Chapter 181

'Oh no, I got caught!'

While Luna was at a loss, Lucia's mouth twisted into a smirk.

"Hmm~ I see. So you were using it knowing it's the Lester family's secret technique?"

"H-How did you know?"

"Wouldn't it be stranger not to know? You looked so shocked. I thought a cat was doing a jump or something."

Luna slightly bit her lip. Did she really do that?

'I made a mistake.'

A fatal mistake that could even endanger her life.

Because the Lester family is currently branded as traitors.

Lucia is a person from the Lucid family, who are loyal to the Emperor.

It wouldn't be strange if she cut off Luna's neck right now.

Unable to do this or that, Luna gulped when.

"Hahaha! Why are you so surprised? Why? Did you think I'd cut your head off or something?"

"...Isn't that right?"

"Of course not. There are many people who imitate the Lester family's swordsmanship."

Lucia's words are true.

Not only because it was the swordsmanship of Renia, who was called the strongest of the era, but also because 'One Flash' was such a cool technique.

'I-I see. Lucia doesn't know I'm a survivor of the Lester family.'

She only looks like a thoughtless young child imitating 'One Flash'.

In other words, Lucia has no reason to kill her.

"I even trained One Flash to the point where... This much is self-explanatory."

Perhaps remembering that time, Lucia laughed.

"Of course, not everyone is as easygoing as me? If you use something like that carelessly, you'll be taken away without anyone knowing? Anyway, it's good that you met me... Be grateful."

"Th-Thank you."

Lucia's words that she'll overlook it.

Only then did Luna let out a sigh of relief.

Because she wasn't good at talking like Zero.

It was when Luna slightly bowed her head with gratitude.

"Thanks for nothing. Anyway, say goodbye now."

"Excuse me?"

"I'm telling you to stop your childish antics. Training is hard, but it's the swordsmanship of a traitorous family, right? I can't let my junior walk the wrong path."


Luna's heart sank.

Abandon One Flash, the swordsmanship of the Lester family.

That's what Lucia was saying.

"Instead, I'll teach you a few other secret techniques I know. They'll be much better than 'that kind of thing'."

...That kind of thing?

The enraged Luna fired One Flash.

Of course, Lucia only dodged it with light movements.

"What? Are you angry that I disparaged the secret technique you worked hard on? But it can't be helped. It's too crude."


"Above all, that swordsmanship isn't a technique for a kid like you to use. It belongs to a family with high pride."

When the Lester family still existed.

Everyone used to say in unison.

'A family with high pride'.

But Luna doesn't know about that.

The family was destroyed before she could realize what it was.

All Luna could do was struggle while using One Flash.

"That's enough. You've already crossed the line quite a bit."


Lucia's strike flying with a gust of wind.

Luna reacted immediately.

The second secret technique of the Lester family style.

Moon Shadow.

The second secret technique of the Lester family that deflects the opponent's attack.

Perhaps because she was desperate, or because she was lucky.

She was able to successfully deflect Lucia's attack.

"Oho? Even Moon Shadow? You're a complete Lester family fan."


"Why are you struggling so much? Are you the last survivor of the Lester family?"

"Th-That's nonsense......"

"Huh? Really?"

Lucia's eyes widened, and Luna frowned.

Her identity was discovered too easily.

Luna was originally not good at psychological warfare.

But at Luna's current level, it was impossible to control pupil response, heart rate, and breathing.

"Sigh... No matter how ruined, this is too much. Where on earth has the prestige of the Lester family fallen to?"

It's not a lamentation about her identity being easily discovered.

'It's a lamentation about my skills.'

The Lester family was one of the eight pillars of the empire until just 5 years ago.

Considering the history of being with the Annwood Empire since it was a kingdom, Luna's current skills are at a level that can't even be looked at with eyes open.

It was only natural for Lucia to lament.

Because it's a family that has defended the empire alongside the Lucid family for hundreds of years.

"Sigh... Just die by my hands here. I can't let a brat like you insult the Lester family."


"Hmm... No. I can't kill you because of personal feelings. A traitor's end should be miserable, right?"

