Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 383 - Ji Bolun of the Eastern County

Chapter 383: Ji Bolun of the Eastern County

The possession of the eastern county lay on the west side of the dukedom of Leo, immediately adjacent to the northern and southern counties.

The Senwaya mountain range served to isolate the Nahrin Desert. Due to the low terrain and regular cold air mixed with snow, the weather here was very good. The agricultural level was close to that of the southern counties, and it was once an important grain-growing area of the dukedom.

Geographically, it was just like the Mountain of Leo that separated the northern and southern counties.

The eastern county area also had the Mountain of Death to separate the east and west.

Coincidentally, to the west of the Mountain of Leo was the Mountain of Death, or the rest of the Mountain of Leo. In the middle was the nail that the southern county had planted in the northern county, namely Viscount Kevin’s Maas Castle.

The Maas Castle was the center of the three counties. It was strategically important and had a higher status than Stone Pass.

Controlling the Maas Castle

was equivalent to controlling the northern county, controlling the eastern county, and coordinating with the southern county.

The entire dukedom of Leo was a place that all strategists would fight over!

However, the current Maas Castle had lost its former severity. Although ordinary people were still not allowed to enter, the surrounding area had become a paradise for bandits and bandit groups.

Even though there were no large-scale massacres and armed conflicts, the trade caravan still suffered heavy losses.

At this time.

There were almost a dozen bandit groups with different backgrounds.

There were also mercenaries hired by the Lord of the Maas Castle, Viscount Kevin, to help defend the castle and fight crime. However, in reality, they made it clear that they would not help each other.

As long as the bandit groups did not attack the Maas Castle, Viscount Kevin could pretend not to see it.

This was very strange.

But it was very correct.

In the past half month, Rolf had brought his 500 desert bandits to investigate.

However, not only was he not chased away by the Lord, but he was also attacked by the bandit group. After a few sneaky counterattacks and the complete destruction of some larger bandit forces, he was able to get back on his feet.

The Maas Castle had already lost the authority he had once held back.

Or rather...

Some of the top level noble families had tacitly agreed.

They didn’t want the table salt trade from Kant to erupt quickly in a short period of time.

If the top level noble families weren’t still scheming, it was likely that these noble families had already compromised among themselves and were about to make a move. They would split up the Nahrin Desert of Kant and gain more advantages.

At present, the table salt trade had already entered the silver platter kingdom.

It was also moving further and further along the river.

The table salt from Kant, which benefited from the dwarf kingdom’s table salt that was extremely far away and could be supplied quickly and in large quantities, had completely seized the market of the dukedom of Leo. Furthermore, it continued to encroach on the table salt market of other human lands along the river.

Any trade caravan that engaged in table salt had already made a fortune.

The noble families behind them were all had their fat.

However, thinking about the salt mines in the Nahrin Desert, the noble families who had already tasted the sweetness, and the chief noble families who had the ability to seize it, had already made a tacit agreement.

In half a month, they began to connect with each other, and with the convenience of the coalition army, they began to integrate.

The integration continued.

After all, they had to choose a new leader for the army.

No one from the royal family could participate, because according to the rules, when their master Kant died, the salt mine they wanted to take this time would be taken over by the royal family.

Because Kant was the blood of the royal family, the second son of the royal Grand Duke of Leo, Cameron.

But the strange thing was.

The royal family did not stop the spontaneous actions of the noble.

No news was spread in the Castle of Leo, and no orders were issued. It was as if they knew nothing at all!

This was worthy of consideration. And these nobles who were connected with each other also began to form a coalition army in high spirits, just as they had stopped the invasion of the Silver Plate Kingdom back then. Gradually, they joined together to form a huge military force.

Although it was somewhat bloated, it was as heavy as fat, and it was also very intimidating.

Kant had yet to notice all of this.

For at this moment he was riding his horse across the plains.

“Boom, boom, boom -”

The sound of horse hooves rang out.

Kant rode ahead on his horse, and behind him were 30 Sarleon Lion Knights and 50 Sarleon Lion Guards. They were full of energy and watched by his side. They were very powerful and majestic and were not inferior to the elite knights of the royal family.

Even the 500 elite desert bandits behind him had their own imposing manner.

The heavy machete was at his waist.

The six short javelins on his back were neatly arranged.

The spear in his hand flickered with a cold light. As he moved forward, it was like a torrent rushing by rapidly.

