Chapter 139: Capital (3)

-Babam! Babam!

As the king entered the capital, a multitude of sounds shook the space.

The sound of trumpets.

The solemn cheers of the people.

The applause.

It wasnt the overwhelming reaction of a heros arrival, but it was a warm welcome nonetheless.

The king felt anew the extent of the support he had among the people.

Ner and Arwin were riding behind me.

They looked down upon the many faces that looked up to them.

Their demeanor had changed from the past, now filled with confidenceespecially Ner.

And I felt the gaze of the people shift towards me, drawn by my two wives.

Even I was receiving attention because of them.

...That must be Berg-nim.

Hes as handsome as the rumors say.

...Isnt he the saintess man?

I let out a short sigh at the murmurs I overheard.

Indeed, news always travels faster than people.

With the expulsion of the grand archbishop of the Hea Church, similar news must have spread throughout the realm.

Looking at Ner and Arwin, they seemed fine for now.

Perhaps resolving this issue had brought us back to our usual selves.

Of course, delving deeper might reveal changed thoughts, but thats another matter.

We kept riding.

I wanted to take a rest, if only for a moment.

The days of relentless activity had been too long.

We continued to follow the procession.




As the soldiers scattered to find their places and my Head Hunter unit sought out lodgings for rest, Ner, Arwin, Gale, and I followed the king.

The royal guards led us, and soon, the destination came into view.

Many were preparing to meet us and the king, all of them displaying proper etiquette.

Berg, you will follow me directly.

The king commanded as he rode.

I nodded in response.

My wives looked back, signaling their intention to follow as well.

When the king dismounted, numerous courtiers flocked to his side.

We dismounted shortly after.

The puzzled looks directed at me shifted to understanding as they took in Ner and Arwin, seemingly recognizing me through their association.

This is our guest. Treat them with all due respect.

The king announced to his courtiers.

In response to the kings command, everyone bowed their heads to me, a commoner.

It might have been due to my wives; after all, its not easy to forget the power of Ner and Arwins families.

Standing amidst the welcoming crowd, I caught the attention of several more gazes.

Some women looked my way, among them servants and perhaps even nobility.

It was a familiar look, one that suggested interest.

I sighed inwardly. For the moment, this attention was nothing but an inconvenience.

I glanced back momentarily.

Perhaps sensing the same scrutiny, my non-human wives had slightly darkened expressions.

To reassure them, I offered a smile.

They stiffened at my smile for a moment...then slowly returned it, smiling back at me.

The king observed this exchange between us.



I met his gaze, which held a hint of disapproval towards polygamy.

After a brief eye contact, I lowered my head.

The king, who had paused, then proceeded inside.


Entering the audience chamber, the king spoke.

You must be tired, Berg. But before you rest, lets just sort out the situation.

I understand.

I agreed with his suggestion.

I wasnt keen on being summoned by him continuously.

The king slowly took his seat.

I stood alone in the center of the audience chamber, with Ner and Arwin behind me.

The king then said.

Youll need to stay here until the rumors die down. The tales about the saintess and you will only grow.


We need a defense. We must convey that your relationship with the saintess is a thing of the past. After all, its the truth. And you have two wives, dont you?

I slowly nodded.

Youll need to stay here until peoples curiosity and fears are alleviated. Honestly, I cant say how long that will take.


Scratching his horn, he then asked.

By the way, youve decided to receive training from Gale?

...Yes, thats the plan.

Let me know if you need anything. Ill help as much as I can. According to Gale, you could be the key to ending the war.

Arwin caught her breath at those words, and Ner glanced at me, seemingly confused.

I resolved to explain everything to them later and focused solely on the kings face.

...The Hea Church might come looking for you. Youll have to handle that on your own.


And soon, Ill gather people for a banquet. Youre to attend as well. We cant neglect Lady Blackwood and Lady Celebrien.

Though Ner and Arwin were nobility, this invitation still seemed unusual.

Is it alright for me to attend?

The king seemed unsure himself and fumbled for an answer.

