Chapter 194

Kiel, the third son of the Jackfield Count family, left the inn. It was due to the first summons of the subjugation force.


No matter how he flipped the paper with the gathering location written on it, nothing changed. Only the gathering place and time were written.

'I can't believe they won't disclose any information...'

Usually when a mission is given, information about it is delivered together as well. What the mission is, how many people, who the commander is, where the destination is.

However, this mission didn't reveal any of that information. The only thing they did reveal was that it's a 'subjugation' mission. Just that one thing.

'Maintaining secrecy until the day of the summons means there must be a good reason for it...'

Judging by the fact that they were gathering at the western end of the empire, it seemed certain they would be leaving the empire. However, this wasn't really information.

Missions crossing borders were more common than one might think.

'Well, I'll find out when I get there.'

The first summons of the subjugation force was full of questions. He wasn't afraid though. Not only was he a 7-star knight, but he had carried out missions more than once or twice.

When Kiel almost reached the destination, he could sense someone's presence.

"Who's there?"

"It's a rat. You must be Sir Kiel."

A figure dropped down from a tree.

"Please present your identification tag."

Kiel took out the identification tag from his chest and threw it. It was the identification tag given when accepting this mission, stamped with the emperor's seal.

'I expected it to be a big deal, but for rats to be involved in the mission... I have a bad feeling about this.'

Rats. They're not as dirty as their name suggests. But they're existences you don't want to get involved with.

'Because they even know the number of spoons in your family's house.'

It's not a metaphor, but something that actually happened.

A document that somehow leaked to the aristocratic circles. It had the number of spoons and tableware in each mansion written on it.

Kiel knew that rats collected all sorts of information, but why on earth would they count the number of spoons?

The aristocratic circles couldn't understand it and were simultaneously gripped by fear. Because the number of spoons in their own homes matched exactly with the number of spoons on the document.

"Your identity has been verified. Please head over there."

"Good work."

Kiel knew very well that the rats were working for the empire. Praising them was also an aristocrat's duty.


The rat who lowered his head disappeared without a trace.

'...Five people. No, more than that?'

There must be more than one entrance here. If so, that meant at least a dozen rats had been deployed for this mission. Kiel became even more curious about the content of the mission.



There were a few guests who arrived before him in the forest. A table that didn't fit the forest. The snacks and refreshments placed on it.

Kiel picked up a water bottle and glanced around, observing his surroundings.

Red Comet, Blue Reaper, White Kite...

'Even Otone, known as Ratra's hero? This is beyond imagination...'

The common denominator of the people gathered here was simple. They were all big shots in the empire. And they were people who had recently made a name for themselves.

'At least 6-star knights or higher... Even the ones I don't know must be at that level or above.'

The far west end of the empire. There was only one reason why such powerhouses would gather in this backwater place.

'They must be here to participate in the same subjugation force as me.'

It was definitely full of great individuals. But Kiel wasn't daunted. He was also strong and had confidence in his own skills. The fact that he was here supported that claim.

'So what if they made a name for themselves? They're all beneath me!'

The Red Comet had long been blocked by the wall of the 7-stars, the Blue Reaper lacked mana, and the White Kite had mysophobia!

As for Otone... He had no flaws. But Kiel was no less than him.

As Kiel was inwardly criticizing others, a voice called out.

"What, Kiel? You decided to participate in this subjugation force too?"

"...Edwin. Long time no see."

"Nice to see you! I thought I was going to go crazy with how quiet everyone here is."

'Right. I'm going to go crazy seeing you too,' Kiel wanted to say but kept his mouth shut.

Edwin, the Black Archer of Violeta. His archery skills were undeniably good, but his conduct was a bit frivolous. The problem was that he talked too much and had no awareness of the atmosphere.

'Acting all friendly just because we went on a mission together once or twice!'

He was also an aristocrat, but hanging out with someone who didn't seem like an aristocrat at all would lower Kiel's own value.

"Ooh, look at that white bow. Isn't that Sasha, the White Kite I've only heard rumors about? I want to have a match with her."

"...I can hear you."

"So what if you can hear? Saying I want to fight isn't being a nuisance, is it?"

It is a nuisance! A huge one at that!

Kiel desperately tried to distance himself from Edwin.

"W-Wow! Hey! Kiel! Look over there!"

"Who the hell is it that you're making such a fuss...!"

But Kiel couldn't help but tremble. It was someone he had to admit was at least ten levels above him.

'Lu-Lucia, the eldest daughter of the Lucid family!'

Navy blue hair that looked like stars embedded in the night sky, a youthful appearance that was hard to believe she was in her thirties, and a beauty that could only be described as stunning.

Kiel's heart began to race. A few years ago, at an aristocratic party. He first saw Lucia from afar, and on that very day. Kiel fell in love without even realizing it.

'She's become even more beautiful. If Lucia and I could get married...'

It was love, but the rise in his family's status as well as his own would be enormous.

'I need to greet her somehow...'

As Kiel was fretting, it happened.

"Is she the commander of this mission? Let's go say hello!"

"D-Don't do something stupid, Edwin!"

But Edwin was already running towards Lucia. Kiel inwardly shouted 'Nice!' and followed behind Edwin. Pretending to look like he had no choice.

"Lady Lucia! Hello!"

"Huh? Oh, hello. What was your name again?"

"It's Edwin. It was about 3 years ago, right? We met once before."

"Ah, I think we did. I remember your bow."

Edwin greeted Lucia casually. Kiel didn't miss the chance. Placing his hand on Edwin's shoulder, he said,

"Edwin, it's rude to run over shouting like that."

