
With a swing of Caron’s dagger, the base of the tree split open, and a person tumbled out.

It was an old woman. Aside from her body being stained a dark purple, she was an ordinary-looking elderly woman.

Ash-like substances were slowly falling from her body.

It was a sign that the flame of life, her soul, was extinguishing.

“So, it’s true that it uses people as nourishment.”

“Then, is this old woman the source of this incident?”

“We’ll have to find out now. Although… it seems the conclusion is obvious.”

The children’s gazes were fixed on one spot.

It was where Count Zachary and Administrator Rieur were standing.

Perhaps they felt the stares, and they began to clear their throats.

“Ahem! It seems there’s some misunderstanding.”

“That’s right. These things happen while working. Even if we do our best, someone is bound to be harmed.”

Considering how desperately they had tried to stop Caron, it was a reasonable suspicion.

Coupled with the rumors heard while aiding injured soldiers and helping civilians escape, the atmosphere grew even more grim.

Of course, it was still in the realm of speculation.

But right now, the presence that could turn that speculation into certainty appeared.

It was the old woman who emerged from the Tree of Erosion.

Caron stood before her and spoke.

“I know you are disoriented, but can you tell us why you took the demon’s hand? It would be better if you could speak concisely, as time is short.”

Her white eyes, as white as her hair, scanned the surroundings.

But the old woman merely looked around slowly, without saying anything.

“If you have suffered injustice, you can speak of it. As you can see, nothing can stop you from speaking now.”

There were hundreds of children present.

Even if only two people heard it, a rumor could spread across the continent in a month, and there were hundreds of witnesses here.

No matter what, the old woman’s words would circulate throughout the continent.

Tears started to fall from the old woman’s eyes.

Deep wrinkles were etched all over her face. But those wrinkles could not withstand the tears gathering.

The tears flowed like a stream.

Like a river, like the flow of time that had passed.

“…It began with something very trivial.”

Her granddaughter, who seemed precious enough to keep safe at any cost, had an encounter with Count Zachary.

Even though she had apologized with her head bowed to the ground, what had made him so displeased?

Imprisonment, harassment, assault, trials, and more.

The harassment of her family began, and the old woman’s powerless family couldn’t withstand it.

One by one, they hung themselves, and the old woman became the family of a criminal.

Her young granddaughter managed to survive, but…

“Magrena… that child… was trampled by Administrator Rieur’s carriage.”

Her voice was soft, but everyone heard it clearly.

Because it was filled with long-standing resentment.

Resentment that had been suppressed and had rotted away.

The resentment of a powerless old woman.

“This, this is slander!”

“That’s right! Punishing criminals, how can that be a crime? The child’s death was just an accident!”

Just because she came from the Tree of Erosion didn’t mean her words were to be trusted unconditionally.

Trust in someone who had succumbed to the demon’s temptation was almost nonexistent.

Only through thorough investigation and verification based on testimony could the truth be uncovered; the old woman was not an absolute measure of ‘good.’


“How pitiful…”

“Count Zachary did such a thing? I knew his reputation was bad, but… this is too much.”

“It’s a disgrace to the nobility… no, to the empire.”

Being astute students of Annwood Academy, they were making the right judgments.

They believed the old woman’s words were more credible than Count Zachary’s.

The main reason was that the old woman, practically a dead body, had no reason to lie.

Demon temptation reaches out to everyone, regardless of age or gender.

But it is mostly young and middle-aged people who accept their hand. Compared to them, the proportion of elderly is less than 1%.

‘Because they’re closer to death than life.’

They have no grand dreams to achieve, no particular cravings, no desires left.

They’re not weak-minded enough to rely on demons.

Moreover, considering the old woman’s age, she must have endured two or three wars.

If she had been weak-minded enough to succumb to the demon’s temptation, she would have done so long ago.

War sows seeds of pain in everyone.

‘That’s why demons try to start wars.’

Because it makes it easier to take souls in trade.

But the old woman endured even those wars.

In other words, she was an exceptionally patient person.