Kant led his team into the eastern county territory. After three days of galloping, they had already moved west from Stone Pass. They were heading towards the predetermined location, which was the most famous landmark of the eastern county territory, the Mountain of Death.

It was southwest of Stone Pass.

After the Mountain of Death, it was the eastern county territory that had been sealed off.

The noble estates along the way were all sealed off. Only the troops within the eastern county territory were allowed to stay there and approach. If anyone else approached rashly, they would be treated as the enemy.

Although there were definitely unspoken rules and such, the merchants were very familiar with them.

But Kant couldn’t do it.

Therefore, he didn’t directly go west and enter the eastern county territory along the north side of the Senwaya Range. Instead, he trekked towards the Mountain of Death. He had to take a detour to that side so that he could enter the center of the eastern county territory as soon as possible.

After passing the Mountain of Death, that was the core area of the eastern county territory.

A piece of fertile land near the Resniston River.

Due to the cold air and the hot air of the Nahrin Desert, there was already plenty of underground water. In addition, the irrigation project was well-organized. It was said that after ten years of development, the agriculture of the eastern county was not weaker than that of the southern county.

If not for the strong commercial atmosphere of the southern county, the eastern county would have already surpassed the royal estate by half a head!

The details were rather vague.

Although the eastern county did not prohibit merchants from entering.

In other words, as long as they did not enter under the official identity of the southern county, they were basically fine.

However, some secret agents who had ulterior motives and went to the eastern county to gather information would also be arrested. Together with any conspirators, they would be pressed to the Mountain of Death and their heads would be chopped off by the executioners on the Mountain.

The Mountain of Death was therefore given its name.

Just ten years ago, Countess Agatha had ordered the execution of all three families of the Viscount.

Nearly a thousand people were executed at the same time. This was the only time the dukedom of Leo had been established, and it had caused an uproar throughtout the country. This was also one of the reasons why the eastern county was sealed off.

Moreover, the rich eastern county only had one viscount and a few barons guarding the various areas until now.

But in terms of strength, they were still stronger than the northern county.

It could be seen from the village.

“Very rich.”

Rolf was somewhat moved by this.

They had just left a village in the eastern county. After using small silver coins to buy the necessary supplies for everyone during the journey, they chose to leave under the vigilant gazes of the sheriff and the local security militia.

Some coarse bread mixed with wheat bran, and a part of smoked meat.

There was also clear water in the water sack.

“Behave yourself. This is not the northern County.”

Kant slowed down his horse.

Looking at the flat terrain in front of them, the farmland was divided by irrigation canals. He could not help but nod and say, “In terms of agriculture here, it is better than the most fertile land in the northern county.”

“The northern county, that place is no different from Sarrand Sultanate.”

Rolf sneered, “It’s barren.”

“The Sarrand Sultanate has at least two huge oases!”Among the elite desert bandit behind him, there was a stubborn guy who stuck out his neck and retorted, “The northern county doesn’t have any water source to nourish the land!”

“I know, I know. You’re the only one who talks too much!”

Rolf turned his head and cursed.

However, he still shrugged his shoulder and said to Kant, “Lord, in fact, in my opinion, it doesn’t matter if the Northern Territory wants it or not. Only the elite desert bandits behind me can do whatever they want. Whether it’s military or economic, there’s no need to seize it. I don’t see any value in it.”

“But the northern county territory is connected to the southern county territory and the eastern county territory,”Kant answered calmly.

“Of course.”

Rolf sneered, “They dare not to provoke us.”He hesitated and guessed, “But before, I had the feeling that the joint army formed by the nobles seemed to have the intention of letting Viscount Weien Zijue be the commander.”

Kant nodded, “Yes, I know. You reported it.”

“This means that perhaps they are restless.”

Rolf shook his head. “Now that we have entered the eastern county territory, it might get a little troublesome if those guys attack Stone Pass. After all, that Fateh Guy is not good at defending the city.”

“I don’t think so.”

Kant chuckled.

Looking at this scoundrel noble, he said calmly, “It seems that you have other ideas. Why Don’t you tell me? If I think it’s possible, I can adopt your ideas.”

“Lord, I think you have always been wise.”

Rolf was the first to flatter him. “I think it’s meaningless for us to hide in the eastern county. Why don’t we go directly to the hinterland of the northern county, which is near the old man, Viscount Weien Zijue’s nest. When they form an alliance army and the rear is empty, we can strike them hard. Perhaps we can even take down Logue Castle.”

