Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 825 - The Chase

Chapter 825: The Chase

Translator: Chaos_ Editor: Chaos_

The single-horned Outer Hall Elder looked towards that muscular male with slight dissatisfaction. This little Ruler had just spoken when he had not.

“Reporting to Elder Dong Bo, he is called Lei Chen and is one of the cultivators captured and caged here by the Ancient Sacred Religion. He is one of the more famous geniuses in Golden Wing Nation. It is said that his wife has a higher cultivation talent than he.” The single-horned Outer Hall Elder respectfully mentioned. Previously, he was in charge of investigating the people. His memory was perfect so he could remember everything clearly.

Xue Ying nodded. He looked at this relatively muscular True God Ruler.

A cultivation genius?

His wife had an innate talent beyond his?

“You know where that Sacred Emissary from the Ancient Sacred Religion went?” Xue Ying asked, “Are you certain? He is currently fleeing in dread, and it is likely that other than him, nobody will be able to ascertain where he will be heading.”

“I am more than 90% sure!” The muscular male Lei Chen said.

“Elaborate.” Xue Ying added.

As Lei Chen faced the white-robed male, he could not help but feel a strand of nervousness and anxiety. He was clear that with his current strength, it was impossible for him to save his wife! And the Ancient Sacred Religion… was rumored to have some connections with the Sacred Master who was so high up in the Ancient Sacred World. In front of such huge and horrifying giant, he was a mere ant. Much less he, even Golden Wing Nation King who was a thousand and 10,000 times stronger was an ant to the Sacred Master as well!

And this white-robed young man in front of him had a really high status. He was an expert from the holy ground Great Void Heaven Temple! Even other special emissaries from the Celestial Water City and the Golden Wing Nation King had to be very respectful to him. Only he had the capabilities to save his wife!

Thus, Lei Chen would not let this opportunity go.

For the sake of rescuing his wife, he would not hesitate to do anything!

“Elder Dong Bo.” Lei Chen respectfully said, “My wife Qing Ruo and I have cultivated step by step until now. We have also experienced many dangers, and have encountered miraculous encounters too! We once experienced an encounter that transformed both our souls. Since then, we are able to sense each other’s soul. If we were to employ a secret technique and focus on sensing the other party, we are able to perceive each other even if we are far apart. Ever since I’ve been saved by Elder Dong Bo from the Ancient Sacred Religion, I was able to use my secret technique in finding out where my wife is. That was when I discovered that my wife is very far away from the Golden Wing Nation! Furthermore, she is traveling at an extremely fast speed. With such a fast speed, the party should be penetrating through the void! Qing Ruo is only a Ruler and could not teleport. Thus, there must be an expert bringing her away.”

“Are there anyone from the Golden Wing Nation who would bring her away and can teleport? Furthermore, she is very far away from the Golden Wing Nation.” Lei Chen continued, “I can only think of a single possibility! After I was captured, given that my wife Qing Ruo has talent beyond mine and is famous in the Golden Wing Nation, it is unlikely that the Ancient Sacred Religion would let her go. She should have been captured. Furthermore, that Sacred Emissary should value my wife greatly that she was kept in his Eden treasure.”

Lei Chen finished speaking before turning to Xue Ying.

He was nervous.

Would the other party save her? Everything would be decided by this Elder Dong Bo from the Great Void Heaven Temple.

Would he agree? Would he face the possible danger and save her? Would Elder Dong Bo be willing to take the risk?

“Very far away from the Golden Wing Nation, void penetration…” Xue Ying was deliberating over it.

In the entire Golden WIng Nation, the number of people who could teleport count be counted with one’s fingers! The others had either died or were still within Golden Wing Nation. Only the black-robed male escaped!

It was impossible to appear at a location very far away from the Golden Wing Nation if one were to penetrate through the void because Xue Ying personally spent a month trying to rush over from B29 City! That black-robed male displayed a long-distance void teleportation escaping technique, which was in accordance with this deduction.

Furthermore, when Lei Chen sensed the other party, the other party was still moving!


The Ancient Sacred Religion emphasized those who were strong or those with extremely high potential. They wanted to make these parties believe in the Ancient Sacred Religion! Thus, that Sacred Emissary had captured the incredibly talented ‘Qing Ruo’ and personally tried to control her. This was typical.

“Oh?” Xue Ying looked at Lei Chen with a chuckle, “How do I know what you are saying is real?”

“Everything I said is true.” Lei Chen felt anxious, “Elder Dong Bo, I…”

His original anxious and surging expression suddenly transformed.

Because Xue Ying had stealthily brought Lei Chen’s soul into an illusory realm. Xue Ying had long grasped hold of the ‘Mirage Law System’. Furthermore, he had reached really high attainments in this aspect. Even some of the slightly weaker Void God level void creatures would fall for this technique, much less Lei Chen who was just a Ruler.

“Let me ask you. Your and your wife…” Xue Ying continued speaking.

The single-horned Outer Hall Elder felt puzzled. But following that, he discovered startingly that this Ruler called Lei Chen was replying continuously in an apathetic manner.