Torture, getting stoned while being hung in the streets, cutting off an arm or leg or two, and only then.

Being hanged by the neck and becoming food for wild beasts.

"That's the fitting end for a traitor, isn't it?"

Lucia spat out gruesome words, but Luna couldn't say anything.

Because she was being overwhelmed by the pressure.

'It's like there's a huge lion in front of me....'

Suddenly, a drop of water blurred her vision.

Is it raining?

Luna, who quickly wiped the water with her hand, realized.

The fact that she was sweating coldly.


Lucia, who was flicking the wooden sword.

Soon snorted as if she remembered something.

"Ah, come to think of it. Zero, that guy is your accomplice too, right? He was strange from the beginning anyway. This is perfect. You have someone to be hanged with. You won't be lonely."

Only then did Luna come to her senses.


The child who knows the Lester family was falsely accused.

The one who reached out to her despite her rough personality.

Her first friend.

"...If you touch my friend, I'll bite you to death."

Even if it's you.

Who is called a hero.

"You dare bare your fangs in front of me? A kitten like you... How impudent."

Lucia's expression turned fierce.

An expression that would make anyone's legs tremble.

But Luna.

"Come at me."

Simply took the stance of One Flash.

Luna's plan was simple and clear.

Defeat Lucia and run away with Zero.

'It would be nice if I had time to leave a letter to Rezé.'

The word defeat did not exist in Luna's mind right now.

The moment Lucia charged with a fierce momentum.

Luna recalled a memory.


It was probably when Luna was around five years old.

Renia, who wanted to snack secretly from her husband.

She held out an ice cream to Luna.

"Here, with this, Luna and I are accomplices."


"Hmm... It means the same as comrades? You know comrades, right?"

"Yeah! I like comrades! They're reliable!"

And so, Renia was able to successfully snack.

A shield called a daughter is always reliable.

"Mom, what is pride?"

"Pr-Pride? W-Wow, our Luna has already grown up so much. You even know such difficult words."

Renia, who thought for a moment, frowned.

"Hmm... What should I do? Mom doesn't know well either."

"But people always say it. That our family is a family with high pride."

"It just became known that way. It's also because we didn't show interest in power, but maybe that's why it became more like this?"

"It's difficult. What does that mean?"

The Lester family, who did not reveal ambition for power and only remained loyal to the imperial family.

But it's not like the Lester family wanted to lose their position as a pillar.

Especially the struggle for rights among nobles that began after proclaiming the empire.

Not satisfied with dividing the rights among themselves, they reached out their dirty hands to the rights of the Lester family.

'There's a limit to being tolerant....'

When the Lester family, realizing the seriousness of the situation, showed signs of declaring their entry into politics, the nobles began to praise the pride of the Lester family in unison.

Saying they are a 'great family that has no interest in power and is only loyal to the imperial family and the people of the empire'.

And the mediation of the Emperor and the protection of the pillars that followed.

Thanks to that, the rights of the Lester family were able to remain intact.

However, the path for entering politics was completely blocked.

'Well, we weren't originally interested in that anyway, so it doesn't matter....'

Even if she explains this complicated situation to Luna, there's no way she'll understand.

That's why Renia couldn't properly explain what 'pride' is.

"Hmm, actually Mom doesn't know well either. Should I say it just turned out that way?"

"Then Mom should define it!"

"Huh, Mom?"

Renia could only be flustered.

Her intelligence is only at the level of an ordinary person.

Using their head is her husband's job.

'Seriously, this person is never there when needed.'

Renia, who was grumbling, thought while looking at Luna's sparkling eyes.


A dignified and proud feeling that comes from believing in one's talents or abilities.

In other words, pride.

But there's no way young Luna would understand such a difficult description.

Renia hugged Luna tightly and said.

"The will to protect what's precious to you. Isn't that pride?"

Luna was lost in thought.

Hmm, I guess it's still difficult. I should call my husband after all...

"Then what is Mom's pride?"

"Mom's pride? Hmm, that's......"

As Renia said something, she kissed Luna's forehead.


A long but short memory. A memory that was brilliant yet warm.

But before Luna knew it, reality was unfolding before her eyes.

