Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 842 - Curiosity

Chapter 842: Curiosity

Translator: Chaos_ Editor: Chaos_

“Who exactly is the enemy?” Both Forefather Tian Yu and Swordmaster frowned.

With the hindrance of Myriad World Tavern Master, it was impossible for them to find out who the enemy was no matter what kind of secret technique they employed. Even though they were unhappy with Myriad World Tavern Master, they still felt helpless about it.

Myriad World Tavern Master…

He was unquestionably ranked first in terms of survival capabilities across all Cosmos Gods because he specialized in an avatar technique! He was able to form avatars and not incarnations. One had to know that cultivators at the Primal Chaos realm or Cosmos Gods could usually have a single true body at most! They could produce many incarnations, and the dissipation these incarnations was a minor matter. Only when their true bodies were killed would it mean death for them!

Even those ranked at the forefront like Sacred Master, Ancestor Mother, and Ancestor Sorcerer had one body at most!

But ‘Myriad World Tavern Master’ was the only exception amongst the final realm existences!

Every single avatar of his was considered a true body! And he had a few thousand avatars that were scattered across the five great sacred worlds and primal chaos void within all the Myriad World Taverns.

As long as a single avatar of his survived, Myriad World Tavern Master would never die!

Thus, even though he was rather unbridled when he created the ‘Myriad World Tavern’-creating many incidents like the assassination of Xue Ying, thus offending many superpowers-the others could only endure and control their anger. Even though Myriad World Tavern Master was just one person, and he had not created a sect-every single Myriad World Tavern was handled by him alone…

He was practically undying…

And he had no concerns at all…

He was strong, and had many avatars and could appear from anywhere! Thus, all superpowers would rather fight against Sacred Master than to battle with Myriad World Tavern Master. Consequently, the status of Myriad World Tavern Master became somewhat unique.

“Dong Bo, can you guess who the enemy?” Amongst the hall masters, Ancestor Devil asked, “For someone to pay such a huge price in asking the Myriad World Tavern to act, he must be someone with an extraordinary background.”

Xue Ying felt skeptical too: “Ever since I left my hometown cosmos, I have only ever offended the Heaven Weeping Sect Master.”

“He doesn’t dare, and neither does Ancestor Bone too.” Ancestor Devil added immediately after.

“After that, I’ve been cultivating in the Sky Palace Hall before traveling to the Celestial Water City. I’ve destroyed a base of the Ancient Sacred Religion there.” Xue Ying thought back and described, “The time I’ve stayed in the sacred world is short, so the possibility of me entering a conflict with someone else is much lower too. That time when I killed the followers of Ancient Sacred Religion, there was one with a slightly more unique identity. He was an ordinary Unity realm expert, yet he had a peak Unity realm mutated beast following him. Furthermore, I found many treasures from him.”

Saying that, Xue Ying waved his hand, forming the figure of the black-robed male, Sacred Emissary Chi Yun.

Because he had few enmities, Xue Ying was able to recall that black-robed male Sacred Emissary Chi Yun immediately.

“A member of the Ancient Sacred Religion?”

“An ordinary Unity realm expert yet he has a peak Unity realm mutated beast following him?”

The higher-ups of the Great Void Heaven Palace had some guesses.

“It is possible that his origin is unique.” Forefather Tian Yu shook his head, “But it’s a pity that we can’t probe the Ancient Sacred World at all.”

The Ancient Sacred World was forbidden ground for many superpowers.

All the cultivators in the Ancient Sacred World believed in the Sacred Master. The light from the Sacred Master was able to shine across every single location on the Ancient Sacred World too. Thus, anything happening within the Ancient Sacred World like which expert had what relationship and so on would be kept a secret to the outer world unless they publicized it.

Even Cosmos Gods dared not barge in since the Sacred Master would immediately appear after that. With the unparalleled strength of the Sacred Master, Cosmos Gods could only escape the moment he came!

“With the great increase of Dong Bo’s strength, it is quite impossible for others to assassinate him.” Ancestor Devil said, “Since that’s the case, let us temporarily put this matter aside. Dong Bo, you should be careful of those from the Ancient Sacred Religion in the future.”

“Mn.” Xue Ying nodded.

Since they had guessed the enemies were from the Ancient Sacred Religion, there was nothing much they had to speak about after that.

Because the Great Void Heaven Temple and the Ancient Sacred Religion were originally great enemies, thus both sides desired for each other to be doomed, and they would not take things lightly if they had an opportunity. But the Ancient Sacred Religion was careful too. It was practically impossible to kill a Primal Chaos realm expert from the Ancient Sacred Religion.

After the gathering, everyone left the Great Void Palace Hall.

