I'll Add Points To All Things

Chapter 328 The Role of Various Vouchers and Night Visits to Qu Xiaomeng’s Home.

Chapter 328 The Role of Various Vouchers and Night Visits to Qu Xiaomeng’s Home.

‘Hmm... It really isn’t that simple.’

But Su Yang did think about it a bit. ‘If I can add points to a build now, would it be possible for me to add a point to a street, a district, a city, a province, or even a country in the future?

‘What happens then?

‘So, at the end of the day, can I add points to the Earth?

‘However... How do I own Earth? That’s the question.’

Su Yang felt that there had to be some hidden mechanism in it.

After checking out the Life Transfer Vouchers and Advanced Life Transfer Vouchers, Su Yang continued reading the descriptions...

The next (Bronze Ability Enhancement Voucher) and (Silver Ability Enhancement Voucher), literally meant that he no longer needed to use Bronze of Silver Points to upgrade his bronze and silver abilities in the future. Instead, he could just use these vouchers for an immediate upgrade.

This was a relief for Su Yang.

Although his new Silver Mission was still far from completion, he was very conflicted. He wanted to extract new Silver Abilities but he also wanted to add points to his two existing abilities because he felt that they were rather useful.

The feeling was probably as over-ambitious as someone trying to figure out whether they should choose Beida or Lanxiang Technical School when they just started elementary school

With these vouchers, his problems would be solved.

‘In the future, I’ll be able to draw Silver Abilities and use these Silver Ability Enhancement Vouchers to add points to them.

However, Su Yang didn’t know much about the probability of random items yet so he hadn’t decided if he was going to get the Bronze Ability Enhancement Voucher.

The Silver Ability Blessing Voucher was yet another wonderful thing.

Every time a Silver Ability was drawn, the coupon would increase the possibility of getting higher-leveled abilities. However, he didn’t know to what extent the voucher increased the level.

These were merely brief introductions.

There were other Random Vouchers in the system but since they weren’t listed, Su Yang didn’t exactly know their exact functions.

However, the system was definitely more user-friendly now. He could click any page and get the description for the items he wanted. However, there weren’t any listed right now and there seemed to be no away for him to look it up so Su Yang didn’t know exactly how many vouchers were available.

However, the Intermediate Store upgrade was worth it.

After taking a look at the system store, Su Yang began looking into the achievement system to see what it was all about.

However, as soon as he called up the system, he heard a phone ringing in the room.

‘Huh? Who’d call at this hour?’

Su Yang looked at the time and it was already 11:30 p.m.

He didn’t pick it up as it might be spam. Since he turned Little Deeny into a little monster, he hadn’t been receiving any spam calls.

Little Deeny was his cellphone and was much more useful than Siri or the Do Not Disturb mode. When a call came in, she would connect to the large database available to see if it was a spam call. If it was indeed spam, she would hang up directly. If it wasn’t, she’d check if Su Yang was busy and if he had time. If he did, only then would she transfer the call to him.

If Su Yang was asleep, she would determine how important the call was before she decided if she was going to wake him up.

She was incredibly intelligent. After all, she was a little monster.

Calling up the interface, Su Yang saw that it was Qu Xuan who was calling him.

‘Qu Xuan? Why is he calling me at night?’

Su Yang picked it up, and Qu Xuan’s voice revealed a hint of exhaustion. It was as if he had just finished fighting,

He asked Su Yang, “Chairman, are you at home now?”

Su Yang replied, “Yes. What’s going on?” Qu Xuan said, “Can you go to my sister’s house? I’m a little worried about her.” Su Yang asked, “What’s wrong with her?”

Qu Xuan sighed and replied, “Actually, it’s nothing serious. We were supposed to go out together tonight but I had a last-minute thing to do so I canceled the appointment and made her wait all night. When I got back, she got mad at me and ignored me.

“I called her again, but she never answered. I pretended to call her about something and asked my mom to call, but she didn’t pick up either.

“Before we fought and hung up the phone, she seemed to be sick and was coughing. I’m a little worried, so I thought I’d ask you to go see if she’s home for me. Just a quick look. I’d be relieved to know she’s home.”

Su Yang couldn’t help but be touched by the depth of brotherly love between Qu Xuan and Qu Xiaomeng. ‘Where do I find myself a brother like this?’

Su Yang asked, “Then why did you break your promise?”

There was no embarrassment in Qu Xuan’s words, “It’s just that there is a beautiful girl who asked me to go to Hangzhou to play for three days and two nights. You know, this kind of opportunity is too rare to let go.”

Su Yang was speechless.

‘Well, it’s what I expect from Qu Xuan.

Su Yang briefly mentioned, “500.”

Qu Xuan replied immediately, “Deal.”

Qu Xuan hung up the phone, and Su Yang was delighted.

He had earned 500. Well, it was 500 less from the ten million he had to achieve.

