I'll Add Points To All Things

Chapter 383 A Strange Morning…

Chapter 383 A Strange Morning...

“That’s right. That cover doesn’t sound that nice.”

If these fans were only trying to console Xiao Lou, the topic had escalated very quickly and it then became more offensive. This was because someone had taken screenshots of the comments and posted it on the comments section of NetEase Cloud Music.

“Xiao Lou must’ve definitely been agitated by those f*cking idiots! Otherwise, he would never have said such a thing!”

“That’s right! They’re the culprits! Let’s report them at the bottom of the video!”

“The cover is absolutely terrible, there’s no way anyone would actually like it!”

“Let’s all report it! Let’s make sure that f*cker doesn’t post another video ever again!”

“Please calm down, Xiao Lou!”

Whilst they were consoling and showing Xiao Lou their support, Su Yang’s fans arrived and saw the comments left by Xiao Lou’s fans.

They were instantly angered and left messages.

“The original singer sang it better? Would you like me to lend you a pair of ears? I’m sure you weren’t able to realize how good this cover is since you’re deaf.”

“That’s right, you original singer can’t sing for s*it.”

“You brain dead fans are really out of this world. Can’t you admit that your idol doesn’t sing well?”

There was no way Xiao Lou’s fans would admit defeat when they were being badly harassed, they immediately commenced their retaliation.

Thus, as they continued to exchange blows, Xiao Lou’s Weibo became more and more like a battlefield as the number of users who joined in the heated discussion after listening to the music increased.

‘This topic is actually becoming more and more popular because of the arguments involved.’

Xiao Lou did not know whether to laugh or cry when he saw this because he was purely just a musician. ‘I’ve actually written this song for half a year, but it has never gained any popularity. ‘I have always thought that the song wasn’t catchy enough.

‘Who knew it could actually become popular because someone sang a cover of it.

‘I guess it’s not uncommon for cover singers to outbeat the original singer, but that’s not the problem here.

‘The problem is that it’s really rare for the cover singer’s fans to come all the way to Weibo to argue with the original singer’s fans. ‘In the past, I would only gain about 100 comments whenever I posted on Weibo. Now, within 2 hours, I’ve actually gotten close to 5,000 comments already. I’ve never become so popular before.

‘I feel like... I’m being pulled up to fame because of the cover singer, should I be thanking him for it?

‘However, I’m still purely just a musician who prefers music over fame.’

Therefore, after thinking about it, Xiao Lou reposted his previous post Weibo and explained again, “Stop arguing, I’ve seen that video. Compared to him, my singing indeed pales in comparison.” Xiao Lou’s fans were speechless, as were Su Yang’s fans. The onlookers who were watching the show that ensued continued to much on their melons.

The war that had begun unexpectedly ended abruptly with a peculiar reason.

For a moment, no one knew whether they should continue arguing or not.

After all, it was the first time that an original singer had directly admitted that they were not as good as a cover singer.

Therefore, Xiao Lou’s Weibo instantly fell silent.

However, when he calmed down, another round of commotion stirred in Weibo.

“The original singer admits that the cover singer sang better than him.”

“The godlike cover on TikTok causes the original singer to admit defeat.” “The godlike cover takes the Internet by a storm.”

“This Lifetime’s Scenery About You”

“Xiao Lou admits that he’s a piece of trash.”

A bunch of topics popped up one after another and all of it had climbed onto Weibo’s hottest search list, attracting more and more attention...

On TikTok, Su Yang’s legendary video continued to be played. Initially, the director of the review team thought that putting Su Yang’s video on the 10 million users traffic pool would be sufficient. However, he did not expect that Su Yang’s video would still be reposted, liked, and commented non-stop on even though it was in the 10 million users traffic pool. Furthermore, it was far more popular than other videos.

The astounding numbers from the video caused TikTok’s managers from the operations department to be called back for a meeting at 11 pm.

Operations department, the section in a company that places content on the highest priority. Those people knew the lethality of videos of this level. This was an opportunity for them to further gather more internet users and promote their brand. TikTok.

In the past, they had relied on various videos that had gone viral all over the internet to reap revenue over and over again and had been relying on this method to grow, just like how viruses spread.

Therefore, they already had a whole set of standard procedures to accommodate these kinds of super viral videos. However, this time... it was a little more special.

Very soon, after TikTok’s operations department had done a thorough study, it was decided that they would create a hype for the topic all over the internet including Weibo, ZhiHu and Baidu. Essentially, the topic would be mentioned wherever users were.

After some discussion with the review team, they decided to use Su Yang’s video to test the waters.

Interest tags were the biggest barriers for TikTok’s traffic pool.

Tik Tok used a series of algorithms to label all their users with interest labels. Hence, users were only able to see videos that matched the genres they were labelled with.

This was to prevent users from receiving content that they were not interested in and ultimately causing a drop in their number of users.

Generally speaking, unless there were special circumstances, the operations department would not recommend anything that was not of interest to the users.

However, it was different this time. Based on the operations department’s observation, they all agreed that this video had the potential to break through the barrier.

