Lord Xue Ying

Chapter 868 - I see It!

Chapter 868: I see It!

Translator: Chaos_ Editor: Chaos_

The center of the black fog-condensed sphere contained a pitch-black hole that seemed like a passage. As Xue Ying extended his senses in, his entire figure trembled.

‘Oh god!’ Xue Ying muttered to himself.

He was stunned.

He had truly fallen into a stupor!

Even with his current heart realm, he was still greatly astounded. It was to the extent that even if he saw Monarch Nine Cloud reincarnating or Sacred Master dying, he would only be startled but not completely stunned. What he ‘saw’ after permeating through the hole of the black particles was truly extraordinary.

This was an existence which could hardly be illustrated.

Xue Ying barely observed ‘it’ through the hole. At the same time when he was observing ‘it’, because his senses had touched a certain region, he had naturally seen the vast region! He saw countless other holes leading to this location, and through those holes, Xue Ying saw other regions of this palace.

Many palace halls and the treasures within.

There was even the place where the stooped puppet lifeform was located at.


Outside the palace!

The vast Nine Cloud Great Land. Xue Ying’s senses had extended through a region which could not be described. Through the many holes, he could see the cities spanning across the Nine Cloud Great Land and even the endless primal chaos void beyond the Nine Cloud Great Land!

The further it was, the further were holes to him. At that point, he could barely see what was beyond a certain distance.

‘Seven Star Oceanic Sacred World.’ Xue Ying was able to see it too. Even though the distance of Seven Star Oceanic Sacred World was very far, because the sacred world was vast, many holes had led him there. He could see a faint picture of that vast world through the holes.

Xue Ying understood in his heart.

As long as he linked two of the holes together into a passage, he would be able to arrive at the other location!

For instance, he could directly enter the faraway Seven Star Oceanic Sacred World from the Nine Cloud Great Land!

‘I, I have reached this stage too?’ Xue Ying was truly dumbfounded.

Penetrating through such a far distance was something even most Cosmos Gods could not do so. Usually, only a certain minority of the ancient cultivators could do it like ‘Inquisitive Sky hall Master’ or ‘Ancestor Desert’. This was usually an innate talent of the ancient cultivation! It was something that would make others envious.

Nevertheless, Xue Ying had achieved what the ancient cultivators, Inquisitive Sky Hall Master and Ancestor Desert, could do. He could directly link two particles to form a passage to a far region.

‘But there is an unseen barrier covering this cavern-dwelling of Monarch Nine Cloud.’ Xue Ying discovered.

The invisible barrier enveloped all the corresponding black particles of this cavern-dwelling.

He was within the cavern-dwelling, and could not connect the particles in the outside region… this also meant that even with the methods of Ancestor Desert and Inquisitive Sky Hall Master, they could not penetrate into this cavern-dwelling of Monarch Nine Cloud! Within this cavern-dwelling of Monarch Nine Cloud, if that puppet lifeform did not initiate to send someone out, he would get stuck here forever.

‘That’s right too.’

‘I can do such a thing also because I comprehended the first diagram out of the four. Monarch Nine Cloud’s attainment in the void has far outstripped mine.’ Xue Ying thought, ‘His cavern-dwelling hides the Third Fire Prison Realm Cauldron, and even Sacred Master could not infiltrate and bring it away! Clearly, it is tough even to find and enter this place.’

Xue Ying’s guesses were indeed the truth.

Monarch Nine Cloud was at the second level amongst final realm existences. Regarding his attainments in the void, he was far beyond that of the Sacred Master! The Sacred Master might be the strongest expert, but it did not represent that he was strong in every aspect. At least in the void aspect, Monarch Nine Cloud surpassed him. He was even stronger than the current Void Primogenitor.

Nevertheless, Void Primogenitor was only at the third level. Forefather Tian yu and Swordmaster, as well as the majority of other Cosmos Gods, were also at the third level.

‘But what region is it that the holes of the black particles lead to?’ Xue Ying felt too astonished.

Even when he first saw that location, he fell into a daze.

Because when his senses arrived at that region, he was even relying on it to observe how many other holes were also leading there. Through this, he could see the distant Seven Star Oceanic Sacred World!

‘I do not know what kind of luck is this that allowed me to learn this absolute art which Monarch Nine Cloud has yet to complete. But it has enabled me to see a region that could hardly be described…’ Xue Ying sighed.

This feeling.

It was like a lifeform living on a two-dimensional world looking into a three-dimensional one.

A paper was like a two-dimensional world. Existences like ‘circles’, ‘triangles’ or ‘squares’ living in this two-dimensional world only contained length and width without height! Thus, they could only see other two-dimensional lifeforms by their sides. The moment their forward direction is obstructed, they could no longer see any other two-dimensional lifeforms living behind that obstruction.

