Chapter 53

After sufficiently exchanging opinions with the instructors, they decided on the merit and demerit points.

"Accept them humbly."

It meant that it wasn't just Caron's personal opinion.

Individual achievements, the power of the group, and even the mistakes committed in secret.

All were factors in the evaluation.

"Now, I will announce the merit and demerit points."

Several students swallowed nervously.

In fact, opportunities to receive merit points were not common.

Maybe one or two per class?

'Besides, most of the merit points go to the top students.'

Children who had done preparatory learning and those who were smart would first claim the merit points.

And that's not all. If by some luck you received merit points, you would attract the attention of both Yuridia's faction and Teron's faction.

'Ever since Elester spoke up, things have improved somewhat...'

But that didn't mean they weren't wary.

In other words, the only chance for ordinary students to receive merit points was during the commendation and reward session after real battles.

This was the only opportunity.

'The value of the merit points is different too.'

Instead of the usual 1-2 points, it was possible to receive more than 3 points.

They tried not to give demerit points as much as possible, but strived to give as many merit points as they could.

The problem was,

"First of all, those named on this paper will receive 2 demerit points each."


There was no mercy from the killing machine, Caron.

Judging by the densely written black paper, it seemed most students were included.

"It was an emergency situation we didn't anticipate. It was like a battlefield."

A battlefield is a place where one can see the depths of humanity.

Some fled from reality, while others confronted it head-on.

"Those who fled from reality deserve appropriate punishment. Not only does it lower the morale of our allies, but we can't trust our backs to such people on the battlefield."

And with the same logic,

There are those who do not show their worst even in such places.


"They deserve a reward."

Reward the deserving, punish the guilty.

Reward those who have merits.

Punish those who have faults.

The commendation and reward session is both a tribute and honor to those who risked their lives in dangerous situations and fought bravely.


A social mechanism designed to keep the world turning a little bit better.

'If those who betray their comrades and country live well, then no one would be willing to sacrifice.'

Caron flipped through the papers.

"1g of courage holds the value of 1t of luck. And at Annwood Academy, it's worth 3 merit points."

Daike, Alex, Luna, Ann, Zepa, Morgan...

"For those of you who stepped forward first, I will award 3 merit points each."


"Knowledge is love, light, and insight. And at Annwood Academy, knowledge is converted into merit points."

Yuridia, Alex, Alphonso, Riley...

"Remembering the habits of the black ants and using that to lead them away from where our colleagues were, preventing an accident. You will each be awarded 4 merit points."


"Success cannot be achieved without sacrifice. If you succeed without it, it's because someone else suffered in your place. And at Annwood Academy, sacrifice is more noble than anything else."

Yuridia, Alex, Raymon, Luna...

"For those of you who ran around without caring for yourselves, showing exceptional spirit of sacrifice, I will award 5 merit points each."

Caron tossed the bundle of papers onto the lectern.

Meaning there were no more names on the merit list.


Clap Clap Clap!!

The students' faces were a mix of emotions.

Those who received merit points smiled brightly, while those who didn't expressed disappointment.

"Lady Yuridia, receiving 9 merit points is truly impressive."

"Thank you. Everyone worked hard. I'm glad that more people received them than expected."

Yuridia's faction looked pleased.

Not only because many from Yuridia's faction received merit points, but also because Yuridia herself received as many as 9 points.

Considering the merit points she already had, she could well aim for the top spot in the midterms.

Murmur murmur-.

Suddenly, the classroom became noisy.

Was it because the protagonist Alex receive 12 merit points?


"Teron, your name... it's not on the list?"

Murmurs from Teron's faction.

Soon everyone realized the anomaly.

Daike, Zepa, Morgan, among others.

Some of his subordinates received merit points, but Teron, the most crucial, did not receive any.

Not even a single point.

But the shock didn't end there.

"And Teron, you will be given 5 demerit points."


The classroom was engulfed in silence.

5 points? And demerit points at that, which they usually tried not to give during the commendation and reward session?

This was a serious issue.

The reason was unknown yet, but it meant that a scion of a major noble family had made a critical mistake.


'A significant difference has emerged.'

Teron at -5 points.

Yuridia at +9 points.

For Teron, it wasn't just a mere -5 points, but effectively a 14-point difference.


"I cannot accept this! Why is this happening?"

Teron protested, kicking his chair as he stood up.

Defying the killing machine, Caron. He indeed was an interesting fellow.


I pulled out a bag of snacks from the pocket dimension.

Luna asked incredulously beside me.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Keke, watching something like this is best enjoyed with snacks."

Teron's protest over the demerit points.

It was an event from the game.

Meaning, it was not an event influenced by my intervention.

It was scheduled to start and end as planned, so there's no need to be afraid.

'To think that what was just a chat log in the game, I'm seeing it right before my eyes.'

I couldn't resist opening the snacks.

Ah, it's a pity I don't have sunglasses.

"Well, he deserves it. Give me some too."

Crunch crunch-.

We started eating snacks.

Looking forward to an interesting play (?).

"Do you really not know? If so, you surely have a problem in your head. I recommend leaving the academy. With such a mind, you can do nothing here."

