Chapter 36

Chapter 36: Heartless Woman, Please Act Like a Human

Ye Ning would never have known.

In one night, his safety had greatly increased.

If he knew, he would find it hard to laugh.

But yes, at this moment, he was laughing.

Lying in a rocking chair, Ye Ning was laughing brightly.

Because he had been poisoned.

The Grim Reaper was counting down.

In just three days, he would meet his end.

Death, which was terrifying for others, was a relief for him.

“After I die, I will definitely repay you all.”

Ye Ning was a grateful person.

Everyone who contributed to killing him was his benefactor.

When I become the Heavenly Emperor, it will be time to repay my debts!

The first day passed.

On the second day, Ye Ning’s smile was not as bright as the first day.

He rubbed his chest.

“Heartbeat normal.”

He jumped up and down a few times. “Legs are fine.”

He looked in the mirror. “Face is rosy.”

His condition was clearly very good.

But because it was so good, he felt worried.

Do I look like someone who has been poisoned?

A hint of doubt arose in his heart.

Could it be, would things go wrong this time?

“Impossible!” Ye Ning shook his head.

He already knew Xiao Qianqian’s secret, such a big matter could not be overlooked.

If Ye Ning were a spy from Rakshasa Country, he would also kill anyone who knew the secret.

There was no need to doubt that.

“It must be that I am overthinking. I must have been poisoned. This poison is extraordinary, appearing normal until it acts and then killing instantly!”

Ye Ning took a deep breath, almost certain that he was poisoned by such a drug.

This was a world with very high martial power, making such a poison was not difficult.

He laid down again.

He didn’t go out at all, fearing that once he went out, he might meet some expert who would detoxify him.

Having faced too many failures, Ye Ning had developed a shadow in his heart. He believed that the more crucial the moment, the less he should stir things up.

The second day also passed.

On the third morning, sleepless Ye Ning’s eyes were filled with bloodshot veins.

“It’s already the third day, why am I not dead yet?”

He could not find any signs of poisoning in himself.

No way, no way…

Ye Ning swallowed hard.

Could this also go wrong?

His mindset was a bit collapsed.

Pacing back and forth in the room, after a long time, he muttered, “It must be that the time hasn’t come yet. Xiao Qianqian had no reason to lie to me… If I don’t die, once I expose her, she would be the one to die!”

Yes, it must be that the time hasn’t come.

This poison was said to act in three days. It must mean a full seventy-two hours, not a minute less!

Holding on to his last hope, Ye Ning stayed in the room waiting.

Servant Lao Huang knocked on the door several times, wanting to bring him breakfast, lunch, and… dinner.

But Ye Ning did not respond.

Until late at night.

Lao Huang came with supper.

His eyes were full of worry.

“What to do? The young master is refusing to eat!”

The master hasn’t eaten for a day, what should I do?

Waiting for advice, he knocked on the door.

Planning to persuade Ye Ning earnestly.

However, at the moment he knocked, Ye Ning directly came out.

He grabbed a bun and swallowed it in a few bites.

Then he picked up the porridge and gulped it down.

“Infuriating!” Ye Ning, with his stomach full, had enough strength to be angry.

As such, he stormed out of the door with a dark face, leaving Lao Huang stunned.

What is happening?

Walking down the street, Ye Ning was fuming.

At this point, if he still didn’t know he had been deceived, he would have a problem with his intelligence.

She actually lied to me!

“I trusted you so much, yet you lied to me, you heartless woman!!!”

Ye Ning was furious.

In these three days, he had already planned out what to do after his death.

First become the Heavenly Emperor, make a big scene, show off a bit.

Then come back to this world and properly thank his benefactors.

And the result?

The result!

You actually deceived my feelings!

Ye Ning rushed into the Spring Wind Pavilion.

He was there to cause trouble.

No one dared to stop him.

“Lord Ye is here.”

The courtesans fluttered their eyes.

“Lord Ye.”

“Good evening, Brother Ye!”

People greeted him, but Ye Ning ignored them.

He stomped up the stairs, heading straight to Xiao Qianqian’s room.

For anyone else, this would clearly be against the rules.

But Ye Ning was an exception.

Xiao Qianqian had ordered that if Ye Ning came to see her, no one should stop him.

So he went smoothly.

He pushed the door open forcefully and stormed in.

“Give me an explanation!” He demanded fiercely.

Seeing Ye Ning like this, Xiao Qianqian secretly smiled, but on the surface, she showed gratitude and said, “That day, Lord Ye’s words deeply moved this humble girl!”

Ye Ning’s anger halted. “What did you say?”

That day he had been busy ranting and forgot what happened afterwards.

“Lord Ye said that vileness is the passport of the vile, nobleness is the epitaph of the noble…

“Lord Ye said that although I joined the Rakshasa Country, I cannot change my Great Zhou blood…

“Lord Ye said…”

Xiao Qianqian repeated his words.

Three days had passed, yet she still remembered them clearly, and was still deeply moved.

“I said those things?” Ye Ning was a bit dazed, but shook his head and regained his fierceness.

“Even if I said those things, so what?”

Xiao Qianqian took a deep breath.

“Listening to your words is better than studying for ten years. That day, your words enlightened me.”

“You were enlightened?”

“Yes, I had a great awakening and decided to be a good person! It was you who awakened my conscience!”


“So I voluntarily surrendered and helped the authorities destroy all of Rakshasa Country’s spy networks. The Emperor, learning of this, considering my timely repentance, forgave my past deeds.”

Ye Ning stepped back three paces.

He was stunned.

You were enlightened?

You were enlightened my foot!

As a spy for an enemy nation, couldn’t you have some principles? If you were so easily awakened to conscience, how could you face the Rakshasa Country’s training?

“Then, what about the poisoned wine?” Ye Ning asked, trembling with his last bit of hope.

“What poisoned wine? It was just a joke.”

A joke!?

Ye Ning felt as if struck by lightning.

Heartless woman, please act like a human!

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