Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 617 - An Easy Target

Tasha snapped her face to look at him. "Kaizan and Olivia are going to the Whiteclaw pack?"

Luke chuckled. "Yes," he said and picked up her hand. "I got the information that there would be her wedding celebrations in a few days. All I have to do is send Lucas over there. He wants to take his revenge from Kaizan. Since he is already the son of a nobility there, he will get an easy entry in the festivities. After that, things will take shape themselves. It is a different thing that I will send a few rogues with him. Once they breach the celebrations, they are going to take down the General. And I am not bothered if Lucas is sacrificed in this game." He looked smugly at her.

Tasha raised her eyebrow. The man was cunning. "Aren't you one sneaky bastard?" She said as she looked at him with a gleam in her eyes. "No wonder Murtagh has made you the rebel leader!" Disbelief surged through her body when she heard Luke's plan. He was really going to strike Kaizan. Things just got exciting. "But there's a problem," she said with a sigh, as he pressed a kiss on her palm.

"What problem?" he asked.

"Kaizan has asked me to get Lucas back to the capital, else he won't allow me to enter," she said with anger mixed with fear.

"Then don't go to Silver Vales for another few days. Since you haven't found Lucas, you can't enter. Your absence will go unnoticed because you are chasing Lucas. How would you know that he infiltrated wedding festivities?" Luke said as he lowered himself on her breast.

"I don't understand," she said, watching him.

"Stay with me till the plan is fulfilled. Don't go around hunting for Lucas. When he goes to the Whiteclaw pack with my rogues, he will either be killed by Kaizan. And if he escapes, my people will kill him," he replied with a smile. "Isn't that simple? All you have to do is wait and watch."

Tasha's eyes flew wide open. "Oh. My. God!" she rasped. "I think I like you!"

He grazed his fangs on her breasts and snarled. "I think you love me."

She broke into laughter as he sucked her. "I think I am going to stay here then."

"I think you will fully enjoy your stay then."

Luke was a brilliant boy who was going to take over the reins from his father as the beta of the Whiteclaw pack. Young, full of energy and unparalleled intelligence, he was his parents' pride. He fought for the pack alongside Murtagh and was highly inspired by his ideologies of freedom. Slowly, he found himself trapped by his poisonous words wrapped in silk. Luke was proud to fight alongside his father against the king's army when Murtagh was captured. He was proud to have carried the purpose of the battle further.

However, a few years back, when Kaizan had defeated them in one of the worst bloody battles, Luke was left to die by the enemy over a pile of dead bodies. Murtagh's men found him and healed him back to strength. In the meanwhile, they spread the rumor in the pack that Luke was dead. Because of the rumor, Vaarin went crazy and he went on a carnage in the next battle, which they won from the king's army. Too much bloodshed, too many lives had fallen. This forced the king and queen to release Murtagh, but they rejected the demand of the rebels. Adrianna had to intervene, saying that if the rebels didn't stop with their demands, she would wipe out the entire Whiteclaw pack. And that had put Vaarin into a back gear. He grieved his son's death along with his wife like nothing.

Battle weary and afraid of Adrianna's threats, his soldiers started a revolt that they wanted to take a rest or stop this bloodbath. They said that they won't participate in a family revenge. Over the years, Vaarin continued to lose and finally when things went completely out of control, King Dmitri offered him a peace treaty, and Vaarin—he took it immediately.

For so many years, Luke was the hidden rebel leader who everyone feared. He was deeply indebted to Murtagh for saving him and also agreed to stay clandestine for the sake of the cause. Little did he know that Murtagh had converted him into a robber of the trade path, instead of a freedom fighter he thought he was.

Luke had given up his family, but when he had a chance, he would go to see his parents and sister under the cover of night from a distance. He never once contacted them as directed by Murtagh. When his father signed the peace treaty with Kaizan, the General of Silver Vales army, his shock was over the top. He was so furious that he wanted to kill his father for sabotaging Murtagh's plans, for sabotaging freedom that they had sought for so many years. And when he heard that he had offered Olivia's hand to Kaizan, he knew that only by killing Olivia, he would be successful in getting back the cause on rail.

When Kaizan was taking his bride back to Silver Vales after the marriage, it was his rogues who had attacked them. He had placed a huge bounty of a thousand gold coins on Olivia's head. As luck would have it, Kaizan saved his wife and his unit killed the rogues. After that Kaizan had disappeared from the trade path and his soldiers had also loped in the forest leaving their horses behind.

Luke was extremely frustrated and had thrown a massive search for the whereabouts of the General and his sister, but they weren't found. It was Tasha who brought the news to him that Kaizan had come back to the capital along with Olivia, unharmed. And the man who brought them was the crown prince. Tasha carried Murtagh's message to stay quiet after that. But now things have changed. Luke got the information that Olivia and Kaizan were coming for formal wedding celebrations to the Whiteclaw pack. It was time to attack the General and kill him once and for all. He was sure that after this incident, the queen would release Murtagh out of fear and he would be reinstated to his position.

After yet another session of sex, Luke slumped beside Tasha. He was half sleepy and very hungry. He leaned over her and picked up an apple from the wooden food tray.

Tasha?lying panting next to him. She stared at the ceiling with a broad smile on her face. Luke was so much better than Murtagh. "Do you know that Olivia is Kaizan's mate?"

Luke jerked his head back, as he stopped eating. "What?" he asked with wide eyes.

Tasha laughed, tugging her blanket up. "Yes, your sister found her mate." She remembered how Kaizan used to come to her. On the inside, even as she fucked Murtagh and Luke, she liked Kaizan more. He was what every woman wanted in Silver Vales. And then he got a mate. "If you kill Olivia, Kaizan will not be able to bear the sorrow. He will follow her to the fade." She turned to look at him.. "And my dear, Olivia is an easy target."

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