"Huh? Is it?" "Geez, you really are... Lady Lucia, I apologize. My friend has been discourteous."

"Huh? Kiel, didn't you say before that we could never be fri-"

"We're friends. Always have been."

"Kiel, you bastard...!"

Politeness, friendship, gentlemanliness(?). He managed to appeal it all. Although the misfortune of acknowledging Edwin as a friend occurred, Kiel didn't care as long as he could establish a connection with Lucia.

"Discourteous? It's fine. More importantly, who are you?"

"I'm Kiel, the third son of the Jackfield family. Embarrassingly enough, I'm known as 'Kiel of the Flashing Sword' in public."

"...Flashing Sword?"

"Yes, it's my main technique. I believe it's comparable to the Lester family's 'One Flash'! Hahaha!"


Lucia's eyebrow twitched strangely.

'Boldly putting down a traitorous family like it's nothing. Tsk~ Even Lady Lucia can't help but be interested.'

What if she falls for him? As Kiel was immersed in self-intoxication, Lucia spoke.

"Do it."


"I said do it."

Kiel was momentarily flustered but soon placed his hand on his sword hilt and took a stance. It was a good opportunity to showcase his self-developed technique in front of Lucia's eyes.

Kiel's first original secret technique. One Blade.



Several trees collapsed, raising dust. All that remained on the path Kiel passed through with his sword was the white base of the trees.

"Whew~ You've gotten even stronger than before, huh?"

It wasn't just Edwin who was amazed. Everyone at the scene was sending looks of admiration to Kiel.

"It's nothing special. I still have a long way to go."

"Really? I think it's amazing. I'm telling you, Kiel is incredible, right?"

Kiel inwardly laughed. That guy Edwin. Now that I look at it, his flattery skills are quite something.

As Kiel was doing his best to manage his expression, it happened.

"Yeah, you do have a long way to go. Keep working hard."


"You're too slow. Much slower than someone I know."

Kiel's eyebrows twitched. Not just slow, but much slower? He couldn't accept it no matter what.

"You seem dissatisfied. Then why don't you try it on me?"

"Lady Lucia, I am a 7-star knight. No matter how strong you are..."

"Draw your sword. Stop jabbering."

Jabbering? At this point, even Kiel couldn't hold back. He took a stance towards Lucia.

'Right, I just need to make her acknowledge me. Make her see me as a man!'

Some trivial emotions were mixed in, but Kiel was a 7-star knight. His sword wouldn't tremble from emotions.

Kiel ran forward and drew his sword. But.



"It didn't cut anything?"

"Did he fail to draw his sword just now? Got scared?"

Amidst people's chatter, Kiel broke out in a cold sweat. They were wrong. He did draw his sword. But...

'The half-drawn sword... returned to its sheath.'

However, that was all Kiel knew. He didn't know why the sword returned.

"I hit it back in."


"I said I punched your sword to put it back in the sheath."

Only after a brief silence did everyone realize. Lucia had struck the hilt of the drawing sword with her fist to prevent it from being drawn.

The question 'Is that even possible?' did come to mind simultaneously though.

"A drawing stance's biggest weakness is that posture. Anyone can tell you're trying to draw, so who would just stand there and let you?"

"Th-Then what should I do?"

"Draw faster."


"Draw fast enough that the opponent can't react even if they know. Simple, right?"

...Is that simple? But Kiel had no choice but to lower his head.

"Th-Thank you for the advice. I'll work hard."

"Yeah. Well, I'll praise you for honing your own swordsmanship. You said Jackfield family? Seems like there's quite a bit you can take from your family's swordsmanship."

Kiel's feelings after receiving Lucia's guidance, however brief, were complicated. It was good that he got acquainted with Lucia, but he ended up showing her his terrible skills.

But it seemed he could improve the lacking parts of his swordsmanship. Instead, he failed at making her see him as a man. Isn't this a teacher-student relationship?

'Just what kind of situation is this?'

As he barely held back the urge to tear at his hair, the surroundings quieted down. No, beyond quieting down, it was dyed in silence.


Kiel raised his head and finally saw. Ominously shining eyes, a scarred face, a physique that seemed twice his own size.

The face of Caron, the empire's rat.

"L-Lord Caron? Why are you here..."

"You don't know why people have gathered here? I didn't take you for someone who can't grasp the situation at all."

"I-I didn't mean it like that..."

Kiel wasn't the only one in turmoil. Everyone here was shocked.

'W-We have to carry out a mission with that monster?'

'Then the commander of this subjugation is Caron?'


The brutality of the man named Caron. The adults knew it better than the students. Not only the incidents on the battlefield, but also what happened behind the scenes. Because they were well aware of the rumors and information about him.

Even the talkative Edwin had turned pale.

"Oh, hello uncle. Long time no see."

The only one approaching Caron like that was Lucia.

"...It has been a while."

"Is winning at word games more important than keeping secrets? You're always so nasty." (TL Note: Basically, she implied they hadn't seen each other in a long time, while he implied that they had.)

Lucia grumbled. The information that she had stayed at Annwood Academy for a month. It wasn't classified information since there were so many eyes watching, but still, wasn't it information on the location of Lucia, one of the empire's forces?

'And yet he openly reveals that.'

There was no way Caron wouldn't know this fact. In other words, what Caron did just now was simply out of spite.

It was only natural for Lucia's lips to stick out.

"I told you hundreds of times not to let the other person read your emotions."

"And I told you thousands of times that I only act like this in front of people I dislike."


Sparks flew between Lucia and Caron. Seeing that, people thought. Perhaps in this subjugation war.

They might have to worry more about our allies than our enemies.

--TL Notes--

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