. The shelter's team had done an excellent job. He reached the edge of the shelter and saw a large yard through frosted windows.

"This place is amazing. From now on, it's mine!" Zhang Yi declared, smiling. Living here would be far better than his cramped apartment.

Eager to explore more, Zhang Yi climbed to the second floor. The decor was even more extravagant, with numerous sofas, lounge chairs, and scattered clothes, suggesting a life of indulgence. The floor was littered with bottles, cigarette butts, and trash.

Each room had a label indicating its use: game room, pet room, entertainment room, waterbed room. Zhang Yi felt like he had found an exciting treasure trove, eagerly opening each door.

The game room alone was over a hundred square meters, filled with every imaginable gaming console and cartridge, plus a wall of rare collectibles worth millions.

"Playing games here would be awesome. Damn, rich people know how to have fun!" Zhang Yi couldn't help but curse in envy.

He shut the door and eagerly moved to the next room. Opening it, he was stunned to see three beautiful women inside. They were huddled in a corner, terrified by the armed stranger.

One girl, with large, fearful eyes, asked, "Who are you? What do you want?"

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