Language Cheat Reincarnation – Young Girl VTuber Saves the World

Chapter 228: [Chronicle Of The Young Girl’s Battle (Vehicle Experience)]

Chapter 228: [Chronicle Of The Young Girl’s Battle (Vehicle Experience)]

The moment the trigger of the gun was pulled, Translator Girl Iroha disappeared from the screen.


>Iroha-chan was blown out of the screen!?

>Truly, thats hilarious

Hahahaha! Ah~ thats hilarious!

Pfufu~! Th-this Iroha at that moment. Kukuku.

Dont laugh, you guys! It cant be helped, right!? I didnt expect the recoil to be this strong!

No, the gun you had. It was quite a small recoil, though.

The camera, in a surprised state, followed Translator Girl Iroha.

I, lying on the ground, appeared on the screen.

In a flustered manner, the instructor rushed over, picking up the handgun.

Angry voices echoed.

<<Why didnt you brace yourself properly!? Its dangerous, you know!? If anything happens, it wont just be a game!>>

<<I-Im sorry.>>

>Shes getting scolded so much. Its hilarious! Iroha-chan, just how carefree are you? www

>Iroha-chan with teary eyes is so cute

>Hey, staff!?

Did you have to exaggerate the expression without my permission!?

Im sure even I didnt cry.

At most, I was surprised and dumbfounded like a dove eating a pellet.


And I leaked my dissatisfaction while recalling the incident.

I wasnt really joking around either.

Thats right. Iroha was seriously doing it, and thats what happened. Honestly, her motor skills are terrible.

Poor thing.

What do you mean by poor thing!? Whats poor thing!?

My muttered words were picked up by Angus, and he echoed them.

Just so you know, its not my fault, okay!? The fault lies with this body!

Unable to counter that, I had no choice but to stay silent, muttering, Gnununu.

Ah-nee, watching our exchange, was once again laughing uncontrollably.

Ah, my stomach hurts! By the way, Anego also said something like, Its easy to beat Iroha-chan in grades. Just challenge her in physical education.

I see~. I thought maybe Iroha had perfect scores in all subjects.

>Oh? Wasnt there supposed to be an achievement goal set individually for each person?

> Whats that?

>Instead of comparing students with each other, the evaluation is based on how much each child has been able to grow

So, Iroha, you havent really grown at all, huh?

N-No, thats not true. Im always giving it my 100%.

Thats even worse.

You cant blame me for that. Its not like Im slacking off.

Yet, despite that, I consistently get perfect scores in written exams and the lowest scores in practical tests.

Most of my records make me the class loser.

The only opponent Ive ever defeated is someone who was absent.

Well, technically, a win is still a win, right?


At that moment, I heard murmurs.

When I turned around, Mai was whispering something to Ah-nee.

Its kind of lonely to exclude just one person, so I let her study in the same room as me. Wait, Mai, what exactly are you telling her?

I just got a report from my imouto. During gym class, the teacher told everyone else to seriously do it, but it seems like he begged Iroha-chan not to push herself too hard.'

Huh? I didnt know anything about that!?

Everyone in the class is like, Were nervous that she might accidentally die.'

Seriously, am I that fragile!?

Back in elementary school, was that the impression I gave!?

Sure, due to my abilities, there were times when I collapsed and had to be taken to the hospital

By the way, I always got perfect scores in gym class, Onee-chan !

Only in gym class, right?

Buzz~! Wrong~. I got perfect scores in art too~!

Ah-nee, youre

Ah, her knowledge is really biased, huh?

Well, I cant say much about others either.

If she were in normal society, Ah-nee would probably not face much hardship.

Thinking about it, in any environment, she would probably manage somehow.

Push your favorites when you can push them, huh?

When I think about it, her being my fan right now is almost a miracle.

People who turn their likes into their jobs can be broadly divided into two types.

One is those who can only do that.

The other is those who can do anything but deliberately choose that path.

Its not a matter of good or bad, just that Ah-nee is probably the latter, and if it werent for her, I wouldnt be a VTuber.

In a series of miracles, there is this moment in time.

When I consider it, miracles seem quite common.

Math and language, of course, are a breeze for me, but Ah-nee? 7 times 7 equals 47! Melt for Iroha, Chirinuru wo!

>Is this the defeat of compulsory education?

>W-Well, technically? It seems like my experiences in physical education and art are coming in handy, right?

>See, like right now!

Lured by the comments, I shift my gaze back to the video.

Ah-nee is holding a pistol in each hand, enthusiastically firing away.

Hahaha~! Let the bullets fly~!

<<Hyu~! Thats amazing, Miss! Keep shooting! More!>>

Praised by the instructor.

The targets arent too far away, but the clang, clang, clang! of the bullets hitting the metal plates is a satisfying rhythm.

Indeed, things you learn with your body stick fast.

So, after this~

The videos continue to play one after another.

The experiences that followed kept me constantly on my toes.

Well, Ah-nee and Angu Ogu were having a blast. Hyahhaa! with the machine gun, Fire the cannon! and Disinfect the filth! with the flamethrower, causing a ruckus.

And finally, the main dish. Ah-nee in the video urges, Hurry up! Angu Ogus eyes sparkle with excitement.

I sigh and then shout,

Panzer Four!'

With a powerful roar, our tank takes off.

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