I'm A Baller

Chapter 260 - where did this monster come from? [16,200 monthly pass plus update ]

Chapter 260: Chapter 260, where did this monster come from? [16,200 monthly pass plus update ]

During that period of time, Wang Yan’s attention was focused on the system and the capital’s 30,000 young ladies. When he held his graduation party, he did not pay any attention to the matter of the gifts.

What was there to pay attention to?

All in all, it was not enough to last two hours. As long as people came to support the party, it was fine if they did not give it.

Therefore, she did not notice that not only did Yu Qiuli give it, but she also gave it extra.

Of course, the real reason was not as simple as Yu Qiuli said.

Students did not follow the gifts at the registration table at the entrance. Therefore, Yu Qiuli was at the graduation party. After interacting with Wang Yan for a period of time, she suddenly realized that Wang Yan was a little handsome when he cleaned up seriously. Moreover, he was very steady when he talked and handled matters, the good impression began to rise.

Then, Gu Jiayu arrived. When she heard that Datou had given 500 yuan, she thought of it on the spur of the moment and followed the 500 yuan gift holder.

It was a very cost-effective business to burn a cold stove and invest a little money to gain gratitude.

Of course, no matter what she planned in her heart, Wang Yan had to be grateful when the money was actually taken out.

That kind of realistic thinking was not a mistake. Instead, it was a form of recognition. In society, anyone would be grateful.

However, she really did not expect that Wang Yan did not know about it at all because he did not care about it at all.

If she did not mention it today, it would become an unjust case over time.


Wang Yan didn’t remember, but he believed that Yu Qiuli wouldn’t lie about such a matter.

Therefore, he was immediately caught in a dilemma.

How should he explain it?

He said that he didn’t care about that small amount of money, so he didn’t pay attention and didn’t know that you gave him 500 yuan?

Then the act of giving him 200 yuan previously was too much.

He said that he received it and was pleasantly surprised. Thank you for treating him differently?

It had been more than a month, and he didn’t even send Wang Yan a thank-you message. How could that be? !

Oh My God!

No matter what, something wasn’t right!

Ever since he got the system, there wasn’t anything that could make Wang Yan feel awkward. Today, the young master was really a little numb.

Yu Qiuli, you’re amazing!

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Gu Jiashi stood out and bought Wang Yan an important time to think.

“Liu Weilong, you really have the nerve to say that. With the level you arranged, the dishes cost more than 2,000 yuan per table. How much do you want Wang Yan to follow? I just didn’t go. If I Go, I’ll give you 250!”

No matter how Gu Jiashu looked at Liu Weilong, he didn’t like him. Even when he tried to argue, he still had to scold the other party.

As for Liu Weilong, after Yu Qiuli arrived, it was as if his potential was suddenly stimulated. He wasn’t as impatient as he was when he fought one-on-one.

Or was it not called potential? Was it to maintain an image in front of Yu Qiuli, so he played soft knife?

In short, this guy initially displayed the demeanor of the Great Yin competition, slowly breaking the rules.

“Datou, my graduation party’s level is not as high as yours. I admit this, but in front of the class monitor, Wang Yan, and my brothers and sisters, you can’t just stare and lie, right?”

“The dishes are priced at 2,888 yuan per table. I didn’t hide it from everyone.”

“Wine. I matched it with the 1986 gu Jing Ting Fen wine + Yi Yuan manor owner’s Treasured Collection + Yanjing beer. The white wine from our house is still priced at 3,000 yuan per table.”

“The service fee is 15% .”

“The venue fee is 200,000 yuan for a good day in the Great Joy Hall.”

“Excluding the fees for the Emcee’s sound system and camera equipment, the total price of a table is already above 8,888 yuan. is it really letting everyone down?”

“Datou, there are no invoices for the wedding celebration at Gu Jiao. All the prices are calculated separately. This matter is not a day or two.”

“You’re just using the price of the dishes to talk nonsense with me. You really don’t know if you’ve never seen a receipt or if you’re used to it. Do you think that a five-star banquet is like a flowing river in your countryside? Do you think that the price of a single dish is fully covered?”

Liu Weilong was really amazing when he insulted people.

