I’m A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 170 - Chapter 170: Chapter 169 Comprehending the Third

Chapter 170: Chapter 169 Comprehending the Third

Domain in Battle! (Massive update, please subscribe!)

Translator: 549690339

[The Second Round Begins]

With a system prompt, the five thousand people in the waiting room disappeared once again.

Du Gang’s vision blurred for a moment, next moment, he found himself on the stage.

Standing across him was a young man dressed in green clothes.

Upon seeing him, Du Gang’s brows slightly furrowed.

This man, he recognized, or rather his image was among the over a thousand Quadruple-Domain users that he had glimpsed at.

Though only a glimpse, with Du Gang’s memory, he could perfectly remember him.

Yan Liang, Thunder-Element Quadruple- Domain user, a prince of the Yan family from White Dragon Mountain….

Recalling this information, Du Gang understood that this match would be quite tough!

He tilted his head and looked at the stage next to him, seeing the people there, his already dark face turned even darker.

On the other four stages, there were three people he could recognize by name!

He had only glimpsed at a little over a thousand White Dragon Mountain Quadruple-Domain users, and out of them, three were on the other stages right now!

“Du Gang, what a coincidence to meet you here!”

Upon recognizing Du Gang, Yan Liang couldn’t help but chuckle.

With this remark, the attention of people from the other four stages was immediately drawn to them.


“This is interesting!”

The people from the other stages showed expressions of intrigued curiosity.

At this moment, the countdown in the sky was slowly flowing and within Du Gang’s heart, intricate calculations started.

He was calculating how to win the match in face of this situation.

First of all, the four Quadruple-Domain users were certainly beyond his ability to handle. And in this field, aside from him, there were five other Triple-Domain users.

As of now, his score was below these Quadruple-Domain users but above the Triple-Domain competitors.

So, his only chance was to lose the first four rounds and win the fifth one.

With this thought, he looked around once more. Among the five Triple-Domain users, there was only one Wind-Element user.

“Do I only have one chance?”

He understood that only by winning against the Wind-Element Triple-Domain user in the fifth round, would he have a chance to advance.

Otherwise, whether he encountered him earlier, or if the Wind-Element user was eliminated beforehand, he would lose any further opportunity in this competition!

Just then, the countdown ended, and the match began.


At the start of the match, Du Gang suddenly called for a halt.

Only after Yan Liang activated his Quadruple Thunder-Domain did he smile and ask, “What’s the matter?”

He knew Du Gang was merely a Dual-Domain user, so he was not in a hurry and wanted to see what Du Gang was planning to do.

Du Gang pondered tor a second, then said, “I am a Dual-Domain user, and you are a Quadruple-Domain user. Could you allow me to attack for five minutes?”


Upon hearing Du Gang’s words, admitting his inferiority, Yan Liang burst into laughter.

Even though he was quite powerful among the Quadruple-Domain users, in terms of fame, he wasn’t even a tenth as famous as Du Gang.

So, Du Gang’s submission was indeed flattery to his ears.

“Are you trying to drag out some time to lose fewer points?”

Du Gang remained silent.

Yan Liang chuckled, then said, “Sure, I’d prefer not to end the match too early and have to wait. I’ll play along with you!”

“Heaven Thunder Gate!”

With a soft shout from him, four gates of thunder and lightning appeared around his domain.

“This is a trapping method, although not primarily for defense, but if you can break it, I admit defeat!”

The statement seemed boastful, provoking disdain from the three Fourth-Level Domain Experts nearby. That’s because the positions of these four gates were all within the domain. This meant, without breaking the domain, the thunder gates cannot be broken. So, the supposedly weak defense was merely a ruse to trick Du Gang, yet the three plotted accomplices didn’t expose him.

Upon hearing this, Du Gang was elated. “Good, in that case, here I come! ”

After saying that, he expanded his domain instantly, then activated the Third Transformation of Sky Walk. He transformed again into multiple phantoms, launching a sky full of spear shadows, and began attacking the four thunder gates.

After several hundred continuous attacks, seeing Yan Liang not retaliating, Du Gang quickly started to deploy the eighth kill of spear magic!

He sought to continuously add the Critical Strike Mystery to this group attack spear technique.

