Chapter 223

At this moment, the world in front of Fang Li changed in his eyes.

It was as if the world had suddenly become constructed from haphazardly assembled building blocks, the world became fragmented and dilapidated.

Lines resembling cracks spread all over the corners of the world, disjointing objects unevenly.

In this world, flooding Fang Li’s entire being first was a sense of fear.

This fear of being in a world that could collapse at any moment made standing at the edge of a cliff seem like paradise by comparison.

However, this fear couldn’t reach Fang Li’s mind.

Because Fang Li had no fear of death.

Shortly afterward, a feeling of omnipotence surged through Fang Li’s body.

Because all Fang Li needed to do was gently slice open the crack-like lines before him, and all those objects would disappear in front of him.

But to do that, a weapon was necessary.

“Pā Tà...”

In a sound only audible to Fang Li, the waning Moonlight Dagger appeared in his hand, tightly grasped.

His ice-blue Mystic Eyes then lifted slowly, fixing their gaze upon the burly Beast, who was roaring and directing a powerful punch towards him.

“An undying body?”

This was not something Vlad could dictate.

Of course, it wasn’t something Fang Li could dictate either.

“But rather, something these eyes decide.”

After all, these were Mystic Eyes meant for staring directly into death.

“If these eyes cannot see your death, then you truly possess an undying body.”

Conversely, that would be no different from an ordinary person.

So, was the creature before him undying?

The answer was naturally negative.

“It’s so clear.”


It’s so clear.

Those crack-like lines representing death spread conspicuously all over Vlad’s body.

They were on his Shoulders.

His Thighs.

His Neck.

His Heart.

His Head.

One by one, the Death Lines spread conspicuously all over Vlad’s body.

Though Fang Li had never witnessed the death of a vampire before, he almost instantaneously grasped the concept of his demise.

To Fang Li, who possessed a soul capable of instantly recording witnessed occurrences of death, the vampire before him was by no means possessed an undying body.

So, there was only one fate left for his opponent.

That was...


Fang Li’s figure vanished on the spot as the sharp dagger transformed into a flash of light within Fang Li’s hand in an instant.

At this moment, countless flashes intertwined into a formation of absolute kill, causing flashes to appear before Vlad and sweep forward.

Each flash was like a slash.

Each flash was a deadly blow.

Now, within almost the same second, countless slashes were launched, enveloping Vlad.

“Flashing Scabbard-Illusionary Prison Monk...”

In the next second, countless blade lights and sword shadows fell upon Vlad’s body.

“Pū Chī Pū Chī Pū Chī Pū Chī————!”

Numerous tearing sounds echoed in the area.

“Wū oh oh oh oh oh—!”

The towering Beast let out a painful howl and for that brief moment, it was as if numerous blades sliced through Vlad’s body, causing his entire being to be viciously cut open, accompanied by a spray of blood.

When all the blade lights disappeared, Vlad was left covered in wounds, his body riddled with ghastly injuries, and not an inch of skin was left intact.

At this point, Fang Li seemed to appear out of thin air, his back turned towards Vlad. He slowly floated down and fell onto the ground.

The entire scene fell into an abrupt silence.

Looking at the figures standing back to back— one holding a blood-stained dagger and the other bearing numerous injuries— both Aria and Riko were filled with astonishment.

Soon after, Vlad moved.

As if blown down by the wind, Vlad slowly toppled to the ground and a pool of blood blossomed beneath him.

“This... this...” Aria’s mouth hung open as she struggled to react.

“Vlad... has been defeated?” Riko remained in a state of disbelief.

Seemingly unaware of Aria and Riko’s shock, Fang Li turned around and gazed at the fallen Vlad.

There, Vlad’s body began to shrink, his fangs vanished, and his body hair dissipated. Ultimately, he reverted to his human form, leaving Sayonaki lying in a pool of blood.

“You should be grateful that I’m a Butei now.”

Fang Li glanced at Sayonaki, lying in the pool of blood, and spoke with a faint tone.

“Otherwise, getting rid of your Vampire form wouldn’t have been so simple.”

Thus, Vlad was dead.

The only one present now was Sayonaki.

This was an incredibly remarkable phenomenon.

Keep in mind that although in different forms, Sayonaki and Vlad were ultimately the same person. The act of killing Vlad while sparing Sayonaki was a feat that even Superpower abilities would struggle to explain.

However, this was possible only through the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.

Using the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, Fang Li could kill the viruses within a person’s body without harming the body itself.

Using the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, Ryougi Shiki could kill diseases within a person’s body without causing harm to the body itself.

This was because they targeted the Death Lines rather than individuals, giving the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception a focused power.

As previously mentioned, in theory, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception could kill anything.

However, one must first understand the concept of the object’s ‘Death’.

As long as understanding was achieved, anything living could be killed— whether a god or the world itself.

In other words, the objects that the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception could kill depended mainly on whether the user could comprehend the object’s death.

If understanding was achieved, then anything could be killed.

If understanding was lacking, even an easily killed Ant would remain unharmed.

Naturally, Fang Li had not reached the level of understanding of the death of gods or the world.

However, when it came to beings like Vampires, Fang Li could still succeed.

Therefore, Fang Li only killed Vlad, allowing Sayonaki to live on.

This way, Fang Li wouldn’t violate Butei law, and his currently held title wouldn’t be revoked. He could even successfully complete the Main Quest of apprehending non-human criminals.

“Of course, from now on, the world will no longer have the Vampire known as Vlad. You won’t be able to transform into a Vampire anymore. Just continue to live with the human facade you hold in contempt, forever living in a prison where you’ll never see daylight again.”

Leaving these words, Fang Li vigorously flung the blood drops off the dagger in his hand, letting them scatter on the ground.

This scene, captured in the eyes of Aria and Riko, appeared entirely natural.

At this moment, whether it was Aria or Riko, both experienced a sensation.

That was, the man before them was most compatible with blood.


That was pure nonsense.

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