I'm A Baller

Chapter 398 - The Massive Change In the Level 10 System

Chapter 398: The Massive Change In the Level 10 System

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Before upgrading the system, Wang Yan had to return to Star City Normal University.

Today, the top eight and top four basketball matches were starting.

Class 1 without Wang Yan was just like any other match. Anyone could enter as long as they were willing to pay 50 yuan.

Hence, everyone took turns to call and cry for their savior to return.

Calculating around, Wang Yan realized that there was still enough time and booked a round-trip ticket for the afternoon.

After signing all kinds of contracts in the morning, the finance department reported back to Industry and Commerce, and the experience points came to 60,782/62,500.

Since then, Wangting Entertainment officially became a medium-sized enterprise with a market value of 1.2 billion — a strange entertainment company.

Their fixed assets would be around 700 million, with the remaining 500 million being mostly brand value.

The heavy ones were extremely heavy, while the light ones were extremely light. There was basically no middle ground.

But who cared?

In this day and age, as long as you could achieve greatness, no one would care about the methods you used and the damage you caused to others.

After settling the important issue of change in the stock ownership, Wang Yan rushed back to the school.

The matches were all played in the basketball stadium. There was only one match a day, but there were still not many students who were willing to come and watch the fun.

The Normal University was a sports desert, a hotbed for both genders. It was the exact opposite of an engineering school.

However, the attendance at the basketball court today was not bad.

The matches in the school could attract some girls who did not know how to play basketball, especially due to Young Master Wang, who was very handsome.

During the warm-up, Wang Yan went up to Duangduang and made two backward jumpers. As expected, he had scored both.

Then, Wang Yan did not make another shot. He flew toward the free-throw line and made a windmill dunk.

The audience roared.

The tall, 195-centimeter center forward in the opposite half saw this and immediately returned a shot. This dunk was even more violent, but no one paid attention to it.

Girls were always willing to pay for the handsome man.

When the warm-up was about done, Young Master Wang came down to flirt… well, he actually went down to greet Miss He Miaomiao.

“You immediately sat in the front row the moment I came back. Did you miss me so much?”

He Miaomiao was always very stubborn, “I came to see how you are going to be beaten. Don’t cry later, you smug bastard!”

“Tch, on the University Field, Daddy is invincible. You’d better cheer for me!”

He Miaomiao was not angry. She rolled her eyes and revealed a wicked smile.

“Do you want to make a bet?”

“What bet?”

“If you can win, I’ll really call you daddy. If you lose…”

“I’ll call you mom!”

“Get lost!”

It was not easy for her to calm down once she got off. Before she could finish her sentence, she was pissed off by Gouzi again.


Wang Yan laughed loudly and continued to tease her happily. “Then what do you want?”

He Miaomiao suppressed her anger and made a proposal. “If you lose, you must call me Your Highness the Princess in front of outsiders in the future!”

“What the heck!”

Wang Yan had goosebumps all over his body. He looked at her in disgust.

“Is this not disgusting? This is stupid! Aren’t you ashamed?”

“It’s not like you’ve never called me…”

He Miaomiao mumbled softly, but Wang Yan did not hear her clearly. “What?”

“Nothing! Do you dare to accept this bet?” The eldest daughter of the He Family raised her chin to provoke him.

Wang Yan hesitated.

The stakes were not quite equal. Damn, it was really tempting for her to call him daddy though.

After thinking for a while, he confirmed the main point with her again. “Will you call me daddy in front of everyone?”

Miss He nodded decisively, “Yes!”


Wang Yan stretched out his right palm and patted her lightly.

He Miaomiao’s tender little hand patted his palm. It was soft and smooth, causing Young Master Wang’s heart to jump.

Don’t misunderstand. It wasn’t romantic, it was a bad premonition.

He Miaomiao was very tough today.

The reason?

Who gave her the courage?

Wang Yan couldn’t help but turn his gaze back to the court and carefully analyzed his opponents today.

First of all, their average height was very tall.

His center forward was above 195 cm, and his two defenders were both above 185.

Secondly, their athletic abilities were also very strong.

They were not bad at running, jumping, and dribbling. Even their great center forward was not as stupid as he had imagined.

Lastly, the coach on the sidelines was… actually Gong Feiyu?

Wang Yan could not hold it in any longer. He strolled over to greet Gong Feiyu and at the same time, to inquire about the enemy’s situation.