In his view, there were only two ways to comprehend the Mystery. One was to meditate quietly, slowly exploring the principles of the Mystery.

The other, was active training, repeatedly utilizing the Mystery, slowly extracting the verdict within.

Therefore, he wanted to try and see if he could understand the true essence of the Critical Strike Mystery while continuously attacking! “Swish, swish, swish!”

For a moment, the entire space was again filled with his figure.

Yan Liang laughed, “Your momentum looks quite threatening!”

He didn’t pay any attention to Du Gang’s attacks. Because those attacks, upon reaching the thunder gate, only created a “ting” sound and couldn’t cause any major effect.

Understanding that his opponent wouldn’t retaliate within the next five minutes, Du Gang fully released the energy he had reserved from earlier, initiating a frenzied attack.

Normally, he wouldn’t use his speed to its full capacity, because he was worried about the enemy charging and catching him. Therefore, he would always reserve some energy to change his position and escape at any time.

But now, since the enemy wasn’t moving, there was no need for him to hold back.

Suddenly, after-images which were filling the stage, became even more dense. “Good fellow, this technique is indeed quite intimidating!”

Not just Yan Liang, but also spectators from other platforms were attracted by Du Gang’s attack.

Because they were aware of the gap between the Third and Fourth-Level Domains, they didn’t have a strong desire to compete and were all looking towards Du Gang’s side.

They were quite curious about Du Gang. After all, this guy, with a Second-Level Domain, advanced to the finals, grabbed the first place for five hours in the preliminaries.

But now at one glance, they exclaimed.

“This guy, his speed is too fast, it’s simply faster than any Wind element Fourth-Level Domain Expert I’ve ever seen!”

“Yes, I’m afraid his speed could only be caught up by a Fifth-Level Domain

Expert of the Wind System!”

“Exactly how did he manage to do it?”

Everyone was puzzled, “Looking at his Laws, it’s clearly only Gold element, how could he possess such speed?”

“Could it be that the Gold System has some mystery that improves speed which we don’t know about?”

“It doesn’t make sense, if there was, it would definitely explode on the internet!”

While everyone was speculating, they continued watching Du Gang’s performance.

“He’s too fast, my eyes can’t keep up at all, facing such speed, you can only rely on Domain Suppression!”

The purpose of the domain, apart from amplifying oneself, could also suppress all incoming elements, whether its strength, speed, energy, power, etc. It could suppress everything.

Du Gang’s Third Transformation of Sky Walk, as long as it didn’t enter someone else’s domain, no one among these contestants could keep up with him.

However, if he wanted to win the match, he had to attack the enemies.

To attack meant entering someone else’s domain.

If it’s a Third-Level Domain of the Wind element, with both him and his opponent rushing towards each other, the cumulative speed surpassed the limit that a third-level domain could suppress within a ten-meter range. This was why he could counterattack the wind systems.

However, if he encountered other Third-Level and above domain masters, as long as they remained stationary, Du Gang would have practically no chance to attack.

The ten-meter domain range was enough to cut his one-third light speed down to a crawl.

“Impressive indeed!”

Yan Liang, feeling the countless phantasmal figures surrounding him, couldn’t help but praise aloud.

Only by being in the center could one truly feel such speed.

Faced with this speed, he had completely given up on competing with the enemy in terms of speed.

“What a pity, his level is just too low. If it were a little higher, this guy might be able to sweep his peers!”

He sighed a little, if Du Gang had been at the fourth level of Domain, then during the preliminaries, he would not have simply dominated the first place for just five hours, but potentially for nine hours.

Even in the final, he might take the first place. After all, possessing invincible speed among peers gave him the advantage of striking first.

If it weren’t for his weak attack, unable to break through the fourth level of Domain, who could stand against him?

At this moment, Du Gang could not hear any sound.

After vacating everything, focused only on the attack, the world in his eyes seemed to have changed.

What he could sense were the various colored elements. At this moment, it was as if he could directly see the Laws of the entire world.

Critical Strike Mystery!

Critical Strike Mystery!

