Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 198 A New Delicacy And 'Us'

The aroma was good; the atmosphere was calm; we were excited, and I was serving the dishes to everyone which were covered with a special bowl that one can't see through.

Well, no one actually need to see through but, things were definitely getting exciting.

Though there were just some normal things, they had the anticipation like the little children eagerly waiting for the ice cream after dinner.

This was funny and the expression on the faces of these adults that were just teasing 'us' some moment ago was even more fun than I can think.

This was good... and the serving was done.

"So, everyone. If there is something to your disliking, please feel free to criticize this little child.

I am still learning, but the two adults with me helped me out quite a lot, but nothing like the little lady Anna.

We know she is the best, so I request that she open her bowl first. I would be grateful if everyone agrees."

I said in a respectful and noble-like manner that was so perfect that it surprised my first aunt this much for the first time.

She was one of the most prominent nobles, so she can understand and tell just from just the look that I was taught these things too.

Well, master left nothing of the high society in teaching me and now I knew the traditions, greetings, food, and even most of the culture of most of the races.

And I even knew many cultural dances from ball to elven dance to the dwarven parties.

My master... my grandma was my first dance ever, and we once did the actual dance on my birthday on the ballroom floor of the tower.

That place was amazing and the music playing in that place through the mechanical musicians was also amazing.

That was a memorable experience I may never have again…

Everyone nodded without hesitation and Anna, with a hungry smile that had the most anticipation in those two gems-like eyes, cheered up in excitement.

She was sitting next to me now and the sitting arrangement had changed a bit, but that wasn't important when every eye was locked on the round silver bowl that covered the goddamn view of the 'thing' and them.

But, giving the first chance to Anna also meant they can have even more excitement than opening it at once.

And Anna wasn't going to wait for anything here.

With a cheerful giggle, she opened the plate and the beauty of a new kind of sweet entered everyone's eyes.

A medium glass bowl, and a normal chocolate ice cream-like thing decorated with chocolate chips and small chocolate rolls.

But everyone can see that this thing that just looked like normal ice cream was a bit different that it.

Unlike the thick and creamy ice cream, this one was a thin, almost frozen foam, and the way we decorated it enhanced all of its entirety.

But that wasn't all.

Just beside that one, a small three-layered cake-like thing lay, attracting all the eyes to it from the 'ice cream'.

First almost dark, then a brown layer, and then on top of that, a chocolatey hard layer with chocolate syrup covering it.

There were also decorations made from pure chocolate and as Anna looked at this chocolate-only dessert that grandmother and I prepared without her seeing, her eyes started shooting stars at it.

The highest level of excitement and now, she can't even wait to properly look at the thing, so she just picked up her spoon and dug it into this warm and chocolaty cake.

Although the top layer of this Browne looked hard, when she just so slightly touched it with that special spoon, it cut it like a hot knife cutting butter.

Her small hands were shaking a bit, but she knew just how to control her overwhelming emotions, too.

She was calm, like me, when I had my heart working.

Maybe this was the effect of her [Understanding]?

Well, she was calm for a young girl seeing something so delicious looking and those special decorations grandmother made even enchanted the adults like first uncle and second aunt and Rein's mom.

Anna, being in her own world, didn't focus on all these surrounding things and took her first bite of the warm cake-like thing. And…

"Hmmm~. Hmm... Hm! B-biw bruther! Thish! Thish!" she shouted while her mouth was still full of the cake and I danced internally on this... cute scene.

This little squirrel was just adorable and I can't help but praise her cuteness.

Patting her small head, I looked at everyone else and nodded my head.

They were just dying at this point to just open their own plates and take a look as well as a bite and on my signal, all of them did just that in the unison.

The three-layered brownies had a normal cake or cheesecake or soft cake as their base, the middle layer was the flavor zone where mostly lay raw or processed fruits or their favorite flavor, and the last one... was just the taste setters.

Like caramel, fudge, cherry, or something just like that.

And the way grandmother and I plated this whole thing... it all looked impeccable.

"Hmmm~!" Everyone gasped in delight at their very first bite, but I didn't know why everyone started with the warm brownies instead of the chill mousse.

Well, they will understand soon when they take their first try.

I started with my own chocolate mousse and the way this normal spoon just slid through the soft-looking dessert was nostalgic.

I had made this with grandma back in the tower but, after seeing me make these just once, when she gave it her try, she completely evolved these things.

I still didn't know what her thinking when looking at a food item was like, but I was at least damn sure it was marvelous.

Well, that was just useless stuff for this moment, so I just went ahead and took my first spoon and just continued like normal.

This wasn't my first time eating this in any way, so I wasn't as delighted as the rest of the fam, but it sure was different from when I ate with only grandma and Celes.

Well, going on that road was also a no for now, so I looked around and my eyes found Rein's.

'Are you a sorcerer?' She asked with her mind and this out-of-the-blue question caught me off guard.

'I don't think so, so no. Why?' I asked with genuine eyes that made her smile.

Well, sorcerers were beings who borrowed powers from different realms to summon an exceptional spell, but that stuff didn't correspond with her flirtatious gaze.

Looking at me with strange eyes, she smiled while taking another spoon of her brownies with roasted almonds that I salted perfectly and the chocolate.

'Hmm~. This is not cooking, Eon. This is sorcery. Even though I was there helping you; to think we made something like this.

And you made this one yourself for me, right? Little bastard~.'

I chuckled at that wording of her and shook my head with an obvious smile.

Now I didn't even think how I understood those words without any telepathy or words.

And I knew she will understand mine too.

'What bastard~? That is no sorcery, and I didn't do it 'especially for you' or anything... or did I?

Well, we won't know now~. Just enjoy this one, and let's have dinner alone if fate allows it.

I will make something you will fall in love with, just like...'

I stopped without finishing that one and just gave her an unknown smile.

It could mean anything, but she knew, and I knew. That was enough for both of us.

We both blushed a little during this first eye contact conversation and this didn't escape from the eyes of the adult ones.

But they didn't go deep like a while ago and just left us be.

They were enjoying those sweets, so our little silent conversations were of little interest to them now.

But there was one thing that the older ones did after watching me eat this mousse rather than the brownie first and so, they dug their spoons in this frozen dessert.

And as I knew it would, the smoother, foam-like texture and the rich flavor did not fail to surpass their expectations.

"Hmmm... wow Eon!" Grandpa exclaimed with a delighted expression and grandma smiled at this genuine reaction.

She and I knew not much could surprise this grandfather of mine and the awesome brownies were some of them.

But, well, it was meant to be that way.

He was delighted, and the same went for Rein's grandparents.

And she even shook her head in surprise at this reaction.

Carla and Alf liked both of those things, and I knew Alf would be delighted by that strawberry mousse.

Everything was fine, and everyone was just happy to see others happy aside from one person being on fire, while everyone was talking among themselves.

"Well, this is delicious and all... but didn't you take long on this one?" Carla asked in a sudden angry and excited voice while eating the whole Browne in one go.

Well, she was definitely right, and I knew she was going to bring this up sooner or later but, now that everyone was almost finished and happy with this small street, we knew it was time.

"Of course, sister dearest. Let's go whenever you say~. But before that, would you like some more~?" I asked with a playful smile that calmed her fire instantly.

And surprised by this sudden question, she had no answer but to just nod her head in yes.

'You bastard...' Rein said while laughing at this sudden scene and the elders couldn't help but laugh.

Well, I had the talent to calm the hotheads of this family.

'Haaa... well, she is a tough opponent for sure. I will have to take it seriously, as always.'

And there was Alf too, but that young boy was busy eating those sweets at the moment.

And this night was still... a long way from the ending.

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