Yet, for such a patient person to make a pact with a demon…

‘There must be a very compelling reason.’

And that reason was evident.

Count Zachary and Administrator Rieur. The two pigs in human skin.

“How dare you lie! You need to be taught a lesson!”

Administrator Rieur pulled out a club. It was the kind used to beat criminals.

His target was, of course, the old woman.


The club struck the old woman’s back, and she curled up, shielding her head with her arms.

At the sight of her swift defensive posture, everyone present realized.

It wasn’t the first time.

” … “

The old woman started to take a beating, but Caron showed no reaction.

Maybe taking that as a good sign, Count Zachary stepped in.

“I did deal harshly with criminals. But it was necessary to filter out weak-hearted people like you.”

“That’s right! We basically won this siege! Falling for the demon’s temptation like fools! That’s why your family ended up like that!”


As if just beating the old woman wasn’t enough, Administrator Rieur spat on her.

The insults didn’t stop there.

“Th-that’s… too much, isn’t it?”

“Disgraceful. I can’t believe such people are nobles.”

“No, maybe they’re doing the right thing? Making a pact with demons is a greater crime.”

“But it’s not right to condone crime.”

“It’s just an accusation, isn’t it? The Mond family is still quite prestigious. Would such a family really do such a thing?”

Depression, satisfaction, sorrow, doubt, anger, indifference.

The children’s expressions and emotions varied widely.

Among them, there was one child who showed an especially different reaction.

“Stop. I think you’ve vented enough anger.”

“Huff… And who are you?”


“Do you not know who we are? How dare you stand in the way of high nobility! There is a limit to ignorance!”

A boy had stepped between the two pigs and the old woman.

It was Alex, the protagonist of this game.

“Don’t the two of you have faults as well? So please, stop.”


“Weren’t you the ones who caused this in the first place?”

“Do you believe that old woman? Believing the words of a fool who sold her soul to a demon! There is a limit to stupidity! This is why I hate dealing with the lower classes!”

A hush fell over the surroundings. Annwood Academy had many noble children, but also a significant proportion of commoners and lower-class students.

It was a statement far removed from the empire’s ideal of ‘recruiting talented individuals.’

Perhaps realizing his mistake, Count Zachary quickly continued.

“Ahem! Do you not understand how terrifying erosion is? Just a moment ago, we almost lost the heart of the empire. Because of this old woman! Everyone here almost died!”

” … “

“Under imperial law, this is a crime punishable by the eradication of three generations. Well, this old woman is fortunate. There’s no family left for her to worry about.”

Count Zachary smirked and kicked the old woman. But his foot never reached her.

Alex had taken the kick instead.

“Are you protecting a criminal?”

“You! Step aside now! Must we deal with you too for you to come to your senses?”

But Alex was immovable. No, he was holding the old woman tightly, protecting her with his body.

A foolish act.

The old woman was practically dead. She couldn’t feel pain.

The only thing she could feel was the frustration of not being able to kill those evil men.

So Alex’s actions provided no help or comfort to the old woman.

But that’s exactly why.

‘That’s why he can be called the protagonist.’

Whether the old woman felt pain or not. Regardless of the circumstances.

The heart to protect the weak.

That’s the quality of a protagonist and a hero.


The two pigs didn’t stop at kicking but also spat on them.

Caron still showed no reaction.

While watching this with the children, Yuridia spoke up.

“You don’t seem angry, Zero.”

It was Yuridia. She approached without hiding her sarcastic tone.

She was angry. Angry enough for her true nature, which she usually hid, to show.

“Keke, I’m quite angry too.”

“Then step in like Alex. Don’t just stand there watching!”

“That’s strange. Shouldn’t you be the one stepping in, Yuridia?”


“It would be simple if a promising noble like you stepped in. Or… do you think the old woman is pitiful but not enough to risk your family?”


Did I hit a sore spot? Yuridia was visibly flustered.

The Rownter family, to which Yuridia belonged, was part of the neutral faction.

In positive terms, they were the guardians of balance, but negatively, they were fence-sitters with no convictions.

‘They support policies that benefit them.’