Although Gu Jiayu’s family was richer, in comparison, he was practically at the level of a kindergarten. He was so insulted that he could not say a word.

It was not strange. How could someone who had never really paid the bill know the twists and turns inside?

Gu Jiayu had no choice but to show off his money and connections.

“Hehe, the red wine for my graduation party is also collected by the manor owner of Yi Garden. My father personally asked Aunt Chen for it. A bottle of it costs 2,000 yuan. The price of a single table of wine is more than 10,000 yuan. Are You F * cking using a fake wine?”

“You… HMPH, it doesn’t matter if it’s real or fake. Anyway, I didn’t treat you to a drink, right?”

Liu Weilong almost became anxious again. He was a little embarrassed.

When it came to relationships, the owner of Yi Garden, Mrs. Chen, was a famous person in the mining province. Datou’s father knew her, but Liu Weilong’s father was not enough. He was forcefully suppressed by her.

“The two of you, go and fight somewhere else!”

Yu Qiuli waved her hand impatiently and frowned unhappily.

“I’m trying to settle a small score with Wang Yan Here!”

Hehe, although Yu Qiuli was snobbish, she was really cute and straightforward in certain aspects.

When the two of them clashed, Wang Yan finally managed to catch his breath, so he had the leisure to criticize the big milk cow again.

When she asked, the best actor possessed her. A bitter smile that was as strong as a baby and as sorrowful as Jing Tao naturally landed on Yu Qiuli’s forehead.

“Class monitor, you’re asking because you don’t know how hard my teenage years were…”

“AH? !”

Yu Qiuli was indeed a little confused.

Then, the performance began!

The best actor Wang looked into the distance. His gaze was unfocused and empty.

“Ever since I can remember, every summer break, I have to struggle for the pocket money for the next semester…”

“There’s nothing much to do at home, so I have to go back to my ancestral house in the mountains to feed the chickens and ducks, cut the pig grass, shovel the pig excrement, and pick up the cow excrement. I work from early in the morning to dinner, and I can only rest for a while when the sun is poisoned in the afternoon…”

“Bah! How is that resting? There are so many summer homework waiting for me!”

“How much money can I earn in a day?”

“At most 30 Yuan! At least 10 yuan!”

“And it’s not paid in one go. It can only be paid on a weekly basis after school starts!”

“I’m not lying to you guys. All the way until I graduated from Junior High School, I thought my family was really poor. If My parents didn’t go out to do odd jobs, they wouldn’t be able to open the pot!”

Wasn’t this too miserable? !

Wang Yan’s solemn appearance was really too deceptive. Yu Qiuli couldn’t help but cast a sympathetic look at him.

Liu Weilong did not believe it. He frowned and asked, “Did you really do so much farm work when you were young?”

“Believe it or not.”

Wang Yan retorted coldly. Then, he immediately swore to Yu Qiuli, “Class monitor, I really did not lie to you. Do you remember that in the first year of high school, Qiu You, a group of young masters could not even light a fire. I went up and did it all right?”

Yes, it was true. He had worked for his grandmother since he was young. Other than not working in the fields, he had basically done all the work in the rural village.

Yu Qiuli had a good memory and immediately believed him.

“Yes, you built the stove and lit the fire. You put the pot very steadily!”

“Yes, I practiced it when I was young!”

Best actor Wang nodded gratefully, as if he had finally found a confidant.

“After high school, I suddenly realized that my family isn’t that poor. The house that is waiting to be demolished was bought and invested back then…”

Gu Jiushu widened his eyes. “F * ck, Wang ‘er, your family wasn’t from that place?”


Everyone came to a sudden realization.

Yu Qiuli was deeply immersed in the story and asked leisurely, “Then when did you discover your identity as a young master?”

“One month after the college entrance exam, around the time of the bus ticket exam.”

Best actor Wang frowned and recalled for a while before giving an answer.

“Previously, my mother gave me 5,000 yuan. She told me not to spend it recklessly and to enroll in a driving school. You helped me save quite a bit, but I still spent half of it. I didn’t dare to spend the remaining 2,000 yuan recklessly. That’s why I only dared to give 200 yuan to Liu Weilong for the graduation party.”

“And then?”

Yu Qiuli followed up with a question. Her entire body was filled with curiosity as well as a sense of inexplicable affection. Naturally, she revealed it.

