<Random Arena>

Shaman and the rest of the party all gathered in one of the free training rooms with their new or upgraded weapons in hand.

"I'll go first since I had the least change." Shaman held out Kotetsu, which did not change much in looks, but there were now a considerable amount of new runes imprinted on the handle. The white handle wrap that used to cover the hilt was no longer there, revealing the engravings.

It still felt comfortable to handle, but when she channeled her mana through the sword it flowed far more freely. There seemed to be a better connection between Kotatsu and her, as if the sword had its own will.

"Good thing we only resume training tomorrow, going to need to figure out what all these runes do." Shaman was eager to finally get a start on her training, as she had yet to really do anything. She had made great progress with herself, but she had still a lot to learn about wielding a sword.

"Why don't you show off now~?" Since they had not engaged in combat in a while, Elysia was eager to witness Shaman in action.

"I think I will keep you waiting until we are all done with the training, that way it will feel more special." While sheathing Kotetsu, Shaman stuck her tongue out at Elysia, hoping to keep her on the edge of her seat as the next year or so went by.

"Damn you, doing this knowing I won't be able to see you for ages." Elysia pouted, thinking it was unfair Shaman won't show it off now.

"Hehe, patience, dear." Shaman walked up to Elysia and nudged her to show off her own weapons.

"Well, just like you, I won't show anything off." Elysia pulled out her bow and spear, which have had a complete overhaul.

Her bow was pitch-black with red feathers on either end. Whenever she put a bit of mana into the bow, red flames burst out of the feathers. There were also glowing red runes etched onto the body of the bow, truly tempting Elysia to check what kind of effects they have.

The string also turned bright red, which fit the theme. After tinkering with her mana, Elysia found she could make both glow and flames stop at will. It seemed one of the runes on the bow dimmed when she did, so Elysia figured it was meant for when she wanted to be more subtle with her bow, but that was a highly unlikely scenario.

"They must be phoenix feathers!" Clara recognised what they were and why they could produce flames.

"Where the hell did Jane get phoenix feathers from?" Silver wondered how Jane would have access to such materials since her old forge should have been in Elysium.

"Isn't Himeko part phoenix? She looks human, but since she is from the Phoenix family, she should be able to temporarily turn into one." Elanor didn't know the specifics, but it was quite common knowledge how powerful Himeko's family was.Unfortunately, she was in a party with what must be some of the most sheltered people on the continent.

"I've never seen that happen before, but I guess there hasn't been a reason to use it." Even Clara was confused, as she never knew that Himeko could turn into one, and they lived together for years.

"It might take a lot of mana to activate, so it might be a last-resort thing if she is desperate." Shaman didn't think too much of it, as it was most likely an inconvenience to transform.

"Anyway, the interesting thing about the bow is that the system has given it a name, and it's called… Himeko's wing." Elysia didn't know how to feel about having her weapon called Himeko's wing, as it sounded like Jane chopped it off in order to make the bow.

"That certainly is… interesting, we can always check later to make sure she isn't missing an arm." Clara prayed that wasn't the case, as she would rather not walk in and see Himeko be an amputee.

"Indeed, but enough about that. Spear time!" Elysia put her bow back into the inventory and pulled out her brand-new spear.

Just like her bow, it followed the red and black theme. At the base of the blade a faintly glowing blood red gem was embedded, and from it a red streak extended all the way to the base of the spear. However, that streak didn't glow like the gem, which made Elysia wonder if it was some kind of gauge.

A detail she also picked up on was the name of the gem that was in her spear.

[Blood gem]

Accumulates the blood of any prey the spear consumes.

It was rather ominous, but it was perfect for Elysia and made her more excited to use it in battle.

"Pretty cool, it's a shame that we will be separated for a while." Shaman slightly regretted teasing Elysia about not showing off her weapon upgrades, but she was too prideful to back down now.

"Indeed, but like you said, it will be more special once I return~." Elysia reused Shaman's words against her, which was a critical hit, but Shaman did not falter.