“If they seal the city gates, we won’t be able to break in.”

Kant shook his head.

Although Grand Knights with extraordinary strength were extremely powerful and could match up to 30 to 50 top tier knights.

However, this was only their destructive power. They would still be injured in the face of the rain of arrows. They would also be killed by the powerful ballistas or catapults that fired stone bullets or lance. There was no chance of survival.

It could be used as the spearhead in field battles, but siege battles were still the world of siege weapons.


Rolf shook his head regretfully.

Compared to hiding, he preferred to bring a group of bandits to other people’s homes and wantonly plunder and destroy them. Even if they did not achieve much in battle, they could still intimidate the enemy. It was a great feeling.

He was a complete villain. Even if he was a noble, it had nothing to do with the so-called gentlemanly manner.

“The Mountain of Death is ahead.”

Kant urged his horse to speed up.

Looking at the protruding mountain in front of him on the horizon, his eyes narrowed slightly. “After we pass the Mountain of Death, we will be in the main city of the eastern county. At that time, we will be able to go in and see what is going on.”

His tone paused slightly. Kant frowned and said, “But on the way to the Mountain of Death, we will come across another castle.”

Gibran’s Avilis Castle.

The only Viscount in the eastern county.

That’s right. After Countess Agatha slaughtered three viscounts, the only Viscount Gibran was left.

Kant had to admit that the strength of this Viscount Gibran was actually equivalent to that of the count. This was because this old viscount, who was already 56 years old, had once shone brilliantly in the battle against the Silver Platter Kingdom ten years ago.

He had withstood the attack of the Silver Platter Kingdom’s thirty thousand main forces alone.

And his army only had six thousand men.

Among them were four thousand gathered armed militia and recruited peasant soldiers.

And the remaining two thousand main force were merely the defeated soldiers who had been defeated by the Silver Platter Kingdom on the south bank of the river. They were gathered by this Viscount Gibran and trained for a few days before being thrown into the millstone-like battle once again.

It was also because Viscount Gibran had held back the main forces of the Silver Platter Kingdom in the eastern county.

It was also because of this that the dukedom of Leo was finally victorious.

That battle where Baron dilun Nanjue rose to prominence and made the Grand Duke of Leo, Cameron, famous. It was also because of Viscount Gibran that the Grand Duke of Leo had successfully won the battle.

If it were not for the north bank of the river, Viscount Gibran would have fought with all his might.

He reckoned that the dukedom of Leo had already been conquered.

The Grand Duke of Leo, Cameron, would also be conquered at this time.

Perhaps because he was the husband of Princess Sofia, he would be spared from execution and would still be able to retain his noble status. However, his true power would disappear forever. He would not be able to compare to his current status as Grand Duke of the dukedom of Leo!

“Viscount Gibran.”

Rolf’s tone became a little more serious. “I have heard of this Viscount’s reputation in many bandit groups, or rather, in those mercenary groups. He is a very powerful guy.”

“Yes, he can be considered a famous general.”Kant nodded.

“He is right in front.”

Rolf snorted coldly and narrowed his eyes slightly. “It is said that the true elite troops of the eastern county territory are hidden in Avilis Castle. It is precisely because this old man supports Countess Agatha that she is able to stand firm in the eastern County Territory.”

Rolf paused for a moment and looked at Kant. “Or rather, your father, Archduke Cameron, is the one who is truly afraid of him.”

“That’s right.”

Kant was not the least bit angry.

The relatives in this world were more like passers-by to him.

The royal family had no family ties to begin with. Moreover, Kant still had the memories of his former life. The so-called feelings for the relatives in this world were only feelings he had been thinking about for a long time.

And this kind of feelings had turned a little sour because of the open and hidden fights between the royal family.

Kant did not like it very much.

“Let’s go and take a look.”

He patted the horse’s belly gently.

Kant continued to ride forward. “I want to meet this famous general.”

PS: I recommend my friend, ‘to open an underground city’. He had just transmigrated and already owned an underground city. If he wanted to live a comfortable life, he would have to change the current operating mode. Thus, while he was watching the movements of the adventurers in the city live, he was trying to improve the facilities. Unknowingly, the bustling underground entertainment city entered people’s vision and gradually changed their way of life. Finally, it became the paradise that the whole world yearned for.

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