Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 614 - Shes Pregnant

Chapter 614 - She's Pregnant

Kaizan's brows furrowed as he reread the letter. It was from Vaarin. He had written that he was glad that his daughter had found a mate in the General. He was a proud man and that now to accelerate for the things to settle, he wanted them to come to the Whiteclaw pack as he wished to give a feast to his fellowmen in honor of their wedding.

"That's interesting," said Ileus, picking up a piece of blue cheese from the wooden tray in front. He popped it in his mouth. "You should postpone this visit."

"Why?" Olivia said with her lips curled down.

"Because your cousin sister and her mother were up to no good when they were here," he replied, now picking up grapes from the tray.

"So what?" Olivia shrugged. "I am not going to meet them. Moreover, if they were bad, it doesn't mean I will not go and meet my parents."

"I am not saying that you shouldn't go and meet them. I am saying you should postpone the visit. There's a difference."

Olivia's brows furrowed. She didn't like that she was being denied to go to her parents' place over a scuffle that had nothing to do with her relationship with her parents. "I am not sure if I see it like that," she replied sullenly. "After what transpired between Kaizan at the Whiteclaw pack, I think my father wants to make up with him. And Kaizan deserves that. The way my father has written the letter, it clearly shows his affection and eagerness for the visit. Imagine his sadness if I turn down this invitation."

"Olivia, you have to understand that—"

"She is right," Anastasia intervened. "Her parents have called her and it won't be right to turn down the invitation. The peace treaty is new and once Kaizan goes there along with Olivia with their mate marks, it will show that they have bonded, which is going to bolster his position in the pack. With Murtagh still under house arrest, we should take advantage of the situation. Let the peace intensify between Silver Vales and the Whiteclaw pack."

Ileus gritted his teeth. "I don't feel this is the right time!" He leaned back to lay on the rug behind her. He knew that she was sounding right, but his instincts screamed it not right. "When have you been invited?"

"A week later," Kaizan informed as he folded the parchment and handed it to Olivia. Ever since she had marked him, he could feel her emotions so starkly. And right now, she was anxious. He stroked her hair on the back and kissed her temple. "We will go, love," he said as he pulled her in between his thighs. "Don't be so nervous, okay?" he whispered in her ear.

Her lips tugged up in a smile when Kaizan assured her. She relaxed on his chest and turned her face to look up at him. "Thanks Kaizan."

"You don't have to say thanks to me every time," he replied and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. When he felt her losing tension, he relaxed too. Then he looked at Ileus and said, "I would be needing more days off. From here, we will directly go to the Whiteclaw pack."

"No way!" Ileus snapped. "From here, you will come to the capital with me and proceed from there. I won't allow my General to leave without his group of soldiers." The way he said, it came as a command from the crown prince, and snapped shut any of Olivia's protests.

"Yes, Your Highness," Kaizan replied. Even though Ileus sounded arrogant, deep down he knew that Ileus was highly concerned about his safety. He was thinking that he would ask him to create a portal here that would lead to the Whiteclaw pack, but now he had to take the trade path.


A week later, when Olivia was back after her honeymoon, she was tanned and so was Kaizan. They were greeted by Ookashi and Nate, who had returned from their trip. Ookashi had insisted that she go and meet her brother, Niiya, in the human realm too and that's why they got delayed.

"Oh my God!" Ookashi said excitedly, when she hugged her daughter-in-law. "I knew that Kaizan would eventually find his mate!" She pulled away and with a broad grin on her face. "You are the most mesmerizing girl I have ever met."

Olivia smiled, feeling giddy. She was expecting some awkwardness from her mother-in-law, but Ookashi was such a lovely person, full of life, that she felt warmth and immediately relaxed in her presence. It was the first time she was meeting with her mother-in-law and father-in-law, and the bond she felt with them was… very strong. She could sense their emotions and they were of pure joy for their son. And she was all the more surprised to find that Kaizan bore striking resemblance to his mother.

"You are so beautiful that Kaizan must be the luckiest wolf in the Lore," said Ookashi in a breathless voice, making Olivia blush.

Nate patted Kaizan and asked, "How are you doing, son?"

"I am fine," Kaizan said and the two clasped each other's upper arms.

Ookashi held Olivia's hand and took her inside. The women talked as the men went to their favorite place—the bar in the main hall.

"Where will you be leaving for the Whiteclaw pack?" asked Nate as he handed him a flute with red wine.

"Tomorrow morning."

"The trade path is still infested with the rogues," Nate said in a worried voice. "You have to be careful. I heard that the rebel leader is gearing up and recruiting more rogues. They hate that peace treaty."

Kaizan rolled his eyes. "That is nothing new father. But yes, I can't say that I am eager to meet the new rebel leader." He wanted to eliminate the rebels once and for all. This time if things didn't work out according to his plan, he would ask Ileus to intervene. His eyes went to Olivia and his need to protect her increased.

"It is high time you take him out and execute him, Kaizan," said Nate as he sipped wine from his flute. "Ever since you have got married to Olivia, there has been quite a stir in the rebels, but once they came to know that you are her mate, there's a different kind of activity going on. We came back after seeing Niiya three days back, and Finn reported to me the increased activity in the trade path. It has become a constant source of worry amongst the traders."

Kaizan exhaled heavily. "I understand…" His mother was still talking to Olivia with excitement and he liked the way they bonded. It felt… natural.

"Also, when you come back from the Whiteclaw pack, we will hold formal celebrations here." Nate's voice pulled him out of his reverie. He nodded.

Next morning Olivia woke up dizzy. She staggered to the bathroom and vomited.

Standing at the bar along with Ileus, Kaizan stared at his wife who had settled with Anastasia in the main hall, discussing her condition. "She's pregnant," he murmured to Ileus, nervous as hell.

"Come again?"

When Kaizan repeated, Ileus ran his hand over his mouth. "Bollocks!"


Music recommendation: "If the World Was Ending" by JP Saxe

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