I'm The Devil

Chapter 12: The Realm of Pangu

Chapter 12: The Realm of Pangu

Domain Of Aesir

A man with a large beard and long black hairs with a muscular build sat on a throne as looked at the event going on in front of him.

He is Buri, a Primordial god, the current Godking of Aesir, a domain or more like a personal Realm of his.

A man with a black hair and black eyes, he has a slight resemblance to Lucifer walked up to Buri who was on his throne while holding a large piece of meat. He is Bariel, the brother of Lucifer, one of the seven lord of Hell and the sin of Gluttony.

When he left Hell, he appeared in the domain of Aesir where he had to beat up some of their best warriors to show them that he is worthy of the warrior's way which he didn't even understand. He didn't know the power dynamics of this new place so he had to refrain from roughing them up.

Back to the present

Bariel walked to Buri and saw that he was moody which contradicts is previous party mode "hey, man what's with your change of mood, you can't just bail on us when the party is getting to its climax, come on, this is nothing like you, look at your son, he will soon become the new god of partying" Bariel who loved the way the Aesirians party because of the plentiful of food during the event.

Buri didn't budge as he was concerned about something else, two Primordial gods have fallen and one of them is mysterious as nobody knew what happened to him. He was concerned if there is something out there that is targeting them as two Primordial gods falling the same time is not a coincidence, there is something at play here, and he will not just dismiss it as coincidence as only a fool would do that, what if he is next and was caught unprepared due to his negligence to the matter, he must always be on guard, he will not even trust his own son anymore as the other one fell by his son's hands.

"Hey, big beard, what's wrong with you? One moment you were a party god and the next you are a party pooper, come on, get a grip on yourself, Buri" Bariel called out to Buri once more.

Buri finally came back to his senses and just sighed "I will be going back to my chambers, I don't feel like to continue partying anymore, and as to not spoil the fun, you lots can continue without me, tell Bor he is the new god of partying and also tell him to go back home to his pregnant wife, he shouldn't let her be by herself especially at a time like this"

Bariel frowned when he heard that, he was not displeased by the fact that Buri is going to his chambers before the party could come to an end but because he was being treated like a servant boy, even back at home before their rebellion, he wasn't treated that way, heck even Lucifer didn't tell him want to do and now, someone who wasn't at the same level as him is giving him orders, how preposterous.

Bariel calmed himself and looked at Buri who was getting up from his throne "why don't you tell him yourself, last time I checked, I was not one of your servant boys who you can boss around, I will let it go this time but there won't be a next time" Bariel said before he left Buri and went back to eating whatever he got his hands on.

Buri sighed once again "where did he even come from, from the looks of things, everything started going wrong from the moment he arrived here in Aesir, does he have anything to do with the death of the Primordial gods, either way, I will have to keep a close eye on him, I don't want to take any chances" Buri said before he sent someone to contact his son, Bor for him while making his way to his chambers.


A woman stood in the void with a young man besides her with a sad expression. She is Nuwa, the Primordial goddess who appeared during the first meeting of the Primordial gods alongside Pangu, her husband.

"The realm died alongside Pangu, but he but even during his final breath, he didn't forsake us as from his dead body and new realm was created, Shangdi, now that your father is gone, you are the one who would preside over this new realm, you will be the Godking, so I leave you to name it as you see fit, my son" Nuwa said while still sad and angry for the death of her husband, sad because she lost her husband and angry at the one who did that, the one who used her husband's axe to brutally split her husband into two without any remorse or whatsoever.

She had only one child with Pangu, Shangdi, her most beloved, he is the only one who could be able to avenge his father but he is not ready yet to take on the man who kill Pangu.

Shangdi knew that his mother was grieving after losing his father and it saddens him for being weak and not strong enough to take down the man who murdered his father but that does not mean he will not have the chance, he will one day be powerful enough to avenge his father, but as his mother said, this is not the right time.

Shangdi looked at the new realm formed from the splitting if his father, he stepped inside together with his father and saw a majestic sight of four different beast flying through the sky, a clear body of water that flows throughout the realm, there were large trees that bear different fruits, some, he knew of them while some were unknown to even his mother Nuwa, large mountain surrounding the realms. Shangdi was amazed by the wonders of this new realm, he didn't know most of the creatures he was seeing.

When he thought he had seen enough, he was even more bewildered when he saw a group of beings from a distance that also looked at him, he felt some powerful auras coming of them but it was not as powerful as him which he assumed as new gods born from his father.

He and his mother flew to their location and saw that they were just five new gods.

"Who are you? What are you doing intruding at our world outsiders?" A woman who appeared to be the leader of the new gods questioned Shangdi the moment he got near them.

The four creatures he saw when he first came to the realm also appeared before him with hostile gaze towards him.

Shangdi was not infuriated by the way the woman spoke to him, instead he was pleased as he would also do the same when someone intrude his realm just like his father did but was killed instead as the mysterious man took it as a disrespect to his status "my name is Shangdi, this is my mother, Nuwa, I am here to claim my right as the Godking of this realm as it was the only thing my father left for me" Shangdi said while looking at the woman in front of him.

The woman and the other four new gods didn't refute Shangdi's claim as when he said that, there was something telling them to bow down to him.

They listen and bow down to Shangdi accepting him as the Godking of their world.

Shangdi was a little surprised but he didn't let it shoe on his face, he told them to stand up and looked at the four creatures "what are they?"

The woman who was the leader of the five was the one to answer him "they are the four divine beast of this world, they were here when we were born, we don't have a name for them yet"

Shangdi nodded and decided to give them a name, he looked at the large azure serpentine lizard like creature and called it a Dragon, the fiery vermilion bird, he called a Phoenix, the large tortoise, he called the Black tortoise due to its black shell and lastly, the tiger, he called white tiger.

Nuwa chuckled at the naming sense of her son but didn't do anything about it.

Shangdi then looked at the woman in the lead "what is your name?" The woman thought for a while before answering "Bixia, my name is Bixia"

"Bixia, will you join me to rule by my side as the new Godking of this realm, the Realm of Pangu"


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