At this point in time, only 3 persons were left, not including the one who Nile held captive. 

Suddenly, the man beside Nile kneeled on both knees. With tears forming in the corner of his eyes he started to plead for his life. 

He knew that his companions were already done for, he at least wanted to preserve his life. He thought he still had a chance, seeing that Nile only made him stay beside him. 

What he didn't know was that Nile only did so because he still had something to ask from him. 

"Please master, please spare my life. I will do anything you want just to spare my life." He started begging with his forehead touching the ground. 

Nile didn't even turn his head and continued to watch the ongoing fight. Maximo was silently staring at the man, causing him to feel goosebumps all over. 

"Just stay there, I will deal with you later." He said lazily above Maximo's back. 

He already gave the man a chance earlier, his motto was to kill everyone who wanted him harm. He felt that he was very lenient earlier. 

If you dared to plot against me, then you should be prepared to die. 

At this point, Croco had already eliminated another man from the group. Only three people were left, not including the one who was kneeling beside Nile. 

After evolving, Croco's scales had been reinforced, causing it to be even more durable. The level one weapon that the group held could only manage to scratch the surface of his scales.

Nile estimated that his durability didn't lose out to early-stage level two animals. Not to mention, he isn't even focusing on increasing his defense, unlike Maximo. 

Speaking of Maximo, it was pretty obvious that he was envious of Croco's hard scales. He also wanted to have a defense like that, he doesn't want to get hurt after all. But after the evolution, Croco's defense had already surpassed his by a slight margin. 

But even with that slight margin, Maximo was still dissatisfied about it. He wanted to become the shield for his master, Croco should have only focused on becoming a sword. 

'Hmmp… I will definitely become the most durable under a master.' The carabao thought, not knowing something had already changed inside him. 

Nile had sensed Croco's envious glares but he just let him be. He couldn't do anything about it, he could only wait for Maximo to evolve. 

Previously, he wanted Maximo to also experience a near-death experience to provoke his emotions and trigger his evolution. But on cautious thought, he decided against it. 

First, it was dangerous. A slight mishap might result in the carabao's life which Nile didn't want to happen. Second, in the case that he survives the near-death experience, it isn't guaranteed that he can trigger his evolution. It might even cause him trauma, resulting in a more delayed evolution time. 

Hence he decided to let nature take its course. 

Only three were left in the group but Croco was already feeling the toll. He doesn't have unlimited energy after all. He was even hoping that like last time, his master would toss him a lollipop that could replenish his energy or even the water would do. 

However, he was still confident to defeat the three, they don't have a decent weapon after all. 

He opened his mouth wide to bite the head of the man closest to him. The man had slipped from the blood on the ground, causing for him to stumble towards Croco. 

Snap! Crack!

His head couldn't endure the biting force of Croco as it instantly snapped open with blood and brains splashing everywhere. 

At this moment, one of the remaining men suddenly slid down towards his belly. Using the baseball bat and the blade mounted to it, he used all of his strength and strike towards Croco's underbelly. 

Blood splattered everywhere causing Croco to wince in pain. An inch deep wound could be seen spewing blood from his belly where the man had hit with the baseball bat. 

Unlike the other part of his body, the part that is not usually exposed outside was the weakest part of his body. It was the underbelly and the other area around it. His back was laden with spikes while his side and legs were plated with metallic scales acting just like armor. 

After a few minutes of fighting, it looks like the humans had already located his weakness. They did try hitting his face, particularly the eyes earlier but to no avail. 

The man was pleased that his attack had finally worked. He was grinning from ear to ear as he felt hope blossoming inside him. 

Croco's legs were lengthy, causing a wide space to appear under his body. 

The man used that open space to slide through and strike with the baseball bat. He didn't expect that his attack had finally managed to wound this abomination crocodile. 

The other one saw the scene and felt elated. He was the one holding the two daggers earlier, but now, only one was left. As he dropped the other on the ground after his left arm was cut off earlier. 

Feeling the pain, Croco's body shivered for a moment. Instantly, he released the head he had just snapped and spit out the bits of skull that had gone inside his mouth. 

He endured the pain he was feeling and roared at the top of his lungs. He rapidly turns his head around only to see a man holding a baseball bat trying to get up from the ground. 

It was the man who sliced his belly just now. He had just slid through under his belly and was preparing to get up. 

'Where are you going?' Engaged, a terrific glint could be seen in Croco's eyes as he stared at the man. 

Using his hind legs, he stepped on the man's calves, causing him to halt and fell face-first to the ground. 


A loud roar entered the man's ear along with the thought,

'Shit! I'm dead!'

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