For Yuridia, part of the neutral faction, to get involved in a politically entangled issue?

It was a sure path to ruin.

‘Childhood disputes easily escalate into adult conflicts.’

Being a neutral faction that prioritized their interests, they were likely to face bombardment from other factions if a scandal broke out.

Yuridia knew this better than anyone, which is why she reacted the way she did.

“Th-that’s why I’m asking you, Zero. You can step in. You’re not entangled in any political interests like I am!”

“I appreciate your high opinion of me, but stepping in won’t change anything. The outcome for those people won’t change.”

“Th-that might be true!”

“Oh, there is one thing that would change.”

“What is it?”

“My future would become very bleak. Insulting nobles is a grave offense.”

This world has a hierarchical society.

Nobles, grade just below the royal family, have a variety of powers.

Assault, imprisonment, assassination, job restrictions, bans from territories, and more.

I might end up being called under someone following Duke Aziz and treated like a dog.

They’d put a leash on the neck of the impudent one and drag him around as a warning.

“Even so, you want me to step in. Right, honorable noble Yuridia?”

Yuridia pursed her lips tightly. Her face was flushed.

Most would think she was a despicable person passing off responsibility, but that wasn’t the case.

‘This is exactly who Yuridia is as a character.’

The Rownter family has existed for hundreds of years but has not made a significant impact on the empire.

Many commoners and lower-class people aren’t even aware of their existence, indicating their lack of prominence.

But a genius was born into the Rownter family: Yuridia.

The Rownter family supported her in every way, hoping to elevate their status to a prestigious noble house, promoting her as the future hero.

‘Born under the family’s expectations, it’s natural for Yuridia to not want to bring disgrace to her family.’

Playing as Yuridia in the game often presents choices.

Between the family’s will and her own convictions.

If she follows the family’s will, Yuridia never earns the title of hero.

‘It’s ironic.’

Yes, the barrier Yuridia must overcome to become a ‘hero.’

That was the ‘Rownter family.’


So Yuridia asking me to step in was almost like whining.

Whining out of frustration for not being able to uphold her own convictions.

Despite Yuridia having dirt on me, I had no intention of granting her request.

I am a character that must avoid drawing attention as much as possible.

‘But Yuridia needs to break out of her shell…’

I’ll give her a simple piece of advice.

“Keke, don’t be too upset. This is the way of the world.”

“The way of the world?”

“The powerless will always be trampled. What else would be the way of the world?”

The world seemed beautiful.

But everyone encounters a moment when they feel the harsh reality.

‘Like right now.’

Ignoring justice, abandoning convictions.

Prioritizing personal gain and caring for family and acquaintances first.

It stings at first, but over time, one grows indifferent.

Everyone lives like that.

Justifying it as a rightful reward for one’s hardships, claiming they haven’t done anything as bad as others.

And so, little by little.

“We all become bad adults.”

Yuridia bit her lip hard. So hard that her lips were visibly turning inward.

“…So becoming a bad adult is the way of the world… That’s laughable. Is there no exception?”

“Keke, at least not by my standards.”

Indeed. Yuridia, me, other children, and even unknown people.

We will all become bad adults. And quite excellent ones at that.

Bad adults.

“No, I don’t think so. Surely…”

Yuridia tried to say something but had to stop.

Someone in full armor was pushing through the children.

Had he been in a fierce battle? His armor was heavily dented.

‘A knight?’

The knight suddenly started running. His destination was where Count Zachary stood.

“Uh? Who are y…”

Count Zachary couldn’t finish his sentence.

The knight, running at full speed, swung his fist.


Count Zachary fell with a scream resembling that of a pig.

The knight’s bold actions left Administrator Rieur in a panic.

“Wh-who are you!”

“…You want to know who I am?”

When the knight removed his severely dented helmet, white hair was revealed.

Everyone present knew him well.

The great 18th Principal of Annwood Academy.

The one who defeated a 4th-grade demon with a single spear.

And the one who would beat you two to a pulp.

“I am a bad adult.”

–TL Notes–

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