I'll Add Points To All Things

Chapter 540: Gru’s New Ability: Shepherd

Chapter 540: Gru’s New Ability: Shepherd

Of course, when he opened the interface, Su Yang did not forget to control his avatar to hug Gru to prevent it from rushing at him again.

After opening Gru’s interface, Su Yang clicked on Gru’s new ability.

The introduction of the new ability popped up.

[Special Ability: Shepherd]

Ability: This living being will have the ability to control plants. When it sees plants, it is able to urge the plants to give birth to seeds for it to plant them elsewhere. When the seeds land, they will automatically reproduce and reach its “maturity” within a short period of time.

Restriction 1: This ability consumes the living being’s mental strength. When its mental strength falls to a certain level, the ability will not be able to be used.

Restriction 2: Depending on the plant’s age, type, and special abilities, the mental strength consumed is different.

Restriction 3: A plant can be urged to produce seeds multiple times without harming the plant itself.

Note: I will be the shepherd of this empire. I shall spread the empire’s glory across the world...

After reading the introduction of Gru’s ability, Su Yang’s mouth slowly opened. He looked at Gru and then lowered his head to look at the ability panel. Su Yang started to doubt if his eyes were deceiving him.

‘This is literally such a strong ability!’

The reason why Su Yang was surprised was not only because this ability could allow plants to reproduce, obtain seeds and grow rapidly, but also because he noticed a detail, this ability could be effective on other special living beings and special abilities!

‘In [Restriction 2], it mentions [Depending on the plant’s special ability, the mental strength consumed is different]. This means that if I obtained a plant with special abilities, as long as Gru uses its ability, it could directly accelerate the growth of the plant!

‘This is literally god-like!’

At that thought, Su Yang controlled his avatar and kissed it. “Gru! You’re awesome!”

Gru was confused when it was suddenly kissed by the silvery-white “monster”. It raised its head, its big eyes filled with confusion. “Gru?” (O.O)?

Obviously, it did not know why it was first ‘kidnapped’ by that monster, followed by being kissed by it.

At that moment, the resentment Su Yang had towards Gru’s third point had completely disappeared. Just half a month ago, when Su Yang returned from Hawaii, he was a little bored. Then, he remembered that all the other monsters had +4, but Gru did not even have +3, so he added a point on a whim.

In the end... Gru gained the ability, [Body Shrinking]. At that time, Su Yang only wanted to cough up blood!

Even though Gru’s body was smaller and cuter, Su Yang did not want to waste his [Random Point]!

However, Su Yang did not have a [Point Wash Voucher] at the time, so he pretended as if nothing happened.

This time, Su Yang’s resentment towards the system had completely disappeared after receiving 2 abilities from 1 single point!

But when he thought of Gru’s new talent... Su Yang felt a little pain-stricken.

‘When this talent is used properly, it will definitely be very awesome. For example... I could use Gru as a bomb and throw it directly in front of the enemy. Then, all the enemies will be unable to move instantly.

‘But this bomb is a double-edged sword.

‘In the future, I would not even dare to go near Gru... And it’s not just me, even the other little monsters wouldn’t be able to go near it as well.

‘Let me see... Other than Qing Zhu, the Little Monster Beans and Sanque, which could barely be considered as plants, the other monsters are classified as animals...

‘Poor Gru...

‘It might have to be all alone in the future.’

With that thought in mind, Su Yang approached Gru and stopped 10m away from it. As for how Su Yang was able to control his distance, all he needed to do was stop when he felt his body slowing down.

Then, Su Yang began to patiently explain Gru’s talent and ability.

Gru, who had just gone from simple intelligence to intermediate intelligence, did not have a clear understanding of its talent and ability.

However, its brain was developed, and the speed at which it absorbed knowledge increased exponentially. Su Yang only explained it once and it understood everything.

Gru covered its face and started crying.

Su Yang comforted it softly and even controlled his avatar to stroke its head.

However, he was still unable to control his avatar and his body at the same time. Therefore, when the avatar touched it, his main body was doing the same thing as well and it looked very strange...

After comforting Gru for a while, Su Yang’s avatar put Gru down and returned to Su Yang’s side. Su Yang and Gru then returned to the castle 1 after another.

After returning to the castle, Su Yang asked Little Deeny to call out all the little monsters. He wanted them to come into close contact with Gru so that he could see who was affected and who was not.

After testing all the monsters in the villa, he realized that... other than the Little Monster Bean, all the other monsters were affected, including Qing Zhu.

Su Yang and Little Deeny did some research. They suspected that Qing Zhu was already a human due to her [Advance Life Evolution] and no longer had her original attribute with her, which was a plant, so she could not be exempted.

This was similar to Little Deeny. Although Little Deeny could not go outside, she was no different from a humanoid monster in the virtual space. Su Yang remembered that the blood detector, [Hemocytometer] had been used on both Pool and herself, proving that they were the same as humans.

