It is a scientifically proven fact that nuclear energy can generate immense power.

The concept of a nuclear submarine involves a submarine equipped with a nuclear reactor, which can ensure the provision of nearly unlimited, semi-permanent power.

This allows nuclear submarines to operate continuously in strategic contexts.

After all, with unlimited power, not only can instruments and devices operate smoothly, but the power can also be utilized to desalinate seawater, producing an endless supply of fresh water. Moreover, when the freshwater undergoes electrolysis, it generates oxygen, making even oxygen unlimited.

As long as a nuclear submarine is stocked with sufficient food, one can essentially live onboard without worrying about other issues.

“Even so, this is the infamous headquarters of an international criminal organization,” Aria said as she surveyed her surroundings while in the water chamber where incoming ships were received. She loosened her hand from the gun holster, her expression uncertain. “It’s strange that there’s not even half a patrol or guard around.”

“This isn’t strange at all.” Fang Li, also surveyed his surroundings and responded understandingly. “This is a facility specifically designed to nurture Superhumans. Every member here possesses powerful abilities. Why would such individuals engage in patrol or guard duty?”

“I suppose you’re right,” Aria nodded in agreement. “So, does that mean this nuclear submarine operates and navigates automatically?”

“At the very least, I don’t think I-U would be recruiting dedicated pilots and staff for such tasks,” Fang Li pondered while stroking his chin. “However, there might be plenty of skilled technical personnel on board. After all, if anything goes wrong here, it could become problematic.”

“Anyway, we’ve successfully infiltrated here,” Aria’s mood seemed to be somewhat buoyant as she continued, “Once we defeat I-U and apprehend all its members, my mother’s crimes can finally be cleared.”

However, achieving this goal would be the most challenging part.

Even though they had successfully infiltrated the enemy’s stronghold, they were still in the heart of the world’s most powerful criminal organization.

In this place, countless Superhumans like Riko had gathered, and there might even be entities as inhuman as Vlad. Given Fang Li and Aria’s abilities, taking down the entire I-U would undoubtedly be an immensely difficult task.

However, Butei often faced such dangerous missions that required raiding the strongholds of criminals.

Thus, Fang Li and Aria were well aware of the actions they needed to take in this situation.

“There’s an old saying in the East: ‘Capture the ringleader first.’” Fang Li remarked. “We need to initiate covert operations, locate the leader of I-U, and then take him down when he is moving around alone. By apprehending the leader, the remaining members would likely surrender obediently.”

This was the most fundamental tactic.

However, it was also the most practical tactic in the current situation.

“But who is the leader of I-U?” Aria naturally posed this logical question. “According to the information Riko provided, she mentioned almost all the members of I-U, except for the true identity of the leader.”

Indeed, this was the fundamental issue of this raid.

Fang Li and Aria had no idea who the leader of I-U really was.

“There’s no way Riko doesn’t know who the leader of I-U is, right?” Aria’s expression became somewhat serious as she continued, “But she didn’t include that information in the intel she gave us. It feels like she’s covering something up, but at the same time, not really.”

Fang Li was similarly uncertain about this matter.

Logically, since Riko had revealed so much information about I-U, there shouldn’t be any reason to hide more.

However, when it came to mentioning the leader of I-U, Riko had only used one sentence.

— ‘Veiller’.

Interpreted in French, that meant ‘Be careful.’

At this point, it was clear that Riko must be well aware of how dangerous infiltrating I-U was as there were numerous risks involved in such an operation.

Yet, in this context, Riko still warned Fang Li to be careful. This made it hard not to pay attention to the leader’s significance.

As Aria had suggested, it didn’t seem like Riko was trying to shield the leader but rather had a different motive for not revealing their true identity to Fang Li and Aria.

Perhaps, knowing the leader’s identity might not be a good thing for Fang Li.

“No...” Fang Li shifted his gaze to the contemplative Aria and whispered softly.

“Maybe it’s for Aria?”

Regardless, pondering such things without a clear direction was currently meaningless.

“In any case, let’s proceed as we initially planned.” Fang Li reaffirmed their strategy.

“This time, we have two objectives.”

“One: Capture the leader of I-U and subdue its members.”

“Two: Rescue the captured hostage, Hotogi Shirayuki.”

For this reason, Fang Li and Aria needed to rescue Shirayuki first. Once she was safe, they would gather their resources and forces and apprehend the leader together.

Fang Li pulled out a map and pointed to a location on it, explaining, “According to Riko’s intel, those who have caught I-U’s attention and have been kidnapped are usually held in confinement here until they succumb to persuasion. Shirayuki must be there.”

“Then let’s hurry over,” Aria pulled two Colt M1911 pistols from her holster and grinned at Fang Li. “You better fulfill your role as a good partner, Fang Li.”

Fang Li simply chuckled in response.


As mentioned earlier, since all members of I-U were Superhumans with powerful abilities, there were no dedicated patrol or guard personnel on this nuclear submarine.

Although I-U was a terrifying syndicate that made major nations wary, it was actually quite loosely organized. Aside from their shared ideology of operating for the sake of skill-sharing, members enjoyed significant freedom of action.

Considering this, Fang Li and Aria followed the map, encountering no obstacles as they made their way to the location of the detention chamber. Along the way, they didn’t encounter a single person.

Upon reaching their destination, Fang Li and Aria saw a room.

They exchanged glances and refrained from barging in directly.

This was because they could hear a conversation taking place inside.

“You’re still unwilling to comply?”

A melodious voice reached Fang Li and Aria’s ears.

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