"Urghhh, screw you." Shaman was now the one pouting, and Elysia's smug grin only rubbed it in more.

"Enough teasing, my turn." Clara decided to save the day and interrupted them by Jumping forward, gently pushing Elysia out of the way. Once she was out of the way, Clara pulled out her brand-new whip blades.

They were the same in design, having blades in the shape of a scale, allowing them to nicely connect together. The blades were black in colour, and when mana was applied to the blades a purple glow emanated from them. Whenever the blades were detracted, the glow would then spread through the peculiar rope connecting the blades.

"The hell, my weapon is called the succubus tail." Clara had to blink a few times to make sure she was reading the description correctly, but there was no mistake. It would also explain the rubbery feel the rope had in between the blades, which Clara carefully examined after reading the name.

"Hmm, we never did find out what kind of demon you are." Elysia raised an eyebrow, as it was quite a suspicious choice of name and material. So far, the weapons have followed a theme that resembles each of them in some way.

Elysia with the fire of a phoenix, and the vampiric nature of the bloodstone. Now we had Clara with her purple light representing her lightning and the succubus tail, which suggests her demon side.

"Elaina is a succubus, and you two are sisters, so I'd say it isn't a stretch." Shaman had a look at Elaina's status once the system started classifying her as friendly. For some reason, once you are on good terms with someone who doesn't have a system, you can see all their information. It was limited to a degree, but she was easily able to see what race Elaina was.

"Y-you're not wrong, but doesn't the system say I'm just a demon?" Clara took a look at her system, and it indeed said demon, but there was still the mystery of her last name blocked out.

"Can we really trust the system now anyway? It would be better to just ask Elaina your true race." Elysia understood it was pointless to worry about the specifics of the system, but with their trust in Rea gone and them in complete control, They could not dismiss the possibility of Rea deliberately concealing information from them.

"I guess so, but I feel like I would have found out I was a succubus much earlier." Clara scratched her head, as surely with all the sexual acts she had done, there would have been some kind of activation.

"Who knows, maybe Elaina will have the answer." Shaman didn't show much interest, but on the inside, she was once again letting her imagination go wild. Just like vampires being a guilty pleasure, succubus also falls into this category of something to experience.

"You're right, anyway, it's your turn Silver. I'll follow suit with the other two in not showing off." Clara retracted her whip blades and put them away. She wanted to get answers now, but she had to wait for a chance to speak with Elaina again.

"Okayyy." Silver had been calmly watching the entire time, waiting for his chance to show off his new scythe.

Stepping up, he pulled out his brand-new weapon. The new scythe had quite a simplistic design that really pushed the whole 'death' aspect of the weapon. The handle was thin, making it feel really lightweight. Still, breaking from that simplistic design, at the top of the shaft was a skull with black gems for eyes. There were also spikes that protruded out, which could also be used to kill someone.

Its colours were quite dark and subdued, which made sense as Silver's main element was shadows. Still, as unassuming as it was, one would still get a chilling feeling when looking at the scythe directly.

ραΠdαsΝοvel.cοm The blade itself was pure black, with a grey spiky pattern drawn along its inner side.

"You're really going the grim reaper route with this one." Shaman was impressed with this one, as Silver was becoming a kind of assassin, so there was no need for any flashy colours. There was enough detail to show who he was without ruining functionality. Consequently, his scythe would be named Death's Scythe, fitting the theme even more.

Elysia and Clara nodded together, thinking that it was indeed the perfect weapon for him.

"It's so cool!" Elanor, on the other hand, was almost entranced by the design. She hadn't quite realised it yet, but she was a huge fan of gothic-style things, and Silver's new weapon embodied that for her.

"Hehe, thank you." Silver blushed a little as he was worried after seeing everyone else's weapons that his would fail to impress.

Silver didn't have much to say, and now it was Elanor's turn. She didn't have much to say either, as her fans could only change so much. It was fascinating to see the blades, but since they were not showing themselves in combat, the real show for Elanor would come later.

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