I'm A Baller

Chapter 239 - Scandal of the New Campus Belle

Chapter 239: Scandal of the New Campus Belle

While He Miaomiao was troubled by the sweetness and Chen Yuhang was delighted by the stench, Big Brother 303 was very hardworking on study.

After finishing the evening self-study, he went to the library to continue.

He didn’t pay attention to the outside world and only focused on reading the sage books.

His sudden hard work wasn’t a whim.

The chaotic night in the capital would, of course, have a huge impact on Wang Yan.

Strictly speaking, craps could not be solved with money, but with language traps, rhythm induction, force suppression, and impromptu performances.

Money was the prerequisite, and wisdom was the core factor.

Both were indispensable.

In terms of money, with the system, there was basically no need to worry about it.

Wisdom was not so easy to obtain.

Experience could not be obtained through study, but knowledge could, right?

Therefore, he had to learn.

However, there was a troublesome matter — the teaching resources of the Star City Normal University were extremely lacking.

Compared to the top universities, Wang Yan could not tell how much of a gap there was.

However, it was obvious that the things taught by the professional teachers could not fool Wang Yan.

According to the system, two knowledge points were given in a single lesson. The lessons were all written in the original text in the teaching materials. There was not a single bit of interpretation .

There were quite a lot of private goods, but they were only rambling on and on about things that were bad or good. The writer was very biased.

In the two major fields of economics and finance, the industry was always ahead of the theoretical world, and it was not just by a little bit.

Real professionals looked down on university lecturers, thinking that they were just talking on paper.

First-rate universities could more or less come up with ideas. Regardless of whether they could follow the trend or not, at least they could lay a solid foundation.

Third-rate universities were basically still holding on to what they had done in the 1990s.

It wasn’t too much to call the management faculty of Star City Normal University a third-rate.

That was why Young Master Wang was feeling very uncomfortable. He wanted to study hard, but he couldn’t even find a good teacher.

There was definitely no point in messing around. How much was the time of a god-like tycoon worth?

Rather than sitting in the classroom in a daze, it would be better to sleep or go home to farm.

Therefore, Wang Yan planned to start self-taught undergraduate courses. It would be best if he could finish his credits in two years and become a graduate student of a famous school.

As of now, it was not a big problem.

Firstly, he had two hours of [ Super reading ] every day, which was extremely efficient.

Secondly, he had the [ Fast reading ] skill, which allowed him to have an outstanding reading ability.

Then, he had 79 points of intelligence, reading, comprehension, memory, logic… every single ability was at the peak of excellence.

Just the [ Super reading ] alone was enough for Wang Yan to graduate with straight A. If he took out an extra four hours to study everyday, it was not an exaggeration to say that he would graduate two years earlier.

With that, it was still time for him to have fun and played around. He just needed to focus on his studies every day. It did not have much of an impact, but he gained a lot.

If he could not finish get his undergraduate studies in THU and PKU, he could at least take his master’s degree over there, right?

When he was strolling around Huaqingyuan, Wang Yan did not have such ambition in school. Instead, he activated his fighting spirit in the capital.

In fact, it was another sublimation of his realm.

At 11 o’clock, he went back to his dorm to sleep with the idiots. At night, they talked until one o’clock and went to sleep separately.

On Tuesday, classes were held as usual. When it was time for self-study, everyone began to discuss the class gathering.

Zhangjiajie was a good place to go. It was a tourist attraction after all.

However, it was difficult for the students to reach to a consensus.

“It’s fun in Zhangjiajie, but if you want to have a good time, you need at least five days. The November holiday is only seven days in total. Many students don’t have that much time.”

“Yes, and Zhangjiajie is especially suitable for small groups of less than 10 people. Large groups simply play by themselves. It doesn’t match the goal of our class.”

“The thing is that the places in the city are even more boring!”

“There are about 20 students in the class are from this city. They are already tired of going to the scenic spots in the city.”

“Moreover, this is the first class gathering. How can we not drink? We have to consider eating, drinking, and then lodging.”

Everyone was talking about it with great enthusiasm, but it was also really noisy.

The other 11 boys tried their best to participate, but they really couldn’t beat the girls. They could only wave the flag and shout “666” twice.

Loulou and Jiaozi suddenly thought of asking Wang Yan’s opinion, so they shouted at the back, “What do you say, rich papa?”

The rich dad quietly put on his headphones and lowered his head to read.

Yes, tomorrow I’ll have a HiFi. I won’t be able to hear it even if they scream their throats out!

Seeing Wang Yan throwing a tantrum and not wanting to care at all, Xu Tianci suddenly became spirited.

“Students, have you heard of Chenzhou’s Mangshan Mountain Hot Spring?”

“Hot Spring?”

“Ah! That place is fine!”

