"Follow Zero's orders? What a boring joke. Don’t you all agree?"

Victoria immediately voiced her opposition.

It was natural for Victoria, the leader of her faction, to oppose my intent to lead the party.


"Huh? Why? I have no complaints."

"Receiving orders from Zero is the greatest honor."

"Not as great as mine, but I’ll give you a chance this time because we’re friends."

"Hmm... While voicing opinions is good, it’s also important to listen to juniors. It was clearly stated in last month’s bestseller, '100 Ways to Be a Good Senior.'"


As each kid supported me, Victoria wore a look of disbelief.

"Oh, look over there. There’s a star in the sky."

Even Yuridia, the leader of another faction, was busy looking up at the sky, feigning disinterest.

"Why are you all accepting this as a matter of course?! Senior Rodelin should be the one leading! Or me, for that matter!"

Hmm, her true intentions came out at the end.

It was typical of Victoria, who aspired to the throne.

On a normal day, Victoria might have taken the position of commander.

But there was one unfortunate thing for Victoria.

Her opponent was ‘me.’

"Hmm, it’s not that I don’t understand your thoughts. But Zero is an exception."

"An... exception?"

"Zero’s strategies are quite brilliant. Even I have to admit that."

"There must be a limit to humility! That can’t be true!"

"It’s not humility. It’s the truth."

Victoria's reaction was understandable.

Dreaming of becoming an emperor, Victoria had gathered information not only on the first-year students but also on the second and third years, including Rodelin.

‘A jack-of-all-trades talent.’

That was Rodelin, and it included her strategic abilities.

But for Rodelin to praise me? No wonder Victoria was shocked.

"Of course, there’s a slightly odd aspect to his strategies. A bit... creative, I’d say?"

She must be referring to the [Clean] skill I used against the demon's shard.

It was indeed creative. Who would have thought a mop could remove demonic infestation?

"That ‘slightly creative’ expression feels unsettling. Like you're trying to wrap it up nicely... Am I imagining things?"

"U-Um! But he does take responsibility. To the point of risking his own life..."

Rodelin glanced at me.

She was referring to my choice when we were about to lose to Bineus.

I had tried to save the main characters through a contract with a demon. The price was my soul.

‘Why did I do that?’

It’s still a mystery to me.

Was it madness? Overwhelming defeat? Sympathy from seeing the kids in pain? Because Luna was cute... absolutely not.

Most importantly, I possess the [Mental Defense] skill.

I’m always objective, rational, and capable of making logical decisions. To choose a path that led to my death instead of saving the kids?


"Zero, are you listening?"

Was I too deep in thought? I didn’t even notice Rodelin approaching.

"No such strategies this time. Understood?"

Rodelin’s gaze was intense. She was determined to prevent what happened last time.

‘Well, it doesn’t matter.’

There’s no need to ponder why I did that.

What mattered was that I could still continue the game and tease Rodelin.

Let’s just say I was mentally unstable at the time.

"Keke, are you worried about me? This must be love."

"L-Love! A senior simply cares for a junior! Don’t twist it!"

"I heard that a senior's role is to care for their juniors with love... Was that not in the book you read?"


Rodelin’s hand trembled as she gripped her sword.

Seems like her patience is at its limit. I should probably back off now.

"Keke, don’t worry. I’ll come up with a strategy filled with love."

"...Do as you please!"

Rodelin stomped away.

I knew she genuinely cared for me.

‘She praised me as a strategic genius not just because she believed in me but also to protect my secret.’

A lie that I had encountered many demons since childhood and knew their traits and weaknesses.

Rodelin believed that lie completely.

Victoria was a cleric dispatched from the Holy Kingdom.

If she discovered this, I’d be in big trouble, and Rodelin was preventing that.

"Hmph... You’re good at strategies too? Fine, let’s see how good you are."

With Victoria’s reluctant consent, I quickly explained the plan to the kids gathered around.

"Victoria, please heal Yuridia. Yuridia, just prepare two powerful spells while recovering your mana. Don’t use them until I give the signal."

Victoria and Yuridia nodded.

"I’ll signal only when there’s a swamp nearby. If I don’t signal, proceed as planned."

I explained the gimmicks of Mabelga, including ignoring the Water Bugs unless they blocked the way, not panicking when the water rises, and being cautious of [Water Dragon Bullet], a counterattack skill.

Victoria unconsciously let out small exclamations at times, making Rodelin, Luna, and Raymon feel proud.

