I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 109 - 109 Chapter 108: A Kick Comparable to a Nuclear Explosion! (Seeking first subscription, an additional chapter for every 500 subscriptions!)

Chapter 109: Chapter 108: A Kick Comparable to a Nuclear Explosion! (Seeking first subscription, an additional chapter for every 500 subscriptions!)

Translator: 549690339

The moment he was spotted, Du Gang moved.

His body moved like a cheetah, one second it was by the window, the next it was by the door.

“Fire Dragon!”

The woman guarding the door reacted quickly, summoning a two-meter-long fire dragon that shot straight towards him.

As soon as the fire dragon came out, its intense heat lit up everything around it, causing a sizzling sound as it burnt the air.


The fire dragon circled in the air before roaring fiercely and charging towards Du Gang.

At this moment, Du Gang, as if blinded, went straight towards the fire dragon.


They collided rapidly and the fire dragon exploded in an instant.

But when one looks at Du Gang, despite taking the direct hit of the fire dragon, he appeared unharmed.

“How is this possible?”

Rose exclaimed in astonishment, unable to believe what she was seeing.

The Fire Dragon strike was one of her strongest attacks. Even the mightiest Shield Soldiers wouldn’t dare to take it directly, but this man in front of her had…


Du Gang sneered, and taking advantage of her momentary shock, darted up to her, and strangled her neck with one hand.

Few people knew that his strength was very formidable even in his human form!

Everyone assumed that before transforming, his combat power was weak.

This was an illusion he’d deliberately created, saving a trump card for himself.

In actuality, before his transformation, his strength had reached the Yellow Grade, and his defense was even more terrifying.

He once tested in secret that a dinosaur at a height of a hundred meters could only plunge him into the ground with its foot, but could never cause him any significant harm!

The difference between him before and after transformation was mainly in his size and strength, his defense in human form was almost no different from that after transformation.

Just as Du Gang had Rose under his control and was about to force her to disclose Ming Yuwei’s location, the palace door opened.

Ming Yuwei walked out of the door.

“Du Gang?!”

The calm expression on her face instantly turned into one of fury upon seeing him.


She shouted, her superpower immobilizing the air in the area around Du Gang.

In an instant, Du Gang found himself unable to breathe, but he remained calm. The oxygen reserved in his lungs was enough to sustain him for three days.

Besides, his feet, planted firmly on the ground, were continuously absorbing oxygen.

While this did not affect him in the slightest, Rose, who was in his grasp, was not fairing as well.

In just a few seconds, her face took on a purplish hue, her mouth agape as she gasped for breath, but in vain. The severe discomfort caused her throat to convulse continuously.

In no time, she was at her limit.

Her heartbeat slowed, her pupils dilated, and her eyes grew hazy, as though she would faint the next second.

On the other side, Ming Yuwei ignored Rose’s predicament and, filled with rage, executed her superpower once again.


As her words fell, Du Gang felt a peculiar sensation as though he was in water that had instantly turned into ice, binding him.

He tried to move and although the resistance was formidable, he found that he could still manage it.

While he could withstand it, Rose on the other hand was unable to.

The continuous convulsion in her throat gradually came to a halt and the strong and constant heartbeat began to weaken.

Her eyes instantly turned red and blotches of dark red and purple bruises started to appear on her face.

Before losing consciousness, she glanced towards Ming Yuwei in the distance and moved her lips to mouth something silent.

The next second, her body shuddered, losing all strength but held up by the invisible force in the air.

So cold-blooded!

Du Gang sighed in his heart. The woman in his hand was clearly Ming Yuwei’s subordinate, yet she had attacked indifferently, even taking away her own subordinate’s life.

It was best to kill such a cold-blooded woman who harbored hostility towards him as soon as possible.

Without any hesitation, he moved, breaking free from the resistance of the air and charged towards Ming Yuwei.

His movements were swift as a shooting arrow, appearing in front of Ming Yuwei in an instant.

Just like before, he reached out his hand to grab Ming Yuwei’s neck, like an eagle catching a chick.

“Get lost! ”

Ming Yuwei also reacted quickly. Despite being surprised at Du Gang’s ability to break free from her air-binding ability, she quickly released her superpower again.

