Into the Zombie World

Chapter 56 - Town Of Daan

After equipping Maximo with the Saddle and Bridle Set, his ride became as comfortable as ever.

Nile had not experienced how comfy it was to ride those super luxury cars from his previous world, but he can tell that the ride he was experiencing right now is more comfortable than those.

Even though Maximo is walking strangely, no, hopping strangely, Nile could not even feel it. Even though his body was wobbling, it was strange that he was still feeling comfortable.

Maximo and Nile are traveling using the National Road, which is smoother compared to the Village Road which Nile had to walk into before.

The National Road or Main Road connected all the Town and it's Villages, which are part of the City or the big Island of Subu..

A City is formed by many Districts, which are also formed from three or more Towns.

The Town of Daan was just one of the many towns under the City of Subo.

The Town of Daan was part of the 8th and the last District of  Subu. 

The City of Subo was a big island with an elongated form. The 8th District was in the Southern part of Subo. And the Town of Daan was in the southernmost part or was the furthest from the center of Subo, out of all the seven towns which belonged to the 8th District.

Nile has walked in the left road of the intersection from before in order to reach the Town of Daan, which means he was getting further away from the center of Subo, which also means it has the densest population in all of the city.

The closer it was to the center of a City, the more urbanized it was, which also meant that the closer it was to the center, the denser the population was.

Even so, Nile had already decided from the beginning that he must start from the Town of Daan. He will start in a less populated place. Then from there, he will continue to go to the more populated place while getting stronger along the way.

This way, he will not have to face the problem of encountering a zombie that will be out of his league.

For example, if he directly goes to the more populated area, what if he encounters a powerful zombie that is more powerful than him? Will he not become a meat paste if that powerful zombie squash him with a palm strike?

Of course, the Town of Daan still has a dense population, it was only when compared to the Municipalities that is closer to the center Subu will the Town of Daan lose to the amount of population.

The problem that Nile is facing was actually the time. It has already been over two months since the apocalypse started, and with no means of fast transport, Nile's time will be mostly consumed by walking from one town to another.

But now, with Maximo, that part can no longer be called a problem. Riding Maximo means he will save a lot of time from walking, and the Energy spent on walking will then be preserved for future battle, as he will do almost nothing while riding Maximo with this comfortable saddle.

The saddle even has a back post so Nile could just sit back and relax while waiting for Maximo to arrive at their destination. Of course, Nile will stir in their direction now and then.

Now Nile is observing Maximo's behaviour. How long until Maximo gets tired? How fast could Maximo go?

The most important part. How long until Maximo gets hungry or thirsty? Will there be a grass-station along the way? Or does he need to cut grass himself to feed Maximo?

'Hmm, I need to store a lot of water from now on.' Nile thought as he leaned on the back post of the saddle.

After just a few minutes, they arrived at a group of houses. Nile patted Maximo's side to make it slow down. Maximo understood his instruction and slowed down to a speed comparable to when Nile is walking normally.

After a while, Nile spotted a zombie ahead of them. Observing its movements, Nile could tell that it was a Level OneĀ° zombie.

Even from afar, Nile could tell that it was an elderly zombie. It has a white hair with few red spots on them. It was wearing a dirty white sleeveless t-shirt and boxer shorts. Its hairline is extended until the part above its ear. It was thinly built, maybe due to the fact that it was already old before it became a zombie.

Maximo also stared at the zombie warily. Nile flicks the rope connecting to the bridle to wake Maximo. He then kicked Maximo's side a little.

Maximo understood Nile's intent, Maximo 'mooed' and bolstered towards the zombie as Nile drew out his Katana from its sheath on his back.

As the distance grew closer, the Level OneĀ° elderly zombie also noticed them. It shrieks at them loudly.

Even with its loud scream, it did not move from its location, and instead readied its body to face the incoming Maximo.

Nile and Maximo had just started to team up a few minutes earlier. It would be a surprise if they coordinated really well on their first battle together.

Nile planned on closing on the zombie with Maximo's help to try to cut its head directly.

Even if Maximo will just brush on the zombie's side, it will be enough.

But contrary to his expectation, Maximo, as if enraged, sprinted towards the zombie's location directly. As it sprinted, it lowered its head. Its two perfectly curved horns are now pointing at the zombie's body.

From the start, Maximo already planned to ram the zombie head on with his horns. It was Maximo's way of fighting.

The zombie knew Maximo's intention. It disregarded the human riding the carabao as it thought that the carabao is more dangerous as it was the bigger one.


The collision between the carabao and the zombie occurred. Nile is almost thrown out again. Fortunately, he manages to hold on to the rope while his foot is attached to the safety stirrups, providing him a platform to put his weight on.

With Maximo's unusually sharp horn, the zombie's arm which it used to block the impact of the collision is pierced. The zombie's arm is impaled half-way on Maximo's horn.

The zombie's foot is dragged five meters to the back as it braced the collision's residual impact.

Contrary to its thinly built, this grandpa zombie's strength is nothing to scoff at.

The zombie successfully stopped Maximo's thrust by the cost of its arm getting pierced.

Maximo is still trying its best to move forward. Only an inch more and Maximo's horn will be able to pierce the zombie's body.

The zombie slowly removed its impaled arm from Maximo's horn, it then proceeded to hug Maximo's head. It was planning to slam Maximo's head on the ground.

Unfortunately for the zombie, it ignored and underestimated the human riding on the carabao's back.

While the zombie is trying to slam Maximo's head on the ground, Nile has already moved himself on the base of Maximo's neck.

The zombie is now reachable, Nile did not wait any longer and brandished his Katana.


The metallic sound of a sword slashing a target echoed in the air. The slash is so fast that the zombie and even Maximo did not notice it.

The zombie's head, from the tip of its nose upwards, suddenly slid off from the lower part. It was a clean cut. A one hit kill.

The zombie's movement stops suddenly. It caused Maximo's body, who was still doing its best to move forward to be surprised. Maximo's body accelerated in an abrupt manner.

Maximo put its front hoof as a break immediately. Nile, who was at the base of Maximo's neck was thrown out 'successfully' this time.

Nile smirked under his mask.

'I knew it!' Nile said mentally as he somersaulted in the air. His foot then landed on the ground, as he made a wide-arm pose, as if announcing his successful stunt.

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