As they were leaving, “Elder Dong Bo.” A black-haired old man flew over.

Xue Ying immediately replied as he saw it, “Primal Chaos Hall Master!” This was someone with an unfathomable strength. Even though the intelligence report did not state it, Xue Ying had gotten news from his teacher Gu Qi that this hall master was an existence who had long reached the ninth level of Star Pagoda strength.

“There’s a matter I will have to ask Elder Dong Bo for help.” The black-haired old man said.

“If there’s any matter, hall master can just tell me straight. I’ll definitely do my best to help.” Xue Ying answered.

The black-haired old man softly nodded, “I am quite interested in the Dark World actually. Is it alright if you let me have a look through? I know that you have paid a great deal for it, and naturally, I am willing to pay 1.5 million contribution points to you to have a look, is it fine?”

“Definitely! I’m definitely happy to do so! I’ve cultivated for a short period, and have practically sold all my treasures for the sake of this Dark World absolute art. To get 1.5 million contribution points for a look of the absolute art is something I feel delighted of.” Xue Ying replied.

Primal Chaos Hall Master was different from Forefather Quan Miao.

Forefather Quan Miao specialized in the illusory realm and desired the Dark World quite a lot!

But for Primal Chaos Hall Master, Xue Ying had never heard of him specializing in the illusory realm. It was likely that the other party wanted to have a look because of some slight interest. It’s just that the other party was so much stronger than Forefather Quan Miao and Saint Wang Ming, and even Ancestor Devil was quite lacking as compared to him. Naturally, the other party would have a lot of treasures and would disdain from taking advantage of Xue Ying. The other party was willing to pay more than a million contribution points, and this amount was measly to the Primal Chaos Hall Master.

“Alright.” The black-haired old man chuckled and nodded. At the same time, Xue Ying had gotten news on his communication talisman that his contribution points had increased by 1.5 million points.

Xue Ying was astonished at how direct Primal Chaos Hall Master was. He immediately brought out the “Dark World” book.

The black-haired old man flipped through it rapidly before receiving the inheritance.

“Slightly interesting.”

The black-haired old man chuckled, “It’s a pity that this brat, Dark World Master, has died too prematurely. Elder Dong Bo, it is quite rare for you to finish cultivating this in such a short period as well.”

He was quite interested in this absolute art.

Because Xue Ying has grasped the first style so quickly, it made Primal Chaos Hall Master all the more curious… was it that easy to cultivate in an absolute art that could give the user the strength to get through the fifth level of Star Pagoda? That was why he decided to look through it. If Xue Ying had spent a longer period to cultivate in this absolute art, Primal Chaos Hall Master would not have been so interested in it.

“I might be able to produce an absolute art after deliberating over it for a while.” The black-haired old man chuckled. At his realm, he had seen through all sorts of unique cultivation directions, and he would always ponder and research over new ways to enlighten himself so that he could take the final step and enter the final realm! After all, he could faintly see the ‘final destination’ yet he could not break through at all.

“It is good that hall master is able to glean something from it.” Xue Ying said.

“Are you planning to keep the news about you succeeding in cultivating the “Dark World” absolute art within 100,000 years?” The black-haired old man asked, “If not, I can help you out a bit. Who knows if there might be some experts who are willing to pay the price to learn the dark world as well.”

“There’s naturally no need to keep it a secret.” Xue Ying said.

In the history, there was a large batch of absolute talented Unity realm experts.

And many had gotten through the sixth level of Star Pagoda, with several passing through the seventh level! The current Xue Ying was at such a level already, so there was no point for him to conceal his strength. Because he was confident that even if the true body of a Primal Chaos realm expert came, it was impossible for the other party to assassinate him soundlessly. Xue Ying would be able to activate his protective talisman when he discovered traces of the enemy. The current Xue Ying had the confidence in dealing with all sorts of possible danger he might face currently.

“Knowing that you were able to cultivate it so quickly, I believe that this would garner some interest in several old men, and they might just buy the chance to flip through the Dark World.” The black-haired old man laughed, “Remember, you must keep the price to 150 Origin World Rocks. If you charge too little, you will lose out, and any more than that will make these old chaps heartache.”

“I understand.” Xue Ying nodded.

Primal Chaos Hall Master had lived for far too long. He was very strong too, and the old men he was speaking of… should likely be other Primal Chaos realm giants who had similarly lived for a long time as he did and were stuck at the final bottleneck. They were all rich and imposing, and only because they lacked that last bit of inspiration to break through would they be interested in paying more than 100 Origin World Rocks for this absolute art.

Those like Ancestor Devil would not be so extravagant in their spending.

“Mn.” The black-haired old man chuckled. He was very willing to help those from his own sect cheat some money from the others.

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