“Senior Sister Gong, long time no see!”

“Hello, Wang Yan.”

Gong Feiyu was dressed in sportswear. Her figure was covered tightly, making her face look especially gentle.

Her 95-year-old face was really not to be underestimated. Just by looking at her face, no one could imagine that she was a female leopard underneath.

However, it didn’t matter. Everyone would know the moment she raised her head.

When Young Master Wang raised his head and met her gaze, his heart was filled with grief and indignation.

Sister, being short doesn’t mean I don’t have any human rights… it doesn’t matter, I can still grow!

Wang Yan was distracted for a moment and carefully probed, “Senior Sister Gong, are we going to call you Coach Gong today?”

Gong Feiyu smiled very gently. “Not really, but my father is a basketball player. I’ve watched basketball since I was young and know some tactics.”

“Eh? Then how do you practice sprinting?” Wang Yan was very puzzled.

Gong Feiyu did not have any intention of explaining. She shook her head and cheered for Wang Yan.

It was a rare thing for Wang Yan to be able to shut her up.

Just as the referee entered the field, Wang Yan went back to prepare for the match.

One would only know what happened to their opponent after they have fought!

Song Shu’s teammates in class one were small in size, his brother-in-law, Chuan Wa, and Wang Yihang. The center forward was 12 centimeters shorter than the opponent’s, while the point guard was 15 centimeters shorter.

The power forward, the small forward… had an even bigger difference.

They lost the jump ball without any suspense. After a fierce but futile confrontation, the sports class won two points easily.

In the counterattack round, Wang Yan received the ball from outside the three-point line and scored it for three points.

With a light jump, he was at least 60 centimeters off the ground. His upper body was stretched out, and his fingers were gently stroking the ball. His posture was as beautiful as a painting, and it had its own freeze-frame effect.


The basketball was hollow and drilled into the net, which was extremely satisfying.


“Wang Yan, Wang Yan, you’re so handsome!”

The audience went crazy. They were all howling.

In an amateur game, good looks were king.

No, in the NBA, good looks were also king.

Miller’s triple-eight shot made it such that another top superstar could not even sell his sneakers, let alone win the all-star vote.

As for me, I can do whatever I want, and 6 billion fans will never leave.

Now, more than half of the girls present did not understand what the game was about, but just looking at Wang Yan walking around on the field made them feel like they were losing it.

Young Master Wang’s various tactics chased the score to 3:2. He was in a good mood and felt good.

The opponent was not that scary.

Just as he was enjoying himself, the opponent’s center pushed song Shu out of the field. Bang! He dunked with both hands and scored.


The gap was still a little too big.

Just as he felt that things were not going well, Gong Feiyu suddenly gave orders from below while he was counterattacking.

“Let’s fight! Chenzi, go around the front and don’t let Wang Yan catch the ball!”

Once the intensity of the fight increased, Chuan Wa’s control of the ball began to feel uncomfortable.

Not to mention breaking through, even passing the ball took a lot of effort.

It was not easy for his brother-in-law to catch the ball. He used his skills to move half a meter away and made a jump shot. However, because of the previous strong confrontation, his hand felt cold and the basketball hit out of the frame.

It was a short rebound. Young Master Wang then led a 100-centimeter jump and watched the opponent’s power center take the rebound.

Then, the opponent steadily scored another two points.

Wang Yan did not receive the ball in the counterattack turn.

Those who were defending against Wang Yan directly blocked the path of the ball. Wang Yan did not have the ability to dribble the ball on his own, so he could only run around.

After three rounds, the score was 6:3.

As for Young Master Wang’s godly tactics, those tactics were unable to be put to good use.

As they played, a few of them were shut down.

Basketball, in the end, was a sport that relied on one’s physical talent.

Height, weight, and speed were the basics. Skills and brains needed a foundation of these before they could deal damage.

Without a good foundation, everything else was nonsense.

Gong Feiyu had made it clear to class one that they would fight with one move. They didn’t care about high-end tactics, and they made those four idiots pant like dogs in the half-court. They couldn’t even hold the ball.

The real dogs had physical strength. They did not suffer much in the confrontation, but they really could not catch the ball.

The entire stadium relied on rebounds and waves to shoot 20 times, obtaining 18 points. They hit five high-difficulty shots and fell back three points. It was a terrible loss.

However, it did not delay Young Master Wang.

