King Of Chaos

Chapter 105 Ch 105: What Is Chaos Spirit Saint Realm?

The middle-aged man was no longer suppressing his cultivation, giving him an immediate boost of speed, far surpassing the speed of a Chaos Spirit Realm warrior.

A Chaos Spirit Realm warrior's speed was already very fast, coupled with the 10x boost in speed, the middle-aged man's speed become almost like Ye Xiao's teleportation as well. 

"You want to leave? In your dreams!"

Glimmers danced in the middle-aged man's eyes as he immediately appeared right in front of Ye Xiao, blocking his path.

Ye Xiao stopped and looked at the middle-aged man, devoid of any emotion. Or that is what he showed on his face. But in his heart, a wave of emotion was roaring.

It could not be helped. This middle-aged man was damn strong, far surpassing anything Ye Xiao had ever faced.

Looking at Ye Xiao, the middle-aged man smiled and spoke in a gentle tone, "Let's have a small talk first. After that, if you still don't want to come under my wings, I will not bother you!"

Ye Xiao raised his eyebrows in surprise. He did not expect this middle-aged man to say something like this. 

Anyway, the strong make rules. Who said that he will do what he said? However, even if he did not do what he said, who can stop him?

Ye Xiao was weaker, he had no choice but to agree with the middle-aged man even though he did not want to.

The middle-aged man nodded in satisfaction, but he could still see the struggle in Ye Xiao's eyes. He sighed and spoke again, "Boy, throw away any idea of running. As long as I don't want, you could never leave this place. If I want, I can kill you in an instant!"

As he spoke, a fierce light flashed in his eyes for the first time, completely diverse from his previous gentle expression.

Ye Xiao took a deep breath and his eyes flashed with light. He spoke coldly, "Accept it or not, I still have a way to kill you. Even with your powerful strength, you will not survive if I want to kill you!"

Ye Xiao's cold voice, along with a burst of powerful killing intent startled the middle-aged man. He did not expect this thirteen to fourteen years old kid to have developed such a shocking killing intent. This also showed Ye Xiao was not a normal kid at all. 

'As expected, this kid is a monster!'

The middle-aged man muttered in his heart and then started laughing. Even when he stopped laughing, there was still a wide grin on his face, making him look kind of crazy.

The middle-aged man spoke in a hoarse voice, with a madly wide grin on his face, "Looks like you do not have any understanding of what a Chaos Spirit Saint is. Well, it is to be expected, for no matter how much of a genius you are, in the end, you are still a kid who has not seen the world."

"Let me give you a ride as to what a Chaos Spirit Saint Realm really is."

As much as Ye Xiao wanted to run away as far as possible from this middle-aged man, the topic was really too insightful for him to take that step. Not to mention, even if he tried, he would not be able to escape. This middle-aged man's cultivation is really too high and could catch up to him in an instant.

It has to be known that when Ye Xiao was still in the Source Universe called Heavens, he could instantly teleport from one word to a different one, existing far away from each other. The distance between them could be calculated, for there would be too many light years to count.

But in the chaos, the most distance Ye Xiao could teleport is shortened to just a few miles to a few hundred miles.

Why you say?

It is because the space in Chaos is much more stable, stronger, and balanced than that of a Source Universe. 

Coming back to the topic, the middle-aged man started Ye Xiao explaining what a Chaos Spirit Saint Realm truly is and how much of a difference a Chaos Spirit Realm warrior has from a Chaos Spirit Saint like him.

"First of all, as a Chaos Spirit Realm warrior, you should already know that the strongest experts in the Land of Morning Stars are Chaos Spirit Saints. But unlike any other cultivation realm below, the Chaos Spirit Saint Realm is further divided into a few sub-realms. When a warrior goes through the Three Stages of Spirit Fusion, they step into the Chaos Spirit Saint Realm and become a Minor Saint, which is the first sub-realm of Chaos Spirit Saint Realm."

Ye Xiao was shocked. He really did not expect the Chaos Spirit Saint Realm to be divided into several sub-realms. Anyway, the information was very important. He kept listening even more carefully.

The middle-aged man continued, "After Minor Saint is Major Saint, followed by Great Saint and Heavenly Saint. In short, the Chaos Spirit Saint Realm has four sub-realms."

"The limit of what a warrior could cultivate in the Land of Morning Stars is Great Saint Realm. A Minor Saint has to comprehend any Force of Rules of Chaos to 100% before they could become a Major Saint. A Major Saint has to comprehend fuse the comprehended Force in their energy, that is Chaos Energy inside their bodies."

"You must have sensed from my attacks previously that even the energy released from my body has the attributes that belonged to Forces of Rules. It is because I am a Major Saint."

Ye Xiao took a deep breath and nodded in understanding. This was really vital information, and only now did he understand how and why even the energy in the middle-aged man's body was filled with Forces of Rules of Chaos.

The middle-aged man stopped for a while and looked at Ye Xiao's face where many kinds of expressions could be seen, from the expression of complication to understanding, and even marvel.

Smiling, he continued, "Fusing the comprehended Force into a warrior's energy is not that easy. The process is very difficult and many fail to do that. However, as long as one could perfectly fuse the Forces they have comprehended into their energy, they could take another step forward and become a Great Saint."

"As I said before, the limit of what a person could cultivate in the Land of Morning Stars is just Great Saint Realm. After that, if they still want to cultivate, they will have to leave the Land of Morning Stars and go to some other Lands."

"I am just one step away from the Great Saint Realm. I want nothing more than to take that step. But doing that is not easy at all. I have fused 99% of my comprehended force into my energy, but fusing the last 1% is not easy. It could cause my death. That's why, I am here, to look for a treasure that greatly boosts a person's comprehensive ability."

"Since you could come here, it means you must have been to that pond. And if that is the case, it also means you must have sensed how the water in that pond affects a warrior's comprehensive ability. It must be because you wanted to look for the source of what is causing this that you dived deeper into the pond and were teleported here. Right?"

Ye Xiao did not say anything but the shock in his eyes could not be diminished. It was shocking to learn everything. Ye Xiao really did not expect things to be like this.

Now that he thought about it, Lu Ming and Ming Jie came to the pond previously. Ye Xiao now found their appearance very suspicious.

As Chaos Spirit Realm warriors, they entered the Red Star Secret Realm by hiding their auras, cultivations, and even their existences from the spirit of the Red Star Secret Realm using some sort of treasure.

And then, they specially came to the pond.


Just because the two girls, Xue Yu and Yan Mulan were there?

The answer is no.

Ye Xiao understood that they must have been poached by this middle-aged man into becoming his lackey. And from the middle-aged man, they must have learned the secret of the pond and wanted to come to the ocean.

Unfortunately, before they could do that, Ye Xiao had already killed Ming Jie while forcing Lu Ming to leave.

But Ye Xiao was sure that if what he is thinking is true, then Lu Ming will definitely come to the ocean no matter how long it takes.

Ye Xiao's expression kept changing for some time.

The middle-aged man again put up a gentle smile on his face. As if confirming Ye Xiao, he again said, "The Chaos Spirit Realm warriors you encountered and killed earlier here were all the people I brought to help me locate the treasure I am looking for. There are still few that have yet to come, but as many as came here, they were all killed by you."

"It caused me to suffer a great loss. So, you have to work for me whether you want or not!"

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