Into the Zombie World

Chapter 189 - The Assasin Croco

"Sigh! I'm too lazy to kill you, Croc, get out and deal with them!"


At the same moment Nile grumbled about the lack of rewards for killing humans, the man countdown had also reached the last number, three. 


Suddenly, a gust of wind whirled the man's hair. A moment later, his head suddenly slid down from his neck. He was dead in an instant.

At the back of his headless body, a figure slowly outlined itself. It was long and slender like a snake. Its body was plated with shiny scales that look like metal. It was standing in all fours. There was an extension on its right arm. The extension was dripping with fresh blood. It was apparent that it was the one who killed the man. It was the assassin, Croco the crocodile pet. 

Croco's body suddenly wriggles like a snake, as he disappeared from where he was. 

"Be all-"  A man was about to warn the others when his voice was cut short. His eyes opened wide as he suddenly realized that he could no longer control his mouth. Slowly, two red lines could be seen forming on both of his cheeks all the way to the base of his ears. 


A mouthful of blood squirted out of his mouth. A moment later, his lower jaw suddenly dropped, just like an abomination with a wide-open mouth. He realized that he could no longer speak, as his jaw was already cut without warning.


A glint could be seen tracing the man's jaw wounds. Not a moment had passed when the weapon he was holding dropped to the ground. The upper half of his head suddenly separated from the lower half as his body slowly fell, back first. 

At this point, the other men had already realized what was happening. A crocodile was killing their companions one after the other. 

However, it was already too late. Out of the eight men who dropped from the tree, two had already died from the crocodile's sneak attack. 

"Attack!" One of the men shouted waking up the others from their trance. 

In an instant, the remaining six people raised their weapons. All their heads moved at the same time as they traced the shadow that was the crocodile.

"There!" One man said as he pounced towards a particular. He didn't waste the opportunity as he thrust his customized staff with a blade towards an open space. 


The sound of metal colliding metal echoed in the air as the man successfully predicted Croco's path. 

However, the crocodile's scales were not something a mere customized staff blade could penetrate. It only managed to scratch the scale's surface as it bounced away while generating a spark. 

The man was taken aback for a second, the blade he attached to the staff was a tooth that came from a mutated snake, he thought that it was unusually sharp, he didn't expect for it to fail on his first use.

"Be careful. This crocodile is not just a normal mutated animal!" He hastily warned the others. 

However, his warning was a bit late as one of the men was suddenly attacked by Croco. 


Fortunately, the man was able to react in time. He was able to evade on the last second with a wound on his arm. 

They had already encountered their fair share of mutated animals this past week. However, this was the first time they encountered something that was as strong. 


"I knew it, it's on a higher level!" Said a young man holding two sharp daggers in his hand. It was also from a mutated animal that they had killed before. He had already tested its sharpness and he could guarantee that it was definitely sharp. However, after his successful sneak attack, the daggers only manage to create some spark on the crocodile's scales. His arm was even a bit numb, it felt as if he was hitting a huge boulder with his bare hand. 

Higher level?

The men around him scrutinized their brows in confusion. 

 Mutated animals also have a level? 

They all thought that unlike them, animals could only mutate once, and then that was that. They didn't expect that they could also level up. 

Thinking deeply, they realized that it was really possible. Humans could evolve further, even zombies could evolve further. Why do they think that animals could only evolve once?

In an instant, they all shivered in fear thinking that the animal might be as strong as those level two humans and zombies. 

If only they knew that like them, Croco was still also at level one. He still hasn't evolved into a level two yet. 

However, unlike them, Croco was already at the peak of level one, while the strongest among them was only comparable to a final stage level one animal. 

"No, we still have a chance! Let's attack together. Focus on his eyes and the area where there are no scales." A man on the furthest back suddenly said. He has a shaved head and a swirling mustache. 

The others were awoken from their momentary daze again after hearing him.

'That's right, there are still seven of us! We still have a chance!' All of them thought at the same time. 

While they were talking, Croco did not stop what he was doing to listen to them. They could talk all day long for all he cares. He only has one thing inside his mind right now. That was his master's orders,

"Croc, get out and deal with them!" 


He turned serious mode as the other blade on his left arm retracted like a mechanized metal. The spikes on his back also protruded like a porcupine. 

His ambush had already taken two lives and one was even injured on the arm, making it unusable. 

As the people around him were talking, he rapidly went towards the man closest to him. It was also at this moment that they had already awoken from their daze. 



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