After seeing its weakness, Croco didn't waste any more time and approached the disabled zombie with huge strides. With his height, he was able to look down on it just like an assassin looking down on its prey.


The arm-blade mounted to Croco's right hand was then dyed with dark blood as the disabled zombie's head rolled to the ground. 

A System prompt also appeared inside Nile's mind confirming Croco's successful kill. Although it was not an assassin-like kill, he still nodded his head in appreciation towards Croco. 

"Very good! Get back to position!" He said after telling Croco the right way to be an assassin. Of course, he is not an assassin himself so he just taught Croco some basic information that every assassin should know. 

Just like, 

'Always lurk behind the shadow!'

'Kill when the opportunity arises!'

'Always aim for a decisive blow that could grant an instakill!' 

Croco nodded his head enthusiastically and decided for himself that he should do it the next time. 

With the instant adapter talent, Nile suddenly thought of a brilliant idea. 

'What if I only sit inside a safe building while I let my pets roam around to kill zombies? That way, I will be safe while a steady supply of apocalypse points and stats points will keep pouring inside me.' 

He couldn't help but gloat with that thought. However, a little while later, he also shook his head. 'It might be viable but my pets also have their own lives. Their safety is also one of my priorities aside from surviving on my own so it's better if I'm always with them.' 

'Well, the same couldn't be said in the future though. Who knows what will happen during then.' He thought. 'However, having a mass army of battle pets shouldn't be a bad idea. I should gather as many pets as possible. Of course, the stronger the better.' 

'I just hope the System would issue another mission soon, those kinds that would reward me with earrings of loyalty. Sigh, 50 points for the earring is just too costly.'

'Well, it's not that I can't afford it, worse comes to worst, I'll just postpone buying that Too ranged Weapon from the System Store.' 

"Let's go guys, we still have more apocalypse points to go, and we still have many companions to meet." He said enthusiastically as he lightly kicked Maximo's belly instructing it to move. Croco blended with the grass while Ogis was atop them hiding on the tree branches while being their lookout.

A few minutes after they left, two figures could be seen arriving at the abandoned house they used as a resthouse before. 

The two were Burge and Damian. After following the trail of bent grass, they finally arrived at this abandoned and creepy looking house. They actually got lost along the way as they also found another trail, albeit smaller than the first, they thought it was the same. Fortunately, they were able to find the first trail they were following earlier. 

"We are not lost again right?" Damian said doubtfully after seeing the house.

"No, I'm positive this time, look at that part in there. The grass looks like something just laid atop them a moment ago." Burge said confidently as he pointed at the patch of grass that Maximo had lied to earlier. 

Damian shook his head in disappointment. "You also said the same line when we saw the other trail earlier, right?"


Burge could only make a fake cough as he admits that it was really his fault that they lost their way earlier. "No, I'm really sure this time." He said confidently to recover the pride that he had just lost.

"Alright, but where is it? It looks like we are late again by a few seconds?" 

"You're right, let's keep following the trail it left behind. I don't believe we can't catch up to it later." 

Hearing that, Damian hurriedly agreed. He also didn't want to linger near the abandoned house anymore. It was creepy and although he had experienced dealing with zombies and troublesome dudes inside the bar as a bouncer, the mere thought of ghosts and spirits really frightened him. 

And with that, the two hurriedly followed the trail that was left behind by the animal that they were pursuing.

After a few minutes, they again arrived at the area where a body was lying beside some trimmed grass. The body only consists of the upper torso and its hand. The lower body as well as its head was missing. 

A meter away, they found the head of the corpse and determined that it was a zombie. However, no matter how hard they search, they just couldn't find the missing lower limbs of this zombie. 

But it no longer matters, what matters more is that the way the zombie was killed. The zombie was beheaded cleanly. 

The two looked at each other and said at the same time. 

"The Beheader!"

"Hurry, let's follow the trail, we should be able to catch it. The dark blood still hadn't dried so it must have been only killed a minute ago." Damian said delightedly. 

Burge frowned for a second before saying, "No, we must not be hasty.",

"Huh? Why? Don't you also want to take the Beheader? It's a whole level two Apocalypse virus as the reward, dude, we could share it fifty-fifty and we should be able to advance our strength even if it's only a small margin." Damian rebutted right away feeling that Burge was only wasting his time.

"No, look closely. The head was severed from the neck so cleanly. It could only mean two things, the weapon used was extremely sharp, or the Beheader is extremely strong. Or… it could be both." Burge said as he rubbed his temple. 

'I just hope that the Beheader is not some lunatic that kills anyone who approaches.' He thought. However, seeing the missing limbs of the zombie, he couldn't help but shiver in fear. 

'How cruel, even the zombie's legs are not spared.' 

After carefully thinking about it, Damian also realized what Burge was worried about. He sighed and says, "You're right, but what should we do next? We can't just give up like that right?" 

"No, of course not. We will still be following its trail. Let's also increase our speed and if we ever managed to catch up, let's just stay and observe in the distance. We could then formulate our plan during that time after observing the enemy." Burge said. 

"Alright, let's go!" 

With that, the two followed Nile and his pets again but this time, they've increased their pace. 

A minute later, they spotted another body lying around a huge tree. This time, the two only glance at it for a second before continuing with their pursuit.

However, Burge's mind was blown after seeing the state of the dead zombie this time. 

'The head was not present from the body, and... It still doesn't have legs.' 

Naming it the Beheader should be a huge mistake. They should call it the Legger instead. In respect to its love for legs. 

'The Beheader, err… legger is really something.' 

A hundred meters away from Damian and Burge, a person could be seen traveling with a huge carabao. 

The person was sitting atop the carabao like a boss, reclining onto the saddle leisurely. 

'Croc's last attack was really something. He sneaks on the zombie's back and instantly cuts its two legs cleanly before finally delivering its lethal blow. He must've deemed that a zombie without legs was easier to kill than those zombies who have them. What a poor zombie, becoming the first test subject!' Nile said amusingly. 

What was even more intriguing is that Ogis suddenly dived down to fetch the two legs that were cut off from the torso. And from above, he then dropped the legs like a bomb, aiming towards Croco's spikey back. 

The cut legs didn't offer any resistance as it was pierced like tofu by Croco's back spikes. 

Croco felt enraged by the bird's action but before he could do his revenge, he was actually stopped by his Master, Nile. 

"Stop that you two. You're not children anymore, try not to fight, okay?" He said in the best amiable way he could muster. 

It was actually his fault that Ogis dropped the zombie's legs. He thought that it must be trying to eat those legs so he hurriedly stopped him from taking it.

Ogis who was very obedient just obediently dropped the legs as if nothing had happened. It was pure coincidence that the legs landed at Croco's back. 

Croco snorted in dissatisfaction towards the bird. 'Play it fair, dumbass.' He thought. 

As the two legs were still stuck in between his spikey back, he hurriedly shakes his body while moving his spikes in and out. It causes the meat of the zombie's legs to be shredded into nothingness. 

Thanks for reading, guys. 

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