Sweating profusely, Gong Feiyu praised Wang Yan as a winner.

“Wang Yan, you have demonstrated good ball control and breakthrough. It is not a problem for you to play the main point guard in the CBA. You are a genius. If you were 10 centimeters taller and had touched the basketball earlier, we would not have been able to win you today.”

Although he was being praised, Young Master Wang wasn’t happy.

He looked down on others too much. This brother’s limit was the CBA?

“Senior Sister Gong, I’m still growing and learning. Who knows what will happen in the future?”

Gong Feiyu sized up Wang Yan and smiled without saying a word.


How infuriating!

Just you wait, I will grow to 1.88 meters sooner or later. Let’s see who will win the next time we meet!

Young Master Wang turned around and retreated in a huff, intending to go to He Miaomiao to find some consolation.

However, when he was halfway there, he saw Miss He’s delighted expression, as well as her excited and expectant eyes.

He immediately reacted.

Damn, she’s my new creditor?

Her Highness the Princess or something, it’s okay to shout when you’re joking, but in front of so many people…

It’s too f*cking shameful!

Young Master Wang decisively abandoned his useless statue teammates and turned his head to rush to the stadium entrance.

As soon as he returned to his dorm room to grab his bag, He Miaomiao’s phone call came chasing after him.

“Doggy Wang! Why are you running?”

“I’m catching a plane. I still have work in Shanghai…”

“You didn’t even have time to say hello?”

“Time is extremely tight, really…”

“Liar! Bastard! Scabby dog!”

“Your Highness, mwah! Wait for me to come back obediently. Bye!”


“Beep Beep…”

He hung up the phone and scolded her as much as he wanted.

Are you going to bite me if you don’t like it?

Wang Yan might feel guilty, but he had to hide. Wang Yan wasn’t the kind of person who would suffer just because he wanted to save face.

He Miaomiao was easy to pacify anyway. Since he had escaped the first wave, he would think of another way to escape later.

Wang Yan fled into the plane like a fugitive. He slumped into his seat and couldn’t help but sigh.

He spent thousands of dollars and half a day to bring Gong Feiyu a bowl of side dishes. Even He Miaomiao had a taste.

For what?


As soon as the depressed Young Master Wang returned to the company, Chen Xi immediately came to visit him.

Wang Yan finally felt a little better with that top-notch credit card.

A normal credit card would at most have an envelope.

This titanium card came with its own box.

Opening the exquisite small wooden box, two cards were placed side by side in the velvet base. One was a local currency main card, and the other was a foreign currency sub-card.

The titanium card was heavy. The surface of the card was pure black and covered with dark gold patterns. It looked particularly luxurious and elegant.

Wang Yan’s name was engraved on the back of the card. It was the Young Master’s autograph. It was perfect.

The bottom of the box was empty, and there was a physical security lock called “U Bao”.

In addition, there was a colored printed booklet that recorded all the rights and interests in detail.

Wang Yan couldn’t be bothered to read it, and Chen Xi offered to dictate it, but she was rejected.

In fact, many high net worth individuals placed great importance on the rights and interests of high-level credit cards. Some of the content was indeed convenient, and it also saved money.

The gist of financial management was to save on unnecessary expenses, accumulate little by little, before investing.

Most billionaires do not think that there was anything shameful about being frugal. My rights and interests are equal to the notion that my rights should be used to the extreme.

Wang Yan agreed with the idea, but he did not intend to pay attention to it.

All the rights and interests that could not bring about experience points were useless. I was under great pressure to spend money, so don’t talk to me about other things.

If I need to do something, I’ll just buy it with money. That’s all.

After a series of complicated registration procedures, the card was successfully activated.

Opening the dilapidated application of the People’s Livelihood, the string of zeros at the end of the 20 million yuan quota finally made the young master feel good.

He called Yu Qiuli — this part-time assistant has been coming to the company every afternoon to familiarize herself with her duties.

She threw the main card and the instruction manual to Yu Qiuli and instructed, “Take it and charge it according to the plan.”

Yu Qiuli retracted her gaze from Chen Xi’s face and chest and raised her eyebrows. “It’s really beautiful.”

It looked like she was praising the titanium card, but she was actually talking about Chen Xi.

Chen Xi squeezed her fingers awkwardly.

Young Master Wang opened his mouth and spat, “It’s none of your business. Do your job well!”


