I'll Add Points To All Things

Chapter 264 Beating Up People! Adding Points!

Chapter 264 Beating Up People! Adding Points!

Throughout the call, Su Yang didn’t have a chance to utter a single word. The caller was just throwing out expletives and threats one after the other.

He did understand what the calleR was saying but still, Su Yang replied expressionlessly before he hung up the phone. “I’m not interested in buying a villa, thanks.”

‘Hmph, did he really think he was some kind of bigshot, talking to me like that?!’

Su Yang’s face was expressionless but his heart was full of anger. He felt like he had to think of a way to solve this matter!

However, how should he best approach this matter?!

Su Yang felt that there were several methods to approach this. The first would be to approach the developer of Longteng Jiayun, or he could go for the head of security. Handling either of them would win him time or solve the problem once and for all!

However, since there were now people following him around every day, there was no way to investigate and fix it!

Longteng Jiayuan’s people did an impeccable job of following him. They tracked him from afar so he didn’t have proof that they were actually following him. They also stood right in front of his office building without ruining anything, merely standing there while claiming to be waiting for someone. They weren’t even able to identify the caller when Su Yang asked Deeny to trace the threatening phone call that he received because the call was made from a burner phone registered under a fake name.

Longteng Jiayuan kept up with their ‘efforts’ within the boundaries of the law. It was disgusting, like a pair of stinky doggie turds!

In the afternoon, Su Yang received a call. Pool’s milk tea shop had hooligans causing nuisance there. They came and cut the line when others were buying milk tea. Right after buying their cup of milk tea, they’d deliberately drop their cups on the ground so Pool would have to give them a new cup.

They’d then continue doing the same thing while asking Pool to make them a new cup. When Pool refused, they began causing some ruckus around the shop, saying that Pool deliberately dropped their milk tea on the ground.

The method was incomparably rogue yet simple and effective. In just a short time, all the customers were chased away and Pool couldn’t continue doing business.

After Su Yang received the call, he commanded with a serious expression. “Come home first.”

Pool obediently hung up the phone, closed the shop and went home.

However, on the way home, he still encountered harassment from the two ruffians. If he hadn’t run fast enough, they probably would’ve beaten him up. After all, Pool’s original form is a swimming pool. Although he was separated from his original body, his physical fitness was still much better than that of a human.

Although he didn’t have any form of fighting abilities, the two ruffians were just regular people. However, in a fight between ordinary people, it was like a comparison between who was tougher and stronger. In this case, Pool wasn’t afraid to put up a fight.

However, after hearing what Su Yang said, Pool avoided them and ran back home.

After work, Su Yang found that the number of people staring at him had increased again. At its peak, he had eight people following him. The Head of Security of Longteng Jiayuan was using a fueling tactic, attempting to gradually lower Su Yang’s psychological defenses.

In the evening, Su Yang received that threatening phone call again and this time, the tone of the call was even more irritable/ “I’m not fucking joking with you! If I don’t see what I want tomorrow! i’ll let you experience just how cold the bottom of the lake is!”

This time, the person on the other end of the phone did not wait for Su Yang’s answer and immediately hung up the phone after making his threat.

Listen to the phone click after the other party hung up, Su Yang pondered. ‘How cold could the lake water be? Is this a sign or a mere coincidence? ‘Wang Shan and the others were also pushed into the lake. Is Wang Shan’s death related to the head of security or the developer of Longteng Jiayuan?’

Thinking like that, Su Yang decided he couldn’t wait any longer! He had to try to break out so he could go to the head of security for Longteng Jiayuan and solve this matter.

Su Yang changed his clothes and tried to slip out from the neighborhood. However, he realized that both entrances to the neighborhood were watched tightly. He would be seen no matter which entrance he used for an escape.

‘Damn this shit!’

Su Yang felt so powerless for the first time.

As it turned out, trying to mount a counterattack against someone who didn’t play by the rules was quite difficult! Did that mean that people in legitimate businesses deserve to be bullied into a corner by such nefarious forces?

Back in the virtual space, Su Yang was silent.

If he couldn’t crush Longteng’s head of security, perhaps he should try crushing Longteng Jiayuan itself? He called out an interface, intending to chat with Young Master Ying.

The call connected, and Young Master Ying’s voice was heard from the other end of the phone, “Young Master Su, to what do I owe the pleasure of receiving your phone call tonight?”


Su Yang didn’t beat around the bush, but asked tentatively, “Young Master Ying, how much do you know about Longteng Jiayuan?”

As soon as Su Yang said that, the entire atmosphere of the phone call became solemn.

Young Master Ying laughed and used a very obscure remark. “Young Master Su, it isn’t convenient for me to meddle in the affairs of your capital.”

As soon as he said that, Su Yang understood what Young Master Ying meant. It was highly likely that the developer of Longteng Jiayuan had a powerful background in the capital, and Young Master Ying was somehow unwilling to get involved with him.

‘Are things at an impasse? ‘Are you just going to watch the ruffians from Longteng Jiayuan bully you and step on your head while you swallow your pride?!’

Hanging up the phone, Su Yang took out the (Small Bench that Refuses to Eat Melon) and went out to the courtyard, watching the little monster beans and the other monsters play while eating melons and contemplating his next step.

“Gobble, gobble, gobble.” The sound of the melon rind cracking was like a reflection of Su Yang’s state of mind.

A moment later, Su Yang stopped cracking melon seeds and slammed the ones in his hands onto the ground. ‘Since there’s no fucking way to capture the mastermind, I’ll bring the entire team of b*stards down!

‘Since you’re using such dirty tricks! Don’t blame me for using these dirty tricks too!