The critical strike, which could only be cast after tens or hundreds of thousands of attempts, seemed to have a certain frequency at this moment. Du Gang seemed to have seen these frequencies, directly bypassing the chances that could not cast the Critical Strike Mystery.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

As each of his strikes carried the Critical Strike Mystery, what followed was an attack power that multiplied!

The four Heaven Thunder Gates made loud explosions at this moment.

An unending stream of energy drilled into the Thunder Gates from within his Domain, maintaining their stability.

“His attack power actually doubled! ”

A touch of shock appeared in Yan Liang’s pupils. Du Gang’s attack was not week, only a bit weaker compared to those at the fourth level of Domain.

But at his own level, his attack was stronger than anyone else’s. After all, the Gold Element specialized in killing, and he had also understood the pure offense type Mystery.

But what startled Yan Liang now was that Du Gang’s attack power had become similar to the normal attack of a third-level Domain!

Or rather, if he didn’t know that Du Gang was a second-level Domain user, he would have thought that the attacker was a third-level Domain user!

Too terrifying!

A second-level Domain user actually possessed the attack power of a third-level Domain user!


Although he still couldn’t beat a third-level Domain user in the end, it was already formidable!

Having the attack power of a third -level Domain user and having a third-level Domain were two different concepts. The most powerful aspect of a third-level domain user was the ability to enhance themselves and suppress the enemy within their domain.

So, he believed that even if Du Gang possessed the attacking power of a third-level Domain user, he still couldn’t beat them when facing a third-level Domain.

“Did this guy start with this strong attacking power, or did he comprehend it during the battle?”

Yan Liang was very curious about Du Gang now, curious about his speed, curious about his attack power.

“Could it be, he has some special physique?”

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility, that Du Gang might have a special physique with extremely fast speed.

Only in this way, could it explain why his speed was so fast!

Thus, while one continuously attacked and the other continuously pondered, time flowed slowly.

Five minutes passed in an instant.

Yan Liang then spoke up: “The five minutes are up, I’m going to make my move!”

No matter how much he joked around, he still had to win the match.

“Lightning Tentacles!”

Yan Liang did not rush to withdraw the Thunder Gates, but casually released a lot of thunder and lightning, suspending them over the entire arena.

The so-called Lightning Tentacles were his eyes, his ears, and more importantly, his antennae that could sense everything around him. Despite their low power, they were able to capture the moving tracks of the target.

As a succession of Lightning Tentacles were released by him, the surrounding space gradually became filled.

The movement trajectory of Du Gang slowly appeared in his perception.

“So that’s how it is!”

Through the Lightning Tentacles, he was finally able to see Du Gang’s movement trajectory clearly.

It turned out that Du Gang was relying on the air walls around the arena to move.

His speed was very fast, and relying solely on the air for movement would inevitably slow him down, so he was like a radar of radio waves with incoming and outgoing signals, constantly bouncing between the air walls around the arena and the four Thunder Gates.

The man seemed as ceaseless and tireless as a bouncing ball.

“Thunder Serpent!”

Seeing that Du Gang was still moving non-stop, Yan Liang tried to throw a thunder attack on one of his must-pass routes to see how effective it was.

“Sizzle! Sizzle!”

When the Thunder Serpent quickly stopped on the route that Du Gang should have been advancing on, a scene that shocked Yan Liang happened.

Du Gang’s body, like a forward-moving line on a piece of white paper encountering an obstacle, actually dodged at a right angle to the side and then returned to the predetermined orbit at a right angle.

“How is that possible? How did he do that?”

Yan Liang unknowingly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his face filled with shock.

Without using any force, stepping, or making any movements, Du Gang moved as if he was walking a straight line, as if he was originally going to walk there and went straight on.

Though it was a tortuous route, right now, Du Gang gave him the impression of walking a straight line, as if the curved space was straight.

“Thunder Serpent! ! ”

Still not giving up, Yan Liang sensed Du Gang’s subsequent positions through the Lightning Tentacles and quickly cast several more Thunder shots.

“Sizzle! Sizzle!”

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The same scene as before occurred. Du Gang still evaded the attacks in an incredible way, without even slowing down. After attacking the Thunder Gate, he quickly rebounded and continued refraction.