However, the Little Monster Beans were not affected by Gru’s talent, which meant that the plant-type “low-level monsters” should be exempted. In that case, Sanque should be able to get close to Gru.

After all, Sanque only had an [Immortal Mode] that could disguise himself as a human, and nota an [Advance Life Evolution].

As for Gru’s arrangement, Su Yang had already planned it. When he opened Gru’s new ability panel, Su Yang hoped that Gru’s ability could help him. Now, that would seem to be the case.

Su Yang would soon be able to own a large island. Gru’s ability could quickly help Su Yang plant plants on the island, turning the barren island into an island with beautiful scenery.

Hence, temporarily, Su Yang decided to let Gru plant trees for him in the virtual space...

In order to arouse Gru’s enthusiasm, Su Yang even gave Gru the nickname “Little Tree Planting Master”.

After giving it its new title, Su Yang brought Gru to the front yard, where the system had initially gifted him with a tree.

This tree has been around ever since the villa gained its courtyard. At first, Gru and Dagger Girl would climb up and down from time to time to play with it. However, after Su Yang added a point for Fei Fei and turned it into a mutated rabbit that looked like a bear, the tree had been occupied by Fei Fei ever since.

Fei Fei would hit it every other day when he had nothing to do. According to Fei Fei’s owner, Little Deeny, It was... Exercising.

Su Yang was not sure if Fei Fei was actually training his physique, all he knew was that the tree was about to die from Fei Fei’s training, it was already bent!

Using Gru’s ability now should be a relief for it...

When Su Yang and the monsters were 10 m away, Gru closed its eyes and used its power while Su Yang was munching on melon seeds.

It opened its wooden mouth and chanted an obscure incantation that could not be heard at all. Then, green bubbles slowly emerged from its body.

The green bubbles increased and they flew higher and higher, forming a barrier above the courtyard.

Su Yang and the little monsters who were squatting on the ground looked up at that spectacle and forgot to munch their melon seeds.

Just as Su Yang and the rest were shocked, Gru opened its eyes and the green bubble rushed towards the big tree in the courtyard as if it was alive.

“Pa... Pa... Pa... Pa...” As the bubbles exploded one after another on the tree trunk, the tree was surrounded by a bright green color, as if it had been renewed with vitality.

Then, 1 branch after another was pulled out and leaves began to sprout. The tree seemed to be rebirthed as it began to grow vigorously.

A moment later, a few red flowers were born on the tree. The flowers quickly withered, but in less than 20 seconds, a few seeds fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Gru moved with its little legs that were actually twirls of its own branches as it walked to pick up the seeds. Then, he turned around and waved at Su Yang. “Gru, Gru...”

‘Yeap... I don’t understand what it’s saying at all.

‘However, I’m guessing Gru’s trying to tell me that the seeds can now be planted.’

As expected, after Gru finished speaking, it walked out of the courtyard. Su Yang and a few other monsters followed it. Then, they saw Gru digging a pit beside the [Burning Reincarnation Circus]. Then, it placed the seed inside, buried it in soil and started chanting again.

Moments later, the pit was opened and a green sprout emerged from within.

It was like a curse that was being cast on it. It grew at a visible rate, becoming taller, larger and thicker. In a moment, a small tree that looked to be at least 7 or 8 years old appeared before everyone.

The small tree swayed its branches in the breeze. Its leaves were emerald green and looked very beautiful.

‘This is practically a miracle!

‘I think, if Gru were to transmigrate using this method, it would be easy for it to pretend to be a quack.’

Su Yang and the little monsters approached before the tree and touched it. ‘It’s a real tree and it’s very healthy.’

After experimenting with normal trees, Su Yang could not help but want to try plants with special abilities.

‘Who should I test it on then? The Little Monster Beans?’

Su Yang pondered for a moment. He had been cultivating the Little Monster Beans for quite some time now, so there was no need for him to use it on them temporarily.

‘So, what then?’

Su Yang pondered for a while before his eyes lit up. ‘A pasture! A pasture in the virtual world!’

Su Yang had been eyeing the lawn in the virtual space for a long time. However, his heart ached when he saw the price, so he did not buy it.

‘Since I want to test Gru’s ability now, I might as well buy 1 of it! Maybe Gru will really be able to plant it! If that’s possible, I can save a lot of money!’

With that thought, he opened the virtual space app and pulled up the list of sceneries purchasable.

[Snow Mountain Filled With Snow Monsters]: 3,200 coins. (Owned: 1)

[Magical Mushroom Forest]: 1,200 coins.

[Goldfish Bearing Pond]: 1,800 coins.

[All-Seeing Watchtower]: 6,668 coins

[Multi-Functional Pasture]: 1 coin per 100sqm...

Looking at the other items that were equally tempting, Su Yang suppressed his urge to buy them. Instead, he chose the pasture and clicked [1,000 sqm] before he made his decision to buy it.

er the translation

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