“Yeah, some time ago, the travel videos were popular for a while.”

“I know. Is it that endless swimming pool in the mountains?”

“Yes, yes, yes! It’s super beautiful!”

“But it’s going to be crowded in the 11th holiday, right? Can we make the reservation in time?”

“I don’t know. I heard that the hotel is a five-star hotel. I’m afraid it will be very expensive, right?”

Everyone began to whisper among themselves. Many people subconsciously turned around to look for Wang Yan.

Therefore, the rich papa took off his earphones and asked calmly, “If everyone’s opinions can be basically unified, I’ll try to see if I can get enough rooms.”

Only a few people seemed to have some opinions, but they didn’t say it out loud. That meant that almost everyone agreed.

“OK, I’ll go check on it.”

Wang Yan nodded, picked up his phone and walked outside.

He checked the front desk number, dialed the number, and asked directly, “How many presidential suites do you have?”

“Five, sir, may I ask…”

“How many people can each room accommodate?”

“Four, and you can add two child beds.”

“It will probably be on the 5th or 6th. There will be 50 people, five presidential suites, and 15 second-class suites. Can you arrange them?”

“Sir, it is certainly possible to accommodate 50 people, but only three presidential suites can be vacated, and there are only 12 executive suites in total. It may not be able to meet your needs. Why don’t I transfer you to the housekeeping department, and you can talk to the manager directly?”


The manager’s surname was Xie, and she was a woman with a very capable voice. She spoke very clearly about the issues that Wang Yan was concerned about.

The specific process was not detailed. The hotel would definitely not treat the 50 guests who requested for the highest standard lightly.

In the end, it was decided that it would be more difficult to receive the guests on the 5th, while the 6th was more than enough to guarantee a suite for two people.

The presidential suits and the mountain view room were both big enough.

Moreover, the number of tourists on the 6th would not be too many, and the foreign tourists would definitely have to leave early. The local tourists definitely would not join in the fun for the sake of the 11th long holiday. It would be expensive and crowded with tourists, so it would be better for them to just come and play on any weekend.

When he returned to the class and talked to everyone, almost everyone agreed.

“Then let’s go on 6th!”

“Yeah, the 6th will go straight to Chenzhou and stay for a night. We’ll go back to school on the 7th.”


“Thank you, class monitor. five-star hotel, it’s so expensive!”

“We should at least split the expenses, right? Don’t let the class monitor pay for everything himself!”

“Right, right! Let’s make up for the expenses each?”

“Why don’t I take care of everyone’s meals?”, Xu Tianci suddenly suggested.

Squirrel did not want to be left out, so he jumped out to compete for the attention. “Then I’ll take care of the transportation!”

“I think it’s reasonable to pay 500 yuan per person. That’s a five-star hotel. During the 11th period, a single room will cost 1,000 yuan. The suites are even more expensive. Don’t let the class monitor pay too much…”

Jiaozi started to feel sorry for Wang Yan.

When it came to money, it was easy to talk about it endlessly.

Wang Yan saw that the situation was becoming more and more chaotic, so he immediately decided.

“Don’t touch the class fee. How about this, each person will pay 200 yuan. You don’t have to worry about anything else.”

“I’ll pay for the money. As for the rest of you, if you’re willing to contribute, then do it.”

“Squirrel, you’re from Star City. You can be in charge of transportation. Get a bus. We’ll return to school together on the 7th.”

“Tianci, you can contact the hotel or buy things individually. Set up a bonfire party, barbecue, party or whatever.”

“Jiaozi, organize a program in the class.”

“Anyway, you guys are the preparation team. You have to set up the process properly and explain it to everyone clearly.”

It was clear and organized. Everyone was convinced.

Then, Loulou suddenly realized something was wrong. Big Brother, you gave us the specific things, and now you want to watch the show like a boss? !

President Wang silently gave the little secretary a wink.

Yes, you guessed it!

After settling the matter of the party, everyone began to talk about the freshmen party tomorrow.

The party was at the school level, so the class 1 economy class was in a terrible state. They went through a lot of trouble, and in the end, none of the programs were selected.

As a result, everyone was not in high spirits.

No matter how capable you were, you could only watch the show from below.

Like Jade asked Wang Yan mysteriously, “Brother Wang, do you know who the new student representative is?”

“I don’t care.”

Wang Yan shook his head and did not tell the idiots. In fact, they initially wanted him to become the new student representative, so he did not want to.

However, the idiots were unusually excited. It was very different.

“Let me remind you, who is your little one!”, Squirrel chuckled.


He Miaomiao?!

Wang Yan instantly reacted and got the correct answer. However, he still looked confused. “I don’t know anyone in school?”

The idiots scratched their ears and cheeks as they gave him a hint. “We often go to big classes together!”