A wave of air, with her at the center, spread out in all directions.

Caught off guard, Du Gang was sent flying by the wave, crashing into the wall of another palace, before finally stopping.

With a stern shout from Ming Yuwei, the air around Du Gang returned to normal and he said, “Ming Yuwei, you…”

He originally wanted to ask, “Do you still remember me saving you?”

But, realizing that the Ancient God could manipulate memories, he gave up.

Without any further hesitation, he said, “Transform!”

In an instant, a two-hundred-meter tall giant appeared.

As soon as it appeared, the two palaces beneath his feet collapsed due to the pressure.


Ming Yuwei was astounded!

She looked up in disbelief.

In her memory, Du Gang was merely a few meters tall, and even if his power had grown, he might be only about ten or so meters tall.

Unbelievably, he now stood two hundred meters tall!

To her eyes, even one of Du Gang’s feet resembled a towering mountain. Right now, one such ‘mountain’ was being lifted, ready to crush her underneath.


She wanted to flee, but found that her usually reliable superpower was failing her at this crucial moment!

Not only that, her entire body began to move sluggishly under the oppressive force bearing down on her.

“An air superpower?”

Ming Yuwei was shocked.

The mere act of lifting and stomping his foot had caused an effect similar to the solidification of air.

As the ‘mountain’ in front of her loomed closer and closer, her eyes gradually filled with despair.

This kind of superpower… it was not something a human should possess!

A demi-god like him, needed to be countered by another god of good!

At this moment, she finally understood that only another god could stop a demi-god like Du Gang!

Just in the nick of time, Ming Yuwei’s eyes suddenly dimmed, only to relight again. This time, they were glowing differently. Replacing the color of despair was a rich sense of self-confidence.


Du Gang’s foot came down hard.

The scene he had imagined of his enemy being squashed flat did not come to pass, his foot came to a halt a short distance from the ground.

Immediately after, before he could even wonder what had happened, a powerful shockwave emanated from below his foot.

“Thump, Thump!”

Under the impact of this force, his body swayed, and he took a few steps backward to regain his balance.

Glancing down, he saw Ming Yuwei standing in her original spot, surrounded by a visible circular transparent shield.

This transparent shield was like a chicken egg, standing erect around her body.

“What is that?”

Du Gang’s attention, however, was focused squarely on Ming Yuwei’s eyes. They were calm, confident, dismissive, and even held a hint of fanaticism and greed.

These were not her eyes!!

Du Gang had a sudden realization, Ming Yuwei had been possessed by a demi-god.

This time, he held back from attacking and instead asked, “Who are you?” A faint smile appeared on ‘Ming Yuwei’s’ face as she replied, “I am God!”

Thinking about what Wang Yixuan had said about his parents earlier, Du

Gang’s expression grew somber as he asked in a serious tone, “Did you kill my parents?”

Upon hearing this, ‘Ming Yuwei’ responded directly, nodding and saying, “Yes,

I killed them.”

Du Gang was silent for a second before asking without rashness, ‘Why?”

After actually seeing Du Gang transform into a giant, ‘Ming Yuwei’ was somewhat excited. The look in her eyes as she regarded him was like that towards her own beloved treasure.

“There’s no reason. Whoever I, as a god, wish to die, must die… and I am God!”


Du Gang closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He had been waiting for this day for a long time!

When he opened his eyes again, a fierce aura emanated from him.


With a roar, he charged towards Ming Yuwei at full speed.

South Harbour City was not too large or too small.

The sudden appearance of a two hundred meter tall giant could be clearly seen by half of the city’s residents.

At the moment, however, the superpowered beings were battling and did not have time to watch. The ordinary residents hid under their covers, shivering in fear, and none dared to venture outside to catch a glimpse of the giant.

That roar of fury, in this relatively quiet place, was like a thunderclap on a clear day that stopped everyone dead in their tracks.

The sound casually produced by a two hundred meter giant could be considered a sonic weapon, let alone when he was roaring in anger.

Right now, whether they were ordinary people or superpowered beings, all of them covered their ears, faces twisted in pain.

Some even had blood seeping from their ears, a result of the sonic shock.

“Is this a War God?”

