I'm A Baller

Chapter 275 - Rejected

Chapter 275: Rejected

You’re not greedy…

A sentence was stuck in his mouth, but he could not spit it out.

After a while, Wang Yan sighed, “Senior sister, it’s not like you don’t have any men chasing you. Why do you have to have that kind of relationship with me?”

“I don’t like them!”

With a sentence so decisive, Li Shuyun even moved closer to Wang Yan.

They were so close that they could smell each other’s scent.

“The first time I saw you, I felt that you were different from those boys. Here, take it!”

Li Shuyun handed over a waterproof bag.

“What is it?”

Wang Yan was very puzzled.

He felt that it was very strange when he saw it just now. Li Shuyun came out to soak in the hot spring. She was wearing a swimsuit and a towel, but she was carrying a square waterproof bag.

“Open it and see.” Li Shuyun didn’t answer him directly. She smiled mysteriously.

Wang Yan opened the waterproof bag and took out a stack of drawings.

The first one was a sketch.

The youth was sitting in front of a table by the window in the cafe. A book was opened on the table. His slender fingers gently covered the pages of the book, and he was looking out of the window.

The sketch only had half of the side face. The features drawn were quiet and gentle.

The bridge of the nose was very straight, the edge of the brows was long and slender, the jawline was round, and he looked very youthful.

The charm was captured accurately.

Wang Yan, who was reading, indeed had that kind of quiet style.

When he opened the second picture, it was still a sketch. It was the scene where Wang Yan had just shaved his hair and led the sand sculpture brothers to the campus.

He didn’t know if it was intentional that Li Shuyun still drew a side face.

In the middle of the crowd, the young man tilted his head and laughed. He raised his right hand and pointed at an imaginary sand sculpture. The curve of his mouth was especially attractive.

The bright and beautiful youth was freely displayed on the drawing paper. There was a kind of joy that came to his face.

That was the mood that the painter wanted to express.

Perhaps, it was also her true feelings at that time.

The third picture was Wang Yan’s appearance in the middle of the large sports field rehearsing.

The fourth picture was of Wang Yan standing on the podium and saluting as he received the award.

Both sketches were long shots.

The fifth picture was an oil painting.

The young man raised the flag with both hands and stepped forward. Sweat could be seen on his forehead, but his eyes were exceptionally determined.

Wang Yan looked carefully and finally thought of the source.

One night, he bumped into Li Shuyun in the small forest. She sat in front of him and sketched for a long time. In the end, she told him that she only completed a half-finished work.

After that, Wang Yan did not ask Li Shuyun about it anymore. He had completely forgotten about the drawing.


She had been secretly completing that drawing!

Li Shuyun saw a flash of memory on Wang Yan’s face. Her eyes were a little dazed, and she immediately began to tell her thoughts uneasily.

“Junior brother, I’m a girl who studies art, so I admit that many times, I will fall in love with beautiful things at first sight. I will be overwhelmed by my emotions and make some big and abrupt moves.”

“I was attracted by you at the beginning because of your figure and temperament.”

“Really, it’s hard for a boy who doesn’t exercise all year round to have a perfect and smooth figure like you. However, it’s almost impossible for a sportsman to have that quiet and low-key temperament.”

“Do you know? Your contradiction makes you extremely attractive.”


Wang Yan suddenly realized.

Liu Li, Lin Weiwei, Li Nuoyi, He Miaomiao, Dumpling, Tian Tian…

All the girls who liked Wang Yan did not fall in love at first sight. Only Li Shuyun had a feeling that she would not give up until she achieved her goal.

It was very strange.

Even Lu Yitian, who had fallen for Wang Yan, had a clear reason for liking Wang Yan. He was surrounded by people from all directions. and he was up high. It was obvious that he was a rich young master.

But what was Li Shuyun’s motive?

In the past, Wang Yan couldn’t figure it out, but now he finally understood.

It was another occupational characteristic.

Li Shuyun painted all year round. She was especially sensitive to the human body and the lines.

And Wang Yan’s figure was actually far beyond his looks. Just his perfect long legs alone were extremely rare.

With a good figure and a completely contradictory good temperament, it was too normal for a perceptive girl who studied painting to be unable to withstand it.

Take Liu Li for example. She was especially sensitive to Wang Yan’s bearing, while Yu Qiuli was indifferent to the bearing and temperament of the young master.

Every girl had different points and could not be flirted with by the same trick.

Therefore, in reality, rich people were not always successful in love. There were many cases of bitter love that could not be won, and people who suffered from heartbreak were everywhere.

It was just that rich people could change their target as much as they wanted, and they could always find the right one.

