151 Last wishes

Back with Elena makes Christian feel alive, hearing and seeing Elena laugh in the midst of her family makes Christian forget for a moment the problem that is trying to be solved by everyone who is currently gathered at his father’s house in Geneva. A two-day stay with the Wilson family changed Christian completely.

“Your dad’s a good joker, too,” Christian whispers to Elena when they’re both in the kitchen washing the dishes they’ve just used for breakfast.

Elena smiled. “Not really.”

“But ever since...”

“My father has been like that ever since you came and lived with us,” answered Elena honestly. “My father, although he looks very friendly but he doesn’t like to joke. You could say my father is a very stiff person even, especially when he is sitting at the dining table.”

Christian who was helping Elena dry the dishes blinked his eyes, he couldn’t believe Elena’s words and Elena laughed amused at Christian’s adorable surprised expression.

“I’m serious, it seems my father is trying to make you comfortable in this house. That’s why he did it, I hope you don’t mind seeing my father’s ridiculous behavior,” said Elena again while drying her hands.

“How could I mind, I actually like it.”

“Are you sure?” Elena repeats Christian’s words quickly.


“Yeah, as long as I live in my own house I’ve never felt the warmth of family that I get after living with you here,” Christian answers honestly. “Especially since Luis died, my house feels like a graveyard. It’s cold and lonely.”

Elena, who had finished drying her hands, immediately hugged Christian tightly. “From now on you won’t feel that lonely anymore, Christ. Our house is wide open for you, you can come anytime if you feel lonely in your big house.”

With trembling hands Christian hugs Elena’s body tightly. “Thank you honey, thank you very much.”

Elena’s smile widens when Christian speaks and calls her honey, Elena really feels so happy. Her farewell to Christian for one week has now paid off.

From behind the kitchen door, Camila and Jody Wilson smiled at the brief conversation of Elena and their future son-in-law. The husband and wife who are not young anymore look so grateful and mutually strengthen each other when they hear the words that Elena said to calm Christian. Previously, Elena had told how Christian’s life was while in Luxembourg, that’s why both Camila and Jody Wilson tried to be nice by giving Christian comfort. They both want to make Christian feel comfortable in their simple home, even though they both seem to turn a blind eye to what Christian did to Elena in the room. They violated their own principles by allowing their only daughter to have freedom as young girls out there do with their lovers even though they are not officially married. They did this solely for the happiness of Elena, their beloved daughter who made them both so grateful and happy to be given the opportunity to become parents by God.

Not wanting to disturb Elena and Christian, Jody Wilson then took his wife away from the kitchen. They decided to go into the baking kitchen and prepare everything even though Bianca and her husband hadn’t come to work yet.

Slowly Elena let go of Christian’s embrace, she lovingly gave him a small kiss on Christian’s lips. “Are we not working today?”

“Who said? We’ll keep working, just like yesterday,” Christian replies in a seductive, sensual tone.

“I’m serious!!”

Christian laughs. “Me too, didn’t we yesterday also work from home, huh? Remember, Elena. I’m the owner of Clarke Enterprise, I can work from anywhere I want. All I need is an internet connection, laptop and communication tools. Everyone in the office will immediately carry out all the instructions I give you quickly. So with all of that do I still need to be in the office?”

“What a snob!”

“I’m not cocky, honey. I’m telling the truth, don’t you already know how much money Clarke Enterprise makes per minute?”

Elena, who is annoyed, chooses to leave Christian’s presence, even though her current status is Christian’s future wife, but Elena is annoyed when she hears that the man is starting to brag about himself again. Seeing Elena sulking, Christian laughs loudly, he looks so satisfied that he managed to tease Elena. Carrying a bottle of his drink, Christian then chased Elena into the room. Christian completely forgot that he was currently at Elena’s parents’ house. The comfort he got made him feel like he was in his own home.

Bianca and her husband, who had just arrived, immediately stopped in front of the door when they saw Christian walking quickly to the second floor shouting Elena’s name, both husband and wife simultaneously turned to Jody Wilson who was also observing Elena and Christian’s childish behavior.

“Yes, he still lives here. It seems that my future son-in-law is comfortable living in this house,” said Jody Wilson half jokingly.

“Are you serious about allowing the rich young master to continue living in this house, sir?” Bianca asked in disbelief, as someone who knew Jody Wilson who was so rigid and so conservative she was so shocked when she heard Jody give Christian permission to stay at his house. Which is in stark contrast to all the principles of Jody Wilson’s life.

The old man who was cleaning the cash register chuckled. “As long as Elena is happy, whatever it is, we both try to support her. I don’t live long anymore, so before I go I want to see Elena can smile happily on her important day.”

“Don’t talk like that, sir. You’ll live a long life for sure,” said Tommy quickly. “God won’t let His good servant leave so soon, and your work isn’t done yet. You have to keep watching Elena’s children grow up.”

Jody Wilson smiled at the words of his employee who had worked with him for almost two years. “Ok..ok... I’ll live a long life, well let’s get started. Don’t let our customers wait any longer.”

Although Tommy was still not satisfied, he had no other choice. Likewise with his wife, Bianca also chose to immediately join Camila Wilson to make cake dough.

Camila Wilson, who had only been listening to her husband and Tommy’s words for a long time, slowly took a deep breath, as a wife Camila knew what her husband’s greatest wish was at this time. Elena’s happiness is their top priority right now, it’s time for the girl to be happy after what she’s been doing for both of them. It is still clear how when Elena tried hard to find work to help their economy which was so difficult two years ago, Elena was willing to walk through the shops in the city center to find work as a shopkeeper before finally Elena gave up and chose to help them work at home. serving the customers who arrived before Bianca and her husband came to work for them.

“You should be happy, Elena,” Camila Wilson said to herself. “That’s all we want as your parents.”

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