Superpowered beings who had come with Du Gang to execute this mission all felt a sense of helplessness at this moment.

Duel with such a giant?

Quite a few superpowered beings who harbored thoughts of contention turned bitter at this moment.

“What he claimed, about killing everyone single-handedly…. he meant it!” At this moment, everyone admitted Du Gang’s strength.

Compared to rumors, they believed what they saw with their own eyes!

“Is this Yellow Grade?”

All of them felt a sense of absurdity.

Could a Yellow Grade injure the entire city with just his voice?

They doubted if Du Gang, even without using his towering body, could kill everyone by just shouting.

Luckily, after Du Gang had shouted once, he remained silent.

Du Gang took one step and arrived above Ming Yuwei, bearing malice, he heavily stomped down towards her position.

The nearly thirty-meter-long foot was like the sky collapsing, covering the ground below him.

Ming Yuwei did not dodge, seemingly paralyzed in fear.


With this stomp, Du Gang’s expression became solemn. Just like the last time, his foot stopped in mid-air, failing to trample down.

He slowly moved away his foot, Ming Yuwei stood harmlessly on the ground, surrounded by the same egg-shaped transparent protective shield as before.

“Haha, this is the difference between mortals and gods .

Ming Yuwei spoke lightly, but her eyes sparkled satisfactorily as she looked at Du Gang.

‘She’ believed, once she had control over such a body, she would surely be unbeatable at the same level!

Du Gang ignored her completely, attacked several times but only shook the ground. He didn’t even harm a hair on Ming Yuwei’s head.

Ming Yuwei scoffed, “No matter how strong the power of a mortal is, it is still mortal. Maybe in the eyes of others, you are powerful …”

“But in my eyes, you are nothing!”

‘She’ laughed, ‘My divine power may seem small, but the higher its level compared to your brute force, even if it’s less, it can’t be broken by mortal forces!”

Du Gang was silent, watching the increasingly arrogant Ming Yuwei in front of him.

It was as if he was deeply struck.

However, his attention was actually on his own brain where in the Source Energy section, the balance clearly showed nine million and one hundred thousand.

This is what he got from his crazy hunting of dinosaurs in the past four days, and trading yellow crystals with others at the base.

He had been holding back, only increasing his height by ten or so meters each day, all for this moment.


He dumped all the Source Energy into his account.

[Du Gang]

[Fourth Rank Ancient God]

[Battle Level: 1110 meters]

His battle level jumped from 200 meters to 1110 meters in an instant, which was not just a simple fivefold increase. If converted into strength, it was far more than a five hundredfold increase!!

Du Gang slowly opened his eyes, looked at the short but arrogant ‘God!’ below him and smiled.

“You said, mortal power can’t hurt gods?”


“I want to slay a god!”

As soon as he finished speaking, his body size started to swell again, instantly growing from 200 meters to 1110 meters tall.

Just like before, he raised his foot and stomped heavily towards Ming Yuwei again.

This time, Ming Yuwei panicked.

Du Gang was just too tall.

The tallest building on Earth is the Burj Khalifa, also known as the Dubai Tower, with a height of 828 meters.

Du Gang was taller than Dubai Tower!


At this moment, ‘she’ finally lost her stand and wanted to dodge this kick. But then, ‘she’ finally came to understand what Ming Yuwei had thought before.

The body felt sluggish!

Gravitation: The attractive force between two bodies that is proportional to their mass!

Gravity is the only force that governs the movement of celestial bodies. This force is not a tug between celestial bodies, but a distortion caused by the celestial body itself to the surrounding space- time!

At this moment, with his 1110 meter tall body, Du Gang naturally generated a strong gravitational force when he moved!


After a violent blast.

The ground instantly cracked. Cracks spread out from the center of the explosion in all directions.

A round pit with a diameter of nearly a hundred meters and a depth of dozens of meters appeared on the ground.

Around this pit, the previously standing proud palace group had all turned into ashes, completely vanished.

At the same time, a strong shock wave spread out in all directions from the center of the explosion.


“Boom Boom!!”

One house after another, like a child’s piled-up blocks, crashed down.

In an instant, all the buildings within a radius of five hundred meters centered on Du Gang were reduced to ruins.