"I’ll make the first attack. No one attacks until then. Approach avoiding the swamps while I draw its attention."

The operation began immediately.

Following my signal, the kids moved to avoid the swamps, and I confidently walked towards Mabelga.

In truth, the signal was just me guiding one person. Following the person ahead made it easy to avoid the swamps.

"Is it over now? That took long."

"Keke, were you waiting? I’m grateful for your patience."

Come to think of it, it was strange. Neither Mabelga nor the Water Bugs attacked.

Is this the power of the event scene?

"Hmph! I was just showing kindness to the weak. It’s not because I like you. Get that straight."

Mabelga crossed his arms and turned his head away.

An overwhelming sense of familiarity.

I soon realized that Mabelga’s behavior was typical of a ‘tsundere’ character.

Hmm... the genre seems to have shifted from fantasy to a dating simulation with cute girls.

A heart-pounding academy life with demons.

Is that it? Will I be asked to confess later?

Even though dating sims nowadays turn animals and insects into heroines... but demons? That’s a bit much.

Maybe a succubus, but not a bulky guy like Mabelga.

Especially not one who has tormented me for 18 years.

‘Should I try to extract some information?’

A play only a slit-eyed character can pull off.

This time, I’ll be sure to ask for the name first.

"Keke, it’s an honor to meet you, servant of the great Dark God."

"Ho... You know proper etiquette. Most humans these days don’t, but you’re commendable."

"My name is Zero. May I ask for your noble name?"

"That’s not difficult. My name is Mabelga. I am a child of the great mother."

I opened my mouth wide in genuine admiration, pretending to be impressed.

"As expected! To meet a child of the great mother, Lizbeth. It’s an honor."

"How do you know our mother?"

"Because we’re allies. Isn’t that obvious?"


I explained the situation to Mabelga.

That I’m part of the 2nd Legion’s command, serving as the ‘head’ among demons.

That I had infiltrated the academy on a mission.

The same lie I told Bineus.

"I see. A special mission... So we’re on the same side. No wonder I felt a connection."

"Keke, I felt the same. It was like meeting family."

Mabelga smirked, seemingly pleased with the word 'family.'

"But... why did you attack me earlier?"

"I apologize for that. As you can see, I’m on an infiltration mission... I had to attack you, Mabelga. I deeply apologize."

"Is that so. It’s fine. That level of attack is nothing to me."

As I built trust with Mabelga, I heard murmurs behind me.

"He’s having quite the conversation... Is it okay?"

"I told you. Zero’s strategies are a bit odd."

"It’s not the strategy that’s odd, it’s him, isn’t it?"

Whisper, whisper-.

Guys, I can hear you.

Seems like the event scene is over. Time to wrap things up.

"What mission were you on here, Mabelga?"

"Hmm? Of course, to infest. The response was quicker than expected, causing some issues... but eventually, it will fall into our hands."

It was true. The plan of the Four Heavenly Kings was perfect, with immense time and resources poured in.

Carpathia was bound to fall into their hands.

The problem was the unforeseen natural disaster they hadn’t anticipated.


A nine-star knight, Douglas, in the form of a child.

Despite being alone, his power could be described as a natural disaster.

"We attacked the outskirts because of that. Even if the knights come, they’ll be divided."

"Indeed. A brilliant plan. As expected of the great demon Mabelga!"

"Hahaha! Great demon? You flatter me too much!"

I wondered if I could gain any new information, but it was all stuff I already knew.

I had thought it was a hidden piece that would reveal new information. Was I wrong?

‘If this wasn’t a multi-playthrough, I would have been pleased with this information...’

It was merely a different expression of known information.

I clicked my tongue in disappointment.

"By the way, could you find those guys if you have time later?"

"Those guys?"

"Actually... the black mages disappeared. We brought them as sacrifices, but they vanished."

He must mean low-ranking black mages. Sacrifices for summoning demons.

Regular people could be used as sacrifices, but offering black mages often resulted in higher quality demons.

As a result, many black mages tried to escape, and there were events in the game where you encountered hiding black mages.

Becoming an unwelcome existence on both the human and demon sides?

‘But why tell me this...?’

At that moment, a blue screen appeared before me.

[Sub Quest#1]

-Find the escaped black mages.

The black mages brought as sacrifices have disappeared.

Demon Mabelga wants to tell them to follow your example of self-sacrifice.

Reward: 100exp, 10 gold, 1 Demon Contract

Penalty: None

* The reward will be given automatically even without Mabelga.

...I received a quest.

From a demon.

--TL Notes--

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