Chen Xi was stunned when she saw Yu Qiuli walk out the door in a huff.

Young Master Wang, is this how you treat the little assistant who is in charge of your money bag?

Are you crazy?

As she was cursing in her heart, Wang Yan suddenly shot a glance at her. Chen Xi immediately sat up straight and shivered.

Wow, you are so scary.

Don’t spray me!

My heart is weak, I can’t stand this!


Wang Yan didn’t have the time to guess Chen Xi’s thoughts, he looked down at the application.

How to charge, which platform to charge to, how much to charge each account on each platform…

And so on and so forth, the official financial team had already made a plan.

Yu Qiuli approved the written application, after confirming it, she reported it to Wang Yan, got the authorization to sign, and started to charge. The virtual currency arrived in the account, the official financial team confirmed the signature and filed records.

After the entire process was completed, how and when to use it next was all the tasks of the official financial team.

Yu Qiuli would supervise the use of the funds, but she did not have the right to interfere.

As long as the funds were ultimately transferred to the target and not to outsiders, there would be no problem.

The official financial team had a high degree of freedom in their work, but Yu Qiuli was the core.

The safety of the funds all depended on Yu Qiuli. She could not allow her subordinates to do anything fishy.

And the most unbelievable thing was that Chen Xi happened to be the guarantee of the safety of the funds.

If she had nothing to do, she would just say a few words. Now, Yu Qiuli’s was extremely loyal to Wang Yan. It was impossible for her to betray Wang Yan and to collude with the officials.

It was just that her favorability was too pitiful.

45 percent.

A while ago, she could still lie on the bed with him and look at the stars together. Now, if she touched him, he might just slap it back.

It was really difficult!

After the credit card matter was settled, Chen Xi started to help Wang Yan with the approval application materials.


It made Young Master Wang feel helpless.

Beauty, I’m really not that kind of person… at least, I won’t treat you like that!

But Chen Xi didn’t believe it. In her heart, Wang Yan was already a top-notch bastard.

Relying all on strength output?

I don’t believe it!

Also, he had a terrible attitude towards a woman under him. He either mistreated her or scolded her. It was so pitiful that such a beautiful girl did not even dare to speak up for herself.

From this, it could be seen how terrifying Wang Yan was!

Sigh, it’s really hard to know a person’s true personality. Fortunately, I didn’t fall for it!

Chen Xi thought about it and forgot one key point — it wasn’t that she didn’t fall for it, but that Young Master Wang didn’t expose her.

There was still a big difference.

Moreover, all types of self-comfort were essentially mental recovery after a failure.

Would a few words of comfort be able to heal the wound?

Probably not.

The only good news was that ever since that night’s camping trip, Sister Bai had treated her extremely well. She even took the initiative to communicate with Chu Hong.

It was due to her that Chen Xi was able to muster up the courage to face Wang Yan again as if nothing had happened.

How long this present situation could remain was another question.

Of course, everything was good today.

Young Master Wang was not in the mood to tease her.

While she was busy filling in the materials, the experience points in the system panel began to increase.

5,10,15, 30…

Finally, it jumped to 62,500/62,500.

The next moment, a golden light flashed in the panel, and a notification popped up.

[ Congratulations, host, the system has been upgraded to Level 10 ]

The broken system was still so mechanical. At such an important moment, it did not even have an exclamation mark.

But this did not affect Young Master Wang’s excitement, and he continued reading excitedly.

[ You will receive a cash reward of 50 yuan for every breath you take. ]

The first line of explanation made Wang Yan’s eyes widen.

At level 9, one would receive a salary of 16 yuan for every breath they take. If it was just doubled, it would have been 32 yuan.

In the end…

It was a huge jump all the way to 50 yuan!

Based on the current number of breaths he took, that were a little more than 16 breaths per minute, 960 breaths per hour.

48,000 yuan per hour, 1,152,000 yuan per day!

A total of 1.152 million yuan!

34.56 million yuan per month!

414.7 million yuan per year!

To be more specific and direct, there was nothing his breathing wages couldn’t get him.

A top-rated Apple iPhone 6 mobile phone every 10 minutes, an average annual salary that could beat white-collar workers across the country in an hour, a top-rated BMW x 6 with a top-rated car model every day for three, four, five, six nights, and a month’s breathing wages could be enough to film “The Enchantress”.

Hmm, so, that’s it..

