I’m the Only One Who Can’t See Ghosts

Chapter 43: Even If You’re Caught in a Tiger’s Den (1)

Cheonji is the strongest organization of psychics.

Abroad, this title is met with skepticism, but none dare challenge it; in Korea, everyone acknowledges it, with only three individuals dismissing it outright.

Like any organization, Cheonji also has various departments. As the foremost organization of psychics, these departments could justly be called the strongest departments.

Among them, one department was highly esteemed.

It was Cheonji’s Intelligence Department.

This department, likened to the CIA of modern times, employed psychics with abilities in stealth, disguise, and mind-reading as field agents, while those with clairvoyance, prophecy, and informational powers provided backup.

Indeed, many said it far surpassed the stature of the CIA.

The unbelievable achievements of Cheonji, almost as if foreseeing the future, the movements of its divine agents—observing them, one couldn’t help but fear the eyes and ears of the Cheonji Intelligence Department.

Thus, feared by many, the head of the Cheonji Intelligence Department read a top-secret document and remarked,

“An investigation about a psychic named Heavenly Demon. And it’s marked as the most urgent issue by the higher-ups. Just who is this person?”

However, questioning was not his role. His job was simply to create the information that the higher-ups desired.

“A week should be enough to crack this.”




And a week later, the head of the Intelligence Department was in despair.

“What do you mean, you couldn’t even guess what powers he possesses?”

Watching the officers debate before him, the head was at a loss for words.

“Heavenly Demon, the Demon of the Heavens, seems to possess abilities similar to evil spirits. Perhaps he draws on the powers of a realm classified as hell...”

“Ridiculous. Heavenly Demon means a tempter in myths, luring Buddhas into corruption. Heavenly Demon must be a mental power user, specialized in seduction and brainwashing.”

“Pfft, this is why those who don’t operate in the field don’t get it. You don’t understand the nature of evil organizations. Leaders of such factions using the term Demon are usually violent and brutal. And with the inclusion of the word Heavenly in it. Haha. It’s as if representing the dark form of the powers of Nayu, one of the Three Honored Ones...”

What nonsense is this?

Why are they doing things without investigating the Heavenly Demon Cult that worships Heavenly Demon?

The head of the Intelligence Department, annoyed, silenced his officers.

“Quiet, everyone. Have we investigated the Heavenly Demon Cult that worships Heavenly Demon? Isn’t it likely that he’s there?”

“We’ve interrogated a few followers, but...”

“Why don’t you finish your sentences?”

Chided by the head, an officer slowly spoke up.

“It seems we couldn’t interrogate them using psychic powers since they deal with negativity, and being zealots, they gave up no information about Heavenly Demon. Plus, there’s an agreement between the Cheonji and the Heavenly Demon Cult, so we officially can’t press them...”

“Enough excuses. What happened with that project? The one where we infiltrated our agents into the Heavenly Demon Cult.”

“Well, about that...”

As the head glared, the officer hurriedly continued.

“It appears there’s evidence of betrayal by an agent.”

“How disappointing. Bring me a written explanation immediately.”

The head slammed the table, refocusing the officers.

“What about the old records?”

“They’ve all disappeared. It seems someone wanted to erase all historical evidence of Heavenly Demon’s existence.”

“And the prophets?”

An officer answered the head’s question.

“Heavenly Demon’s ability isn’t just about handling negativity. Apart from that, the prophets have gleaned no further information. Getting more from them is impossible.”

“So, it’s not about handling negativity. Heavenly Demon has little to do with the Heavenly Demon Cult, after all.”

So that’s why.

The reason why the officers had made various guesses about Heavenly Demon’s abilities.

The head of the department swept his face with his hand, then addressed his officers.

“Mobilize all the information power users.”

At that moment, a goddess of the digital world in the form of a young girl smiled.

<Plan. I will hide the real information about Heavenly Demon.>

<Execute. I will borrow the domain of the Heavenly Demon Cult, set numerous traps, and at the end of this labyrinth, store false information about Heavenly Demon.>

<Execute. I will store false information about Heavenly Demon in the deepest part of the site that has transformed into a bizarre phenomenon.>

<Execute. I will disguise Yoo Hajin as an ordinary man with no special powers.>

Thus, the information power users, engulfed in negativity and going mad while looking at the distorted site, gathered information about the Heavenly Demon.

Another department’s officer watched the scene and commented.

“Is this information reliable?”

“The information power users affiliated with Cheonji are the world’s best. There’s no reason to doubt the information they bring.”

The information they collected was as follows:

Heavenly Demon is a woman.

Heavenly Demon is immensely wealthy.

Heavenly Demon resonates with darkness itself, as a shaman...


Today, morning came again.

As I rotated the galbi in the air fryer, I looked at the fridge.

There were three eggs left.

“Just enough for me, Nayu, and Jamsuni to have one each.”

Looks like I have to go shopping again today.

But there’s hardly any money left in my account.


When will I ever live comfortably?

I swallowed the tears in my heart as I cracked the eggs.

Breakfast was almost ready.

Kimchi, gochujang pickles, three fried eggs, and galbi. Wow, even the youngest granddaughter of a wealthy family would drool at such a breakfast.

As I placed the last fried egg on the plate, familiar voices rang out.