All the glass of the buildings in South Harbour City completely shattered in that moment.

Numerous debris and glass shards spread to farther areas.

These initially inconspicuous things, at this moment, all turned into deadly weapons.

“Bang Bang! ”

The superpowered ones nearby, regardless of friend or foe, were all shot into swiss cheese in an instant.

“Take cover!”

The superpowered ones who were watching from a distance, used every ounce of strength to hide behind the buildings.


The intense explosions and roaring lasted for a full three minutes before gradually subsiding.

At this point, the scene in South Harbour City looked as if it had just been hit by a nuclear bomb, there was not a single place intact!

When Du Gang stomped down with his foot, the resulting damage was almost equivalent to a ten thousand ton nuclear bomb, apart from no radiation.


“Woo woo—!”

Cries of sorrow and pain gradually rang out once the shock wave had ceased.

The ‘god’ was dead!

Crushed into a mist of blood that dispersed.

But the aftermath he caused led to the death of at least hundreds of people and injuries to hundreds of thousands.

Du Gang fell silent.

Staring at the devastated South Harbour City, his teeth chattered unconsciously.

In the distance, the people who had barely survived looked at him with fear in their eyes.

When immortals fight, mortals suffer!

A war god?

At this moment, when they looked at Du Gang, it was as if they were looking at the reaper himself.

Dread, terror, fear, worry, trepidation…

Inside the lunar base.


Nalan Hongwen spat out blood.

“Am I dead?”

Although it was a result of possession, the feeling of death was too real, as if he had truly died once before.

“Ancient God…”

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, murmuring to himself.

He hadn’t expected that the Ancient God was so powerful!

According to the intelligence, this Ancient God was only at the Green Level, right?

Yet, he had broken his Source Energy shield!

The Source Energy shield, something that only a Seven-Color Purple Class fighter could comprehend!

While the strength of this shield was not as overwhelmingly superior as he had boasted, it was something that those below Purple Level could not breach!

Yet now, it was crushed by Du Gang’s foot.

“Body snatching…”

Ming Yuwei was dead, his body snatching plan had failed!

“No, I still have a chance!”

Nalan Hongwen marshalled his strength again, dialling his mother’s number.

The intelligence given to him by the advanced civilization mentioned two methods of body snatching.

The first required the target Ancient God to suffer a great psychological and spiritual shock, before proceeding with the snatching.

The second method was to beat him to the point of no resistance, and then forcefully take over!

His original plan was to mainly use the first method, because he couldn’t physically descend to Earth, or else it would alert the Cosmic Civilization Protection Association.

But at this moment, he changed his mind. With such a powerful Ancient God, it was worth the risk!


The call connected.

“What happened to you?”

Nalan Yanran looked at her blood-spattered son, asking in confusion.

“I was injured by the Ancient God on Earth!” “What?”

Nalan Yanran looked at him in disbelief.

Nalan Hongwen nodded, saying, “I’ve already used the Possession Transponder. My Source Energy shield was active, but it was crushed by his foot!”

“How is that possible…”

He continued, “That Ancient God should have just advanced to the Green Level, but his power already rivals that of the Purple Level!”

“Mom, help me snatch his body!”

Green Level rivaling Purple Level!

Nalan Yanran was shocked!

So strong at just the Green Level, what if the Ancient God reaches the Blue Level? Can he match the Meteorite Level?

What about the Blue Level? Or when he reaches the Purple Level?!!

Nalan Yanran pondered for a while, saying, “Once we enter Earth, the people from the Cosmic Civilization Association will show up within ten minutes at most…”

“We have to finish the body snatching within ten minutes…”

“Then, you pretend to be a native giant. I’ll push everything onto Nalan Hongwen, saying that you were near death, mentally disturbed, and wanted people from the primitive planet to be buried with you…”

This idea of body snatching was only mentioned in this intelligence briefing, she had never heard other people mention it before. Thus, she believed that even the people from the Cosmic Civilization Association wouldn’t know of it in this wasteland of a star field!


Nalan Hongwen was overjoyed upon hearing his mother agree.

Thinking of that colossal body over a thousand meters tall, he couldn’t contain his excitement!

“Wait for me, I’ll prepare a bit. I will be there in an hour…”

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