The reality of Lucia running to kill her.


Luna doesn't know what it is.

She doesn't even know what Mom's pride, which was the symbol of the Lester family, was.


-The will to protect what's precious to you. Isn't that pride?

Luna's eyes flashed, and her body moved like lightning.

Left knee slightly bent, scabbard stood vertically to match it.

The waist bending more because of it.

Stepping towards Lucia, she gritted her teeth.

Prove your pride.

Your pride to protect your friend.

Enforce it.

As the rotation starting from the ankle continued to the calf, thigh, and waist.

Luna's sword was drawn and light shot out.

The first secret technique of the Lester family style.

One Flash.

Boom boom boom boom-!

The One Flash fired by Luna hit the forest full of trees, leaving a long sword mark.

Lucia's figure was not there.

Lucia standing in front of her eyes.

It was when Luna tried to swing her sword again.

Lucia, who grabbed Luna's wrist, smiled brightly.

"I found you, survivor of the Lester family."


"You worked hard alone. Don't worry anymore. I'll be with you now."

Lucia's hand stroking her head.

"Uu, uuu... Uuuuu......"

If Mom and Dad were alive, would they have praised her like this?

Luna cried her eyes out.

Held in Lucia's arms.


After Luna, who finished crying, went out the exit.

Caron appeared next to Lucia.

"That was too much of a joke."

"Shut up. If you had told me earlier, this wouldn't have happened."

Lucia grumbled.

In fact, she also had a vague idea that Luna might be a survivor of the Lester family.

But she wouldn't have noticed if it weren't for the hints from Zero and Caron.

"Why did you test her? When you roughly knew."

"Because I need to check if she can inherit the family's pride. You know, right? That child will have a harder time in the future than she has had until now."

A life of running away as a survivor of the Lester family.

A future life of trying to restore the honor of the Lester family.

It's obvious that the latter is more difficult.

"So you're saying you tested her? You have bad taste."

"Weren't you also going to test her someday?"

"...She's too young."

"But she passed."

That's right. Luna passed the test.

She proved that she is someone who can inherit the pride of the Lester family.

"Old man, you know, right? That Luna is different from Teron."

Caron didn't answer. But Lucia could tell.

That he was thinking the same as her.

Teron knew that he would get a high score if he 'acted to protect Yuridia'.

Caron also knew the fact that Teron protected Yuridia to get a high score.

Nevertheless, Caron was going to give Teron a high score.

'Because such analysis is also a skill.'

But what if this was a real situation, not a test?

A situation where you face a stronger opponent you can't defeat.

Your comrades fall one by one, and only two remain, and even that with the head of a faction hostile to you.

Teron would have chosen to run away without a moment's hesitation.

'That's human nature, and that's the kind of child Teron is.'

But Luna is different.

She would have made Zero and Rezé run away, and she would have remained alone to meet her end.

Protecting friends.

That is precisely.

Luna's 'pride'.

"Since she met the conditions... It's only natural to pass her, right?"


"Oh my... Taking a disciple at this age. It's not good to bother an old person."

"Calling yourself an old person in your mid-thirties. Then what am I, an elderly?"

"I'd love to call you that instead if you want. Let's go. The kids will be waiting."

Lucia disappeared like the wind.

Caron, who was looking at the grassland left by Luna's One Flash, muttered.

"The condition for passing... huh."

He did give a 'pass' after seeing the path of the sword Zero pioneered on his own, but.

In fact, Zero is not a true passer.

There is always an implied meaning in the tests given by Annwood Academy.

And this pop quiz is no exception.

And what Caron wanted to see in the 3rd stage of this pop quiz, the group duel, was.

A situation facing a stronger opponent.

The courage to confront them head-on even knowing there is a skill difference.

The efforts and cooperation with comrades to defeat the opponent.

The spirit of sacrifice to protect comrades by sacrificing oneself.

Alex, Raymon, Yuridia, Daike, Rezé, Zero.

None of them met those three conditions.

'Except for just one person.'

That's right. Luna is the pop quiz 3rd stage, group duel's......

First and last. And.

The true passer.

--TL Notes--

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