After receiving the money transferred to him by Qu Xuan, Su Yang put the system aside for the time being. After all, he had a long night ahead of him and had the Three Days Without Sleep Halo on his side so he’d only need four hours of sleep. This would give him a lot of time to study the system. After leaving the virtual space, Su Yang opened the door and went to Qu Xiaomeng’s house based on his memory.

Soon, he arrived, went up to her floor, and after making sure it was her room, he knocked on her door.

There was no response.

Su Yang knocked again, but again, there was no response. Su Yang looked at the silent corridor and called out softly, “Teacher Qu? Are you there, Miss


“There’s no answer.

‘Uhh. Isn’t she home?

“Then where did Qu Xiaomeng go?’

Su Yang hesitated for a moment. He felt that he couldn’t finish up like this since he took payment of 500 yuan. After thinking about it, he brought Little Deeny and the Shape-Shifting Vellum from the virtual space.

He folded it in his palm and imagined the shape of a key.

Then, he picked up the paper key and put it on the lock, causing the front end of the paper key to begin twisting. Soon, it changed into the shape of a c-grade key.

Su Yang put it into the security door, twisted to the right, and the door opened.

After opening the door, Su Yang cautiously entered the room.

The room was dark, with no lights on.

‘That’s normal. At this time of the day, they’re probably all asleep, who would turn on the lights?”

Su Yang cautiously closed the door, walked into the room and called out softly, “Miss. Qu? Miss Qu?”

No answer.

Su Yang looked into the living room by the moonlight, but there was no one on the sofa.

Su Yang went to the bedroom, knocked on the door, and then pushed it open.


‘Going into a girl’s room late at night... What is that if not a pervert?’

If Qu Xiaomeng was really in the room, he’d deserve it if she called the cops on him.

However, after pushing the door open, Qu Xiaomeng wasn’t in the room either.

When Su Yang looked at the bedroom, there was no light, and the curtains were drawn, making it a little dark and hard to see clearly.

However, the quilt on the bed seemed rather messy like someone had just been sleeping on it.

Su Yang, who never liked to make his bed didn’t know if she had forgotten to make her bed of if she had just been sleeping here.

He walked over to the bed and touched it, but it was cold. ‘It seems that Qu Xiaomeng isn’t at home. ‘If she isn’t at home so late at night, where did she go?’

A bit puzzled, Su Yang left the room. Then, he went to the kitchen and bathroom to take a look as he thought. ‘Since we’re here, let’s check thoroughly. I shouldn’t miss anything.’

The kitchen was empty.

Su Yang almost shrieked in fear when he pushed the bathroom door open.

Qu Xiaomeng was in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet with her legs bare and her head tilted as if she was asleep. Her shorts had fallen down her legs and her two white legs were up in the air with her knees touching.

That scene really gave Su Yang a big fright.

After calming down, Su Yang felt embarrassed. ‘In this situation, should I wake her up or not?

‘This is too embarrassing, right?

‘Shouldn’t I be leaving?

‘Do I just let her sit on the toilet overnight?

“This is so inhumane!’

Su Yang’s mind was at war with his conscience,

He watched Qu Xiaomeng for a good five minutes before he finally made a decision!

‘I can’t be so inhumane!

‘I can’t just let her sit on the toilet all night. She’ll fall sick! I’ve got to help her!

Su Yang thought about how he was going to get away. He’d bring out some soup of forgetfulness from the virtual space and woke her up. Then, he’d send her to bed and give her the soup before he sneaked away.

Just as Su Yang thought of the idea, Qu Xiaomeng who was sitting on the toilet with her head lowered suddenly lifted her head.

She squinted her eyes and shook her head, then stood up, used a piece of tissue and wiped herself in front of Su Yang. Then, she lifted her shorts and walked out in a daze.

At the sound of the smart toilet’s automatic pumping, Qu Xiaomeng left the bathroom, went all the way to the bedroom, closed the door, and fell asleep.

Su Yang was speechless. He was treated like he was transparent the whole time. ‘Sigh...’

He felt his palms sweating as his face flushed red.

Quietly opening the door, he left her room.

After he left, Su Yang breathed a sigh of relief! He felt like he was going crazy. ‘What did I just experience?! It’s totally indescribable!

He ran downstairs immediately.

The night breeze in July in Shanghai was no longer cool. Instead, it felt hot and muggy, and that made Su Yang even more restless.

He sent a message to Qu Xuan. (Hmm. Your sister is at home. Don’t worry.]

Qu Xuan replied promptly. (Thank you.]

Su Yang was speechless.

Why did he want to say thank you to Qu Xuan instead? ‘Ahem.’

Su Yang felt that the events were rather strange.

“Sigh...” Su Yang sighed, feeling even more confused.

He felt that only adding points and the new system could save him now!

He wanted to see what that achievement system was all about! I want to add points! Add points like never before!

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