Chapter 64

During a refreshing morning class,

Teacher Lérang once again bestowed us with demerits.

Never forgetting his daily duty.

In a way, one might call him a true teacher.

"Ah, finally over. What do you want to do today?"

Luna stretched and asked.

But I couldn't answer. Why, you ask?

Because kids were eavesdropping on us.

Not just 'kinda' eavesdropping, but literally leaning in to listen.

The desk of the person behind me was touching my chair back, so it was obvious.

'Why are they so interested in our conversation?'

They were determined not to miss a thing.

Real weirdos, these kids.

'This is troublesome.'

Such attention is poison for someone like me who wants to act discreetly.

The hidden places in the Academy that unlock after defeating the Chapter 1 boss, Teacher Lérang.

'I need to obtain the hidden pieces there...'

But with all this attention, I can't do anything.

I had to make moves before Chapter 1 ended.

'Well, it's good for Luna, though.'

Luna, who has no other friends but me.

Currently, she's practically a celebrity in the advanced class.

Meaning, if she talks to any kid, they'd become friends.

The problem is, she's completely unaware of it?

"What are you looking at?"


"Boring. Why? Am I too pretty?"


"Go ahead, look all you want. I'll let you, just because it's you."

Rustle rustle-.

Thud thud thud thud!

The classroom buzzed.

Our conversation was immediately passed on from the person behind us to the next, and so on.

Soon, all the kids knew about our exchange, and the classroom echoed with their reactions.

'It's worse than usual.'

The conversation was too provocative for the kids.

"Is it an earthquake?"

Luna looked around, oblivious.

At this point, it's not just being clueless, it's a problem.

'Alex told me.'

Many kids are curious if we're dating or just in a fling.

Since it's neither, I made it clear.

We're not in that kind of relationship.

Raymon rushed to spread this news, but no one believed him.

Our relationship seemed too special(?).

Click- clickety-clack-.

"Ugh, my Zero...!"

Raymon glared at Luna with fiery eyes.

...That guy's really got it bad.

He spends more time with Alex now, but why is he still obsessed with me?

Anyway, now that it's come to this, I need to be clear.

We're not in any kind of relationship.

"Keke, Luna."


"Maybe we should take it easy today."

"Ah, rest together in the room? Tired, huh? Sure."

Thump thump thump thump!

Crack! Crunch!

Hmm, really fueling the rumors, aren't you?

At this rate, it seems almost intentional.

"No. I mean, let's spend time separately."

"Sure, we can rest separately in the room."

"How about resting in our own rooms?"

"Yep, you rest in your room. I'll rest in your room too."


What's with this dormitory?

Not catching Luna sneaking in!

"Look, look! How can they not be dating!"

"My my, they're definitely a couple."

"Let's get them married!"

"I heard they're planning the wedding this year?"

That's not true, kids.

Misunderstandings breed more misunderstandings, and rumors lead to bigger rumors.

I had to stop it before it got any bigger.


"What? Wanna hang out? Where to?"

"We should take a break for a while."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"Let's spend some time apart."


A heavy silence fell over the classroom.

Not a sound of a pen clicking, not a whisper of paper rustling.

Even the dust seemed to hang motionless in the air.

That's how heavy the silence was.

Luna turned her head sharply towards me.

"Are you sick?"

"Not at all."

"Then why suggest we spend time apart?"

"You only hang out with me. The Academy is vast. Why not make other friends?"

Luna rolled her eyes back and forth.

"I only need you."

That's because it's you.

I need other people, too.

"I'll ask Yuridia to help. She can introduce you to some good friends."

"Hey, why are you acting like this all of a sudden? Did I do something wrong?"

"It's not that."

"Ah, is it because I hit you yesterday? Sorry. Did it hurt a lot?"

"It's not about that."

"I must have done something wrong. So please, don't talk like that."

Luna clung tightly to my sleeve.

Her voice was full of emotion.

"Don't leave me. I'll do better."

No, why are you talking like we're a couple breaking up?

This makes it difficult for me!


When I glanced around, I saw kids cursing at me.

Yep, I might end up being beaten to death by these angry kids.

'But it's time to start distancing ourselves.'

Luna can't rely on me forever.

There will be times in our adventure when we must be apart, and this dependence is problematic.

Although the situation turned out differently than expected, using this opportunity to encourage Luna's independence seemed like a good idea.

Kind of like a first step.

"Calm down. It's just for a short, very short time."

"No! That's nonsense! Why suddenly separate?"

"It's because of this."


"What will you do when I'm not around?"

"We just have to not be separated."

"That's impossible."

Dew formed in Luna's eyes.

Ugh, this is hard to withstand.

I hurriedly got up from my chair and headed towards the door.

