
Kaizan was dying to be with Olivia. Though Olivia protested, he pinned her thighs apart and then sucked her bud hard, grazing the surrounding skin with his fangs. And instantly tension coiled in Olivia's body. Her protests turned into soft moans.

As he sucked her, he inserted his finger inside her and started pumping. She arched her body and she undulated her hips to give him access to more of herself. "Oh gods!" Her husband was a wild one. He removed his finger only to bring in one more. She rode his fingers hard. He growled against her and as his chest rumbled, she could feel the vibration on her skin. The sensation was too much to bear and she came all around his fingers, groaning his name.

Removed his fingers only to replace them by his wicked mouth. He licked and flicked and cucked her over there and when she came again, he wrapped his throbbing cock in his fist and pumped it. Olivia urged him to come inside her. He lifted himself and she saw his swollen glistening lips with her juices. With one push, he was inside her and once again his chest vibrated with a rumble. She began thrusting inside her with abandon. She had been such a tease that he couldn't resist her. He started pumping her hard until with a bellow to the ceiling, he came and came inside her. Once he was done, he removed himself and slumped beside her, feeling utterly blissful. When he turned to see her lovely face, he found that her roses were crumpled. Petals were scattered on the pillow and some had crushed on her cheeks. He took a deep breath. His mate looked so beautiful.

Not aware that her rose headdress was crushed, Olivia got up from the bed and straightened her dress. She gave him a reproachful look. "Kaizan, you have ruined my dress!" He gave her a heartwarming smile and she melted. Hastily, she placed a kiss on his lips and said, "You have plucked me out of the ceremony. What am I going to tell them now?"

"Tell them I wanted to have sex with you," he replied, not revealing that the flowers on her were crushed.

She gasped. Gods, he was a shameless wolf. "At least straighten your dress and come outside." She turned to leave and he watched her fondly with a silly smile. The wolf was nowhere done. He was going to look for another opportunity to get her beneath him… and soon.

When Olivia came out and joined her cousins, they saw the crushed flowers on her head, her neck and many petals were pasted into crimson marks over her dress. They laughed and giggled and teased her, asking what all she did. Poor Olivia's cheeks turned a thousand shades of red and she hoped that the moon goddess struck the ground and she jump in it. She was so embarrassed that she couldn't life her eyes to face her cousins. And as if this wasn't enough, she saw Kaizan coming out in the courtyard with a silly smile on his lips. To her mortification, his crimson tunic was unbuttoned till the middle of his chest and his breeches were also unbuttoned. His hair was sex-ruffled. Her stomach dipped at the sight.

He came out like this in front of so many people—shirtless and half undressed, showing so much skin. Wouldn't it make it obvious as to what happened in between them to all the eyes over here. Olivia was totally flustered as all her cousins made fresh rounds of teasing her. Now they would all know that she was abducted by her husband to have a grilling sex session. She waited for the panic to set in her, but somehow it never came. She was feeling so good after sex that perhaps the goodness of it seeped to her bones and melted her heart. She bit her lip and looked at her terrifyingly beautiful husband.

Their gazes locked and she wondered if she had again fallen in love with him. Someone came to talk to him, but he replied in a murmur while staring at her. When the man left, Kaizan ambled to his wife. Without speaking a word, he sat down beside her. He caught a strand of her hair and tucked it behind her ear. He leaned in and whispered, "This sex-tousled look suits you."

Amidst all the laughter and more teasing, Olivia shook her head and smacked his arm. "Go away wolf." She bit her bottom lip again.

"Why?" he asked. "I am perfectly comfortable with my wife," he replied as he dragged his thumb beneath her lips and freed her lip.

"Go Kaizan," she pushed him, fearing that her cousins won't be the only ones to drag this teasing session.

"Are you sure?" he asked, as a grin appeared on his face.

The way he asked, made her unsure of her request.? She just lowered her eyelids and shook her head daintily. "No…" how could she ask him to leave when she was surrounded in his fire and masculine smell. All the thoughts muddled up. She wanted to say something, but she wasn't sure how to say or what to say. So, she gave up on it and looked at him coyly. Whatever the people talked around her, faded into the background.

Soon, everything was arranged and the Shaman called them to the statues of the Gods to offer their prayers. He chanted in ancient language. The ceremony was over in an hour. All the while, Olivia's mother didn't come out. Only Vaarin was standing there with a solemn expression on his face. Seeing his mien, no one dared to approach him or ask him questions.

When the ceremony was over, Olivia walked to her father and asked, "How is Mother?"

Vaarin took a deep breath. He was silent throughout the ceremony, brooding over what transpired the previous night. It was too much to bear. To think that one of his close relatives could plot to take his daughter's life, made his heart seize with panic. He cupped her cheeks and lightly brushed his thumb over the skin. "She will come out of it, Olivia. And— and I am so sorry that we didn't see it coming. You hid how she behaved with you in Silver Vales, and I appreciate your call on this situation, but you have to promise me that you will tell me everything from now on. Don't hide. Because if something happens to you…" Vaarin sucked in the air sharply, "I can't— I won't be able to bear the loss of my second child."

"Oh father!" Olivia hugged him tightly as he embraced his daughter in his large arms. Vaarin stroked her hair with his fingers and kissed the top of her head.

Later in the day, the Shaman had asked them to go to the temple of the Gods at the hillside on the outskirts of the town. The ride in the carriage was most interesting. When Olivia sat inside and Kaizan was about to go all wolf on her the moment the carriage started, suddenly the door opened and all her cousins started pouring in. One, two, three… when the carriage was full and they sat squeezing each other or on top of someone, they ordered the carriage man to start. Kaizan growled at all of them for impeding his plans, but none of them were concerned.

At the temple, Olivia saw—

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