“The smell of the galbi is insane.”

“Nayu hungry, stomach rumbling.”

It was Nayu and Jamsuni’s voices. They naturally scooped rice from the rice cooker and sat down at their spots.

I too turned on the news through my computer monitor and took my seat.

Pretending it was nothing, I watched the news reporting the collapse of Big Hand Casino.

“Yes, the scene is still chaotic. Three days since the collapse of Big Hand Casino, and Cheonsu Group, which manages the casino, has yet to issue any statement.”

No statement issued.

Could it mean that Cheonsu is dead?

Cheonsu fought desperately, even though he was being beaten up by VIPs. I didn’t know he could fight so well even when blind and deaf.

And if my memory serves, I think Cheonsu had vowed to kill me.

Since I am still very much alive, he would have to face the consequences of breaking his vow.

They say it’s nine times the luck one gains—a divine punishment.

So, he’s probably dead.

But I couldn’t confirm his death.

“Egg yummy.”

“T-this is Nayu’s! Nayu’s fried egg!”

Could Cheonsu really be dead?

My feelings were becoming complicated.

But the news didn’t care about how I felt.

“Cheonji has declared this murder game arena a serious violation of discipline, announcing a hunt against the psychics affiliated with Cheonsu Group. Henceforth, the Cheonsu Group will…”

Did Cheonji really not know about this murder game arena?

I don’t think so.

It seems like they’re trying to scapegoat Cheonsu Crew now that things have escalated.


When I’m this annoyed, I need to eat a fried egg.

Protein is always right.

But there were no fried eggs left on the plate.


As I sneakily glanced forward, I saw Nayu munching away, avoiding my gaze.

“N-Nayu knows nothing.”


Thus, I had to go to work without having had any eggs.

Today’s job was a delivery gig.

“Could I get tangled in another weird incident?”

Lately, doing delivery gigs, I’ve gotten involved in many strange incidents.

After a delivery shift, I ended up enjoying a full course at the Heavenly Demon Cult, and once, I even watched Kiriyeon’s erotic acrobatic show during a delivery.

I’m declining those kinds of incidents now.

They didn’t even pay well.

I received the delivery items and marked the destination on my phone. Then, the map app flagged it as a <Danger Zone>. I slowly looked at the location shown on the app.

“It’s the Tiger’s Den.”

It’s one of the three most dangerous places in Seoul known as the Tiger’s Den.

But I’m not afraid of something like the Tiger’s Den; after all, I live in one of those three dangerous areas, and I’ve done many deliveries to places like it.

Yet, I’ve never actually seen a tiger.

The most terrifying and fearsome entity in the world?

I’d really like to see one someday.

With that, I slung the delivery items on my back and rode a cost-effective electric scooter, racing towards the Tiger’s Den.


And indeed, nothing happened.

It looks like today’s delivery gig will end without any issues.

“Phew, young man. You flew here on your scooter again? In the old days, you would have been featured as a master on a variety show.”

“Ahaha. I guess I have a good sense of balance.”

I set down the packages I had carried on my back, one by one.

Today’s client was the owner of a supermarket located within the Tiger’s Den—a reliable person who often entrusted me with delivery tasks.

“Here’s your money.”

“Thank you. Please call me again.”

“Of course. I’m more grateful. But uh…”

Suddenly, the sound of people scrambling in panic filled the air.

The supermarket lady began to tear up slightly and then, with a choking sound, she set down her goods and ran off.

“Ah, really, again today?”

I’ve got the money, so should I just leave?

But if I leave the goods like this, people might steal them.

It’s unlikely that the poor living in the Tiger’s Den wouldn’t covet the supermarket goods.

Look, there’s a woman eyeing them already. Wow, and she’s really beautiful. Her white hair is quite unusual.

It’s surprising that her stretched-out white tee can’t hide her curves.

Even her arms and legs seem muscular. And her face could rival the visual member of an idol group—what’s with that?

If Nayu had a naive beauty, this woman had a sharp beauty. So beautiful, she almost didn’t seem human.

But the woman’s expression was very gloomy.

She even looked like she might cry at any moment.

“I just, came out to buy some ramen.”

At that moment, my phone began to ring.


[Web Alert][Safety Notice]

[Seoul Metropolitan Area]

The tiger has been spotted.

Please evacuate the area.


I muttered to myself as soon as I read the message.

“Damn it.”

I had to run. Just the presence of one tiger turned the Tiger’s Den into an incredibly dangerous place.

The fact that I was running away from something like this annoyed me for some reason.

Every time, it felt like something inside me was laughing at me.

The word “descent” suddenly came to mind.


Can’t be helped.

I have to leave this stuff behind.

I was looking for a shelter hastily.

At that moment, the woman behind me slumped down and started to sob.

“It’s no use. If this doesn’t work either. I just ran out of detergent, and I just, that’s why I came out.”

Damn it.

I’m not helping her because she’s pretty.

I’m just a bit of a pushover, that’s why I’m helping.

“Don’t you have a phone? Now’s not the time to be without one.”

“Ah, are you talking to me?”

I took the woman’s hand.

As I helped her to her feet, I said,

“Who else would I be talking to? Come on, let’s head to the shelter.”

– – – The End of The Chapter – – –

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