"Don't go."


"If you leave, I won't ever see you again."


"You know how stubborn I am. I clearly said, if you leave, it's over."

Luna, I'm sorry.

But this is all to help you grow.


The well-polished hallway echoed with my resolute footsteps.

"Hey! Don't go!"

Luna ran out to the hallway, her voice brimming with emotion.

I wanted to run back to her right then.

But I couldn't. If I turn back now, things will go back to how they were.

'Luna deserves to make more friends.'

She's a kind child. Considerate.

A good person.

I have no doubt she will make more friends while I'm not around.

Go for it, our Luna.

* * *

Two days passed.

Today, my door was covered with numerous papers.

- Never hurt Luna!

- Protect Princess Luna!

- You're not even a man!

- Arrest him immediately for hurting Luna!

But that wasn't all.

Kids whispered as I walked by.

"Did he really dump her? That's too harsh."

"How could he hurt cute Luna."

"Did he just play with her and leave?"

"Looks really are deceiving. Faces are science, you know?"

I heard all sorts of comments as I left the dorm.

- Hey! Why are you so late!

I expected Luna to come running to me, but she didn't show up today either.

'...I'm the one who wanted space, and now I feel upset? Am I crazy?'

After eating breakfast alone, I went to my morning class.

Luna, upon seeing me, quickly turned away.

Her eyes were swollen again today.


Luna didn't make any new friends.

She refused anyone who approached her, burying her head in her desk, clearly protesting.

'It should be done in moderation.'

She might permanently lose the chance to make friends this way.

"Well, that's all for today's class."

Luna immediately buried her head in her desk.

A signal for me to wake her for lunch.

The surrounding kids were watching us, somewhat expectantly.



I simply walked past Luna and out of the classroom.

The sound of Luna sobbing followed me from behind.

'Always the fool.'

I was ready to say 'Congratulations! No more worries! Let's go back to how things were!' the moment she made a new friend.

But is she stubbornly continuing her protest?

Clutching my fist tightly, I headed to the cafeteria.

Today's lunch was no exception.

It was tasteless.

* * *

As the sun began to set,

Luna spent another day alone.


A stone sadly skimmed past the jar.

The game of throwing stones into a jar, often played with Zero.

"Che, this is boring."

It was really fun when she did it with Zero.

Why such a difference now?

It was a strange thing.

'Maybe I should just go to Zero tomorrow and bang my head against him?'

She didn't quite understand why Zero was pushing her away, but she was sure the problem was on her end.

'My personality sucks, after all.'

Zero was generous to have put up with her until now.

Yes, she decided. Tomorrow, she would go and either bang her head or cling to his legs.

Somehow, she'd restore their previous relationship.

"Um, excuse me..."

A voice came from somewhere.

It was so faint, it could barely be called a whisper.

The owner of the voice was right beside her.

A girl with long bangs covering her face like a curtain.

'Can she even see with that hair?'

Judging by the uniform color, she seemed to be of the same age.

A new face, but not surprising.

She still knew more strangers than acquaintances.

"What? Why?"

"Hi, I'm Rezé..."


"Could you, um, help me just once? I'm, I'm running an errand, but it's too heavy to carry alone..."

Rezé, as she introduced herself, bowed her head deeply.

As if she might bury it in the ground.

"Sure, I've got nothing else to do anyway."

"Th-thank you..."

"What do we need to move?"

"Over here, please..."

Following Rezé, Luna thought,

'Wait, can I use this?'

First, help her and become friends, then take her to Zero.

And brag about it.

About having a friend. That she can live well without him.

And then...

'I'll apologize.'

Saying she won't see him again was a mistake.

Thanking him for playing with her all this time.

Asking for one more chance.

She'd keep talking until Zero accepted.

'Just wait a little longer, Zero.'

When Luna had followed Rezé for about 10 minutes,

"This is it."

"Huh? Here?"

The dueling arena. Used for practical lessons.

Normally it was locked up tight.

Maybe they opened it for the errand?

"Ah, you're here."

On the square-shaped arena stood a boy.

Luna knew who he was.

From Teron's faction.


"You remember my name? Well, with my skills, it'd be strange if you didn't."

"No, it's because you got thrashed by Zero. That's why I remember."


Luna stepped onto the arena. Rezé followed her.

"Good, you brought her."

"Can I, can I go now?"

"Wait here. Unless you want to die."


Rezé crouched, trembling.

Clearly terrified.

Luna stood in front of the shaking Rezé.

"So, you called me here?"



"What else in a dueling arena? It's obvious."


"Draw your sword."

Godner's command to draw a sword.

Luna slightly furrowed her brow.

'He's trying to put the blame on me.'

--TL Notes--

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