“Then, my nephew asked me to help him with some matters. I worked hard for the whole summer and earned several million yuan.”

Wang Yan’s expression naturally turned into excitement.

“You don’t know. At that time, when I received my first salary, I was completely dumbfounded. I poured a bucket of cold water on my head and started to fantasize as I lay on the chair. How would I spend my money in the future?”

“How did you spend it?”Yu Qiuli’s eyes lit up.

“At that time, I didn’t dare to spend much. After I saved enough money, I went to buy two shops.”

At this point, Wang Yan spread his hands. “Later on, I wanted to give the shops to my parents, but in the end, they gave me the cold shoulder. We have business to do, so why do we need those two small shops?”

What was the most real performance?

It was now!

In the entire narrative, 99% of it was true. The only thing that was confusing was that the salary came from breathing heavily, and a few million was borrowed.

However, Yu Qiuli and the others didn’t know!

They were all dumbfounded when they heard it. They didn’t dare to believe it, but they didn’t find any loopholes.

“So your parents have been supporting you all this time?”Liu Weilong asked.

“Yes, until now, they still don’t give me much money. I have to earn it by myself.”Young master Wang nodded.

“Oh my God! What can you do?”Gu Jiushu expressed his disbelief.

“I can do many things. Do you think I’m like you, pampered and spoiled?”

Young master Wang rolled his eyes. His half-true and half-false anger made everyone believe him even more.

Yu Qiuli couldn’t wait to ask, “If your family doesn’t count, then how much money did you earn after you went to University?”

That’s right!

It was time for a Show!

Wang Yan had long realized that Yu Qiuli was quite obsessed with money, but she wasn’t the kind of scumbag who wanted to swindle boys for money.

In essence, she wanted to find a way to earn money and change her own fate, so she was especially willing to play with the rich second generation.

Otherwise, a Gu Jia Book brand ATM would be enough for her to eat until she was stuffed.

But Datou was too stupid, so she quickly got closer to Liu Weilong. In the end, she was still looking for an opportunity to rely on herself.

Young master Wang took the opportunity to clear his name and quietly threw down the hook, but now he was not in a hurry to accept it.

He smiled mysteriously, “A little bit.”

Even an idiot like Gu Jiayu could see that kind of perfunctory response.

“Heh!”Liu Weilong sneered disdainfully. “Who doesn’t know how to bullshit and Brag?”

Half of it was probably to goad him, and the other half was really indignant.

But whatever it was, Wang Yan did not care.

He smiled indifferently and then withdrew his smile. He leaned against the back of the chair and naturally clasped his hands together, placing them on his knees. A calm and elegant temperament immediately rushed to his face.

Temperament and aura were all temporary metaphysics and future science.

They could not be seen or touched, but everyone could feel it.

Yu Qiuli quietly withdrew her gaze and went to look at the cards. However, because of the excitement in her heart, her nose was slightly open and closed, and Wang Yan saw right through it.

Seeing that Liu Weilong was particularly unconvinced and seemed to be about to stab him again, Yu Qiuli interrupted him in front of him.

“Don’t take the good book. I’m calling the landlord. Weilong, are you going to snatch it?”

Liu Weilong was forced back, but he did not have any temper. “Of course. In the card game, it’s no fun to let you play. Snatch the landlord.”

“Hehe, my card is straight. I’m giving it to you.”

What card straight? It was obviously not enough to call, so he just randomly interrupted.

Yu Qiuli gave up the landlord. While Liu Weilong was sorting out his cards, she suddenly asked Wang Yan, “Didn’t you notice my gift?”


Wang Yan seemed to have just reacted. He was stunned, then smiled bitterly.

“I really didn’t notice it at that time. It was really because I suddenly had a lot of money, so I was a little inflated. I didn’t even look at the gift money.”

Straightening her figure, she put her hands together and bowed slightly to Yu Qiuli.

“I sincerely apologize. Sorry, class monitor. Also, thank you very much!”


Yu Qiuli laughed heartily. The way she leaned forward and backward had a special charm to it.

“Are you worshipping a Bodhisattva? Is that funny? !”

