I'm A Baller

Chapter 405 - You Are Not Allowed to Be Willful

Chapter 405: You Are Not Allowed to Be Willful

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

You want me to be the director?

Young Master Wang couldn’t accept it for a moment. He felt that it was ridiculous.

“How professional does one need to be to be a good director? I know little about it. President An, aren’t you taking it for granted a little too much?”

“You haven’t forgotten about my previous series, have you?”

An Xiaofang smiled leisurely, appearing very confident.

“Director Guo, what’s so professional about it?”

How professional was this young male idol? How could this brother compare?

Wang Yan remembered An Xiaofang’s glorious achievements. She had pushed an author into the position of director and produced a blockbuster series, which was famous in the martial arts scene.

However, Wang Yan felt that the situation at the moment was different.

The empty-headed moaning and groaning had always been the young master’s specialty. It was just that directing media was different.

As long as he had someone to help him, the pressure wouldn’t be too great.

As the original author, no one could grasp the emotions and storylines of the characters better than him.

The three famous authors and directors were all relatively successful in directing their own works, which was a good example.

Moreover, they had three billion fans, which was only half of Komi’s. A well-known director could maximize the hype they themselves produce and use fans to pull in the box office.

Nobody knew who Wang Yan was!

There was no hype around him, and he lacked professional skills. He didn’t have his own team, and even the script was adapted from other people’s works.

All of the above were objective disadvantages.

However, subjectively, Wang Yan didn’t need a director to be famous.

No, not only did he not need a director, he was even very resistant.

As a cheater, why was he so high-profile?

Why not spend money quietly and sit behind the scenes?

Other rich young masters would settle and watch from behind, but the Young Master Wang had always been a real hands-on guy. However, he did not want to be famous and become a big director.

If he really became famous, he would not be beautiful anymore. If his exposure was too high, it would be easy for others to dig up his background.

After weighing the pros and cons for a moment, the young master decisively refused.

The reason was very clear, but An Xiaofang still did not give up.

“Producer Wang, your concerns are all correct, but you also have an advantage that others do not have.”

Wang Yan frowned, but she did not interrupt her.

“First of all, our situation is very special.”

“Your script is too detailed, and it’s as if there is a film in your mind. You know exactly what kind of effect you want.”

“We are looking for a director. Should we give up the rights?”

“If we give it up, they will have to create a second time, adding in their own ideas, using their own narrative, and describing their own aesthetic standards.”

“If we don’t give up the rights, any director with a bit of skill and a bit of ambition won’t accept it. We can only find a novice or a mediocre director that nobody wants to hire.”

“Are you willing to let someone else ruin your efforts?”

Wang Yan muttered to himself, feeling that this was indeed a difficult problem.

A director who was too good could easily get sidetracked.

The international director that the young master yearned for was the kind of person who could make any kind of script into an art film.

The rest of the famous directors were more or less the same, and their self-expression was too strong.

Otherwise, with the terrifying salary of a level 10 system, couldn’t they afford to spend an extra 20 million to hire the grand director or even an extra 100 million to hire Nolan?

They really couldn’t hire him.

However, hiring a lousy director or a newcomer… was really a joke.

Some people who had high standards but had low skills copied other people’s movies and had produced a pile of sh*t.

For example…

Cough cough! This matter could not be messed up. It would offend too many people.

In short, it was indeed a dilemma.

How Good was An Xiaofang at reading people’s expressions?

When she realized that there was an opportunity, she immediately struck while the iron was still hot.

“Secondly, in my opinion, your disadvantage is really nothing.”

“No one knows the plot better than you. I even feel that you already have a half-finished movie in your mind. Just follow it!”

“I can even see the image when I look at the script. It’s really rare.”

“Find someone to help you draw the storyline. You can slowly adjust it in three months. When the time comes, I’ll get you an experienced but not very talented assistant director. You’ll be in charge of directing and he’ll be in charge of filming. Is it difficult?”

“Just make the request and let the assistant director and the cameraman do it.”

“If you feel that something is wrong, then give me another one. Digital cameras don’t cost money to film. What’s there to be afraid of?”

Wang Yan smiled bitterly. “President An, why do you always urge amateurs to become directors?”

An Xiaofang shook her head with a very serious expression.

“I won’t make a joke about investments. It’s just that your script shows too much detail. If you can really draw the storyline, you can even shoot it behind the monitor with anything.”

“Producer Wang, you’re a genius. You might not realize it yourself, but I can guarantee with my 25 years of experience –”

“You’re a genius in Making Movies!”

“Genius, daddy!”

Young Master Wang was too clear-headed.

When he first wrote the script, he had copied it directly from the original script, but he had added many unnecessary descriptions.

Those descriptions were equivalent to turning the details of the original witch into words.

That was why An Xiaofang’s “strong sense of the image” came about.

How could it not be strong if she directly followed the scenes?

An Xiaofang had a misunderstanding because of this. Wang Yan wouldn’t treat himself as a real genius.

But she was right about one thing — in terms of this film alone, Wang Yan indeed had more say than anyone else.

