Immortal of the Nine Realms

Chapter 225: Obedience is Better than Politeness

Chapter 225: Obedience is Better than Politeness

Fang Chen suddenly smiled. "Clear Void Poison King, why are you leaving?"

The footsteps of Clear Void Poison King paused abruptly, and he looked coldly at Fang Chen. "Kid, you have no grievances with me. Could it be that you intend to stand up for the Daoists of the Clear Sky Monastery?"

The hunchbacked boy had been staring at Fang Chen since his appearance. When he saw Fang Chen kill so many cultivators with ease, he became extremely excited. He really wanted to remind Fang Chen of who he was, but with Clear Void Poison King right beside him, he didn't dare. But if he couldn’t find a way to quickly inform Fang Chen, he feared that he’d kill him too. He felt many different, conflicting emotions well up inside him—fear, excitement, worry, anticipation.

"This isn’t about me standing up for anyone. I have no relation to the Clear Sky Monastery. I've only heard rumors about your unparalleled poison skills, Clear Void Poison King. I’ve heard you are even capable of severely injuring Foundation Building Realm experts. I'm curious to see if your poison skills are truly as remarkable as the rumors say.” Fang Chen’s lips showed a twist. “Or if my sword skills are stronger."

A wry smile appeared on Clear Void Poison King's face. "You’ve misunderstood. Those are just rumors. The Foundation Building Realm cultivator I fought was already heavily injured."

His gaze remained fixed on the small sword, and in his mind, the words ‘sword cultivator’ kept flashing.

Clear Void Poison King couldn't help but curse inwardly.

Damn it, how did I run into one of these lunatics...?

Although he had never encountered a sword cultivator up to this point, after years of cultivation, he had heard rumors about them; belligerent, crazy, vengeful... those traits could almost all be applied to sword cultivators.

He thought Fang Chen had heard of his achievements and wanted to fight him. At this moment, he didn't care about saving face; he just wanted to trick Fang Chen and leave and deal with him later.

Fang Chen sighed with disappointment, then repeated, "A Foundation Building Realm cultivator who was already injured?"

"Yes, you've picked the wrong person for a challenge. The poison skills I use aren't meant for direct confrontation," said Clear Void Poison King.

"I don't care. Since we've encountered each other, let's spar," insisted Fang Chen.

"You...!" Clear Void Poison King was enraged. For the first time in his life, he willingly backed down from a fight, yet Fang Chen still insisted on sparring with him?!

His anger continued to surge, and Clear Void Poison King's expression grew darker. Suddenly, he chuckled. "Alright, since you want to spar, I wonder how you intend to do so?"

As he spoke, colorless and odorless poison powder had already drifted toward Fang Chen, carried by his spiritual energy.

In the next moment, Clear Void Poison King's spiritual energy suddenly surged, and the poison powders seemed to come alive, transforming into a gigantic venomous python charging fiercely at Fang Chen.


Dust filled the air.

When the dust settled, Li Huafeng was horrified to find that a deep trench several dozen meters wide and at least a hundred meters long had appeared in front of him! f𝚛𝚎𝗲we𝗯𝗻ovel.𝐜om

Not only that, what made his scalp tingle was that the soil on the ground had turned dark green, clearly showing signs of being contaminated by a potent toxin.

"Is that all?" The Clear Void Poison King looked around and suddenly smirked. "Hahaha, what sword cultivators? They're nothing!"

"Congratulations, Master, congratulations, Master!" Li Huafeng was extremely excited.

Fang Chen is finally dead! He has been shattered into pieces! thought LI Huafeng.

Just as Clear Void Poison King was feeling triumphant, he suddenly realized that the little bastard beside him was nowhere to be seen. His brows furrowed, as he had been fully focused on dealing with Fang Chen just now and hadn't noticed any movement around him.

Clear Void Poison King's face twisted with ferocity. "You little bastard, trying to escape? Can you even manage that?”

Meanwhile, Fang Chen gently patted the hunchbacked boy’s head. "Wait for me here and don't make a sound."

The hunchbacked boy looked excited and nodded repeatedly.