Young Master Wang forced himself to calm down and pretend to bawl. He took deep breaths repeatedly and continued to watch.

Then, the moment he saw the second description clearly, all the forced calmness that he had pretended to be was completely destroyed!

[ All critical chances fused into — Life Surprise ]

[ All the surprises in life are sources of your motivation. Any activity that brings joy has a 1% chance of producing a reward ]

The previous critical chances no longer existed. The new system only had one line of critical hits —

[ Life surprise, 1% chance. ]

The chance became extremely pitiful, as if it was the first time the system was activated.

However, the range became boundless, and there were no longer any restrictions.

Was it a win or a loss?

It was a bloody win!

The chance of a critical strike was 8%, but it was still subject to a higher and higher threshold. Even eating top-tier delicacies might not be able to trigger it.

Now that it had become a compound chance, all he needed was a happy mood. It was obvious that he was freeing himself!

Young Master Wang was extremely excited. Chen Xi, who was sitting opposite him, was almost scared out of her wits.

Young Master Wang, the tyrant, suddenly “looked” over. His eyes were staring straight at her chest. that gaze was so “evil”, as if it had penetrated through her clothes and directly pierced into her skin.

Chen Xi felt that things were not looking good.

She held up her chest, hunched her back, lowered her head, then took off the hairpin and used her hair to cover it up.

Her sudden and inexplicable action stunned Wang Yan.


Are you trying to seduce me?

I don’t have time for you right now. Be good!

Young Master Wang simply waved at her. “Come over and massage my shoulders.”

He wanted her not to be an eyesore in front of him.

With this, he scared Chen Xi to death.

Oh, my God!

Is he really going to do something evil to me?

In the office?

That’s not good, right?

She wanted to reject it, but she didn’t dare to.

This request didn’t seem like a big deal on the surface. A qualified service staff like Sister Bai and Wang Yufei would do their best to massage even his feet, not to mention his shoulders.

As Wang Yan’s theoretically private secretary, how could Chen Xi have any reason to reject such a small request?

If Wang Yan wasn’t such a jerk, she would have given up her first time if he had given her a little promise. Now, it was even less of a question.

What she resisted and was afraid of wasn’t physical contact, but meaningless sex.

Wah… wah!

She didn’t want to have sex in the office. She just wanted to go home!

Feeling bullied, Chen Xi moved behind Wang Yan bit by bit and slowly started massaging the bastard’s shoulders.

Chen Xi’s small hands were soft and smooth, and her hair hung down, bringing with it a rich fragrance. Young Master Wang was already in a good mood, but now he felt even better.

Just as he was relaxing, the system suddenly sent a new notification with a ding.

[ You are not only proud of your life, but also extremely happy because of Chen Xi’s submission and flattery. One secret reward granted. ]

[ Service card ]

[ One-time card ]

[ You can ask any member of the opposite sex to provide you with any kind of service. If you are rejected, the card will disappear. ]

[ If the other party agrees, the card will be activated. ]

[ Effect: During the period of service, your degree of pleasure will allow the other party to obtain different degrees of psychological satisfaction. The degree of satisfaction in the other party’s heart will increase the critical strike chance of your breathing wages. ]

[ Duration: Until the end of service. ]

[ Critical strike chance multiplier: 1-50 times. ]

[ Note: This card does not have a forced effect. You have to use your own charm to obtain service. ]

After a simple scan of the description, Young Master Wang immediately grasped the core — this was a card that could only receive a monetary reward.

With Young Master Wang’s current wealth, money was no longer the best reward.

A useless card.

Just as Wang Yan was about to continue watching the system’s changes, he casually handed the card to Chen Xi.

“Massage it good and be serious. Not everyone has the opportunity to serve me. I’m very happy now, this reward is massive!”

He was in a good mood and was just joking.

However, Chen Xi’s spirits were inexplicably lifted.

The little bit of unwillingness from before had all turned into motivation after Wang Yan took off his cold and aloof mask.

Young Master Wang doesn’t seem to be planning to make a move on me? Then I have to be more serious… if he likes me, it can prove my ability and also increase my favorability… since there’s no way to hide, why not put in all your effort?

Chen Xi was suddenly full of motivation. She carefully kneaded it inch by inch.

“Mm, not bad.”

Young Master Wang casually praised her and continued to look at the interface.

Chen Xi became even happier.

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