‘Do you really think you’re the only ones with the guts to fight and not be afraid of trouble?

“Just because a tiger doesn’t bare its fangs, you take it for a sick cat?’

Throwing away the melon, Su Yang sternly spoke to Deeny, “Little Deeny, tell Janet to come over to my place.”

Half a minute later, Janet came to Su Yang wearing a sweatsuit while sweating profusely. It was likely that he had been working out in the gym. Little Hus tagged along and was bouncing around while muttering something.

Su Yang looked at Little Hus. “Little Hus, you go back to the house first.”

Little Hus stopped moving, carefully looked at the serious expression on Su Yang’s face, and then walked away nicely. It knew that Su Yang was serious.

After Little Hus left, Su Yang pulled out a squid and a piece of paper that had a location and face on it from his pocket, handing them to Janet. “Break off one hand from each and every one of the guys that were stalking me.”

“Yes, my lord.” Janet took the squid, turned around, and walked away.

That squid was a special item that Su Yang had obtained in the past. The (Squid That Didn’t Like To Dive]’s ink had a special ability. By touching it on one’s face, one could change their appearance for 18 hours.

At that time, Su Yang used it to disguise Pool when he didn’t have an identity. He did this so he could go out and do other things instead of having to watch the shop himself. He didn’t expect to use it again after such a long time.

After Janet left, Su Yang also left the virtual space, stood by the window, and looking outside to the district. Although it was the suburbs of Shanghai, it was still brightly lit even when viewed from a distance, like a city that never slept.

The street lights twinkled and formed a row, making up the beautiful night scene.

The summer wind blew gently and was a little damp. Together with the wind came faint sounds of screams from a distance, sounding as if Janet had begun his mission.

Although the security guards of Longteng Jiayuan had experience fighting and muscles that had been developed for years, they were facing Janet. He had bronze-level fighting ability and the body of a shark. It was like he was a monster that surpassed human imagination.

Listening to the screams in the distance, Su Yang’s mood relaxed a lot, and his depressed mood that had accumulated over the past two days was temporarily soothed.

So he opened the system to check, wanting to see how the recent progress.

Ten days had passed, and he had completed close to 80% of his golden mission. The mission was to influence 10,000 people, and the numbers were now at 7,721 people. At this rate, he’d probably be able to complete the mission in another 30 days, which was mid-August.

Since the gold mission was almost complete, the silver mission should be accelerated as well. Su Yang looked at the silver mission. From the 10 million he was supposed to spend, 4.65 million had been spent. He spent it for the movie pitch, driving school, house rent, food, and clothing. There was still 5.35 million that needed to be spent.

As for the random points and bronze points... Su Yang saw that 1 bronze point and 3 random points was in stock. There were still 2795 point coins in the system store or the equivalent of 5 random points.

He had unknowingly saved up for 8 random points!

Su Yang felt like he had to use at least 1 point tonight to keep up with how brazen he was feeling tonight!

Since Janet was causing chaos for him on the outside, he could relax at home and focus on adding points!

With that in mind, Su Yang released Little Hus from the virtual space. Adding points was a good idea, but he shouldn’t let it go to waste, so it was better to be safe.

Called out by Su Yang from the virtual space, Little Hus said with a wince, “Su Yang, what are you doing? I didn’t do anything with Janet.”

Su Yang looked confused. ‘Why was this dog pillow talking like he had done something!’

Su Yang kicked it. “Help me take a whiff for items with potential.”

Little Hus yelped, rubbed his bottom, and said, “Why so sudden?

Su Yang replied, “I’m in a good mood today and want to add some points.”

Little Hus asked, “So do you have any special request?”

Su Yang thought about it. Ever since he knew about Little Hus’s special ability, he began adding points with a purpose. There was less randomness like how he had been adding points in the past, along with a sense of surprise when he added points to items that were granted special abilities.

So this time he didn’t hesitate as he said, “No special request. You can sniff out whatever you want. As long as you don’t waste any random points, it’s fine!”

Little Hus looked at Su Yang, nodded its head, and began sniffing around Sixth Liu’s shabby home.

After five minutes, Little Hus brought the pot that Su Yang had stacked on the chair at the door previously.

It made a sound as Little Hus dropped it on the floor. Then, it turned to Su Yang and said, “This is it.”

“This?” Su Yang took a look at the pot. It was an old, broken iron pot. Sixth Liu and Pan Zhaodi obviously didn’t usually cook much so they didn’t brush the pot carefully. Because of this, the bottom and inner part of the pot was rusty and dirty looking.

Little Hus nodded. “That’s it. I thought you said I could pick anything I wanted.”

Su Yang was speechless. ‘You really picked... something like this! ‘But today I’m in the mood! So feel free to order whatever you want! I’ll just add a point to this pot!’

As Su Yang made up his mind, Janet returned home covered in blood.

When he saw Su Yang, he knelt down on one knee. “My lord, from the eight people I caught, seven arms were broken. Only one person ran away.”

Su Yang looked at him carefully. “You’re not hurt, right?”

Janet replied “No, it’s all the enemy’s blood.”

Su Yang said, “Good. Go wash up first.”

“Alright.” Janet went back to the virtual dimension.

Little Hus looked at Janet, then at Su Yang. After that, a flattering smile appeared on its face.

Su Yang waved his hand, and Little Hus immediately bounced eagerly into the virtual space, presumably to find Janet.

After they returned to the virtual space, Su Yang laughed lightly and said to himself, “You like playing dirty tricks? I’d like to see what’s your next move! I’ll break as many hands as the people you send over!”

Saying that, Su Yang turned on the system, ready to add a point to that pot!

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