If it feels too burdensome, just make an appearance and leave. Youre quite the celebrity now, after all.


Thats all I had to say. Go rest now. Gendry will show you to your room.

As I nodded and turned to leave, Arwin spoke up.

Your Majesty.

The king, who was about to rise, sat back down at her words.

...Please, go ahead.

He responded with a level of respect that might have been due to Arwins longevity or potentially valuable future relations.

Arwin glanced at me before asking, Would it be possible to visit the library for a moment?

The library?

I too looked at Arwin, surprised by her sudden request.

The king responded as if it were no trouble at all.

Thats fine. Ask Gendry to show you the way.

Arwin nodded, and no further words were exchanged among us.

Then, well take our leave.

I bowed in farewell, and the king waved us off.

We turned and left.


Following the kings aide, Gendry, Arwin voiced her concerns.

...Berg, must you truly undergo training with Gale?

Despite initially advising me to hear Gale out, Arwin now spoke with a hint of caution, suggesting some change of heart.

It wasnt hard to guess she might have learned something from Sylphrien.

Its alright.

I assured her.

...But what if you become the warrior of solitude?

She probed, pinpointing the very concern.

Ner, surprised by the mention, inquired, ...The warrior of solitude?

I waved my hand at them.

Its not like that, dont fret.

I saw no need to delve into a story even I didnt believe, just to unnecessarily worry them.

After all, we had to make the best of our time here, and training with Gale might not be such a bad idea.

At that moment, Gendry, leading us, came to a halt.


And then he lowered his head.

A woman surrounded by servants, approached.

Sharp eyes. Straight horns. Crimson irises.

For a brief moment, our gazes locked.

Ner and Arwin, quicker to react, bowed their heads in a manner befitting nobility.

- Tap

Feeling Arwins gentle nudge on my hand, I belatedly bowed as well.

...Youre Berg, arent you?

The princess asked me directly without preamble.

I raised my head to respond to her.


Her eyes, filled with curiosity, fixed on me.

It wasnt affection but pure interest, like someone looking at an amusing toy.

...Im Lia Draigo.

She introduced herself by name alone, approaching with the confidence her surname Draigo suggested.

Ive heard quite a bit about you. They say youre second only to the hero on the battlefield, showcasing your valor...

...Its all thanks to our capable leader.

And modest too. Youre an interesting one. And there are rumors about you being the saintess man...?

At that, I let out a soft sigh.

I hadnt expected her to dive straight into that uncomfortable topic, especially after recent disputes with my wives over it.

...Thats in the past. My heart is elsewhere now.

Lia Draigos crimson eyes briefly scanned my wives behind me.

She continued to approach me.

Is that so?

Gendry subtly cleared the way, and she stepped closer, slowly reaching out towards my face.

By the way ...To think theres such a handsome commoner...

- Swish

I deftly avoided her hand.


Lia Draigos expression hardened for a moment.

Please refrain from touching me.

I spoke with due respect.

Now that Siens wounds are over, I had no reason to endure such advances, especially not in front of my anxious wives.


She bursts into laughter as if amused by my audacity.

Her interest seemed to fade, replaced by other emotions I couldnt quite identify.

It wasnt anger or insult but perhaps an even deeper intrigue.

Then, she turned her gaze back to my wives, managing a smile and offering them an apology, but not to me.

...Im sorry. I was too forward, wasnt I? Thinking of him as just a commoner, a mercenary, I...

Ner and Arwin remained silent.

At their silent response, Lia Draigo took her leave.

Then, Ill see you next time. It was nice meeting you.

I bowed my head in response.

And just like that, Lia Draigo, who had appeared so suddenly, disappeared just as quickly.

I watched her retreating figure.

Suddenly, Ner linked her arm with mine.


-Swish Swish

I looked at her, and she rubbed her head against my arm, moving it back and forth.

Then, she detached herself and stepped forward.

I might not have fully understood the gesture, but it seemed like her way of expressing gratitude.

...Lets go, Berg.

Arwin also touched me lightly before moving on.

I nodded and followed Gendry again.

The End of The Chapter

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