But if a third dimension, height, were included, they would have broken through the two-dimensional world to enter the three-dimensional world. They had height, and those with great heights could see the entire piece of paper and every single part of it! The further the object, the more blurred it would be.

What Xue Ying felt now was exactly the same!

He could see every region through the black particle holes.

This region to the world Xue Ying was at felt like a three-dimensional world… to his two-dimensional world.

Once Xue Ying’s senses permeate into this world, he was able to see every single part of the entire world! Like the Nine Cloud Great Land, primal chaos void, the distant Seven Star Oceanic Sacred World, he could ‘see’ them all. This was because he was located high above the entire surface of the world.

Even the powerful Cosmos Gods and some unfathomable ones like ‘Ancestor Desert’ or ‘Inquisitive Sky Hall Master’ who could send others through a far distance might be considered incomparably strong beings in this world, but they remained living in it! They could not enter the higher dimensional of the world.

Xue Ying might be weak and small, but he was able to see the world from this higher dimension at the current moment.

It was just like being in a two-dimensional world, and suddenly looking up only to find a three-dimensional world!

Xue Ying had achieved it. Even amongst the ancient cultivators, there was a group of experts with talent in this like ‘Ancestor Desert’ who had done so.

But they could only look up at the higher dimension world. Even though they discovered it, they could still only look up at it hopefully.

‘I’ve seen it.’

‘I’ve seen the higher dimension world.’

‘I truly do not know when I could enter that higher dimension world.’ Xue Ying thought. He could barely enter with his current perception. His body was utterly repelled from it. If he wanted to arrive at another location, he had to connect two holes and follow through the passage formed to another position.

But he could not enter the higher dimension world from start to end.

‘The ancient cultivation is indeed formidable.’ Xue Ying sighed inwardly.

With his foundation of the Voidwalker system, the guidance of Monarch Nine Cloud’s absolute art, and his current comprehension ability, it was really fortunate that he could reach this stage to look up at the higher dimension world.

There was also a group amongst the ancient cultivators who could do so.

Even some amongst the ancient cultivators could see part of the future. Some could even alter parts of it. These techniques were what Cosmos Gods could not achieve! Thus, the ancient cultivation was something very unique, and experts in this system were very heaven-shaking.

‘I haven’t cultivated in the ancient cultivation system yet I could achieve it already. I must really thank this unfinished absolute art created by Monarch Nine Cloud.’ Xue Ying looked at the four pictures on the wall in front. He was very clear that the biggest reward he had this time when he came to the cavern-dwelling of Monarch Nine Cloud was these four diagrams.

“I’ll have to trouble senior to send me out.” Xue Ying suddenly announced.

“Alright. After you’ve killed enough high-leveled experts from the Ancient Sacred Religion, you can come here. The treasures of the monarch are waiting to be collected anytime.” The puppet lifeform sounded.

Following that—

“Weng.” A spatial fluctuation descended.

Xue Ying was teleported out.


In a vast desolate land, Xue Ying appeared.

He stood in this desolate land grinning. He then immediately tried ‘seeing’ that mysterious region before connecting two holes into a passage. If he sent someone else, it would be slightly more troublesome. But traveling himself through this passage was something easily accomplished.

“Hu.” The space in front became distorted. Xue Ying took a step before entering. The warped space soon recovered.

And in another location of Nine Cloud Great Land half the distance of the entire land.

Xue Ying appeared from the distorted sky.

‘It is indeed mysterious.’ Xue Ying praised.

‘But I can’t find the cavern-dwelling of Monarch Nine Cloud any longer.’ Xue Ying tried to search for the cavern-dwelling through the mysterious region before when he was within the dwelling and knew of its position.

But when he tried seeking for it again, Xue Ying realized he could no longer find it!


Xue Ying took a step. The space warped and then he disappeared.

He once again appeared at a region even further away from the Nine Cloud Great Land amidst the primal chaos void. Xue Ying stood within. He understood that his harvest this time was huge. It enabled him to become one of the small group envied by countless cultivators just like Ancestor Desert and Inquisitive Sky Hall Master.

For them, they would usually stay at their territory for long periods, yet many experts would come to seek their help in sending them somewhere far away. Every time they sent an expert over, they would earn quite a bit too, so these cultivators were rich.


Using this technique to escape was truly defying as well. If they wanted to leave, none could obstruct them.

‘Let’s go back to my hometown and have a look.’ With the ability to arrive at any location, Xue Ying wanted to go back to his hometown cosmos to see his loved ones.

“Hu.” Xue Ying took a step into the distorted void before disappearing.

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