“This man is like a bending light…”

Yan Liang marveled aloud, but his actions didn’t stop. He drove his Domain, pulling the Thunder Gates with him and positioned them towards where Du Gang was planning to go.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The scene that shocked him happened again!

Du Gang was still bouncing non-stop, barely touching his Domain. After attacking the Thunder Gate, he ‘rebounded’ and left!

For several times in a row, he blocked Du Gang’s must-pass route in advance, but Du Gang bounced away each time.

“I don’t believe it!”

Yan Liang frowned slightly and, summoning all his might, began to attack.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

For a while, on the entire arena, apart from the sound of Du Gang bombarding the Thunder Gates, there were the explosive noises of Yan Liang attacking the air and eventually the bounce back onto the air walls around the arena.

For a full two minutes, Yan Liang didn’t even catch the corners of Du Gang’s clothes.

If before, his gaze on Du Gang still carried a hint of teasing, now, he was completely astonished, speechless.

“I don’t believe it, I don’t believe that my fourth level Domain, can’t even hit a second level domain user!”

Yan Liang gets tough and starts to use his ultimate moves.

“Thunder Prison Covering the Sky!”

Suddenly, countless chains of lightning appeared in the million-square-feet arena. These chains of lightning, all in the shape of lock chains, were hooked together.

“Seal! ”

As the electrical chains kept pouring out, a prison made up of these electrical chains gradually formed.

What shocked him more was the scene that unfolded before his eyes.

Throughout the space, besides the Thunder Prison Chains, all the cracks were filled with the figure of Du Gang.

He seemed totally unimpeded by these chains, like a ghost ceaselessly weaving through them.

“Boom, boom, boom!”

Most unbelievable to him was that during his movements, Du Gang continued relentlessly assaulting the four Heaven Thunder Gates.

“What grudge, what grievance?”

In this instant, he only felt absurd; even though he had begun to counterattack, Du Gang persisted on attacking the Thunder Gate. Didn’t he know that the Thunder Gate was just an irrelevant conjuration of his?

“Retract! ”

In an instant, Yan Liang withdrew the Thunder Gates; he wanted to see what Du Gang would do next.

“Swish, swish, swish!”

With the disappearance of the Thunder Gates, Du Gang’s speed seemed to increase. He moved back and forth within the entire space.

At this moment, even with Lightning Tentacles, Yan Liang was unable to capture his figure. It felt like a string of codes that couldn’t be deciphered. After a second of contemplation, Du Gang seemed to hesitate for a moment.

But before he concluded anything — “Boom, boom, boom!”

Du Gang’s attack emerged once again. This time, all the Lightning Tentacles, all the Thunder Prison Chains, were his targets!

“Boom, boom, boom!”

The Lightning Tentacles and the Thunder Prison Chains, caught unshielded and absent of new reinforcements, were all shattered in an instant.

Simultaneously, Du Gang seemed to falter for a moment. Yan Liang, on the other hand, finally saw Du Gang’s eyes.

Blood-red, vacant, mysterious, truth.

He didn’t know what those eyes were like, he just got these words from them.

Before he could figure it out, Du Gang moved once again. “Boom, boom, boom!”

This time, he directly began to attack Yan Liang’s Domain.

“Heaven Thunder Gate!”

In a rush, Yan Liang summoned the Thunder Gate. Even though he knew Du Gang wouldn’t break his Domain, the incessant attack that seemed to never cease still suffocated him. So, in the crucial moment, he summoned the Thunder Gate.

As expected, similar to prior, Du Gang abandoned attacking the Domain, and started attacking the Thunder Gate once more.

“Boom, boom, boom!” “Thud, thud, thud!”

As time passed, he wasn’t sure if it was an illusion, but it felt like Du Gang was moving even faster, his attacks stronger too.

Every thud that echoed in the hurried tempo, caused Yan Liang’s heart to beat tumultuously.

At this moment, the other four battle platforms have long since ended their duels.

All eight people had their eyes widened, staring intently at this stage.


They couldn’t quite believe their eyes at this moment; Yan Liang was actually being suppressed to the point of being unable to retaliate?!!

What in the world is this?!

Just as everybody was deep in thought, the system’s notification sound appeared.