After a while, Lei Chen discovered a jolt on his soul. He was completely awake now. But as Lei Chen thought back, he realized that everything which happened previously appeared really vague and hazy in his mind. He looked towards this white-robed teenager with shock. Lei Chen was not too clear about what happened earlier, but he was clear-this white-robed young man must have done something. But for the sake of saving his wife, he did not feel resentment at all.

“Alright. You can refine an avatar. After refining one, we will set off immediately.” The white-robed Xue Ying said.

“No need. We must make full use of the time.” Lei Chen said impatiently.

“We will need time to travel over, and this little bit of time isn’t worth mentioning.” Xue Ying frowned and said displeasedly, “Go.”

Lei Chen could only acknowledge and withdraw despite his anxiety.

Following that, he soon gave birth to a fleshy embryo. He split his soul into two. Furthermore, under a time-accelerated environment, he soon came over half an hour later under the guidance of the lone horned Outer Hall Elder to where Xue Ying was.

“I am going to track after the Ancient Sacred Religion.” Xue Ying looked at the single-horned Outer Hall Elder and ordered, “You guys will be in charge of cleaning up this matter. I’ll directly return to the Celestial Water City after this.”

“Yes.” The single-horned Outer Hall Elder might be slightly worried, but he did not dare retort; he accepted the orders.

“We will leave now.”

Xue Ying brought Lei Chen and set off that night.

In the sacred world, the moon was hanging high up in the night sky. Xue Ying brought along Lei Chen as they rushed over Golden Wing Nation. The city of Golden Wing Nation was still being protected by the nation protection array.

“Which direction did that black-robed Sacred Emissary go? And how far is it approximately?” Xue Ying asked.

“Reporting to Elder Dong Bo.” Lei Chen waved his hand before bringing a huge map out in front. This map marked out a region. He said in a low voice, “Because it is too far away, I cannot really sense where the other party is. I can only confirm approximately where he is.”

“Your location is too vague.” Xue Ying shook his head. That region was too big.

But Xue Ying was slightly stunned.

He was stunned over the fact that he black-robed Sacred Emissary could teleport so far away!

‘His protection teleportation treasure seems to be more effective than the teleportation talisman which we get as golden-robed disciples of the Great Void Heaven Temple.’ Xue Ying thought.

“As long as we get closer, I’ll be able to get a clearer positioning.” Lei Chen replied.

“Let’s go.”

Xue Ying brought him along as they maneuvered through the void.

Even though he still kept the teleportation talisman which he got as a golden-robed disciple with him, the destination location was too far away, and the application of the laws and profound mysteries was way beyond what he could control. Most likely, it should be refined by a Primal Chaos realm giant or Forefather Tian Yu himself. There was also powerful energy inside it, and the moment it was consumed, the energy of the talisman would have to be replenished.

Even though he had another treasure which was better at long-range traveling, he would not use it during the non-critical moments.

After all, his goal now was pursuing the black-robed Sacred Emissary and to find the important base of the Ancient Sacred Religion!

They were pursuing after the Sacred Emissary.

Other than using that teleportation treasure at the start, the black-robed Sacred Emissary was just tearing through the void after that. Being a powerful cultivator, he did not care much about the flow of time.

He had even spent about over 600 years, skipping the closest B29 City and deliberately proceeded to the relatively further ‘A29 City’.

The protectors of the A29 City did not know that this black-robed male was part of the Ancient Sacred Religion. Hence, he was able to enter without being stopped.

Xue Ying was afraid of mishaps happening, and he was forced to use the teleportation treasure all the way to A29 City.

Using the teleportation array across cities, the black-robed male eventually arrived at A35 City. The final journey through the void lasted 19 years in total.

“I’m here finally.” The black-robed Sacred Emissary looked towards the black city which did not seem remarkable. The entire city occupied an area of just 50,000 kilometers. It did not seem like a small superpower! But in reality, this was a relatively significant base of the Ancient Sacred Religion.

“This time, my subordinates have all died.” The black-robed Sacred Emissary felt slightly annoyed, “Initially, I thought that I would be able to promote to an upper-ranked Sacred Emissary after completing so many missions, yet who would have thought that all my subordinates have died this time. It seems that I will have to wait even longer for that promotion to happen.”

The Ancient Sacred Religion had a very strict hierarchy.

It was extremely difficult to even get promoted by one rank.

“That person called Elder Dong Bo?” The eyes of the black-robed Sacred Emissary were filled with fury. But he knew too that even though the ‘Ancient Sacred World’ superpower was stronger than the Great Void Heaven Temple, this was a territory under the Great Void Heaven Temple! If he really wanted to battle, it was impossible for him to defeat Elder Dong Bo. He could only endure.


The black-robed Sacred Emissary turned into a stream of light as he entered that black city.

After the time taken to brew a cup of tea, two figures appeared in the dark sky. They were Xue Ying and Lei Chen.

‘After chasing after him for more than 600 years. I’ve finally discovered this place.’ Xue Ying revealed a grin as he looked at the distant black city.

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