"Where did it go wrong!"

A young man wearing an extravagant robe with a badge that has one small bronze star in it shouted.

"It's because of you Ken! If you didn't kill that Tier 2 monster, and just run, we wouldn't be in this mess!"

A girl whose face was solemn, and like the previous lad, she was wearing a beautiful robe with one small bronze star, pointed the finger at the lad who just shouted. She yelled at him and put all blame on him.

"Yeah, just because of him, we are in this mess!"

Another vigorous young man agreed with that girl.


Ken, the young lad gritted his teeth but didn't retort, since they were all right.

"Let's not fight with each other. We have to deal with these monsters."

A calm girl wearing a pink robe said with a calm face. Even though her face was calm, one could see her legs trembling. She tried her best to remain calm, but her heart was beating heavily, and she was scared.


A young girl wearing a blue robe without any emotion on her face raised her right hand and shouted.

A medium-sized fireball appeared and shoot at the monster.


With some sound, the fireball exploded, but except for some burnt, the Tier 2 monster didn't get any damage.


She cursed.

They were forming a circle, and the monster was coming close to them. Like cornered prey, the students couldn't do anything.

"Damn! I will get their attention, you all escape!"

Ken shouted, raising his hand and preparing to attack the monsters.

"Don't talk nonsense, how could we leave you!"

The beautiful robe-wearing girl said taking a deep breath.

"I was the one who created this mess anyway. What's wrong with sacrificing myself? At least, I will correct my mistake."

He said bearing fear in his heart. Even with his shaking hands and trembling legs, he didn't let go of his courage.

The vigorous man slap his back of Ken and smiled at him.

"What the shit are you spouting out?! Even if you were the cause, we were all in. We just.. wanted to take our anger."

The vigorous man's eyes showed little guilt, but he tried his best not to lose confidence.

"What are you all discussing?! We will be killed if you became busy chatting with each other."

The emotionless girl said with a calm tone. Her beautiful face didn't contain any emotion, but her body was trembling slightly.

"You guys..."

Ken had teary eyes, like a kid who just got comforted by his parents despite knowing he made a mistake."

The friendship of these guys was heartwarming. They were ready to sacrifice themselves to save others.

Allen looked at these young people with a twitching face. He didn't know how to feel about their friendship.

But he sighed, he didn't have any friends like them, not in this world and not even in the previous one.

They are all lucky to have each other.

He thought, as he push his hand ahead and shoot five fireballs repeatedly. These fireballs were large, at least the size of a normal human head.

Boom! Boom! Boom!


Their eyes expanded, and their heart beat in excitement.

Did someone come to save us?

They felt hope in their eyes.

Fireballs rain down on the monsters like a meteoroid. Just as the ball dropped on the ground, an explosion occurred, blasting many monsters away.

They all flew away with their flesh burnt and landed 10 m away. The Tier 1 monsters were instantly killed and Tier 2 were seriously injured.

The injured monster lay on the ground. They didn't dare to stand.

At least half of the monsters surrounding the students were wiped out.

Looking at this scene, the remaining monster trembled and ran away. But their fate didn't support them, and another batch of fireballs fall on them, killing them directly.


The students were silent, looking at the battle. They were amazed. They couldn't help but relax, seeing monsters losing.

The Tier 3 monster was the only one remaining. Of course, he wasn't scared at all. For him, the weaker monsters weren't worth his time.

He was just waiting for the man/woman, to come out and fight him. He was the strongest monster here.

With a size of an elephant, Gorilo walked over to the students.

Allen wasn't planning on saving them, but they were on the way, so he couldn't help but help them.

Since he had to run away the previous time from the Gorilo, he felt excited. His battle intent made him smile.

Strong opponent = interesting battle.

Without waiting for a second, he jumped down using his telekinesis to float himself and land softly.

His silver hair flutters softly, and his purple eyes stare at the monster in front of him. His white face twitched, and his lips curved from a smile.

Raising his hand, tens of fireballs appeared in front of him. Like a bullet, they fired at the Gorilo at an incredible speed, piercing the air.


Gorilo roared, beating his chest with his hand. The fireball hit his chest and exploded. But except for smoke rising in the air, nothing else happened.


Allen raised his eyebrow.


Gorilo rushed at Allen with great speed. Even with his huge size, and heavy body, his speed wasn't inferior to the cheetah.

Allen didn't panic. He knew this wouldn't work.

He again raised his hand and used telekinesis to hold the monster.


Gorilo face twitched. With an angry expression, he exerted more strength completely breaking the force that held him.

But as he was about to move forward, A ray of light appeared near his eyes.


His scream echoed inside the forest. Blood dripped through his eyes, and he put his hands on his left eye, which is now completely shattered.

He is now one sighted blind.

However, rays of red light hit the Gorilo. It didn't pierce his body but gave him more pain.

Suddenly, Gorilo became calm and closed his eyes.

"Watch out, he is going to use magic!"

The emotionless girl that was staring at the battle with the other guys, warned Allen. But, Allen stare at her and gave her a thumbs up. Afterward, he completely ignored her and patiently wait for the monster to use magic.

Seeing that thumbs up and don't disturb me smile, the emotionless girl could only frown and shut her mouth.

Other students beside her only gave a dry laugh.


Blue energy covered the body of Gorilo, and his speed increased drastically. He moved toward Allen and raise his fist.

But, a ball of wind, fire, and energy came to his face, pushing him back.

Dark energy covered Allen's body, showing a mocking smile, he disappeared.

Gorilo and other students stare at the area where Allen was dumbfounded.


Again, another roar escaped the mouth of Gorilo, who felt like he was insulted.

But, much to luck, Allen appeared beside him.


Gorilo froze. He wanted to turn his head, but he couldn't. He felt like a person whose head was being pointed at by a gun.

Make a move, and your head will blast.

But he didn't have to wait long, tens of fireballs hit his head. And, completely shattered it.

His head turned to ash, and his headless body dropped to the ground, lifeless.


"He... is so powerful."


"My God"

Young students' mouths were hanging open. Their eyes were wide. They were all amazed, this scene had been imprinted into their brain. And they will remember this battle forever.

[Ding! You have used Telekinesis and Pyroblast the most. You can now choose one of these as your attribute magic.]

[Choose: (Space) / (Fire)]

A blue holographic screen floated in front of Allen. Allen's lips twitched.


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