This was similar to how some people did not like comedy, but would still laugh and like the video when they saw a comedy masterpiece. Similarly, the best videos of different fields could make everyone helplessly like them.

Therefore, after both departments were done discussing, Su Yang’s video was sent to users who were not interested in listening to others singing. Of course, the content they liked had something to do with music anyhow since it was still a test.

At that moment, Su Yang was completely unaware of everything.

After he finished singing, he fell into a deep sleep after being massaged by the monsters. He had no idea that while he had been singing the whole night, his video had already spread like wildfire.

After he fell asleep, Little Deeny’s clones returned to their normal processing work and suddenly realized... ‘Su Yang’s become very popular!

Previously, Little Deeny’s seven clones were all watching Su Yang’s concert while the remaining one was researching artificial intelligence, not knowing that she had just missed an online feast.

After reading the comments on the website, Little Deeny wanted to wake Su Yang up immediately so that he could be aware about it.

However, when she thought about how tired Su Yang was, she felt, ‘I should let him rest. After all, nothing is more important than his health.’

After thinking about it, she used the data to analyze Su Yang’s video. ‘Alright, most of the reviews are positive. In that case... it’s fine to just let it be.’

Hence, Su Yang, the person who sang the song and posted the video, missed the very moment when his video became popular while he was deeply asleep. However, while he was sleeping, the system notified him, (Achievement Mission Accomplished.]. Su Yang gently groaned and rolled around before returning to his sleep.

The next morning, Su Yang woke up feeling refreshed. He went to the toilet to wash up before heading downstairs.

A few Little Monster Beans passed by his feet happily. Su Yang took a glance at them and wondered why they were so excited.

The sound of Su Yang’s performance from last night echoed in the villa. ‘This sounds really nice. It’s such a pleasure to listen to such enjoyable music in the morning.’

Su Yang walked over to the dining table slowly. The moment he sat down, Guru came over and started dancing.

‘It’s quite a nice dance, its choreography and posture is just... hilarious. ‘Also, I’ve never seen a dance like that before, it looks like it might be from the 80s’ in Europe.

Gru jumped for a while, then it spun around 360 degrees and stretched its hands towards the kitchen.

Su Yang followed its movements and looked at the kitchen. At the entrance of the kitchen, the Little Monster Beans that were jumping around earlier were being guided by No. 17 as they brought out breakfast.

They called out constantly as their short legs carried the plates and walked over.

Gru reached out and took the plates from them. It placed them in front of Su Yang before opening up the lid.

There was milk, soy milk and... tofu pudding on the plate.

Su Yang was speechless. ‘What’s going on? There’s not even a little bit of main course on here.’

Gulu knocked its head and snapped his fingers. “GRU GRU!”

A few more Little Monster Beans carried a tray of buns as they jumped around happily under No. 18’s command.

Very soon, a sumptuous breakfast was placed in front of Su Yang. He ate one bun at a time as he looked at Gru and the Little Monster Beans. ‘Something’s wrong.

‘Is it possible... my concert yesterday had the ability to make others kind towards me?

“That shouldn’t be possible, should it?

“Then why are No. 17 and No. 18 being the leaders?

‘Didn’t they hate and fear me?’

Su Yang glanced at the two Little Monster Beans and they grinned at him.

Su Yang was shocked.

‘Can you not! How am I supposed to prank you if you’re being so nice to me?’

After dinner, Su Yang asked them to clean up the dining table before heading out to the office.

Su Yang packed up and walked out of the neighborhood. On the way, he heard a familiar voice.

“The bigger this city is, the more flustered I feel. How I yearn for it, and how long it is...”

‘Hmm? This singing seems to sound really nice. It’s magnetic and filled with vicissitudes, plus it’s directly pulling on my heartstrings.

‘It seems to be around my skill level.

‘Hang on... Isn’t this my singing?

‘Why is a shop on the streets playing the song I posted on TikTok?

“The store owner must be an avid TikTok user. How else could he be playing my song this morning when I’ve just uploaded it 6pm last night? That’s just too fast!


‘However, it does feel nice to be acknowledged.’

Su Yang walked into the shop and realized that it was a tobacco shop.

When the store owner saw Su Yang walking in, he greeted her warmly, “Hello, what sort of cigarettes would you like?”

Su Yang looked around the store. This seems like a newly opened store, I don’t remember seeing this before I left for the Capital.

‘I’m sure the store owner is quite capable since he’s managed to open up shop within half a month.’

Su Yang asked, “What do you have?”

The store owner introduced, “There are 95 Supreme, Zhong Hua, Tai Shan, Shuang Xi. Whatever you want, we have it here.”

After saying that, he paused for a while before continuing. “Young man, what kind of cigarettes are you looking for?” Su Yang did not reply. Instead, he asked, “By the way, the song you’re playing sounds really good.”

When the shop owner heard that, his face beamed with joy. “Ain’t that right! It’s the legendary cover song on TikTok! It’s hugely popular at the moment!” Su Yang was stunned. “The song’s popular? I’m popular? Why don’t I know about this... Why hasn’t anyone told me about it?’

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