[Ten minutes up. Stage one battle has ended. As neither side managed to claim victory, one point will be deducted from each side. The side with more points left will be declared the winner!]

[Yan Liang wins!]

As the prompt ended, Du Gang who had been charging at a high speed, instantly halted in step and vanished from the stage, appearing on the losing side.

Meanwhile, Yan Liang appeared on the winning side.

“Thump, thump, thump, thump!”

The familiar music began once more, followed by the reappearance of the system notification sound.

[As the contender with the highest points on the winning side, Yan Liang has been selected as the first to proceed to the next round!]


Yan Liang instantly appeared on the first throne among the five in mid-air and sat down.

[As the lowest point holder in the losing group, Liu Kai is directly eliminated!]

“Clang! ”

The ground opened in a flash and the person out of the five standing in the middle of the losers’ side fell into the abyss.

This time, the contender named Liu Kai who had fallen didn’t shriek like the previous one.

It’s not like he was really dying; he was just being eliminated. The one who had screamed last time would probably be too embarrassed to show his face.

It was then that the immobilized Du Gang finally regained his senses.

Looking at the person who had fallen into the abyss, the corner of his mouth twitched.

The one named Liu Kai who was eliminated first, that guy belonged to the Wind Element Domain, one of the five Three- tier Domain Users!

This meant that the best outcome he had previously envisioned had entirely collapsed!

But at this moment, he didn’t bother with such thoughts and recalled the encounter on the stage.

“That mysterious state I was in just now…”

The moment he woke up, he realized that he had entered a certain state on the stage again.

Simultaneously, to his delight, he found that his Critical Strike Mystery that was originally at 95%, had improved by 1%, reaching 96%!

“If, in the upcoming matches, I managed to enter that state again, would I be able to perfect my understanding their Critical Strike Mystery by the fifth round and possess the Gold Element’s Third Transformation Domain?!”

Thinking of this, Du Gang’s eyes blazed with infinite fire.

He wanted to try

“My fate is mine; and not controlled by the heavens!”

In this moment, Du Gang felt invincible!

Meanwhile, the countdown in the sky ended.

The eight people on two sides of the four stages instantly turned into white light, and when they reappeared they were already on the stage.

This round, Du Gang’s opponent was yet another Four-tier Domain User!

His eyes were firmly fixed on his adversary, as the vacant look in his pupils gradually intensifying.

Eventually, when the match officially started, he once again turned into a phantom, beginning to wander about and dominate the entire space.

“Swish, swish, swish!”

The Four-tier Domain User in the middle of the stage was completely stupefied!

“How come when he gets to my stage, he doesn’t say a word and starts the fight immediately?! ”

He was a bit irritated. “Looking down on people, I’ll show him!”

Initially, he thought that if Du Gang wanted him to wait for five minutes, he would. But who knew that Du Gang would launch his attack without saying a word — thinking too highly of himself. Did he think he could take him down?

“Fire Dance Explosion!”

This contender was immediately enraged and unleashed his ultimate move.

In an instant, the entire stage was engulfed in raging fire!

“Sizzle, sizzle!”

The air within the stage was burned by the flame wave, resulting in a sizzling sound.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

However, the next second, something happened that shocked him.

The released waves of fire just filled the entire space, and then were immediately localised by countless spear shadows and exploded directly upon impact.

It didn’t even last a second, all the flames, all of it was extinguished!

“Well, that’s some skill!”

This competitor had no idea that Du Gang was currently in a daze, in an unknown state, he thought that Du Gang wanted to fight with him!

Hence, he didn’t keep anything to himself either. All the tricks he had were continuously exhibited. “Fire Bomb!”

‘Ghost Cage Fire!” “Exploding Feathers Conflagration!”

“Fire Dragon’s Roar!”

All the means he could use, right at this moment, were carelessly unleashed.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The entire arena was experiencing continuous explosions.

The intense rumbling disrupted the other three arenas and made it difficult to continue with the games!

However, the two people on the stage, didn’t care about all that.

It was because Du Gang had fallen into a certain state and didn’t care about anything else.

And that Fire Element competitor, initially having an explosive personality, stimulated like this, didn’t care about anything else either.