The script had already been through eight drafts, and the final film had been fantasized countless times in his mind, making Wang Yan feel so good that he was flying.

From the perspective of filming, Wang Yan was indeed confident that he could shoot what he wanted.

So, should he accept An Xiaofang’s proposal or not?

Wang Yan was hesitating when An Xiaofang put down the last bargaining chip on the scale.

“If you hand over the command because of some concerns and ultimately let ‘The Witch’not reach the height of your heart, will you regret it for the rest of your life?”

These words finally completely moved Wang Yan.

Young Master Wang was not afraid of losing money. He was afraid that he would spend money and energy, but he would not be able to film the witch well.

Wangting Entertainment needed it, and Fu Yushi needed it even more.

Moreover, how fun would it be to film a classic movie in person?

Spending money alone was already difficult to make Young Master Wang feel good. He needed more sense of achievement and glory.

After a moment of silence, Wang Yan made up his mind.

“Please help me contact a few young directors with spiritual energy. I need time to think about the details. Let’s talk after the interview.”

Although she didn’t achieve her goal immediately, An Xiaofang admired Wang Yan even more.

Being cautious was the rarest quality of a rich young master.

What was even more terrifying was that Wang Yan was cautious but didn’t lose his courage.

No wonder Wangting Entertainment could be so strong!

Sighing in her heart, An Xiaofang nodded happily. “Okay, I’ll immediately mobilize my contacts and help you choose a Deputy!”

It seemed that she had already decided that Wang Yan would be the genuine director.

Young master Wang smiled. He did not correct her, nor did he refuse. He was as steady as a mountain.


During the transition, Fu Yushi mustered her courage and asked in a low voice, “Wang Wang, are you going to be a director or not?”

Wang Yan glanced at her and asked with interest, “Do you want me to direct your first movie?”

Fu Yushi’s mind went blank for a moment.

This question was so beyond the scope!

How should I answer it?

No matter how high one’s emotional quotient was, there would always be a moment where the line would be cut off. No one could be at ease forever.

Wang Yan looked at her dumb and adorable expression that was tongue-tied, and he was a little surprised.

Was this question so difficult to answer?

Why did she suddenly shut up? Hey!

Although he started flirting more, Young Master Wang was still not a lover who understood a girl’s heart very well.

As a tycoon, he really did not need to put his energy into studying a girl’s mind.

If he had the ability, he would naturally be studied by the girl.

Young Master Wang only needed to lie down and choose whether to accept it or not.

Therefore, Wang Yan did not understand what kind of situation the little princess was in.

In fact, the direction Fu Yushi was thinking about was not in the same line as Wang Yan’s original intention of joking.

That was because Fu Yushi usually did not think too much or think too far. However, she was extremely touched by Wang Yan more than once during that period of time alone.

A daughter’s heart was the most exquisite. Just now, the dog was jumping in and out happily, causing her to be in a mess.

However, the Little Princess’self-control was the strongest among her best friends. After being slightly stunned for a moment, she quickly composed herself.

“Of course, I want you to be the director, in the first movie I am acting as the female lead. I’m under a lot of pressure.”

The reason was extremely perfect, and Wang Yan could accept it very well.

“I should be the third director… I’ll talk more about it when I have time. I’ll take care of you anyway. Don’t worry.”

Wang Yan gave a warm smile and made Fu Yushi lower her head.

She was usually so quiet and reserved. Wang Yan didn’t think too much about it and continued to think about directing.

The best-case scenario was to find a new director with nurturing value and sign a contract with imperial court pictures.

Then, Young Master Wang would lead and be named the third director. The other party would be responsible for the specific tasks and be named the first director.

No audience would care who the third director was. In this way, Wang Yan could not only film the witch according to his own ideas, but he could also avoid the unnecessary limelight.

How much less trouble would it be to let the assistant director run the roadshow and publicity?

It would be a good opportunity for his company to promote talent. It would be the best of both worlds.

The people at the top of the industry would definitely know who did the work and it would not affect Wang Yan’s influence.

In the future, if there was a particularly outstanding actress who needed to talk about acting, they could do it once, twice, or even three or four times depending on the situation.

The advantage of hiding the merits and fame was that it would be both enjoyable and not annoying.

Those who were not qualified did not know who the main character was at all. They could not even pray to the right temple even if they wanted to.

Wang Yan hated that kind of inexplicable harassment the most. He would rather not make a name for himself in order to maintain his leisure and freedom.

Being a god-like tycoon like Young Master Wang, his reputation was already a burden.


Fu Yushi naturally could not imagine the twists and turns in Wang Yan’s heart. When she heard that he would take care of her, she really did not think too much about it and felt extremely at ease.

In the circle of the best friends of Emperor Dance, Wang Yan was a trustworthy person. He was worthy of being entrusted with… er, his future.

In the evening, Wang Yan invited An Xiaofang and Li Yixu to a banquet at the Xiang Palace in Shangri-la. Fu Yishi and Reyi Nawu accompanied him once again.

When Li Yixu saw Fu Yushi, he was instantly stunned.

There were some things that he could not say in front of everyone. He had to find an opportunity to privately chat with Wang Yan.

