I'm A Baller

Chapter 271 - : What about Chapter 271?

Chapter 271: What about Chapter 271?

Squirrel was waiting outside when he got off the plane.

This guy was driving his father’s BMW 740 and wearing big sunglasses. He was very flashy and had a smug look on his face.

“Brother, How was your holiday?!”

Wang Yan looked at Squirrel, thought for a while and shook his head. “Not good, it was very boring.”

Squirrel immediately felt exhilarated.

“Hahaha! Brother Dog, you finally have a day which you can’t compare to me! Let me tell you, the girl that I met at the nightclub last time…”

Wang Yan carefully recalled how the girl Squirrel met looked like?

He had no idea.

At most, she would score 80 points.

Wang Yan really did not have the heart to hit the poor kid. He nodded against his will and said, “Good, good, you’re great.”


It was not a burp from laughing, but a slap on the back of his head from Brother Wang which finally woke him up.

“If you continue to drive like dancing, tonight’s dorm team building activity will be changed to another program!”

Squirrel immediately shut his mouth under the demon king’s coercion.

The departure point was directly set at the passenger station, so that the students would not have to go through so much hassle.

In the end, about 25 students followed the bus. The others who took the high-speed train or connecting flight would go there on their own.

Star City was about 440 kilometers from Mangshan. The advantage of taking the bus was that it would take them directly to the place, but the disadvantage was that it was slow.

Even if they rented a car, it would take them more than four hours to get there.

The high-speed train needed to change trains. It was fast, but it was very troublesome.

Anyway, it was not easy to go to the mountains and forests to play.

All of a sudden, Wang Yan really wanted to own a private plane. Where there was no route, he would buy a helicopter.

Otherwise, it would be really troublesome to travel.

While he had nothing to do, he went online and immediately listed it in his to-do list for the future.

In terms of price, many small planes were not really expensive. Feng Dapou’s was only 10 million RMB.

As long as they did not buy Gulfstream, Airbus, Boeing, and other large business jets, there were many options within 50 million.

But what came next was troublesome.

The shutdown, maintenance, repairs, operations and all kinds of fees had to be at least a million RMB every year, all the way up to above 20 million.

When traveling, it was very troublesome. It required application in advance.

Without a reliable team, individuals would not be able to play with that thing.

Wang Siming’s plane was a Dassault 7X. He could use it as he wished and did not need to care about anything else. He was happy.

As a first rich generation, Wang Yan could only wait for his career to expand and the day he could afford to hire Dave. Then, he could form a complete team.

During the four-hour journey, it was simply unbearable if he did not have some activities. Therefore, under the organization of Lou Lou and Dumpling, everyone started singing competitions.

Young Master Wang was relatively cold at the beginning, but when it was his turn to sing, he suddenly became energetic.

“Ahem, since I am enjoying myself with the people, then I will…”

“Your Majesty!”

Dumpling shouted, interrupting him.

“Your Majesty, you have a noble body, a golden mouth and jade words. You are high and mighty, like a king and a father, how can you participate in such a show for the people?”

Hey, Hey, what do you mean?

Before Wang Yan could react, everyone tried to persuade him.

“Brother, we are on the same side. Don’t overdo it!”

“Your Majesty, Just sit higher and watch from the stage!”

“I beg you to shut up your mouth, okay?!”

What the heck!

Did you want to die?

Wang Yan was about to explode when Lou Lou pushed Bai Zijiao into an empty seat beside Wang Yan.

“Your Majesty, Please rest early. Dumpling, go, massage the king’s shoulders and legs and serve Your Majesty in bed!”


It was not impossible not to sing…

“Sit opposite of me!”

Young Master Wang opened his mouth and pushed Dumpling to the opposite. Then, he lay down comfortably and placed his legs on the armrest of the chair across the aisle.

“Knock! If Your Majesty is satisfied, I’ll spare you the death penalty!”

Bai Zijiao was confused at first, then angry. In the end, she put her hands on her hips in amusement.

Just as she was about to revolt, she immediately received a lot of threatening and pleading gazes.

The threats were as follows: “If you dare to make Wang Yan explode and sing, tonight…!”

The pleas were as follows: “Sister, just make a sacrifice and we’ll remember your kindness!”

In fact, everyone, including Wang Yan, was making a scene.

Bai Zijiao rolled her big eyes and actually started massaging Wang Yan’s legs.

Everyone was amused!

As she massaged, she asked, “Your Majesty, how’s the strength?”

It was just a joke. Wang Yan didn’t take it seriously and arrogantly commanded, “Use more strength on the side… hmm, pay attention to your nails… be even on your strength…”

Yes, you were great!

Dumpling was smiling throughout. She didn’t get angry at all. She hummed and hummed in response and was incredibly gentle.

“Okay, Your Majesty…”

Then, she suddenly asked, “Hey, Your Majesty, is my skill better than the noble consort that was brought out from the bar that night, or is it much worse?”

Wang Yan was stunned for two seconds before he suddenly jumped up.

“Brothers, where’s my dog head guillotine?! Chop Wang Shouzhong into eighteen pieces for Your Majesty!”

The only five boys immediately reacted and turned their gazes to Like Jade who was abnormally quiet in the corner.

“Like Jade, you son of a b*tch, you betrayed us?!”

Squirrel was the first to rush up.

“If I don’t beat your sh*t out today, I won’t be called Guo Ziyi!”

Dutch Potato was furious. It wasn’t easy for him to be able to enjoy this experience with his big brother for the first time. Were you blocking our way?

“Come out, and execute him right in front of me!”

The boys rushed forward. Like Jade shrunk in a corner, protected by the chairs. They couldn’t handle him for a while.

While everyone huddled together, Lou Lou was criticizing Bai Zijiao.

“Dumpling, what’s wrong with you? Didn’t we agree to give Gouzi a good one when everyone is here tonight? Why are you so impatient?”

Dumpling pouted and muttered, “You’re not the one being bullied by him. Why don’t you massage his legs?”

Wang Yan was shocked.

They were such a bunch of white flowers at the beginning of the school year. So pure, so real, so young…

Where did they learn it from?

It was both sinister and vicious!

Seeing that their plan had been exposed, the girls decided not to hide it anymore. They surrounded Wang Yan by the window.

There were three or four of them in front, one sitting next to him, and three or four behind him. The outer circle was filled with chattering.

“Class monitor, are you good?”

“Let’s not talk about taking the lead in a fight. At least you’re standing up for your classmate.”

“What happened after that?”

“Was it fun?”

“Are you letting your girlfriend down? Are you letting us down? Are you letting Dumpling and Tian Tian down?”

“Hey, Hey, hey, what did that have to do with me?”

“Stop making noise. Let’s first discuss the class monitor’s mistake!”

What mistake did I make?

Wang Yan felt wronged, but he did not dare to refute.

This was not the time to act like a tyrant.

He might as well pretend to be dead and let go.

“Tonight, my room is not locked. If anyone has any opinions, please come to me for a private chat!”

Once a word was said, there was no turning back…!

Once a word was said, the surroundings became quiet.

The girls looked at each other, their hearts filled with worry.

Facing such a cute and shameless master, what should they do?

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