Although they had not faced each other directly and the Fire Element competitor couldn’t catch Du Gang’s figure, it didn’t hinder him from casting spells against the air, no matter what was strong or weak, he deployed whatever he had now.

He simply released them against the air, maybe he could hit Du Gang!

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The two of them, as if having long-standing grudges, attacked furiously. If it wasn’t for the arena being sturdy enough, it would have probably exploded by now.

At this moment, the eyes of the seven spectators were about to pop out.

This battle was far more exciting than the one Du Gang had with Yan Liang.

Mainly because the entire arena was full of rumbling noises and fiery explosions.

They couldn’t see their figures, they could only see all kinds of flames, and all kinds of spear shadows.

And so, amidst everyone’s shock, the time came to the last second of the tenth minute.

“Ten minutes time is up, the match on Arena 1 ends. Considering that both sides did not determine a winner, both sides will be deducted one point. The side with more points will automatically win!”

“Fang Teng wins ! ”

As this Fire Element competitor rose to the throne, another man from the opposing group of four fell into the abyss.

While Du Gang woke up again.

As expected, his Critical Strike Mystery, after this upgrade, had reached ninety-seven percent!

“There are three more matches!”

At this moment, Du Gang’s eyes were ablaze with fierce flames!

He looked at the other three victors on the stage, filled with desire for battle.

The gaze, full of fighting desire, immediately made the three opposite him stunned.

“Damn, is Du Gang really a battle-obsessed fanatic?!!”

In the blink of an eye, amidst everyone’s speculation, the fight started again.

“Sasha! Sasha! Sasha!”

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Just like the previous two round situations, Du Gang once again turned himself into a phantom, cruising through this space.

Just like this, the third round and the fourth round, also ended when the time ran out.

And the fifth match then started.

This time, Du Gang’s opponent was a Fire Element competitor with a triple-domain.

This Fire Element competitor was actually kind of frightened.

If you say that earlier, just as he entered this space, had not yet played a match, and when he saw Du Gang, he was full of excitement and amusement.

But now, all he was left with was intense fear.

Du Gang’s eyes, looked like he wanted to eat him alive!

If he didn’t know that this was a virtual universe, he would have wanted to run away!

“The match begins!”

As the system prompt sounded, the last match of this group in the second round started!

“Sasha! Sasha! Sasha!”

Still the same as before, Du Gang started by crossing the entire space.

Countless phantom images suddenly appearing scared the Fire Element competitor into continuously attacking.

He couldn’t see Du Gang’s real body, so like the previous opponents, he had to continuously attack the air.

While Du Gang kept the same behavior as before, only attacking the flames, not the domain.

Actually, if Du Gang sobered up, he would find that his speed was a third faster than before!

This meant that his speed had already reached half the speed of light!

Similarly, this meant that these triple-domain users could not use Domain

Suppression on him before he crushed their throats.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

“Sasha! Sasha! Sasha!”

After several minutes of fighting, the Fire Element user also noticed a strange phenomenon. That is, Du Gang only attacked the flames when he released them.

At other times, he was just circling his domain, although the horrifying speed made him scared. But, didn’t Du Gang seem to be attacking him?!

This time, he tried to stop the flames to see what Du Gang would do.

However, the moment he stopped the flames, Du Gang also stopped.

The eyes of the whole person had returned to clarity, no longer confused like before.

Not only that, the originally frantic and aggressive expression also disappeared. At this moment, what hung on his face was just a faint smile.


Just like this, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Du Gang slowly uttered these four words.

At the same time, another Gold Element Domain suddenly released from his body, and quickly overlapped with the Sharp Gold Domain and the War Gold Domain.

At this moment, except for Du Gang, the eyes of all five competitors on the scene were bulging, full of shock.

“Did he actually break through to the Triple-domain in the middle of the battle?!!”

At this moment, Du Gang didn’t respond, but merely slowly raised his hand.

Suddenly, the domain that initially was only ten meters in range, in this instant, quickly covered everything.

As fast as a ‘whoosh’, it enveloped the Fire Element competitor.

Then, he saw him in the air hundreds of meters away, remotely holding up his hand.


With a bang, the original triple-domain Fire Element competitor, in an instant, was blown into dust.

“Du Gang wins!”

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