Seeing this, Fang Chen stepped out of the dense forest again, calmly looking at Clear Void Poison King. "Clear Void Poison King, is that all you've got? If you have any other tricks, feel free to use them."

"You're not dead?" A hint of shock flashed in Clear Void Poison King's eyes, but it was feigned. He raised his hand again, and suddenly, another giant python identical to the previous one emerged from the ground, lunging at Fang Chen.

From start to end, the poisonous python he had condensed never disappeared but had burrowed into the ground, waiting to strike at any moment!

This time, Fang Chen chose not to dodge. Spiritual energy flowed into the little sword hovering around him. With a flash of silver light, Little Sword struck through the poisonous python, causing it to explode, and a highly toxic substance spread wildly in all directions. When it touched Fang Chen’s spiritual energy barrier, it started to corrode, eating at it.

Splatters of toxins landed on the soil and massive trees in the forest, and they started to visibly wither and disintegrate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In contrast, Little Sword remained unblemished under the envelope of the poison, seemingly unaffected.

"My poison can't corrode it?" Clear Void Poison King was astonished. At that moment, he became even more certain that the opponent was a sword cultivator. What just happened was likely the legendary ‘One Sword to Break a Myriad of Techniques’!

When that thought crossed his mind, he suddenly lost his will to fight. He hastily transformed into a wisp of ghostly light and fled into the dense forest. Unfortunately, his speed was nowhere near as fast as the little sword.

The instant he entered the forest, Clear Void Poison King's spiritual energy barrier was pierced by the little sword. Seconds before his death, he felt a chill run through the back of his head, and suddenly, it all went black.

The small sword flew back, continuously chirping.

"Hungry, hungry!"

Fang Chen smiled. It was time to collect the spoils of war.

Each dead cultivator had a treasure on them, all of which were fed to the small sword. After searching around, Fang Chen obtained some unidentified origin pills and several dozen low-grade spirit stones.

Wandering cultivators were too poor. Most of them didn't even have storage rings. The Clear Void Poison King was no exception.

On the edge of the battlefield, Li Huafeng lay on the ground, horrified, as he watched his legs. All it took was one misstep, and his legs were contaminated with the potent poison, spreading upward, through his body.

"Save me, please!" pleaded Li Huafeng desperately as he looked at Fang Chen.

Fang Chen approached Li Huafeng, glanced at his current condition, and shook his head slightly. "I don’t know anything about poisons, so I can't detoxify you. The person who could’ve done that is already dead."

"Please, I beg you, save me. I know I was wrong. As long as I can survive, I won't dare to be your enemy again!" pleaded Li Huafeng bitterly.

"I only know one way for you to survive. If you want to live, you'll have to cut off your legs," said Fang Chen with a smile. "But this will only work while the poison has yet to reach your vital organs. Once it does, there'll be no hope left."

Li Huafeng was dumbfounded. Cut off his own legs? Wouldn't that render him a cripple.

"Have you made your decision?" asked Fang Chen lightly.

Gritting his teeth, Li Huafeng whispered, "Please, Duke Fang, cut off my legs."

"Alright,” Fang Chen nodded with a smile, “obedience is better than politeness."

With a swift motion, the small sword flashed, and Li Huafeng's legs were severed, cleanly cut off.

Li Huafeng suddenly screamed in agony, hastily applying pressure to not two, but the three bleeding wounds on his body. He looked at Fang Chen with intense resentment. "You're so ruthless!"

"Well, I might have cut a bit too much accidentally, but at least you're alive," said Fang Chen offhandedly. After a pause, he continued, "I have to return to Grand Xia now. We'll meet again if fate allows it."

With that, Fang Chen turned around and walked back into the dense forest, leaving with the hunchbacked boy. Li Huafeng kept staring at the direction where Fang Chen had left, and after some time, let out a roar filled with anger.

Unable to leave due to his lost legs and severe injuries, Li Huafeng could only remain where he was.

He stayed like this for several days, until finally, he saw that an old Daoist had arrived, slowly approaching him.

Li Huafeng was overjoyed when he saw him. "Master!"

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