Wang Yan was shameless and shrugged his shoulders. “Anyway, as long as you feel it. It’s not easy to send coal in the snow. I owe you one more time.”

The word “Owe”immediately made Yu Qiuli’s eyes move.

However, in the end, she did not say anything.

She was a shrewd person and definitely knew whether the situation was right or not.

Of course, Wang Yan wasn’t in a hurry. After he threw the hook, he would sprinkle some small shrimps around as bait from time to time. When a big fish was hungry and was aroused, it would naturally bite the hook.

Gu Jiushu finally realized that something was wrong.

Click click click. He looked at Wang Yan and then looked at Yu Qiuli. Why did it feel like they suddenly had a good relationship?

F * ck!

Wang Yan, what do you mean?

I haven’t even settled Liu Weilong, and now you’re here to stir up trouble? !

Datou never bear those, on the spot to change the muzzle: “Wang Er, you are not enough, hiding from everyone for so long, shouldn’t you give some compensation?”

Oh, my God!

I’m waiting for a chance to put bait in the pool, and you’re actually gonna build a ladder?

Immediately, he nodded calmly and casually, “Sure, you don’t like to go to Liu Weilong’s place, but I’ll book the place tonight. Give me some face?”

“F * ck!”

Gu jiashu widened his eyes, “Wang Er, are you serious? How much money did you F * cking scam your parents for?”

It was not surprising that Liu Weilong could afford it, but anyone would be shocked by the generosity of a poor Wang Yan.


Another godly assist!

Wang Yan almost wanted to applaud Datou, but his expression was calm. “Not a single cent was given by my parents. Business was good a while ago, and I just happened to have some pocket money on hand.”

“Your concept of pocket money is different from ours.”

Yu Qiuli suddenly chimed in and slammed the cards on the table.

“I’m not playing anymore. It seems that you three nouveau riche are born to sit at the same table. Are you torturing me to come over and play?”

Liu Weilong really couldn’t help but explode.

The insidious Wang Yan was easily neutralized. Then, the mangy dog came up again. Seeing that it was going straight to the meat in its bowl, who could bear it?

“Okay, Qiu Li, you rest. Wang Yan, let’s play for a while.”

Seeing that Wang Yan’s interest was low, he might open his mouth to refuse again and immediately put it on the table.

“Don’t decline it. Are you bragging? We have to see each other on the money. Otherwise, what’s the use of just talking about it? !”

“Right! Wang Er, let’s have a fight. Don’t be F * cking cowardly!”

Up until now, Gu Jiushu still didn’t understand the main contradiction. He didn’t know why the situation had suddenly become like this. However, it was definitely not wrong to bring Wang Yan to the table to clean it up together.

The reason why Wang Yan didn’t want to play with them was that it wouldn’t hurt them.

It was impossible to play too much during a class reunion. No matter how much he lost, he wouldn’t feel bad about it.

However, the purpose of coming to the table now was different — to show his strength and show his target.

Liu Weilong, you son of a B * Tch. Do you hurt yourself when playing with money? Do You Hurt Yourself when you accept Yu Qiuli as your manager in front of you?

One had to hit the weak point when hitting someone. After discovering Liu Weilong’s weakness, Wang Yan’s flames of revenge were immediately ignited.

“Come on! Entertainment Bureau, I’ll accompany the two of you to pass the time.”

With a faint smile, the best actor Wang unbuttoned his shirt cuff and elegantly folded it up, revealing his strong and smooth forearm.

He turned around and took out his donkey bag. He took out an exquisite small wooden box and put away the two cross cufflinks that Patek Philippe had given him. Then, he casually threw them back into the donkey bag.

He didn’t seem to be paying much attention to them. However, he had a noble air about him in the details. It was obvious that the two cufflinks were not simple, and neither was the person.

The entire set of movements was slow and smooth like flowing water, displaying the beauty of his body to the fullest.

In a city full of nouveau riche, the bearing of the young master was simply eye-catching.

Behind him, there were already girls who suddenly covered their mouths to avoid screaming.

Yu Qiuli, who was directly impacted, felt even more deeply.

She suddenly felt that although Wang Yan wasn’t handsome enough, that kind of aura simply shouldn’t appear at this age.

Wang Yan, just where did you come from? !

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