People with good looks were the same. They could always find a good partner if they changed more often. They would still get hurt even if they fought to the death.

Now, Li Shuyun had the intention to fight to the death.

“I fell in love with you at first sight, but it’s different from the previous experience.

Passion comes and goes quickly, but every time I see you, I can find something new.

Gradually, I realize that your core may be more attractive than your features. Just like your ambivalence, it’s like an endless mystery.

I’m two years older than you, and I’m about to go on an internship, so I really don’t expect much.

I don’t hold back and take the initiative to confess, because I don’t want to miss it.

Are you willing to give me a chance?

I won’t disturb your normal life. It’s the experience of it that counts.

After a period of time being together, I promise, you will discover a different me.”




A little.

But Wang Yan didn’t believe it.

Li Shuyun’s feelings should be real, couldn’t be acted out.

What Wang Yan didn’t believe was her promise.

From the first time they met, Wang Yan’s judgment of Li Shuyun was that she was a control freak with a dominant personality.

Right now, she probably didn’t ask for much and only wanted to play a friendly match.

But once she achieved her goal, she might not be able to keep her promise.

As the saying goes, it was difficult to fill one’s hunger. After one goal was satisfied, it would inevitably lead to another higher goal.

It was human nature to want more.

And different people’s personalities would catalyze and amplify this nature.

The current Wang Yan could be considered to have experienced a lot of training. He would not easily believe Li Shuyun’s hasty promise, but would trust his own judgment more.

Looking at the sketches, Wang Yan’s heart was moved, but being moved was never the same as liking them.

Li Shuyun might have been even more touched when she drew those drawings, but being touched did not mean that she was able to keep her promise.

She would be a trouble.

There was no need to touch her.

The boiling blood gradually cooled down, and Young master Wang’s heart also became cold and hard.

“We are not suitable.”

It was an extremely cliché opening. After saying it, Wang Yan realized why the rejections in movies and TV dramas were always the same.

It was because they were all-purpose.

They could harbor evil intentions, be fair and peaceful, and be magnanimous.

Of course, Wang Yan was magnanimous.

I had no idea about you. A 95 point figure might be able to move a lot of men, but that did not include me.

Being concerned and and caring for you was the love that flatterers gave to you but rejection was the privilege of a god tier tycoon.

You were not qualified to make me compromise.

When Li Shuyun heard this sentence, her eyes widened in shock.

She had always used this sentence to reject the flatterers and cut off her ex. When had she ever been treated like this by a man?!

Subconsciously, another cliché sentence blurted out from her mouth.

“What is it that not suitable?”

Well, from this, it could be seen that the melodrama in movies and TV dramas had a realistic basis, and it was common and correct.

There were always many reasons to find a reason, but Wang Yan cut straight to the point.

“The type I like is completely opposite of you, so it’s not suitable in all ways. Don’t bother me again in the future.”

When he spoke, the young master was very happy.

A mocking smile appeared on his face.

In fact, he was not mocking Li Shuyun. He just felt that the world was laughable.

Once upon a time, when He Meng looked at me, was it just like how I looked at Li Shuyun today?

At that time, I didn’t know anything. I thought that the other party despised me because I was poor, not handsome, and had no future.

However, in reality, when a person was no longer bothered by material things, whether he liked it or not, he really didn’t need to think so much. No matter how beautiful and outstanding he was, he couldn’t like it.

Playing the role of a rejecter was not something worth being happy about.

However, finally being able to control one’s own likes and dislikes was an extremely pleasant awakening.

My freedom was no longer controlled by desire.


In Li Shuyun’s eyes, Wang Yan at this moment was calm, confident, and his eyes were deep and unyielding. There was an inviolable dignity in them.

All of her questions were stuck. She didn’t dare to complain, and she didn’t dare to provoke.

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she couldn’t open her mouth.

Wang Yan shook his head, got up, and walked out.

“Thank you for your painting. It’s very good, but I’m not who you think I am.”

His clear voice echoed in the room, hitting Li Shuyun’s heart one after another. Finally, tears fell like rain.


Why didn’t you want me even I had forgone any self-respect?!

Maybe it’s because I didn’t have that bit of self-respect and I was not sincere enough.

Young Master Wang Yan came out of the door. He sighed slightly, but he felt very comfortable.

He stretched his waist, and his muscles and bones crackled.

Suddenly, he felt that something was not right behind him.

When he turned around, he saw two girls standing not far away with strange expressions. Their big eyes were looking at Wang Yan up and down.

The young master’s movements suddenly froze.

His eyes were wide open.

What the heck!

Why were you here?!

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