“Young Master Wang, are you really going to use The Witch to support that Miss Fu?”

Wang Yan was taken aback by the question. “Yes, why?”

Li Yixu was speechless. “That’s a 100 million investment… are you really going to use your company’s total newbie?”

Initially, Li Yixu thought that Wang Yan and Fu Yushi were just playing around and that The Witch was used to please some real princess.

Such things were very common.

If they wanted to have fun, it was more than enough to give her a supporting role.

If he dared to spend five million yuan to make a micro movie for the newlyweds, it could be considered true love.

But Wang Yan had spent 50 million yuan.

Moreover, Li Yixu had met Fu Yishi once and knew that she was a girl from an ordinary family. She was not the big shot he had imagined.

This was very scary.

Wang Yan did not understand what Li Yixu was so surprised about. He was baffled.

“You’re asking me that. If I don’t support the actress that I signed, who will I support?”

Li Yixu didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “How can you do that… fine, you’re the Big Brother, you make the decision!”

This was the difference in thinking and position, resulting in a difference in opinion.

Li Yixu felt that the female lead in this movie was an important resource that could be used to accomplish many things in exchange for many things.

However, Wang Yan only wanted the movie to be good and Fu Yushi was suitable, and that was her.

Li Yixu shook his head and smiled bitterly. Very soon, he began to gossip again. “But aren’t you being too brazen? Aren’t you afraid of Princess He…”

Wang Yan put on a cold and aloof expression.

“You don’t understand my strength.”

He Miaomiao dared to babble?

If he drew her, she would call him daddy!

Uh, the purpose of today’s gathering was to drink less, eat more vegetables, and have a good chat.


Since they were on the same set and were all on the same team, they didn’t talk nonsense and matched the situation well.

Fu Yushi acted naturally and restrained. She was heartless, straightforward, and enthusiastic, and was very well-recognized.

At the end of the conversation, An Xiaofang and Li Yixu finally realized that Fu Yushi and Wang Yan didn’t have that kind of relationship!

The two of them were shocked.

Oh my God, isn’t this too ridiculous?

Wang Yan did not deliberately explain anything and smiled frankly.

An Xiaofang and Li Yixu saw this and naturally did not think that he had the heart but was powerless. They only thought that Young Master Wang had strong self-control and was loyal, and they admired him even more because of this.

Everyone liked friends like this. They would take care of good things as soon as they had them, and they did not ask for anything in return.

There were really not many people in the circle of rich second-generation heirs who were so generous, righteous, and had a good character.

Previously, An Xiaofang recognized Wang Yan’s ability the most. Now, her personal feelings were starting to tilt, and her communication to him was becoming more and more sincere.

They chatted about the gossip in the entertainment circle and the details of the production team’s establishment. Time passed quickly.

Finally, the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves to the fullest.

After the show ended, everyone returned to their own homes to do their own things. Everything started to move forward quickly.

An Xiaofang’s network was too wide. The next afternoon, a small special training production team officially arrived.

A cameraman, an acting teacher, an assistant, an artist, and an art director, along with Wang Yan, Fu Yushi, and Reyi Nawu, were more than enough to simulate the shooting of a literary drama.

They started filming directly.

Fu Yushi mainly practiced her acting. After a paragraph, she would watch the replay immediately and the teacher would correct her mistakes.

Young Master Wang needed to learn to look at the material and determine if it was the desired effect.

The artist followed Young Master Wang 24 hours a day and drew up a script with separate scenes.

Basically, this was equivalent to a directing student pulling a performance student to shoot a short film to practice. It was just that it was more targeted and the team was more professional.

Every day, Wang Yan spent two hours of efficient reading time reading the director’s teaching material, learning while practicing.

The young master had said no to An Xiaofang, but his body was honest to himself and he worked hard.

Of course, fun was the main point.

If he continued to work hard, the possibility of grinding out a masterpiece was getting higher and higher.

Three days later, An Xiaofang found four young directors and sent the information to Wang Yan for the young master to interview personally.

He didn’t even know their names, so it wasn’t surprising to see their resumes.

Fine, then let’s have a chat!

But before they could start chatting, An Xiaofang asked Wang Yan to attend a dinner party.

“The news of the project has spread. Young Master Wang, you are very popular now. I can’t stand the enthusiasm of my friends. You have to give me some face!” An Xiaofang looked at Wang Yan and said with a smile

With his current situation, who was worthy enough to get him to make time for them?

He didn’t even know when the storyline would be finished. How could he have the time to entertain them!

Young Master Wang sneered secretly. Just as he was about to refuse, An Xiaofang continued, “Big secret and Guo Yuting will be here today. The next scene will be the appointment of that b*stard. That b*stard’s manager has also probed around for my information…”


Stop trying to persuade him!

“President An, why are you being so polite with me? It’s just a word from you. Why are you talking about pride? Where is it? I’ll be there right away!”

Young Master Wang suddenly realized that An Xiaofang’s connections would be a positive help to the development of imperial court film. He decided to maintain a good relationship with her and give her some face.

Work was important. You couldn’t be willful.

Yes, that’s it!

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