Wang Yan probed, “Our classmates?”


The few of them were frustrated.

However, they looked at Wang Yan’s expression and eyes, he looked so innocent and confused. They could not confirm if he was truly out of clue or not.

“He Miaomiao!”

“Oh!”, Wang Yan finally came to a realization. Then, he was extremely confused. “What does she have to do with me? We are not familiar with each other.”

Despite the best actor level performance, no one believed it.

“Bullsh*t! Yesterday, when you drove her back, someone took a picture of it and posted it on the forum!”

“That’s right! You didn’t tell us when you bought the car, nor did you tell us when you seduced the goddess. Brother, are you a little too high-spirited now?”

“Last night, when we talked about He Miaomiao in the dorm, you pretended to be unfamiliar with her. If we hadn’t discovered the post today, we would have been fooled by you!”

What the hell?

Young Master Wang was shocked.

When he came back yesterday, the car was parked in the open parking space behind the school building. He got out of the car, took the fruit, and left. In just a short while, he was photographed?

Wang Yan knew that the school had an internal forum, but he had never been to it. Now that he logged in to take a look, he realized that the content was unexpectedly rich beyond imagination.

The top-trending post was a petition post. It was very magical. It actually had something to do with Wang Yan.

“Blood letter petition: When can the school install air-conditioning for us?”

At the end of the reply, there were all kinds of elation.

“Although they didn’t install it for us, they have finally let go of the restrictions on private installation. Thank you, Big Brother from the third floor of building 111!”

“Yes, the two new dormitory buildings have loosen the restriction as well. Students who want to install it, hurry up!”

“Oh my god! What about building 108?”

“Crying together with building 107.”

“Crying together with building 106.”

Crying all the way to the end, the post was silent for a period of time. Last night, it was suddenly pushed up again.

“Latest news, Brother Air Conditioner has won this year’s new campus belle!”


“Go out and turn left. Next door post, I’m already jealous…”

“New students, right? If you stay for another two years, you’ll be reciting scriptures with your seniors: Don’t be jealous don’t be jealous, nothing good if you get jealous. Let it be let it be, Just let it all go.”

He casually opened the post and two large high-definition pictures appeared.

Eh… Déjà vu. It felt like he had opened some strange website..

However, it was not there. One picture was of Wang Yan’s military training, and the other was He Miaomiao’s head-turning photo.

The handsome man and a beautiful woman..

Well, let’s not talk about Young Master Wang who was not even 80 yet. He Miaomiao was really beautiful.

That photo captured the essence of her beauty. Her face was absolutely cute, her eyes were curious and surprised, and her eyes were as clear as a cat’s.

The first semester of the freshmen was the most active period in the lousy forum, so the comments below were all..

“What’s so good about her?”

“Are freshmen super low at quality? How can she be the campus belle just like that?!”

“Another conniving little b*tch .”

“I can smell that scent even through the screen.”

“Tsk tsk, that jawbone must have been fixed, right?”

Wang Yan felt that the something wasn’t quite right, so he thought about it carefully. Oh, that was nothing wrong. With the ratio of males to females in Star City, this was how it should be.

The positive comments of the few male students was drowned in a sea negative comments, trampled to the point where their comments couldn’t even be seen.

When it was Wang Yan’s turn, he became all kinds of infatuated.

“Wow! So handsome!”

“So manly, so manly… little brother, which faculty are you from?”

“My maiden heart… No, no, no, I’m losing myself!”

“There’s a wrong word upstairs. As fellow juniors, I’ve helped you pick it out. You’re welcome.”

Below the two pictures was a short video recording the whole process of Wang Yan getting out of the car and giving He Miaomiao a mango.

The video was obviously taken by the upstairs. The angle wasn’t good, but the flash of the car paint, the figures of the two people, and the action of pulling open the plastic bag and putting the mango inside the bag were all captured.

People who were familiar with them could recognize it at a glance. The man was Wang Yan, and the girl was He Miaomiao.

What was unique about the scenario was that not many people paid attention to the car. There was not even a single person who recognized the 2015 limited edition Panamera.

After confirming that Wang Yan was tall, rich, and handsome, the focus of the comments was on “He Miaomiao is not good enough” and “Wang Yan, don’t be fooled”.

Star City Normal University were just that weird.

To Young Master Wang, there was basically no negative effect from this mess. In any case, his identity of being tall, rich, and handsome would be spread sooner or later. It was expected.

As for He Miaomiao…

Tsk, a big pot fell from the sky…


Moreover, it just so happened that at this crucial moment, she would be going up on stage tomorrow to give a speech as the new student representative. Who knew how much hatred she would attract.

If she knew about the situation on the forum, what would her reaction be?

Wang Yan was quite curious, so he directly sent a message with a link.

“New campus belle, we have a scandal.”

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