A harsh criticism.

Teron bit his lip.

"Is it because I did not step forward?"

"Ah, so you're not brainless after all. That's somewhat reassuring."

In reality, Teron hadn't killed even a single ant in the anthill.

Meaning, he never fought even amidst ants swarming from all sides.

'Partly because Daike was protecting him...'

There's another reason, but let's skip that for now.

It's not important at the moment.

"I was unwell. There could have been an accident."

"Of course."

"I did give orders to facilitate the battle. Even in pain, I did my best. But demerit points, I cannot accept this!"


Caron swung his fist at the blackboard.

The blow was so heavy that it left a mark on the blackboard.

Teron flinched slightly.

Realizing who he was facing.

"Unwell, you say? Fine, let's assume that's true. Didn't you see the injured? Didn't you hear the cries of your friends rolling on the ground, asking for help?"

"That, that's..."

"You should have stepped forward! Even if it meant breaking your body, you should have! Aren't you much stronger than the others?!"

Teron was speechless.

Caron's logic was too flawless.

"Tsk, smiling even as you left the anthill, and now you're sick."


"If there had been casualties, I would have done the same to you."

"...I'm sorry."

"Next time, be more careful. Whether it's your conduct or excuses, make them more sincere."

Teron's face turned red.

Not from embarrassment, but from the shame of being insulted.

"And Yuridia, you too will receive 2 demerit points."

"What? Why...!"

"Do you think it's right to save others without even taking care of your own team members? In such a situation, the correct decision is to gather your team and secure a safe zone before helping others."

"But the people in urgent need..."

"Tsk, that's what they call meddling in others' affairs. Can someone who can't even take care of their own things properly take care of others?"


There were sighs of despair from Yuridia's faction and sighs of relief from Teron's faction.

The difference of 14 points had been reduced to 12.

'Ah, the event is over.'

I shook the remaining crumbs from the snack bag into my mouth.

It was a shame not to receive any merit points, but it couldn't be helped.

I hadn't done anything, after all.

I had to be satisfied with various rewards, including a 10-level up.

Suddenly, Luna moved her chair one space to the side.

What's this? She said she wouldn't move even a step, why did she do that?


That's when I realized the reason.

The killing machine, Caron, was looking at me.

"...Now that I think about it, you were there. I almost forgot."

"Keke, couldn't you have continued to forget about me?"

"No, that won't do. You're also one of my important students."

Ah, is that so?

So important that he tried to strangle me to death?

How grateful I am.

"First, the 4 demerit points you got during the sparring lesson will be annulled. You proved your skills before entering the anthill, so as promised, I'll remove those points."

The 4 demerit points I got for refusing to spar with Alex during the lesson.

I had proven my skills in the duel with Godner before entering the anthill, so he was going to annul those points as promised.

"Oh, and I was supposed to give you merit points too. 1 point should be enough, right?"

"Keke, you're giving me 1 point? I'm overwhelmed."

"At the same time, I'll give you 2 demerit points."

This crazy guy?

"It's because you left the battlefield without reporting. 2 points is a light punishment. You think the same, right?"

"Ha, keke... I understand."

I couldn't say I didn't understand.

Otherwise, I would have been split in half by the killing machine, Caron.

'So this is how the anthill episode ends.'

Or so I thought.


Caron flipped over the stack of papers he had thrown on the lectern.

And there was a single stiff paper.

A paper embroidered in golden.

"A certificate...!"

"Wow! It's my first time seeing one!"

"Wait, does this mean...?"

A certificate?

The start of the certificate event was from the midterm exams.

This was a new development, not even in the game.

"Come forward, Zero."

The classroom became noisy, and the voices turned into a din.

It was so loud that it was impossible to analyze the conversations.

"What are you doing? Hurry up."

Luna pushed me from behind.

As I walked towards Caron, the noise finally settled into comprehensible sounds.

Alex's clapping, Yuridia's pleased snorting, Raymon's cheers.

The sound of Teron grinding his teeth.

Luna's voice saying, 'He's my friend, so this much is obvious.'

And when I stood in front of Caron, the noise finally quieted down.

"Recognizing the crisis, he faced dozens of ants alone in a place unknown to anyone. It was a heroic act to save his friends, but he didn't show off about it afterwards."

"Wow, really..."

"So, we were safe because of him?"

The students' eyes changed.

There were various reasons, but the two main ones:

The boy they had ignored and looked down upon had saved them.

And he was strong enough to fight and win against dozens of ants.

Such voices quickly subsided.

Because Caron continued speaking.

"A responsible person is the master of history, while the irresponsible is merely a guest. In Annwood Academy, those who realize and practice the importance of responsibility become heroes."


"For showing the spirit of a hero by understanding and practicing responsibility, I award you 10 merit points."


"A certificate and a scholarship will be awarded."

[Title, 'First Certificate Recipient' is granted.]

[First Certificate Recipient]

- You have been awarded the first certificate of this class. As a role model for others, your stats increase.

All stats except Potential +5.

For the first time since being possessed by the game, I received a certificate.

With hands covered in snack crumbs.

--TL Notes--

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